magic eye doctor

Chapter 856 Concussion

Chapter 856 Concussion (2 more)

Miaomiaodan waited for the young man in the tavern to go out with the oriental girl, and took a walk nearby. He observed that the young man returned soon, and went back to the room to observe the movement upstairs and listen to the sound. The young man was in and out of several rooms on the fourth floor, but he had never been to the girl’s place. In the guest room, the young man went downstairs to eat at noon. He sat and ate lunch with the guests, and chatted speculatively with the guests.

In the afternoon, the young man drove out again. Miao Miaodan waited for no one to come back for a while, ran to the other side of the river to observe for a while, and took the time to go back to the hotel that Auston had booked to take away his luggage and check out.

When she returned to the south bank of the river, the young man didn't come back until mid-afternoon. She thought that the young man was going to pick up the oriental girl, but in fact he should go shopping and bring back the big bags.

Under the guise of waiting for her boyfriend, Miao Miaodan walked around the tavern and the streets outside, taking a walk, waiting for the oriental girl. She almost thought that the oriental girl would not come back, so she took a taxi and came back slowly. A backpack went up to the fourth floor as if no one was around.

Miaomiaodan, who wasted a day in vain, sat at the bar for a while, sprinkled some powder in the corner when no one was looking, and then went upstairs, and sprinkled powder in the corner of the second and third floors, Europeans are the most serious In terms of privacy and human rights, there are no cameras installed on the floors, which is convenient in many cases.

Xiao Lele went out for a whole day, and when she came back, she shouted that her feet were going to be broken. Milo almost laughed like a dog when he sat in the living room and Bala didn't want to move his feet anymore. Tomorrow, I will go to the outer effect area of ​​the city.

Miao Miaodan went back to the guest room, sat cross-legged on the bed and eavesdropped on the sound upstairs. When he heard the voices upstairs, he talked about where he went, which scenic spot and which building were very distinctive, and which carving picture represented what history. Metaphorically, which store's pizza is delicious, and which store's macaroni is delicious.

When the youth and the girl were finally willing to rest, she also closed her eyes and practiced exercises, recharging her energy until she woke up at 01:30 in the morning and listened to the quiet upstairs and downstairs, which proved that the people in the building slept extraordinarily soundly.

Miaomiaodan moves, gently opens the door to a gap that allows people to come and go, puts a bottle in his mouth, sits on the floor, and after a while, the human head with a stomach, heart, lungs and liver is separated and flies away. Going out, flying out of the balcony, easily flying around the building to the backyard on the other side, and smelling the smell in the gaps between several balcony windows on the fourth floor, there is no smell of Auston.

After observing the row of rooms at the back of the building, I went back and sniffed the air at the windows facing the river, and finally flew to the balcony of the guest room where the girl lived.

Arrive at the destination and observe the window sill and door gap. The door gap is very small, and it is difficult to blow in the spray. The window sill has a security window. Try to push it to make a suspicious gap. The security window is not fastened firmly, and there is a gap.

Miaomiaodan’s hair squeezed in through the gap, rolled the latch to open it, pushed open the anti-theft window, the louver inside was very thin, gently rolled it up, made a hole, looked inside, The girl was wearing pajamas, kicked off the quilt, and spread out into a big character without image.

There was no smell of Auston in the room. If Auston escaped, he would definitely notify himself, but there was no news. If he was left behind by the girl, where did she hide Auston? Why is there no smell on the fourth floor?
Auston disappeared out of nowhere, no one was seen, no corpse was seen, it was so weird, Miaomiaodan didn't dare to be careless, didn't enter the room, poured out the medicine in his mouth and sprinkled it all in the room, and retreated to the balcony by himself.

The medicinal smell was so strong that it could soon be smelled even on the terrace.

After waiting outside for about ten minutes, Miao Miaodan heard the girl's breathing was weak, went to the window to visit for a while, raised the shutters, flew in, and deliberately flew over the girl's bed, the girl didn't respond at all, this time it should be Asleep.

She was relieved, flew to the closet, twisted the handle of the closet with her hair and opened the closet. There were several sets of clothes hanging in the closet, and the zippers of the two backpacks were also unzipped to contain some clothes.

After reading the closet, look at the bedside table. There are no bags or boxes under the bed. In the end, only the bathroom is left. It smells a bit fishy, ​​not the smell of Auston. However, it is also possible that the girl quietly dismembered Auston from the bathroom. Rinse it away, and then use something to cover up the possibility of smell, and check to know whether it is true or not.

Miao Miaodan glanced at the girl on the bed, then flew to the bathroom, got in and opened the matong cover.

When she flew into the bathroom, the girl lying on the bed slowly opened her eyes, grinned at the corners of her mouth, and pulled out a wicked smile. After practicing a certain set of kung fu, her ability to control her breathing and heartbeat became more and more handy, pretending to be asleep. It's just a piece of cake, but it's a pity that you can't control your body temperature, and you can't hold your breath for a long time. If you can practice Guixian Breath, you can lower your body temperature to ice-cold, hold your breath for 10 minutes, pretending to be dead can be a false statement.

I took in a vampire yesterday, thinking that the woman would retreat in spite of the difficulties, so I ran away, but I didn't expect her to stay in the tavern, making trouble again in the middle of the night.

The woman has practiced head-flying skills no less than the head-flying master she killed in Province Z, and is also good at using medicine. No wonder she dared to break into her guest room alone and use head-flying skills in a foreign country to bully the neighborhood There is no camera, she just thought hehe.

She sacrificed a lot of sleep in order to wait for a blood-related woman from Feitou Jiangshi's family, and finally waited for her. The guy came in not in a hurry to kill, but rummaged around, not knowing what he was looking for.

Acting like no one was around on her site, Le Yun sat up with a sinister smile, and yawned slowly: "It smells so bad, what the hell."

Whoosh, Miaomiaodan, who was checking the smell of the waterway in the bathroom, flew into the air, so shocked that he almost thought he saw a ghost, how could the girl wake up? !
The thing she made is a powerful drug called "Three-step Drunken Immortal", even gods can faint after walking three steps, let alone human beings, the drug is so powerful that there is no exception so far.

Because the three-step drunken fairy is difficult to control, the amount is small, and she only has a small amount, so the girl used another drug for the first two meetings. The girl didn't get completely dizzy, which may be because the drug effect is poor. This time, I used the most powerful one. How could the drug not stun the girl?
Shocked, Miao Miaodan jumped out of the bathroom door at an incomparable speed and rushed to the window. The girl is already awake, do you want to chat with someone if you don't leave?

While rushing towards the window at high speed, she saw the girl jumping up, because she was in a hurry to leave, she didn't care to take a closer look, and flew past the end of the bed like a shooting star, rushing towards the window.

Le Yun jumped up and at the same time clicked on the light, and saw a human head with long black hair fluttering over the end of the bed by the light, the speed was extremely fast, dragging a stomach bag under the head and hair There is no wet and sticky liquid, but there is still an unavoidable unpleasant smell.

Feitou was fast, and she was not slow. She took out a copper pot from the space and copied it in her hand, jumped into the air, leaped to the bedside to use her strength to fly up, picked up the pot and shot it out.

The head of the pot swung an arc in the air, and with a shake, it hit the flying head about [-] centimeters away from the window, and hit Fei's head hard.

Bang bang, the head of the pot hit the flying head, first there was the sound of a hard object colliding, and then there was the sound of the gas expanding and breaking.

Le Yun, who was waving the pot head, her arms were also numb from the rebound force. She had just fallen, and then took a step back. She was tripped by the quilt and was about to fall. She reacted quickly and jumped again. Get up, swing the head of the pot and hit the flying head again.

The flying head hit by the pot and its long hair dragged its internal organs and slammed into the floor. The internal organs made a sticky "slapping" sound, which also made wet marks on the ground.

The flying head that hit the floor bounced up, carrying a bunch of viscera with it, and just when it reached the height of the open window, it was hit again with a heavy blow.

When the wind blew for the first time, Miaomiaodan couldn't dodge it, she was hit by something so that her brain buzzed, white flowers flashed in front of her eyes and then hit the ground, she didn't care about the pain, and flew towards the window, the second time she heard the wind And finally, she wanted to float away, but she still didn't dodge, her brain was shaken by the hit, and her eyes were filled with golden light.

She almost couldn't tell which was the window and which was the wall, she bumped forward and hit the white wall, her face and nose squeezed against the wall, and she quickly floated up.

After Le Yun took the second shot, she also jumped to the window and stood there, watching the flying head float up. In the third shot, the pot head unceremoniously hit Fei's head. There was a loud "Dang Bang", and the copper pot The side where the flying head was smashed was also recessed again.

The flying head didn't make any money either, it was shot and hit the floor again, bounced up again, just as it flew to the height of the window, the girl who was copying the pot head smashed it to the ground with another flying pot.

Miao Miaodan was beaten badly, and still flew up desperately to escape. At the same time, the stomach bag was thrown up, and the other end of the closed stomach opened, spraying stinky liquid in the direction of the girl.

There was half-digested food in that fluid, and stomach acid, mixed with some kind of peculiar venom, a filthy stuff that stinks.

Le Yun, who hates dirty things, twisted her body at an unbelievable angle to avoid it. The head of the pot in her hand was a little off, but she didn't miss it, and still slapped Fei Fei's head heavily.

The fallen filth splashed on the floor, making a sizzling sound.

After being beaten again, Miaomiaodan screamed "ah" and was kicked to the floor again. She saw stars in front of her eyes, but she had no time to be angry or rest, so she jumped up and fled towards the fresh wind and air. .

The girl was too scary, she didn't scream or be surprised when she saw the Flying Head Drop Technique, she was as calm as seeing a kitten or puppy, and the drug effect she applied didn't fail, and the smell in the room could fascinate her. An elephant, the girl acted as if nothing happened, which meant that the girl had already taken some kind of antidote that could dissolve the drug, and no matter how long it was delayed, the girl would not be affected at all.

The situation is not in your favor, so walking is the best policy. At present, you are in a closed room with only doors and windows as exits. It takes more time to open the doors, and only windows are the only way to escape.

I can fly by myself, and I have no advantage in such a place when I meet an oriental girl. Moreover, the oriental girl has not used any medicine so far. If the girl still has any medicine, the longer the delay, the worse it will be for me.

Miao Miaodan didn't dare to fight, and didn't dare to think about how to kill the girl, she just wanted to escape, escape from the scene first, and then think about how to take revenge later.

Avoiding the music of the stinky liquid, I changed the angle, waited for the flying head to jump to the window, watched it fly up, swung the pot head, and shot it down politely.

The flying head was slammed into the wall, and the face came into close contact with the wall again. Miaomiaodan screamed in pain, dizzy for a while, screaming for the girl, just saw some shadows wanting to bump into it, the wind sounded again When she reached the top of her head, she was slammed on the floor again.

The flying head landed, flew up again, and was soon smashed into the ground or the wall. Every time the force was so strong and fierce, Miao Miaodan had never experienced such a tragic situation, being slapped like a football, every time Hitting the ground and hitting the wall, the head was dizzy, and the brain swelled with shock, as if it was going to explode in pain.

She failed to escape again and again, vomited out the venom stored in her stomach, and jumped around like a headless chicken. The girl would only dodge when she didn't want to be touched by dirty things.

The flying head was slapped more than a dozen times, and the girl's movements finally slowed down. She was able to jump out of the window, fly out of the terrace, dive down, and flew obliquely into the balcony at the edge of the third floor, and entered through the open door , a flicker, return to the shell.

Returning to the body, Miao Miaodan was about to touch the head, but found that the position was wrong, the head was facing the back, so he had to leave the body again, and then returned to the shell, when the head and body were one, he quickly closed the door before sitting down with his back against the wall , I don't care to touch my face, touch my head, it hurts!

It hurts too much.

I don't know what the girl used to hit someone. Her head was swollen, and her brain was concussed badly. It was already a concussion.

Miaomiaodan didn't dare to take himself as a joke, sat and rested for a while, went out quietly, sprinkled some medicine on the first floor, second floor and third floor, and returned to the room to sit and practice, first repairing the injured head.

Feitou fled, and Le Yun looked at her own pot head, a copper alloy pot head was completely deformed, her depressed face was tangled up: "It's so evil, I ruined another pot head of my old lady. "

The head of Feitoujiang is really hard. Even the special copper alloy pot couldn't crack it. Instead, the head of the pot was deformed by the shock force. It can be seen how weird the Feitoujiang technique is. Next time I go back, I have to ask Handsome Yan went to the military factory to help make some special baseball bats, and it was too wasteful to ask her to hit monsters with pot heads all the time.

In fact, she can keep the Flying Head or kill it, but the woman lives in the tavern of the handsome Mi Luo. The handsome guy is the suspect of the murder, and the tavern became the scene of the murder, which will affect the business in the future, which is bad for handsome Miro and his tavern.

In order not to let the handsome Mi Luo take the blame, he gave up the idea of ​​killing Flying Head, and beat Flying Head like a baseball to make him escape. .

The air was too smelly, Le Yun took out a mask and put it on, and hurriedly cleaned up the aftermath, first took a paper towel to absorb the dirty things on the floor and walls, then used a cloth to absorb the dirty liquid, threw the dirty paper and cloth into the deformed pot head, and then took the wet cloth Wipe stains off walls and floors.

The venom of the flying head is corrosive, and some small pits were corroded on the walls and floors. Some liquid splashed on the quilt and quilt, and small coke holes were also corroded.

It seems that there is no way to hide the past, and I have to tell Handsome Miro tomorrow, otherwise Handsome Milo and the old butler Dante found out when they were cleaning the guest room, thinking she did something to damage the guest room and kept silent, being dishonest, they might feel a little uncomfortable .

It took an hour to clean up all the dirt, ventilate the room, sprinkle spices, go to the corridor to sprinkle some medicine, and go back to sleep again.

(End of this chapter)

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