magic eye doctor

Chapter 861 A Unique Physical Examination Method

Chapter 861 A Unique Physical Examination Method (1 More)

The topic of the little girl changed too quickly, the young bodyguards were a little dazed, Mi Luowang floor, Xiao Lele was a little angel, and occasionally a cute little devil when she played pranks.

When it comes to medical expenses, Roberto wanted to laugh, the little girl is really straightforward, but this kind of straightforward personality is very good, which makes people think she is cuter.

"As a father, a child is the treasure of the parents, and its value is inestimable." The oriental girl's white face shone brightly, and Alejandro replied after a slight delay: "So, I can't answer your question." Question, miss, how much medical expenses are needed, please tell me a number, and I will prepare for it."

"It's too early to talk about medical expenses. We'll talk about it when your child's wish comes true." Le Yun laughed it off, stood up and took off her backpack, handed it to handsome Miro, and walked to Amedeo by herself.

When the young men saw the girl taking off her backpack, their pupils shrank. They had such a beautiful figure.

Amedeo was originally lifeless, but when he saw the girl's hot body that couldn't even be concealed by the sportswear, his breath changed, and his expression was a little dazed.

The oriental girl walked towards her child. Alejandro knew that she was going to have a systematic examination of the child, and he was a little nervous. He wanted to stand up and control himself, so that he would not scare his child and the girl by being too nervous.

Le Yun walked lightly to the wheelchair, looked down at the dwarf-like young man, grabbed the clothes on the young man's chest with one hand, lifted him up, and lifted him up with one stroke.


Amidst several screams, Roberto, Alejandro and the youth stood up and looked at the girl nervously, not knowing what she was going to do.

Amedeo was frightened, waving his arms in the air and screaming "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Lifting the person in the air and shaking them, Le Yun ignored the nervous eyes of the young and old, and moved Amedeo down lightly. The young man is very light, with a visual estimate of seventy catties, no more than two up and no less than one down, which is lighter than ordinary people Afraid of the cold, wearing thick clothes.

Lower the person from the air, bend down, put the young man on the floor, turn him over, push him to face the ground, lie down on the ground, drag his hands and feet unceremoniously, and turn him into a big character , pulled off his back clothes, pressed his spine and leg bones, and pulled up his trousers to check.

While pressing and sighing: "There are deformities in the spine and lumbar spine, and I have to cut and reshape your bones, the lumbar disc degenerates, the coccyx has aging phenomena, the calf muscles degenerate, and the muscle ligaments are necrotic. God, how long does it take to perform surgery. Also here is not right, there is bone hyperplasia, and there is protrusion here.

Fragile bone, lack of nutrition, upper motor neuron lesions, crooked face, hearing problems, olfactory nerve damage, systemic nerve necrosis or weakness or failure, blood vessel blockage or sclerosis, internal organ failure, gastric bleeding, and Enteritis, liver cirrhosis, a small amount of fluid accumulated in the lungs, and it quickly developed into tuberculosis, and there is nothing good about the whole person from the inside to the outside, from head to toe,"

He vomited a lot, and finally vetoed: "No, there are two things that are good, the cornea is not damaged, the big blue eyes are still beautiful, the hair is not falling out, and the black curly hair is also very good-looking, if it is healthy The child must be very handsome and charming."

The oriental girl threw Amedeo on the ground and commented. Alejandro's heart twitched when he heard her babbling about symptoms in Italian.

Roberto cast an apologetic look at the old man. He had already said that the oriental girl is very skilled in medicine and behaves differently. You must be mentally prepared.

Being pushed to the ground, Amedeo wanted to resist, but he couldn't get up for a long time. Finally, he let go and shouted: "Let me go, let me go, I want to fight you!"

"Boy, you still want to fight me like this?" Le Yun laughed, and slapped the brat on the ass: "Be honest, shout and shout, I will beat you up now, you want to fight with me Wait until you can stand up. You may not be able to defeat me if you stand up. My Great China has a long history of martial arts. It is absolutely no problem to defeat you. Besides, I am your doctor. If you dare to fight with me, I will tell you immediately Father, say you are rude to me, ask your father to pay me a sum of medical expenses."

"A duel, a duel!" After being spanked, Amedeo blushed with shame and yelled angrily.

"Forget it, you can't breathe after talking too much, and you're calling for a duel, it's a man, just accept the inspection as a man, okay, turn over." Le Yun ignored the young dwarf, lifted him up and turned over body, touch his shoulder bones and chest, feel the bones and his body's body's reaction to the damaged body function, and collect data.

In black and white, the young man who looks like a dwarf is a very good observation subject. There are too many places worth collecting data, so she just started to touch it with her hands to study the human body reaction. Feeling the pulse with the hand or hearing and smelling can also accurately judge the abnormality of someone.

The dwarf young man stopped growing, to some extent he was similar to the handsome Tantai boy. However, the situation of this young man in Yi country was more complicated, mainly because he had suffered inhuman torture and received a lot of external injections, which caused his body to be damaged. The damage is too severe, to put it bluntly, it is also a sequela caused by poisoning.

Tantai's handsome boy was only poisoned, causing his growth to be short, but his physical fitness is quite good.

Some of the medicines needed by the two handsome guys who can’t grow taller are the same. The foreign handsome guy’s disease needs more medicinal materials. There are two rare medicinal materials, one is silver sword chrysanthemum from Hawaii Island, and the other is Soko from Yemen Desert rose on the island of Terra.

Tantai's antidote requires a rare plant - the millet orchid that only grows in the coastal desert of South Africa.

If rare plants cannot be obtained and other medicinal materials must be used instead, the required medicinal materials will double.

At present, Le Yun doesn't think about the problem of medicinal materials, and starts to think about where to start first. The body of the handsome foreign dwarf is really too scumbag, and the scum is ashes.

Changing from lying down to lying on his back, Amedeo breathed out quickly, waving his arms around the girl's hand and stuffing it into his mouth, ready to bite her and vent his anger.

"Little Mr. Ferrari, you are not a dog. Don't bite people. Your teeth are very fragile. If you bite me, you won't be able to eat meat if your teeth are broken." Holding her left hand by the young man, Le Yun gently poked the young man's hand, Taking his arm away, he stretched out his hand and patted the young man's face: "Don't be angry, Mr. Little, your heart beats an average of twelve times per minute faster than when you were in a wheelchair. Be careful of shock."

Being slapped on the face by the girl, Amedeo blushed with anger, his neck was thick, and his light blue eyes were full of embarrassment: "You wait, the first thing I do when I stand up is to fight you."

"Oh, the duel has been changed to fighting? The consciousness is good. Dueling with others is meaningless. Life is so precious and the world is so beautiful. Think about how good it is to do something meaningful. If you have nothing to do, read books more. There is a saying in our country As the saying goes, "the book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu", that is to say, you can earn a lot of money by reading, and you can find very beautiful girls to marry and have children with knowledge. Think about it, what's so good about fighting? Well, if you are injured, you will be hospitalized and suffer pain, and duels are even worse, and you may die if you lose, boy, don’t think about dueling with me, I allow you to find me in martial arts."

"Don't call me a boy, call me a boy again, I will fight you." Amedeo was so angry that he was about to explode, the oriental girl was simply too hateful, she would touch him on the back or slap his face, and call him a boy, hateful!

"Your memory is not very good. I just said don't think about duels all day long. You didn't remember. This is mostly the result of memory nerve necrosis. I have to give you acupuncture. As a doctor, my work is really hard. , Boy, cooperate, a child who does not cooperate with the doctor is not a good child."

"I told you not to call me a boy!" Amedeo was furious.

"What's your name then?"

"I have a name. I am Amedeo Alessandro Dejo Ferrari. Please call me by name."

"Your name is too long, I'm too lazy to remember, ah, the name of the child of Mr. Roberto's family, Milo, is better. Miro's name is simple. Your name is so long. I don't speak Italian very well, so I can't pronounce it well. .”

"Who said, the pronunciation of my name is very simple, no, you speak Italian, what's wrong, you called me by my name before, and the pronunciation is very correct."

"That's right. You can think, think clearly, and have no barriers to language communication. You must learn to communicate with others. Don't be like an autistic child who doesn't speak a word all day long. It's easy for people to think you are a mentally handicapped teenager."

The oriental girl was talking to Amedeo, Roberto, Alejandro and others listened more happily and laughed more and more.

Alejandro was so excited that he almost shed tears. He always thought that the child was suffering from depression and autism. It turned out that the child had just lost hope in life, so he was passive and world-weary and refused to talk anymore. Now, hope was ignited in his heart and his vitality was restored.

"You..." Amedeo stared angrily, and after talking for a long time, the oriental girl was deliberately tempting him to speak: "Duel, I still choose to fight with you."

"Wait until you can stand up and rely on your own strength to find me before we start a duel." Le Yun finished the checks that should be done, grabbed the young man and threw him on the sofa, touching his natural curly hair: "Too short, I still have to work hard to find plants for your healthy growth, boy, take care of your body, if you don’t, you are going to be beaten."

Amedeo was so angry that he wanted to grab the girl's hand and bite it again, but he failed, and gritted his teeth angrily: "When I can run, I will definitely beat you up."

"I'm a girl. I'm 15 years old. You're an adult man. If you beat up an underage girl, do you have the face to call yourself a man?"

"What?" Amedeo's eyes widened, "Daddy, she said she was 15 years old, is it true?"

"..." Hearing the child calling him "Daddy", Alejandro's excited eyes filled with tears, he turned and rushed over, hugged the child tightly in his arms, and kissed his face.

Amedeo let his father hold him in a daze, and after a while, he clumsily stretched out his hand to hug his father, his eyes flushed: "I'm sorry, Daddy, for worrying you all these years!"

(End of this chapter)

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