magic eye doctor

Chapter 862 Exchange Agreement (2 more

Chapter 862 Exchange Agreement (2 more

Alejandro's eyes were filled with blood and tears. At this moment, he was not a big shot somewhere, not a millionaire with a lot of money. He was just a father, a man who was worried about his child's body. father.

Traveling all over the world, costing countless money, getting countless disappointments, the disappointment accumulated in my heart can almost crush the hope, and at this moment, I saw a new dawn, and the huge surprise came so violently.

Not only did he gain hope, but he also gained the child's understanding of him.

Alejandro burst into tears and kissed the child's forehead: "No, no, my child, it is Daddy who is sorry for you, and made you suffer for so many years. I know that you are in pain when you get sick, but I still don't want to give up. I'm sorry for making you suffer again and again regardless of your feelings."

"I know, you want me to live, thank you for your persistence." Amedeo hugged his father, he thought about committing suicide, but was guarded to die, because of his father's persistence, he was able to live until he saw hope On this day, at least a child can be born to accompany his father instead of him, to make up for his inability to comfort his father's pain of losing a loved one.

The young master and the husband cleared up their suspicions, and the six bodyguards were overjoyed. The young master lost his mother, brother, and sister successively. Later, he himself was accidentally kidnapped and rescued. Forgive sir, this time, the young master finally let go of his knots and reconciled with the husband. They no longer have to worry about the young master's suicidal thoughts, and the husband can rest assured.

Looking at the father and son who were embracing and weeping, Roberto felt very relieved.

Alejandro hugged his child and felt a sense of happiness in his heart. To be understood was the greatest gain and the best reward the child gave him.

After a while, he let go of the child, wiped the corners of his eyes, turned around, and gracefully apologized to everyone: "I'm sorry, I'm too happy, I'm sorry."

"Ah, no need to apologize, this is something to be happy about, old man, please sit down, let's listen to the doctor's order from the beautiful lady, and what needs to be paid attention to in Amedeo's diet and daily life." Roberto greeted his old friend Sit down and talk with the youth bodyguards.

Alessandro paid more respect to the oriental girl, and asked the doctor to sit down, and he sat next to his own child.

The old butler Enzo made tea again.

In fact, there are no taboos about Amedeo's food. Before the formal treatment, it doesn't matter whether he is taboo or not. Le Yun told them the truth clearly, just saying: "From now on, you can't give him beef and king crab, not just King crab, all crabs can’t be eaten, and beef products can’t be eaten, and caviar should be eaten as little as possible.”

"Can't eat beef?" A group of people were stunned. Can't eat beef, can't eat beef products, can't eat king crab, can't eat caviar?
"Then what should I eat?" Amedeo was strongly dissatisfied: "If you can't eat beef, what else can you eat?"

"You can eat dirt."

"Ah?" exclaimed.

"Eating soil is a joke." The foreigner didn't understand the humor of Datianchao, and Le Yun pursed his lips, so he could only explain: "Amidio's disease origin is very complicated. He was injected with special drugs, including the pathogenic liquid of mad cow disease. , all kinds of special drugs cause great destructive power in the body, the current symptoms are caused by the previous drugs, so it is safer not to eat beef, crabs are cold, it will stimulate his weakened nervous system, and it is easy to cause the disease. , it has been recorded, you will find that he has a higher incidence of illness during the annual crab production season. Some ingredients in caviar are also not good for his body, so eat less."

The girl said that her child had been injected with the sick cow disease virus. Alejandro's eyes flashed fierce and murderous, and he even took his child to test the medicine, which did not destroy the families of those people. It was too cheap for them!
Some unbearable fragments flashed through Amedeo's mind, he trembled shiveringly, pursed his lips and remained silent.

The bodyguards of Ferrari's family nodded unanimously, expressing that they would pay attention to the young master's diet and prevent the young master from eating food that he shouldn't eat.

"Don't worry about other things first, and then, go wherever you want. Come here tomorrow morning for the first course of treatment, mainly acupuncture, for at least seven days in a row. I will go to Tuscany to dig truffles tomorrow afternoon. Arrange accommodation and ensure that your child will be sent to the place where I live for treatment every night or morning, and the safety of Mr. Ferrari will also be taken care of by the old man himself."

"No problem, no problem." Alejandro replied repeatedly, as long as the child has hope of being cured, everything else is fine.

After a few seconds, he asked gently: "Miss, are you not interested in the Halloween ball? On the 31st, there will be a large Halloween masquerade in Florence. Many tourists come here just to experience the atmosphere of the ball."

"I don't like wearing high heels, and I'm not interested in proms at all. I'm only interested in plants, and I'm also very interested in many strange creatures. Studying plants is the happiest job." What's the meaning of proms?It's nothing more than dressing up to show off your family background and connections.

The oriental girl is really not interested in the masquerade ball. Alessandro crossed off the plan to invite her to the ball. The place where the doctor doesn't like to go, the invitation will embarrass her, why not Morte.

The old man was going back to the city to pack his bags and schedule for tomorrow. Roberto hadn't planned to keep them in the manor for dinner. After the little girl gave Amedeo's doctor's order, he went to the restaurant to have tea.

Miro went into the kitchen and took the steaming dumplings from the stove, and then went to the big kitchen to get the macaroni and Danish rolls carefully made by the kitchen, and shared the food with the old butler Enzo, two Chinese dumplings and two Italian dumplings, Two Danish rolls, a macaroni, and a piece of bread are served to the restaurant. Tea is optional, including coffee and black tea.

When the delicious food was served, Amedeo stared at two strange things, left and right, which looked familiar but could not remember their names.

When the guest of honor started, Roberto first attacked the dumplings. He ate the pancakes made by a little girl. With a big appetite, he ate the dumplings in one go, then ate the bread, and then macaroni and Danish rolls.

Seeing Roberto eating dumplings excitedly, Alejandro guessed that the girl was making food in the kitchen, and tasted it immediately. After eating an Italian-style dumpling and a Chinese-style dumpling, his heart shook, and he told his children to eat first Dumpling appetizer.

The six bodyguards originally resisted the temptation of the aroma and ate the macaroni first, but couldn't resist the temptation of the gentleman recommending dumplings to the young master, so they decisively ate the dumplings first, and then ate the bread quickly after eating like Mr. Roberto.

Amedeo listened to his father's words, took a dumpling and ate it in small bites. After eating one, he ate the second, the third and the fourth. After finishing the four dumplings, he ate bread with the same flavor as the dumplings. After eating only two, he was full. There was a gleam in those blue eyes.

After finishing the afternoon tea, he asked the host in a low voice: "Mr. Westanino, may I stay as a guest tonight?"

Roberto was amazed: "Little Amedeo wants to stay as a guest?"

"Yes, Mr. Westanino." Amedeo nodded honestly.

"Oh, not today, today you have to go back with your father to pack your luggage and clothes, and go to Tuscany town tomorrow afternoon, and you are welcome to come over as a guest tomorrow." Roberto declined with a smile.

"Sir, can I have the dumplings and bread for afternoon tea tomorrow?"

"Should... maybe not. The dumplings and bread are made by the doctor. The lovely doctor went to the mountains this morning to pick a lot of plants. She squeezed the plant juice and added it to the flour to make dumplings and bread. It has the effect of nourishing the stomach."

"That's right, thank you first." Amedeo was very frustrated, and looked at the Oriental girl, his blue eyes shining brightly: "Lovely lady, I won't challenge you to a duel, can you make some more dumplings and bread? "

"Refused to negotiate, you haven't stood up yet, lie to me to make bread for you to eat, you treat you as a child, of course, if you can dig a few truffles for me, I may consider making you a piece of bread with the scent of Songba Stomach bread."

"Give you truffles, and you make bread?" Amedeo's eyes sparkled, and a smile appeared on his pale face.

"Yes, the weight must be more than 30 grams. If you give a small truffle the size of a pinky finger, I don't agree with making bread. A truffle the size of a small finger is not enough spice to make bread once."

"I see." Amedeo smiled confidently, didn't he just dig a few truffles?Buy a truffle dog and go for a walk around the farm and ranch in a Tuscan town.

The little girl and Amedeo were talking, and Alessandro's face flushed with excitement. His child was really alive!
Roberto laughed mischievously, and the Ferrari father and son sat for another half an hour and took people back to the city center to prepare for tomorrow's trip.

After sending off the Ferrari family, Miro sighed sadly: "Xiao Lele, I feel that you are going to be snatched away by Amedeo."

Le Yun almost didn't laugh out loud: "Milo, what are you fussing about with that brat? That brat has been in a negative state for a long time, the stagnant qi in his chest can't be vented, stagnated in the liver, and his lung capacity is also very poor. I'm teasing you. He talks and lures him to move. If you want to eat bread, go bake it for two more ovens. The dumplings are not finished yet, so you can still eat them at night."

"Oh, as long as Xiao Lele hasn't forgotten about me, I'll continue making dumplings." The children didn't favor one over the other, Milo was in a bright mood for a second, and happily went into the kitchen to make dumplings and bread.

Roberto was in a good mood. The little girl went to inspect the dug plants, and he followed suit, asking about Mr. Ferrari's illness: "My dear child, how far can Amedeo's body recover? Can he still stand up?" ?”

"It is possible to find medicinal materials and do a few more operations to make him stand up. His calf ligaments and several blood vessels were necrotic, so he had to be operated on; the spine and leg bones were deformed and needed surgery to cut the bones, and he had sclerosis of a liver lobe. If it cannot be reversed, a liver transplant is also required."

"Oh." Roberto knew it in his heart, stopped asking, and went into the kitchen to help with the work.The old butler Enzo didn't go to the kitchen. He was in charge of the command over the big kitchen, and would watch over the potting of medicine when the time came.

Le Yun found several kinds of plants and pounded them into juice, remixed a portion of flour for making bread, baked several furnaces of bread, and packed them all in clean ziplock bags after cooling.

The ziplock bags brought by the child were not enough, so Milo drove to the mall and went around the city to help her buy back a lot of ziplock bags, as well as a set of glass U-shaped standard bottles. Medical infusion bag, filled with medicine juice for children.

Le Xiaoluoli asked him where he bought the medical infusion bag, handsome Mi Luo smiled mysteriously, and said that he knew a friend who was in charge of purchasing equipment in the hospital, and asked his friend to buy it for him.

Handsome Mi Luo and his children were playing happily in the manor. Miao Miaodan, who lived in the tavern, spent a whole day adjusting his breath in the guest room, barely calming down his concussive brain. Only in the evening did he find that the tavern owner and the oriental girl were not there. Check out, buy a plane ticket and go back to China to recuperate first.

The girl has a strong defensive power, even if there is no personal protection abroad, ordinary people can't do anything to her, not to mention that there are killers in Europe to protect her, it is difficult to invite someone from an underground organization to assassinate her.

Her brain was too badly damaged, not to mention stalking and looking for opportunities to kill enemies to avenge her brother, and even self-protection would be a problem when encountering anything.

Even if he was not reconciled, Miaomiaodan did not hesitate, and put self-preservation first. As for Auston, let the Tsmixi tribe find it by themselves.

Not long after the Southeast Asian guests who lived on the third floor checked out, Mi Luo received a call from the old housekeeper and laughed it off. The Southeast Asian woman who stayed that night had a complicated background and was obviously suspected of following Xiao Lele. Now that he wants to accompany the children, let The man is free and unrestrained, wait for him to be free and then take care of it.

The dinner in the manor was sumptuous again. One and a half hours after the dinner, Roberto went to take a shower, and then went downstairs to spread out a mat in the guest room where his belongings were stored, waiting for acupuncture. He only wore big underpants and a blanket over his body.

Enzuo poured the medicine out of the medicine jar, a large bowl was full, it was dark, and the smell of traditional Chinese medicine was strong and choking.

Laying out the necessary tools, Le Yun took out a bag of pills from the backpack, and then took out the jadeite box and a few small bottles from the backpack, and took the pills and the medicine in the bottle to make a small bowl of medicinal juice , and then poured into the boiled medicinal soup for the old man to drink.

Enzo and Miro sat in the audience, a little nervous.

Roberto gulped down the medicinal soup in one go, took off the blanket, and lay down on all fours. At first, because of the low temperature at night, he felt cold, and soon his whole body became hot.

Le Xiao put the needle sheath on her wrist, took out the needle, and used flying acupuncture with one hand. The needle pierced people's acupoints, making people dazzled. She helped the old man with the needle. She carried a cylindrical barrel and put it on the fire in the kitchen. Boil it on the stove, wait for the water to boil, put another dose of medicine into it, wait for half an hour and mix another medicine soup for the old man to drink, and then add more than a dozen needles.

Every half an hour, I prepared another medicinal soup for him to drink, took away the needle in front of him, let him lie on his stomach, and stuck the needle on his back. Acupuncture lasted for 10 minutes and ended.

After finishing the acupuncture, Roberto was sweating all over his body, and his underpants were also wet. He wrapped himself in a blanket and went back to his room to take a shower. He fell asleep because he was exhausted.

Milo originally wanted to accompany the children to watch over the potion, but was sent away, and went to rest with old butler Enzo.

Classmate Le Xiao from the cat kitchen first returns to the space to meditate, and then leaves the space at three o'clock in the middle of the night. He throws several medicines into the pot and boils them. At 05:30, the medicine for Roberto was removed from the stove to cool down, and another stove was boiled on low heat, and he went back to his room to brush his teeth and wash his face.

(End of this chapter)

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