magic eye doctor

Chapter 873 Strange Itinerary Plan

Chapter 873 Strange Itinerary Plan (1 More)

Miro accompanied her children to find truffles in the wild, and Roberto took Amedeo around the farm and ranch. Anyway, he was taking Amedeo for activities, and the main purpose was not to dig truffles. Therefore, they left early and returned at noon. , go out again in the afternoon.

Mr. Falilla contracted the farm and ranch of the old Rossi couple for seven days. After that, the Rossi couple opened the farm and ranch to other people who are interested in digging truffles, and each person charged a few hundred euros for a day of digging.

Le Xiao prefers to dig truffles in the wild, because you can’t dig too much in the farm and pasture, or it will feel a little bad to let others or the owner know, so you don’t have to worry about digging a little more in the wild.

Because Little Lolita is more interested in plants than anything else, Mi Luo, Xuan Shao and the others are also extremely helpless. When she finds a place with truffles for herself, they let her collect medicinal materials and excavate excitedly.

Xuan Shao was the first to dig the truffle, and when he dug out the lump, it turned out to be as big as a bowl. He shouted in surprise and showed it off, excitedly digging along the pit, and soon found another one. Get one.

Miro and the others also quickly harvested the truffles. They dug out the truffles and searched in all directions of the pit. As the little girl said, there were truffles not far away, and they were really long in patches.

Digging truffles is like digging potatoes. The handsome guys are so happy that they are working happily, plowing the ground by digging three feet.

Xiao Le, who was hiding alone, was also in a good mood, because there are solanaceous plants that can make animals and people hallucinate. No one has dug truffles in a forest. Years and months, the ground is full of truffle spores, and the truffles are dense. It is very difficult to dig. easy.

While digging, she threw truffles into the space, throwing all the small ones into the space, and leaving the big ones for others to see. At that time, she could say that the small ones were confiscated and kept as inoculum.

After digging a place to collect the concoction, change another place, change several places in a row, run to find the handsome guys, see the results of the handsome guys so happy that they can see their teeth, and then find a new place for them to mark, let the handsome guys After digging in your own area, go to change places.

The handsome guys piled up the dug truffles, worried that someone would find them nearby, never yelled loudly, spoke softly, dug out a place to change the place, and moved the truffles there.

Eight people dug truffles without fear of fatigue or pain. They kept digging furiously. After digging until [-] o'clock in the afternoon, they finally cleared out a place with a radius of more than one mile. The soil was also well backfilled. Block the way in the gaps that are easy to enter the woods, and knock down some nightshade plants to make their smell stronger, so that the animals can smell and lose their sense of smell and can't find the place.

I made a little cover up, took the fruit away, stayed away from the place where the truffles were dug, and found an open and well-lit place to sit and divide the truffles.

What Milo dug up will be distributed at night when the young Xuanjia youths dug up. The six Xuanjia members each dug up more than a dozen catties of truffles. There are so many truffles, Le students are not stingy, and they are distributed according to the method of five for one. Each youth gets two or three catties of truffles. of.

Little Lolita harvested too many truffles, fearing that she would cause public outrage, the youths of the Xuan family helped her keep her share. They can be said to have bought it, and they can help her go back when they return to China.

After distributing the truffles, everyone withdrew from the forest and drove back to the place where they stayed. When the youths of the Xuan family returned to the owner of the homestay, the owner was almost shocked when they saw the harvest of the young people. They heard that their friends bought it, because they had to go Buying around and asking them to help keep the truffles, the heart was at peace.

When Miro and the girl returned to the castle, the Rossi couple, Roberto, and the Ferraris were shocked by the harvest, shouting "Holy Virgin Mary" because they heard that they bought it from a truffle hunter. Part of it, caressing his heart with a smile.

"I seriously suspect that if Miss Doctor goes on like this, she will be hated by the truffle dogs collectively." Miss Doctor and Miro went to change clothes, and Amedeo stroked Rossi's pine dog sadly, feeling sad in his heart. , Ms. Doctor is too good, she has a sense of distance.

"Wrong, if she makes a piece of truffle bread for the truffle dog to eat, the truffle dog will be happy to serve her." Roberto stroked the top of Amedeo's head.

Amedeo was even more sad, feeling the pressure to be friends with Miss Doctor!However, when he received acupuncture that night, his sadness doubled, because the little girl said that she would end the truffle digging early and return to Florence next Monday.

The youth of the Xuan family was addicted to digging truffles. The next day, he rushed to wait for the little girl and the handsome foreign guy. The group rushed into the forest excitedly. Naturally, it is impossible to have the same harvest as yesterday. After all, such things as picking up truffles are rare. ask for.

Even so, it didn't affect Master Xuan's interest in digging truffles. He was satisfied even after digging for two days. When Monday of the new week came, they all went back home. The difference was that Miro and the others returned to Florence, while the youth from the Xuan family returned to China.

Before leaving, Le Yun presented some truffle bread and two catties of truffles to the owner and his wife of the castle. Rossi and his wife were even more delighted and invited her and her friends to dig truffles next year and stay at home again.

After leaving the town of Tuscany, Le Xiao met with the youths of the Xuan family, and took out some truffles from the car and said that they were handed over to Master Xuan to ask them to help bring them back to the country. , taking advantage of the young people's help to cover, secretly threw the truffles packed by the Xuanjia youths into the space, and left some truffles for them to take back.

After parting, Xuan Shao and his group drove to Pisa to take a flight. They were close to Pisa, and upon arrival they went to the airport to go through formalities, then handed over the vehicle, and then took the flight to Rome, the capital of Yi.

Roberto and his party wandered for more than three hours before returning to Florence. They split into three groups. Roberto returned to the manor, Amedeo returned to the Ferrari family's industrial residence in Florence, and Miro and the children returned home.

All the truffles dug by Roberto and Ferrari were given to the little girl. The Ferrari family arranged for people to buy truffles from other places. Enzo, the old housekeeper, bought some from the truffle hunters in the small town and took them home.

The old butler Dante waited at home, and when the young master and Miss Dongfang came back, he helped carry the luggage to the fourth floor, and then brought out the prepared snacks and made tea.

Miro and the children drank tea and were discussing how much truffle bread to make. An envoy from Mr. Ferrari arrived to deliver things to Miss Dongfang. They brought several boxes of white truffles and wine, several bottles of pure olive oil, and six huge king truffles. crab.

Butler Dante led the envoys of the Ferrari family upstairs, and the representatives of the Ferrari family saw the Oriental girl convey the old man's words, drank tea, and returned to report.

The stewards of Ferrari’s family also knew that the girl would still be traveling abroad, and some things were temporarily inconvenient to bring back home. Therefore, the truffles and crabs sent were sealed with a vacuum packer and could be stored for a long time.

The Ferrari family is absolutely generous, with six boxes of white truffles and two boxes of black truffles, each weighing 30 catties. The wine is produced by the Ferrari family and aged for more than [-] years, and the pure olive oil weighs [-] catties.

The presents were placed in the living room of Miro’s house first, and Le Yun brought two king crabs to Dante’s old housekeeper to arrange as he wished, took out a bag of black truffles and a small bottle of olive oil to the kitchen, and took part from the plants she brought back, Start working on truffles, plants for bread and biscuits.

Xiao Lele was making bread, and Miro excitedly followed up with the private kitchen on the fourth floor, and stayed there if he couldn't help, and when he could help, he would help pound concoction, crush truffles, get flour, and mince meat.

After finishing the preparatory work, after lunch, Xiao Le went into the kitchen, added some seasonings to the dough again, and started making bread and biscuits. Handsome Mi Luo was in charge of baking.

The old butler Dante and the chef were cooking the king crab dinner for the evening. When they smelled the tempting aroma, they ran upstairs to have a look. They saw the young master and Miss Dongfang baking a batch of biscuits. They tasted them excitedly and were almost reluctant to leave.

Milo and the children stayed in the kitchen and worked for half a day, making hundreds of truffle breads, thousands of biscuits, and a batch of truffle dumplings.

Milo waited for the food to cool before packing, blue eyes more beautiful than the sky above the summer Alps, smile brighter than summer flowers.

After a king crab dinner in the evening, Milo drove the children to the Academy of Fine Arts to deliver some truffle bread and cookies to her sister.

Miss Chao Er heard that the little cutie was going to bring her something, so she waited outside the church early. When she saw the little powder dumpling, she rushed over and grabbed someone to ravage, then took a big bag of food, and happily pulled her sister Go for a walk on the street, walk around, and then return to the Academy of Fine Arts.

Because Xiaofentuanzi had something to do, Miss Chao Er didn't want her to play with her in Florence, and reluctantly went back to the school building with her things in her arms.

After watching Sister Fu go to the school building, Le Yun went to find handsome Mi Luo and go back to his home. She slept beautifully and recharged her energy in preparation for going to Rome tomorrow to apply for a visa.

It was past four o'clock in the morning in Europe, and the people were sleeping soundly. It was past one o'clock in the afternoon in Huaxia, and the plane that the Xuan family and his party took landed in the capital.

The plane they took took off at around nine o'clock in the evening in Yi country, which was the early morning of Huaxia time. The plane was a direct flight and the flight took less than ten hours.

It is already winter in the capital of China, the temperature is very low, everyone wears down jackets, and it is the season of the worst smog. Dust from the north is blown into the sky, and there is a thick layer of dust over the capital.

The air quality was worrying. After getting off the plane, Xuan Shao and the others wore dust masks and left the airport terminal with their luggage. The young people at the head helped pack the red wine and truffles they brought back.

Hua Shao has contact with Xuan Shao, and knows when they will return to China. Two hours after the plane of the Xuan family youths arrived in Beijing, they wandered into the Xuan family courtyard. Not freshened up yet, he sat in the west hall and drank tea in a leisurely manner.

Hua Shao sat for more than half an hour, Young Master Xuan washed up, dried his hair, and walked slowly into the west hall. His beautiful face was spotless because he had just come out of the bath, and his eyes were truly spotless.

"I always feel that you are getting more and more handsome." Seeing the stunningly beautiful Xuan Shao, Hua Shao couldn't help but praise, and asked with a smile: "Xuan Shao, how many truffles did you dig in total?"

"I don't want to say it." Xuan Shao said three words coolly, his delicate eyebrows were full of pride.

"Is it too few, afraid that I will despise you?" Hua Shao was very happy in his heart. Xuan Shao kept complaining that the truffles were hard to find, but he never mentioned it later, so he probably won't gain much.

"Wrong, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep because of jealousy." Young Master Xuan said with pride on his face, "I was really weak at first, and I didn't find many black truffles. However, my young master was clever and clever, so I changed my purpose to dig white truffles, and I only dug for three days. , A total of more than [-] catties were dug, and they returned with a full load."

"Thirty catties?" Hua Shao looked at Xuan Shao in disbelief, and suddenly realized: "Did you run to find the little beauty?"

"That's right, I'm going to join the little beauty. The little Lolita is too evil. Finding truffles is as easy as eating and drinking. She finds them, we dig them, and divide them in a ratio of five to one. You can get a few catties a day. I After three days of digging, all the expenses of the European trip have been paid back."

"I'll go, why don't you tell me if you want to dig truffles with the little beauty, I'll go too."

"You ran away early, I only found the little beauty on the 9th."

"Sure enough, I missed another good opportunity. You found the little beauty, why did you run back early?" Hua Shao was really jealous. If he had known that Xuan Shao would go to the little beauty, he would have stayed a few more days and followed to join lively.

"The little beauty has dug enough truffles. She has something to do. We finished the truffle digging ahead of schedule. I will help her bring the truffles back to China. What do you want from me? If it's okay, I'll catch up on sleep." Xuan Shao touched himself Face, due to jet lag, he didn't sleep much on the plane.

"There is something about the little beauty," Hua Shao will put the handheld computer on another chair, and show Xuan Shao what he found: "After the Double Ninth Festival, several videos broke out on the Internet, which is the little beauty's hometown. The little beauty may know that a high-ranking official has an affair with a married woman and has an illegitimate daughter. The woman's husband's family ran to the woman's natal family to make trouble and force her to divorce. The woman who had an affair with a high-ranking official paid 60 yuan in compensation. Some people on the Internet took the opportunity to make a fuss, asking for a little girl with flesh and blood, and forcing her to report the high-ranking official. The eruption caused a small storm, and netizens will definitely tear the little beauty into the water."

After Xuan Shao listened quietly, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and after a while he smiled again: "We don't need to worry about this matter, what changes in the ancient martial arts sect is what we focus on, Young Master Yan is in the yamen , Responsible for common affairs, this is Young Master Yan's job, let's not cross the boundary and mess around, spy secretly to see if we can detect any ancient martial arts cultivators participating, and then give the list to the little beauty."

"I'm not going to get involved, but it seems that there is no one in the ancient repair world we are familiar with who is particularly good at technology?"

"Wrong, there are people who are good at science and technology. Ji Shao understands computer programming. Hua Shao and Jiang Shao have their own strengths in computers. They are not comparable to some top figures but they also have real talents. There is another Huo Shao, Huo Shao is a high-tech professional. He is a candidate for the Huo family to inherit ancient martial arts, so he has not engaged in a personal career. Call the guys we know and ask them to come over to taste truffle food in the evening.”

Xuan Shao asked someone to watch the ancient martial arts practitioners, Hua Shao resolutely stayed out of the matter, and discussed with a smile: "Xuan Shao, you found a lot of truffles, give them to me?"

"Don't even think about it, I just dug up some truffles, you stay where you are cool, I should go to catch up on sleep, get up in the middle of the afternoon and make delicious truffle bread, the steps that the little girl taught me, think about the mood It's so beautiful." Xuan Shao gave Hua a cold look, got up and left, and went to sleep with high spirits.

"Stingy ghost." Hua Shao curled his lips, that guy still hated him for making fun of him digging truffles for being thankless and making money, hum, it's uneven, anyway, he bought some in Ruiguo anyway.

The master went to catch up on sleep, and Hua Shao lazily took his personal guards to go shopping. The guy had to sleep before getting up. It would be more appropriate for him to wait for Xuan Shao to make delicious food.

When Xuan Shao arrived in the upper room, before going to bed, he asked the family members who used to go to Xuan's house to call, and he himself called Yan Shao before falling asleep.

Yan Xing sits in the station, while supervising the private affairs of the little girl, while busy with his work as the chief of staff of the brigade headquarters. After he was seriously injured and entered Qing University for recuperation, the staff affairs were delegated by the deputy staff, and the main affairs were still handled by him. Vice-parameter is to relay and execute on behalf of others.

He has another identity, and he also has a lot of work. He is actually quite busy every day. When he was working in the office, he received a call from Xuan Shao. After a brief exchange, he immediately started signing the most important documents and handing them over to others Go to the place where it should be sent, pack up the documents and lock them in the safe, go back to the barracks to change into a military uniform, change into a suit, and drive away from the station.

After driving around, Yan Xing arrived at the tea street not far from the food alley, parked the car in front of the Xuanjia teahouse, went straight to Xuanjia, and followed the Xuanjia youth into the courtyard behind the teahouse.

Young people from the Xuan family invited Young Master Yan into the teahouse in the west chamber to make tea and entertain them. They drank only half a pot of tea. Young Master Xuan woke up after taking a nap.

Yan Xing looked at Xuan Shao who walked into the hall. The handsome young man was wearing a royal blue suit, elegant and unrestrained, like a bright moon without dust. After looking at him, he showed an elegant smile: "Looking at the spring breeze on Xuan Shao's face, I must have dug a lot of truffles."

"Young Master Yan also knows that I'm going to dig for truffles." Young Master Xuan raised his eyebrows and sat down opposite Young Master Yan.

"Little Loli once said, she said you dig black truffles, and she digs white truffles."

"It was like that at first, but then I also went to dig white truffles with the little beauty. Her foreign friends and I helped her as truffle diggers and gained a lot. When I came back, the little beauty asked me to help the truffles back. I said I will give you one, and I would like to send it to Chao’s house. I wanted to send it to Chao’s house in person. I was afraid that I would steal your job and you would be annoyed, so I called you and I asked someone to bring truffles. you."

Xuan Shao smiled Mimi and explained the reason for calling Yan Shao, and asked someone to bring the truffle to Yan Shao. He thought that Yan Shao would come over at least in the evening, but he was so active and came so quickly.

"Little Lolita hasn't returned to China, are you still digging truffles?" Yan Xing heard that Little Lolita gave himself a share, his heart was like soaking in honey water, and the voice of happiness was sweet.

"I'm not digging anymore. I'm busy with other things. It seems that I want to be a trapeze man and run around the world."

"Did she say where to go?"

"I didn't say anything, I just said that I want to travel all over the world and experience the joy of being a travel expert."

"I guess I have fallen in love with some rare and rare herbs again, and I am going to do some illegal things." Yan Xian stroked her forehead, and the little loli wanted to be a travel expert with only one goal: medicinal materials.

Xuan Shao smiled and said nothing, the little beauty must be digging medicinal materials wherever she is going, so Xuan Ba ​​brought a bag of truffles, took it in his hand, and took out a bowl of truffles to Young Master Yan: "This is for you, The other is for Chao's family and her mentor's wife's family, and Xiao Luoli said that this one tastes good when eaten fresh, let the old men and women make do to taste it first."

Yan Xing took his own copy and saw the word Yan written on it, in the handwriting of Little Lolita, he was full of joy, Little Lolita gave him a share, which meant that she missed him.

Then I took the bag and looked at it. It was a big bag with several packages. There was writing on the bag. They were given to the third room of Chao’s family and one to Professor Wan Teng. Those copies were far more than his, but he Don't be jealous, it's good that little loli has a share in him, Xiao Shao, Luo Shao, and Li Shao don't have a share, it can be seen that he is still different in little loli's heart.

I am a special existence in the heart of little loli, what else can I say?

Full of joy, Yan Xing held the truffle bag and chatted with Xuan Shao for half an hour, then left, took the truffle to Chao's house, and brushed his face by the way.

Because it was not time to get off work, he sent the truffles to the nearby old lady Chao's place, handed them over to the old lady and the old man, and drank tea with the two elders of the Chao family before returning to the station.

Back in the army, I hurriedly went to the office of a regiment headquarters, found Liu and Hong Shishi who were holding the computer, and sat beside Liu: "Xiangyang, use your ingenuity to help check the little loli. Whereabouts, have you booked any air tickets to which countries?"

"Boss, little Lolita is tired of staying in Europe and wants to change places again?" Hong Shishi, Shen Shiliu and the others showed questioning faces.

"The visual inspection is like that. I must know her destination." Yan Xing nodded: "There is currently a special family involved in the network. I need to confirm the whereabouts and safety of the little loli."

"I'll go to work right away." Liu Xiangyang threw down a computer in his hand, and casually embraced the other one. He was operating quickly, and his fingers tapped the keyboard back and forth like a convulsion.

After 10 minutes, he complained: "My ancestor, my God, what does the little girl want to do? She booked a ticket to country M, and booked a ticket to five African countries. Ready to travel all over Africa?"

"You said she booked a flight ticket to Africa? How many countries are there?" Yan Xing was serious for a second. Little Lolita booked a flight ticket to several African countries in advance. What does she want to do?
"South Africa, Namibia, Mali, Algeria, Egypt, alas, the little beauty is going to run around Africa."

"Little Lolita is interested in the anti-corporeal drugs of Egyptian mummies. What's so attractive about South Africa, Mali and Algeria?" Yan Xing's beautiful brows were frowned, and he murmured, "Which country is the first on the itinerary?"

"The 20th is country M, and the 30th is from country M to South Africa."

"No, this itinerary is not right, where is it at the end?"

"Finally, a plane ticket to Egypt."

"Strange." Yan Xing pondered for a while, unable to figure it out, so he could only ask someone Liu to pay attention to whether the little girl had changed her itinerary.

Jiang Shao and others arrived at Xuan's home one after another after four o'clock in the afternoon, ate delicious food, tasted the wine that Xuan Shao brought back, and played until ten o'clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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