Chapter 874

When Hua Shao visited Xuan Shao, it was dawn in Europe, Le Xiao and Mi Luo took their luggage and went to the train station to take a train to Rome.

Because I was in a hurry, I took the second express train that departed in the morning. It departed from Florence at six o'clock and arrived in Rome in one hour and forty minutes.

Milo only brought the necessary clothes and supplies for travel, a backpack with a surplus, stuffed with truffle bread; Leyun a large backpack, a cross-shoulder bag for common household items.

In the spirit of a gentleman, Miro helped the child carry her big backpack. As soon as he got off the express train and arrived at the safe exit, the person assigned by the old Mr. Ferrari took the two of them to the hotel. It takes only a few minutes to arrive at the big hotel that the Ferrari family helped book, and live in a high-end suite.

After checking into the hotel, classmate Le and handsome Miro went to wash and change their clothes, and then they were accompanied by the young man from Falilah's family to the hotel for breakfast and after-dinner coffee. Then go to the Chinese embassy in a country to print the materials.

The embassy of the Great China State in Yi country often provides the documents needed for the visa application of certain countries for its citizens, so Le found the office without any trouble, printed out a lot of documents, filled in what the applicant should fill in, and then copied a few more Ten photocopies of ID cards and materials were put into several file bags.

After getting the documents needed for the visa application, I went back to get the photos, and turned around to go to the embassy of country M in the country of Yi. In front of the embassy, ​​the car of the old Mr. Ferrari just arrived, and there was a fat middle-aged man going with him The man is from country M and a friend of old Mr. Ferrari - Liszt Smith.

Liszt and Alessandro got out of the car, smiled and led the children into the embassy with his friends, and went to the lobby. Others were waiting outside. He took the children from Huaxia to the visa area and handed them over to an assistant who came to receive them. In a sentence, the child was handed over to the assistant of the visa officer, who sat and drank coffee.

The female assistant led the child with black hair and white skin who looked like Caucasian and non-white to the visa officer, took her to sit down, told her which materials to hand to the visa officer, and instructed her to sign in certain areas. After getting back the materials, she was sent to Beside the fat man, she goes to work.

The kid came over, and Liszt chatted happily with the little guy, talked about traveling in Europe and digging truffles, and asked curiously: "Little sweetheart, I heard from Mr. Ferrari that you are a medical student. Is it true that you can tell if a person is sick?"

"Yes, Mr. Smith, except for those who put on makeup. Whether it is a woman or a man, the makeup covers the real face. It is easy to make a wrong diagnosis just by looking at the eyes, and it is necessary to diagnose the pulse." Le Yun politely answered Mr. Fat question.

Liszt moved around: "Sweetie, look at my face, am I healthy?"

Le Yun carefully observed the fat gentleman, and asked very seriously: "Sir, I'm telling the truth, do you mind?"

"I like to hear the truth." Liszt's expression remained unchanged.

"Wait a minute," Le Yun found a pen and paper from her backpack, looked at the camera, turned sideways and changed the angle to block the direction that the camera might see, leaned slightly to write on the paper, and handed the paper to Mr. Fat after writing: " You have been infected with this disease, received timely drug intervention, and are currently safe."

Liszt looked at the paper and wrote a line of words in English: AcquiredImmuneDeficiencySyndrome.The words were small, but very clear, his pupils shrank slightly, and he nodded calmly: "Yes."

"You like to drink strong alcohol, which has an alcohol concentration of more than 60.00%. Your stomach is overloaded due to strong alcohol, and you have serious gastric ulcers. There are small holes in the stomach wall. You are currently taking medication; you have alcoholic Fatty liver disease, which is not serious at present. In addition, you have bronchial asthma, which has not been systematically analyzed, so it cannot be determined whether it is a family inheritance. As mentioned above, it is recommended that you refrain from drinking hard alcohol. Drinking a moderate amount of red wine will not affect your health. Your health."

Mr. Fat did not show disgust. Le Yun cut out the writing on the paper and tore it up, wrapped it in white paper and stuffed it into a backpack. By the way, he honestly pointed out his health problems. Mr. Fat is a rich man, so even if the infection The AIDS virus is found and intervened with the best drugs in time, and it is effectively controlled. It is safe at present. He is a group of people who exercise regularly and has a good physical fitness. The other diseases are minor problems, which are harmful to health but still Not enough to seriously endanger his body.

"So, does my little sweetheart give me any advice on treatment?" Liszt moved his body again, still smiling like a gentleman, with serious eyes.

"Not currently. I know that there are several exotic plants in America, which are theoretically good for your health. Without careful research, I can't give you an accurate answer."

"Then, first of all, I wish my little sweetheart a smooth trip, and my little sweetheart has successfully completed her trip. Let's drink afternoon tea together when I have time." Liszt smiled in his eyes, and asked the question very curiously: "Sweetie, please help the patient. What are the conditions for seeing a doctor?"

"I haven't finished my studies yet, and the time is very tight. Generally, I am only interested in challenging and difficult cases. There are cases that can be treated by high-tech medicine. I am not interested in taking over the treatment. I also hate patients talking about medical expenses with me. Bargaining, hating when patients don't respect and follow doctors' orders."

The child was outspoken, Liszt smiled, stopped discussing that issue, and instead asked about the medicinal value of truffles, how to eat them is the most beneficial to health, and so on.

After waiting for about [-] minutes, the visa officer's female assistant sent back the little girl's passport and materials, as well as a visa, which was a two-year multiple-entry tourist visa.

Le Yun thanked Madam and Mr. Smith very much, and Mr. Fat walked out of the visa office area, went to the lobby to find Mr. Ferrari and Miro and left the embassy together.

After leaving the embassy of country M, Alejandro accompanied his old friend to drink coffee, and the young man from the Ferrari family sent the children to the embassy of Namibia in country I.

At the embassy in Namibia, Le went through the normal procedure, waited in line, and then submitted the documents. The official release date is three working days. I don’t know when the visa will be issued or if the review fails. You need to wait. Le has no pressure, and went shopping with Miro Rome.

People say that all roads lead to Rome, describing the wide roads, the traffic in Rome extends in all directions, and many well-preserved ancient buildings are beautiful, from which you can vaguely glimpse the glory of the ancient Roman period.

Le Xiaoli likes the decoration of those ancient buildings. The addiction is beyond the eye addiction. I also want to hit the wall with my heart. Gu understands that those building stones are shining with aura. If the ancient buildings in Europe can be moved into the space, she will I don't know how many times the space can be expanded.

The beautiful and aura Gudao can only watch but can’t move away, and the student Le, who is so stuffy that he can’t breathe, is silently suffering from spiritual damage, but he can’t control himself. He always wants to go and have a look, even if he can’t move away , research is always possible.

The children sometimes look at the statue on a certain building like looking at the expression of the truffle, Milo secretly smiles, and Xiao Lele's heart beats again, and she can't move because of the heartbeat, Xiao Lele is so pitiful!
Two people, one big and one small, wandered back to the hotel at noon to have lunch with Mr. Ferrari. The old Mr. Ferrari ordered the most famous dishes in the country, and the red wine that went with them was aged in the 70s.

In the afternoon, the old Mr. Ferrari and Miro accompanied the little girl from the East to visit the medical school in Rome. The old man donated tens of millions of euros to the medical school for medical infrastructure and epilepsy research funds, and spent tens of millions of euros for scholarships , is a big sponsor of the medical school. He took his friends to visit. The medical school warmly received him and accompanied Mr. Ferrari to visit some research laboratories. Epilepsy researchers also introduced the research progress of epilepsy to Mr. Ferrari.

The old Mr. Ferrari introduced to the medical school a little girl who was a top medical expert in the field of Chinese medicine in China. Because of his introduction, researchers specializing in epilepsy discussed epilepsy with oriental children with doubts. As soon as the discussion was over, it changed from a polite and tentative exchange to a comprehensive exchange between the two sides from the shallower to the deeper, leaving Mr. Farley and his entourage aside for about an hour.

Mr. Ferrari and the handsome Miro were very gentlemanly, and they listened to the whole process without any impatience. After the exchange between the two parties came to an end, they went to visit other medical research laboratories again.

Jieyin's unique insights into epilepsy and the treatment plan she proposed also impresses the researchers, and she often explains a certain research work in detail when accompanying her on visits.

The group spent a whole afternoon in the medical school. The hospital wanted to invite Mr. Ferrari to dinner, but he declined. He went back to the hotel to have dinner prepared by the hotel with the two young men.

The little girl’s visa was not approved, and Alessandro also stayed in Rome. If the Namibian visa is not approved, he will apply for a visa from Angola. , which is what people say "good steel should be used on the blade".

There was no news on the morning of the 15th. In the afternoon, the staff of the Namibian side informed them to pick up the visa. Alejandro and Miro accompanied the little girl to the embassy to get the visa.

After getting the visa, Le Yun bought books on the road, went back to the hotel to order plane tickets, and went to the airport after dinner at six o'clock, and embarked on the journey to Socotra Island, Yemen as planned as quickly as possible.

Alessandro and Miro took the child to the airport, accompanied her to check-in, waited for her to go through the security check into the departure hall, turned around and left back to the hotel, Miro went back to the hotel on the front foot, and went to the airport with the luggage on the back foot. Fly to Oman.

Student Le was waiting in the terminal for the flight, and when it was time to board the plane, the plane took off at 08:30 p.m. and flew to the United Arab Emirates.

There is no direct flight from Europe to Yemen, and you can only transit through several countries on the Arabian Peninsula. Dubai in the United Arab Emirates has flights to the capital of Yemen. Moreover, the United Arab Emirates opens visa-on-arrival for Chinese citizens without handling fees, that is There is no need to apply in advance, and there is no handling fee for entry. Just stamp a stamp on the passport and record the time. The time is 30 days. Therefore, Chinese citizens do not need to apply for a transit visa or transfer visa in Dubai, and they can directly transfer to Dubai. Three Kingdoms.

Flying from Rome to Dubai, you have to go through several places on the way. It takes a total of eight and a half hours. I observed it clearly before taking off, and there is nothing to study.

Dubai, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia are all countries on the Arabian Peninsula. Due to their geographical location, there is a two-hour time difference with Europe. The plane will arrive at the destination at [-]:[-] a.m. European time, and the local time is [-]:[-] a.m. No matter what, the whole All planes fly at night.

Passengers on the night flight are basically resting. There are also energetic travelers listening to music or watching movies to pass the time. Classmate Le reads a book. After finishing three books, the plane arrives in Dubai and lands safely. Passengers who sat in the middle of the night get off the plane. Or turn the plane, and the people at the destination run to play.

Dubai's three o'clock in the morning is as bustling as daytime, the commercial streets are open, and the temperature is not as hot as summer, which is more suitable for travel.

Le Yun is going to transit in Dubai, and she still takes the United Airlines plane, which takes off after 10 o'clock and has several hours of standby time. She will store her big luggage and backpack, go shopping with her camera and small backpack, and exchange local currency at the airport first. , buy maps and travel guides and go shopping.

She first slipped to a large shopping mall, and went to the local clothing section to buy several black robes and veils worn by young women. Fortunately, girls in the Arab region began to wear black robes at the age of twelve or thirteen, so there were clothes suitable for her height.

When classmate Le Xiao was visiting the night streets of Dubai, Huaxia also ushered in a new day. Mrs. Liu went to work after washing up after his morning exercise, and went to work first. He saw how many brothers were hugging The computer laughed, curled its lips, and routinely inspected the places it focused on, and yelled: "Xiao Xing Xing, Xiao Xing Xing, the little beauty has arrived in Dubai."

"She went to Dubai? Is her destination Dubai, or is it a connecting flight?" Yan Xing was surprised at first, but then turned into a look of "I knew it", the stinky little loli knew that she would play tricks, and sure enough Really didn't play the cards according to common sense.

Shen Shiliu was on the night shift and was still there, looking at the sky speechlessly, that little loli always lied to her own people.

Liu Xiangyang deftly displayed light and heat in his field: "Let me see, it's a turning point, and the next trip is the capital of Yemen."

"Yemen? So..." Yan Xing hesitated, and suddenly realized: "Little Lolita's goal is the island with many rare plants!"

"For the test, she booked a ticket from the capital of Yemen to go to the island with beautiful trees." Liu Xiangyang quickly gathered the information, and shouted while searching: "I mean, no wonder I didn't find it yesterday, the little beauty booked the ticket yesterday afternoon, and it was midnight The plane, always doing raids like this, will make people dizzy."

"Because that island was granted a protected area, it's safe to stay for a short period of time..." Yan Xing rubbed his chin, his eyebrows frowned: "I just don't know where her next goal is. If she still goes to other places in Africa, the safety issue will be a problem." It's hard to say. Let's wait and see what happens, and see if she can refund the tickets for other places."

Liu Xiangyang stared, thinking he didn't know about such a simple matter?

(End of this chapter)

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