magic eye doctor

Chapter 896 A Little Tail Follows

Chapter 896 A Little Tail Follows

Tourists who climbed up the mountain to see the volcanic magma, after admiring the most shocking landscape in the world, camped out at the camp tens of meters away from the crater, and soon fell asleep watching the stars, listening to the sound of the wind and the roar of magma erupting in the crater.

The temperature near the volcano is very high during the day, and plummets in the early morning. The temperature at the foot of the mountain can drop to zero. The temperature at the active crater is high. Because of the strong wind, you can still feel the chill, and there is heat in the chill. The real ice and fire are double sky.

Waking up on time at [-]:[-] in the morning, Le Yun took out the dust mask and put it on, then put on the sleeves and went out of the space. There was only the sound of wind outside, and the sound of the mountain trembling slightly when the magma spewed out. The temperature was very low and the wind was blowing , making people shiver.

I have worked so hard to come to the crater. It is necessary to take pictures. I don’t care about the wind. I climbed to the edge of the crater circle and held up the camera to take pictures of the magma spewing. The early morning island was eaten by insects, and the volcanic magma spewed out in the middle of the night. , Sometimes the sparks rise a few meters away, and it feels like it is about to splash on the body. The magma ejected from the ground flows in the lava lake, dancing with fire and silver flowers, red and silver light flowing, and the picture is extremely spectacular.

After taking pictures for more than ten minutes, I put away my camera, took out a small steel rod, and pried out the frozen and solidified magma blocks very close to the crater, and collected enough dark magma. Digging plants near the volcano, frantically digging until five o'clock and then hiding.

The tourists who camped in the crater got up at four o'clock and ran to the crater to take pictures, hoping to take a shocking picture of the magma erupting. Before the sunrise, the tour guide and guards took the tourists down the mountain.

There are also places in the volcano where magma will erupt. The temperature of the entire volcano rises as the sun rises, and it becomes unbearable at around ten o'clock. Therefore, visitors must leave the volcano before 10:30.

Le Yun huddled in the space and sorted out the volcanic plants that had been dug. She slipped out to dig the plants when the tourists went down the mountain. She was dressed in black and looked like a piece of solidified magma from a distance, so it was impossible to be found.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, the sun is rising higher and higher, and the temperature is also rising higher and higher. Even if she is resistant to high temperatures, she is covered in sweat from the scorching heat. She persists until eleven o'clock, feeling that her whole body is about to evaporate. Rest in the space for half an hour before continuing to dig plants. At the hottest moment, dig out a few grasses that must be cut and dig, and crawl back to the space to lie down like a dead dog.

Le Yun was busy in the space until about four o'clock in the afternoon. When the temperature was lower, he went to dig plants near the crater again. Yesterday's tourists had already gone to the sulfur crater in the depression, and the new group of tourists hadn't arrived yet. good time.

However, after only digging for a while, I saw a helicopter flying from far away, and immediately ran to the opposite direction of the camp set up by the travel agency to observe. The helicopter flew over the desert plain and stopped at the camp at the foot of the volcano for about half an hour. After that, the helicopter took off and flew towards the crater.

Seeing the helicopter flying towards the crater, Le Yun immediately returned to the space to hide, quietly listening to the movement outside, and clearly heard the huge wind sound of the helicopter propeller turning.

The helicopter flew around the volcano twice and then flew back to the foot of the mountain. There were five guards sent by the Ethiopian government with live ammunition, two foreign men, a tour guide from a parade agency and a helicopter driver.

A group of people got off the helicopter and rested in the camp. Two foreign men took pictures with their cameras and often observed the volcano with binoculars.

In the evening, a group of people had dinner. After 06:30, the tour guide and guards accompanied the two guests to climb the volcano. The camels in the camp helped carry sleeping bags, water and other necessities.

Tour guides and soldiers accompany tourists to the crater, rest in the camp for a while, and then accompany tourists to the crater to take pictures, and then rest.

At two o'clock in the morning, when the tour guide and soldiers were asleep, two tourists got out of their sleeping bags, one stayed in the camp to observe, and the other left with a camera and a flashlight. Instead of taking pictures, he went around Look around the crater.

He wandered around the crater, studied for a long time in several places with suspicious signs, made a circle around the volcano, and then returned to the camp.

Those who stayed behind saw those who had gone out come back, walked out of the camp, went to the area watching the crater and asked quietly, "Did you find anything?"

"No." The person who went out to reconnaissance replied softly: "There are only normal traces left by the tourists, and there is nothing suspicious. Her purpose may not be here, and the higher-ups may guess wrong."

"I guess it's more likely over there in the animal and plant sanctuary."

"My guess is that it's over there too. It's too desolate to come here without forming a team. Her oriental face is too obvious, and it's easy to be recognized when mixed into the team. Those people said that they have never seen similar people, so they can't be wrong. .”

"Even if you haven't been here, you still have to go to Dallol Volcano and Salt Fields tomorrow."

The two chattered and whispered for a while, then returned to the camp lightly, lay down and went back to sleep.

They fell asleep, and Le Yun, who was staying in the space, wanted to swear at her mother, damn it, someone was trying to plot against her again!
Originally, when I saw the helicopter, I just kept my eyes open, so I didn’t give up scouting at other times except for the time of meditation and practice. I scouted someone’s activities in the middle of the night, so I deliberately focused my attention on scouting. I crawled out of the space to study what that person was doing in the middle of the night, and found that someone was wandering around the place where I had dug plants with a flashlight. I thought that who, like myself, came here just to dig plants.

She didn't make a sound, she lurked behind the solidified rock-like magma pile and watched silently. When the man walked away, she sneaked up and tracked again until she was not far away from the camp. She crawled back to the space to eavesdrop for safety, because the Getting closer, I heard the whispers of the two.

Even if the two little mice didn't specify their surnames, she knew in a second that they were looking for her, and it was not a friendly one. If Mr. Ferrari really sent someone to protect her, then they wouldn't use helicopters to find them in Ethelau. People, Mr. Ferrari has a wide range of contacts. It is impossible not to know that Ethiopia is an African country that China mainly aids. Generally speaking, the people of Ethiopia are very friendly to the people of China. Her security in Ethiopia is far higher than that in Yemen. Times, so there is no point in sending bodyguards to look for her.

Some people are looking for themselves, and they want to stay in Africa forever.

Le Yun twitched her lips in disdain, wanting to do some tricks, ah bah, if she hadn't disguised herself in the traveling team for digging medicinal herbs, even if she met the little scumbags face to face, they wouldn't know her.

Originally, I wanted to grab the little slags and throw them into the crater, so that they would melt until there was no scum left. After thinking about it, it is very simple to catch the little slags. It will be very troublesome if the scumbags are killed. After all, they came with travel agencies and soldiers. If tourists disappear inexplicably, the Ethiopian side may suspect terrorists and will impose martial law on the Bunagil Valley. She temporarily I can't leave for half a while, which is like trapping myself in it.

I can't kill the scumbags, I'm not in a good mood, but fortunately she remembers the smell of that scumbag, and next time I can find them as long as they appear within my sense of smell, unless they never appear in my presence again At present, otherwise there will be a time when "a gentleman will take revenge, ten years will not be too late".

For the sake of safety, it was not convenient to dig plants in the second half of the night, so Le Yun fell asleep and woke up on time to listen to the sounds outside again.

The tour guides and soldiers sleeping in the crater camp still wake up the tourists at the agreed time to watch the magma movement in the crater in the morning and watch the sunrise. Dallol Volcano.

Before they left, the helicopter circled around the crater from a high altitude before leaving, but the volcanic area was not quiet. In the evening, another tourist team came, with a total of five vehicles.

Knowing that there are little scumbags looking for her, Le Yun did not go out after the little scumbags went down the mountain. If the scumbags have a telescope and find her whereabouts, it will greatly affect her plan. Who told her to go A trip to Dallol geothermal volcano.

She stayed in the space, and only dug plants when the slag really went away. At dusk, she found a new travel team and sighed silently. Why is it so difficult for her to dig a medicine?

She arrived at the Erta Ale active crater on the 6th, and stayed all night. On the evening of the 7th, Xiao Zhazha came, causing her to waste a night and half a day, and the time was already on the 8th.

Tourists came one after another, Le Yun had no choice but to dig plants desperately before dark, and help some plants to scatter their seeds in places with volcanic ash and soil, so that they can reproduce.

She waits for the tourists to climb the mountain, she avoids it, waits for everyone to fall asleep in the early morning, and digs plants frantically again, waits for the tourists to get up to see the scenery and then avoids it, when the tourists go down the mountain, she also descends from the other side of the volcano, and then goes around Far away, follow the road opened by the travel agency to the Dallol Volcano, which must be visited.

Dallol Volcano is only 25 kilometers away from Erta Ale Active Volcano, but that is a straight-line distance. In fact, you have to camp in a camp for one night on the way, and then go to the depression, so that you can catch up with the time.

On the way, Le Yun didn’t take a bath in the salt lake that floats like the Dead Sea. She just collected a lot of water. She used the mineral water bottle she picked up on the way up the volcano, washed it herself, and then filled it with Salt water, collect some dirt.

In order to get ahead of the tour group and buy more time for myself, I took a shortcut around the camping place, rode a motorcycle on the road to the Danakil depression, and did not rest until dark, along the tour team Walk the road of coming and going.

In the middle of the night, they crossed the salt fields where the Afar people mined salt.

The Afar people are a conservative people, they don't like to deal with outsiders, and they are not very friendly to outsiders. There are no guards to lead the way, not to mention it is night, Le Yun did not go to the saltworks, and put away the motorcycle near the saltworks. Run yourself across the salt pans in a run.

Even if the Afar people are friendly to outsiders and welcome people to the salt field to watch them dig salt at any time, she will not go. She is in a hurry. Yesterday's group of tourists will rest in the camp that night and have to wait until tomorrow morning. If she arrives early Arriving at Lore Volcano can buy me a lot of time for research.

The ground around the salt lake is cracked due to lack of water, like countless pieces of patterns stitched together. Even in the daytime, the gray-white land cannot be seen at a glance. As you get closer to the sulfur volcano, the color of the gray-white salt field circles It deepens and gradually turns brownish yellow. Large and small circles are formed by the crust like a ridge.

Then came the salt-producing area. Le Yun ran across the endless salt lake, away from the work site of the salt miners, arrived at a place without salt layers, and took out his motorcycle to run again.

In order to end her trip to Ethiopia as soon as possible, she also went all out. She drove along the tracks left by the wheels of the tour group, and kept approaching the volcano. The smell of sulfur and lava was sour. The stronger the sour smell, the sooner she entered a Sulfur Lava Basin.

From a long time ago to the present, continuous volcanic activity has formed the volcanic landforms of the Dallo Volcanic Area in the Danakil Depression. Volcanic hotspots, ground fissures, ground springs and steam springs and underground lavas contain various minerals and salts. Movement occurs to form salt crystals, which are colorful and extremely gorgeous, but beauty is beautiful, but some are poisonous. Whether it is sulfur and salt crystals or acid lakes, they are all highly corrosive.

The travel agency has a camp for rest not far from the volcano. Leyun parks a car far away and walks by himself. The volcanic lava basin is full of sulfur piles like coral bushes, calcium sulfate towers, sulfuric acid pools and Yanhua terraces. Color and shape Beautiful and moving.

Not excited.

Looking at the sulfur piles in different shapes and shapes like works of art, Le Yun was not moved. When she got closer, she found that the camp of the travel agency was not guarded. center.

It is said to be a volcano, but it does not have the shape of a mountain. It is just a few relatively tall lava piles, surrounded by large and small sulfuric acid pools and sulfur piles, and Yanhuatai. The gorgeous colors make it as beautiful as an alien planet. The smell of sulfur, flames, and rotten eggs are mixed together, which is very pungent, and the heat blows against the face, making people feel like they are in a sauna.

The closer to the central area, the stronger the corrosion. In order not to scrap the shoes, Le Yun took out the anti-corrosion high-top rubber shoes and put them on. He jumped and walked among the piles of sulfur circles like ridges. Because of the strong smell and heat, he reached the real If you can't go any further, take out a container to hold the strong acid liquid, knock out the lumps on the sulfur pile, get a few pieces of each color and store them in a spare container.

When walking out, I moved a few beautiful salt towers, salt shoots, and a few faded piles of towers for research, collected enough raw materials to make poisonous items, patted my ass, and quickly run away.

Leaving the volcanic area full of sulfur pools, wandering around the salt mountain for half a circle and still not finding lizards or other insects or plants, Le Yun once again expressed her deep regret, picked up some salt mountain blocks, and took advantage of the fact that there was still one day before dawn. After several hours, I drove back to Mekele by bicycle at night.

(End of this chapter)

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