Chapter 897 Playing Cards Not According to the Rules (Revised)
Going back to Mekele City from the geothermal volcano is closer than the route to Erta Ale. I hope that I can rush back to the city before half morning, and then go to the trading market to buy some coffee beans. and some pottery.

In order to be able to buy coffee beans with the most original flavor in the northernmost part of Ethiopia, she also worked hard. When she could go all out, she would speed up and run, rushing back to Mekele City at [-] o'clock in the morning, rushing to trade in a hurry The market is ready to sweep.

As a result, she went a little early, and there were only three or two kittens selling vegetables in the market. It was not until the sun was high that men, women, old and young came from all directions to set up stalls in the market.

The opening of the market means that there is an opportunity to practice Amharic. Le Xiao is shopping happily, and chatting about the prices in the local language he learned last time shopping, looking for goods in a sweeping way. , Buy coffee beans here, ceramics there, and handicrafts there.

Strolling from one end of the street to the other, the luggage bag on wheels is full of things. I bought a hundred catties of coffee beans alone. Naturally, I secretly moved some of them into the space to make more space for things.

After shopping around the market, she didn't find the woman who taught her the local language last time. Le Yun turned around again and searched for things again. A few clay pots for private use were bought back at a high price in the stall.

The locals tie the clay pots with braided ribbons as handbags, which can hold money or things, and can also be used as containers for water; clay pots are refined products, not only beautiful, but also delicate and exquisite. They are far more advanced than those on the market, and two of them are antiques, with a history of at least 100 years, indicating that they are daily necessities passed down from the tribe, and the surface is polished as smooth as wax.

In order to find other people's private goods, Le Yun squatted next to them and chatted with them. Starting from [-] birr, the price was raised three times. If the other party didn't want to sell it, she gave up. When the price increased to [-] birr, she would start. , only the price of the ancient understanding level was increased to [-] birr. When he saw that the other party was unwilling to sell and wanted to give up, the other party did not resist the temptation of [-] birr and sold the clay pot.

I found a lot of things, went to the place where the motorcycle was parked, tied the luggage to the back seat of the car, drove around, ran to a safe place outside the city, threw all the things back into the space, and then went back to Mekele City for a stroll , I bought some buckets and basins that can store water, packed them with many larger items and tied them to the back seat of the car, and then rode a motorcycle towards the airport.

The biggest advantage of Ethiopia is that there are not as many traffic police officers as China. As long as they don’t go to special places, they won’t stop the car to check their driver’s license. Le Yun finds out the situation and boldly drives without a license. Hide the car in an open area, get into the plateau and mountains of the airport, and collect plants while walking to the airport.

After climbing mountains and ridges to a place not far from the airport, I went back to the space to wash off the disguise technique, and returned to my original appearance. I packed my backpack and luggage. In addition to the items I brought when I entered the country, there were more souvenirs and coffee beans in the big backpack. And lovely artwork, the back front pouch has a cute little piece of pottery.

I packed up my luggage and sorted out the plants I dug up until around six o'clock in the evening. I reconnaissance the safety and reliability of the outside, left the space, walked from the place next to the mountain to the avenue, and walked to the airport.

The population density of Ethiopia is low. There are fewer vehicles and fewer people on the road between the urban area and the airport. She can’t stop a car on the road. She walked to the airport with two feet to enter the terminal building to buy tickets. , Buy a ticket to fly to the capital of Ethiopia that night, check in when you get the ticket, check your luggage through security, and enter the waiting hall.

Less than 10 minutes after Le bought the plane ticket, those who secretly followed the news of Ethiopian Airlines immediately conveyed the information they found to their own people.

Wu Gang, who is far away in Nanami, was in a good mood at the most famous seaside in Nanami. When he received a report from his subordinates, he burst into laughter: "A group of idiots! What are they doing? They are in that area, why are they in that area for more than ten days?" Can't even find her shadow, can she go to heaven and earth?"

In the capital of Ethiopia, a young man with a Southeast Asian face sat in a star-rated hotel, silently listening to Mr. Wu Gang’s lectures, and did not interrupt in the middle. After the scolding stopped, he calmly replied: “Sir, how many times have our people traveled?” It was speculated that she might go to a place, but no one was actually found, and even the few cameras that Mekele could find did not show her trace."

"I can't blame you either. That person is as cunning as a fox and has high anti-stalking skills. It's understandable that you can't find him. What's her next goal?" Wu Gang knew it wasn't their fault when he heard the reward from his subordinates. It's just that the oriental girl is too cunning, even Miao Miao Dan suffers from the girl's hands, not to mention the young people who have never really competed with the girl.

"Sir, her next stop is where you are."

"Let her come here, I'll wait for her to throw herself into the trap."

"Yes!" The young man responded quickly, and when the master had no other instructions, he told his companions to return quickly and go to Nami Country tomorrow.

Le Yun waited at the airport for more than an hour before boarding the plane. The small plane can carry about 40 people, and it was almost full that day. They all just returned to Mekele from places such as the Depression Volcano and the northernmost border town ruins that afternoon. Taking the night flight back to the capital of Ethiopia, there was even a group of eight Chinese tourists who organized themselves.

Because the Huaxia tourist group of the group tour sat in the front row, she bought the ticket late and sat in the back row, so there was no intersection. The small plane took off on time and landed in the capital in about a hundred minutes.

There is no nightlife in the capital of Ethiopia, and it is already nine o'clock when the plane lands. Few of the residents of the capital city are wandering on the streets. Many tourists returning from other cities rest in the airport terminal in order to catch their flight tomorrow morning. Tourists who have a schedule go back to the city to stay in a hotel.

Le Xiao, who is not picky about housing requirements, is also resting in the waiting hall. For personal safety, it is not suitable to sleep in the waiting hall. He holds a small notebook to read study materials, listen to lectures, and take a break at intervals to read books. , take a rest, read the notebook and listen to the lecture.

The night was very long. However, the little girl spent the night switching between reading books and laptops. When Ethiopia ushered in the sunrise, people waiting in the airport terminal also went to the bathroom to wash their faces and hands. , get ready for boarding.

Le's flight took off at six o'clock, and soon after dawn, he was notified to board the plane at the airport, and the passengers lined up to go to the dedicated passage to the apron.

There is a direct flight from the capital of Ethiopia to the capital of Namibia, without connecting planes in the middle, the flight time is about 5 hours and 50 minutes, and finally arrives at the capital of Namibia.

More than five hours is not a short period of time, plus the whole night last night, so that little student Le also read all the information in the notebook, and after reading two books, he reached his goal and collected Pick up the belongings, get off the plane with the passengers full of passion, and walk towards the entry channel.

Nanometer entry requires a health check certificate and a certificate of yellow fever. Le’s book is a certificate issued by Mr. Old Ferrari from the largest hospital in Rome, so it is not a problem, and all the necessary procedures are in place, so it is easy. pass.

Walking out of the gate of the entry passage, Le Yun did not go out of the terminal building, but instead went to the Nanami domestic flight area, and found the customer service to ask some questions about renting helicopters. The communication team was English and German. The customer service help called the dispatch center, and it was very fast. Come back quickly, if the guests really need it, the airport can draw out a helicopter and rent it to the guests.

Le Yun was instantly happy, and decisively rented a helicopter, first stored some luggage at the airport, and then went to the terminal office with a beautiful and gentle lady called by the customer service to go through the rental procedures.

The attitude of the personnel engaged in the service industry in Nagoya is particularly good. The staff of the terminal invited the young guests to the office of the terminal building and warmly made coffee for them.

The person in charge was also very enthusiastic, warmly received the little guest from the Huaxia nationality of the Eastern Friendship Country, asked some necessary questions, and took out the documents for the little girl to read.

The document is the contract and risk statement about renting the helicopter, listing the responsibilities of both parties, how to deal with accidents and other details.

Le Yun read it quickly, and found it very reasonable after scanning the past. The management of the tourism industry in Namibia is very humane and professional. It is really responsible for the protection of the personal safety of each tourist. Basically, travel to Namibia , if it is not for the weather, as long as you don't die, your safety is guaranteed.

Nagolia drives on the left, that is, sails on the right and drives on the left, while China travels on the left and on the right. If the driving style is different from that in Nagoya, or those who like drag racing themselves and have poor driving skills, they still insist on driving by themselves because they are not familiar with the right-hand drive. Nafang cannot be blamed if there is a car accident while sailing left.

There was no problem with the document, Le Yun signed it without hesitation, and the person in charge also signed it. The contract was made in triplicate, one for the customer, one for the airline, and one for the security department to file.

Pay after signing. The airport is a public place. You can use a credit card or directly swipe a bank card. You don’t need to change currency. You can pay in Euros. By the way, Le Yun asks the staff to exchange [-] Euros for nano-coins, so that you can pay when you need to shop.

The staff quickly sent the coins to the competition, and the person in charge dispatched the helicopter. Half an hour later, the helicopter, the two pilots and the accompanying personnel were waiting for orders on the apron. Instruct the pilot and accompanying personnel to fly safely and so on.

After listening to the young lady's advice, Le Yun was once again impressed by the seriousness and responsibility of the airline company. Nanami's people-oriented concept is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The drivers boarded the cockpit, and the accompanying security officer guided the young guests to board the plane. The helicopter is medium-sized and can seat seven people. The plane is well maintained, and the interior of the plane is also spotless.

Le Yun sat near the door to take pictures, tied the safety rope, and the accompanying personnel checked the safety measures of the little guests to confirm that they were safe, and notified the pilots to take off. The helicopter slowly rose and flew obliquely to the coastal Namib in the northwest direction. desert.

The child disappeared for several days, bought a plane ticket, and then flew to Nagoya. Milo knew her flight time very well, and did not pick her up at the airport. He thought that the child might not like the way he was always waiting for her at her destination. He was going to look for her again when she arrived in that area.

Therefore, he did not transport him back to Wind, the capital of Namibia, at the resort in Whale Bay. He waited until the afternoon, hoping to wait for the children’s new travel route, such as whether to stay in a hotel first or fly to which city, or charter a car from a travel agency to which plant In the protected area, I waited and waited and there was no news. I was very puzzled.

Handsome Mi Luo was just wondering, but Wu Feng almost exploded in anger. Just as he was waiting for someone to go out of the terminal in Naguo, the person he arranged would approach the target, but that person didn't even leave the terminal!
It's fine if you don't leave the terminal, but you even rented a helicopter and left!
When Wu Gang received the report from the subordinates who flew to Naguo on the same plane as the girl from the East, his lungs exploded. What was the reincarnation of that damned little girl? Why did she never follow the normal path?

He was dying of anger.

Even if you are angry with a big kid who doesn't take an unusual path, you are even more angry with the airline company. Those managers are dead. That child is obviously underage, and the airline company even rented her a helicopter. Are you all out of your mind?
He was so angry that he blew his beard and stared and scolded the Oriental girl bitterly in his heart. Wu Gang didn't scold his own people, so he immediately asked someone to rent a helicopter to check his whereabouts, and arrange the next step after finding out the purpose of the little kid.

About 10 to [-] minutes after Wu Gang made the phone call, a helicopter took off from Nagolia's only international airport not far from Walvis Bay, where he was staying, and flew north.

Le Yun, who took the helicopter, watched the scenery of Nami country from the air with great interest. Nami country was once a colony of D country, and many cities retained the unique style of D country. Walking in some towns of Nami, it is often misunderstood as In country D.

Nanami is sparsely populated and has the lowest population density in the world. Therefore, even if it is the capital, the population density is not high. There are no tall skyscrapers or modern high-rise buildings. The buildings are relatively short and the streets and alleys It is not as crowded and noisy as densely populated countries, and the people live a leisurely and comfortable life.

Helicopters pass by from a high altitude, and modern high-rise buildings cannot be seen. The surroundings are blue sky and white clouds, and the bottom is a mountain plain with continuous green vegetation. Among the greens, there are rural areas and residential towns. The condescending view of the scenery is refreshing.

In order for the girls of Huaxia Kingdom to take pictures of the beautiful scenery of Namiland, the helicopter did not fly very fast. It flew obliquely from the capital to the coastal desert in the northwest, flew over plateaus and plains, and arrived near the highest peak of Namiland, Bland Peak. At that time, it enters the plain connected with the desert, and then transitions from the plain to the desert near the sea.

The climate in Namibia is different from that of Ethiopia. November and December in Ethiopia are dry seasons, while December in Namibia enters summer. During the hottest summer, the inland temperature can reach 11 degrees Celsius during the day, and the coastal cold current The temperature is kept between 12-12 degrees Celsius, and there is often dense fog at night.

Little Loli arrived in Nami on December 12th, which is the summer in Namibia. There are 11 sunny days in Namibia a year, and the sun was shining brightly on that day. Fortunately, the temperature in the capital is not very high soon after summer.

When the helicopter flies north and enters the semi-arid plain area near the desert, the temperature rises significantly. When the helicopter flies, there is wind, and when the sun shines on the body, it still feels hot.

To observe the centennial orchids and plants in the long and narrow coastal zone, the little guests of Huaxia arrived at the plain and lowered the altitude again, so that the little guests could observe more clearly.

Looking down at the plain, Le Yun was very excited. She really wanted to send her to the wasteland by helicopter, so that she could dig plants happily. Unfortunately, she couldn’t do that, so she could only study which areas had what she was looking for. plant.

The closer you get to the coast from the plain to the coast, the more deserted the plain is, and it is difficult to see people. Because it is summer, it is almost the season with more rain in the year in the north of Nanami, and the vegetation is the most vibrant season of the year. , but where there are plants are green.

At the junction of the plain and the desert, it is a gravel sandy plain, and the plants are sparse; in some parts of the desert, there is no shadow of any plants, only a desert, the color is lighter than orange red, and it is deeper than the yellow sand of ordinary deserts. Some, in some places in the desert, there will be ponds and large depressions, forming green land.

After flying for a long time, the pilot reminded that when we reached the area where the orchid grows, Le Yun wished to grow eyes, and stared at the sky with the telescope prepared on the plane. After less than 3 minutes, he really saw There are clusters of plants scattered on the sandy desert beach at the edge of the desert and the plain.

Centennial orchid is a unique plant in Africa. It only grows in the Southwest Angola and the Namibia adjacent to the Namibia Desert, and it only grows in the narrow and long coastal deserts. It does not exist everywhere in the coastal deserts, and it also has certain regional restrictions.

The helicopter is at a certain height from the desert ground, and the smell is very light. Le Yun held up the binoculars to observe, and the more she looked, the more excited she became. There are termites, poisonous snakes, scorpions, and lizards in the gravel plain. Not only can you collect Centennial Orchid can also catch snakes, dig ants, catch scorpions and frogs, um, it couldn't be happier.

Because there was a hurry, the helicopter landed in the desert, only circled in the air, and then continued to fly north to a Gulf port. The personnel on the helicopter found that there was a helicopter far behind, and it was probably rented by someone. Deliberate aerial photography also gave them a feeling that they were no longer sailing alone.

They fly a little slower, and the helicopter behind them is not very far away, sometimes the distance can be shortened to about two kilometers.

As the helicopter goes forward, the driver and security personnel will take the initiative to remind the little guests in the East to fly and fly over the gravel desert plain and pass the scenic spots and accommodations in the desert park. Passed a few towns, most of the area was deserted.

Flying for more than four hours, at dusk, the helicopter that sent the little oriental guests flew to Opuwo, the home city of the Himba tribe of red clay people near the most northwest of Namib, leading to the Namib Desert, and entering the desert on the highway Fria Bay is not far away. When it was about two days away from the bay, it landed in a place with centennial orchids.

The Oriental girl was originally going to the border area with Angola. The airline company considered that the guest was a half-old child and was traveling alone. For the sake of her safety, the airline did not agree, so they jointly negotiated a landing point acceptable to both parties—— Choose a place to land near Fria Bay, or near Rocky Point, and keep within about three days of walking distance from one of the two places. It is close to the mouth of the touristy bay, and the satellite signal is better. Even if you get lost, you can call for help immediately.

The helicopter landed without hovering. When it approached the ground, the wind from the propellers blew the semi-desert sand and dust into the air, like a puff of smoke. The swirling dust cloud did not weaken until the blades stopped.

After the sand and dust settled, the security personnel agreed that Dongfang girl would untie the safety rope and accompany her to get off the plane.

Landing from the hanging ladder of the helicopter, stepping on the sandy ground, Le Yun threw down her big backpack excitedly, and jumped vigorously. To be honest, seeing the scenery in the sky is very beautiful, but it still can't compare to the good feeling of being down to earth.

When the accompanying personnel came down, she immediately took the warm and friendly uncle-level Nanami friend to take pictures, helped him take pictures with the pilot, took pictures with him, and asked him to take a few pictures of her and the plane.

The security officer took a lot of photos of the girl and the helicopter, and then sent her to a safe place, handed her the health phone provided by the airline, and repeatedly urged her to return to the helicopter cabin.

The propeller of the helicopter rotates again, and slowly rises, and flies to the front of Fria Bay to park. The Oriental girl charters the flight for half a month, and the helicopter will be her private plane in the next half month, unless it encounters the National Defense The contract will only be terminated if the girl is transferred, so they will wait in front of the Fria Bay, as long as the girl wants to change places, they will pick up and drop off.

When their plane landed, another helicopter not far from them passed by nearby and went to the plain to take pictures of the scenery. When they took off again, another helicopter made a big bend and flew forward over the desert.

Watching the helicopter fly away, Le Yun, carrying a big backpack, rushed to the side of a big centenarian orchid, squatted down, and pushed back half of its withered and rolled-up strip leaves, looking at its two large Sand under the base of the leaf.

Centennial orchid is also called thousand-year-old orchid. It is the rarest living fossil precious plant. It looks very strange. The main stem of other plants grows upwards. Its main stem is quite like Yugen, which grows downwards. Part of it is exposed to the ground, and the exposed part is the base of the leaf. There are only two leaves in a lifetime, which are long and ribbon-shaped. It's actually two pieces.

The place where she landed is the edge of the desert, which is a semi-desert area. There are scattered plants in a large area towards the plain, and the orchids are scattered in the semi-desert area. The leaves of the largest centenarian orchid spread out and occupy a large space. The smaller centenarians are as big as a washbasin when spread out, and no trees that are too small have been seen.

What Le Yun is looking at is a centenarian orchid whose leaves are spread out and are seven or eight meters wide. Its huge leaf base is about four inches above the ground. There is a small centenarian orchid hidden under it, about two or three years old, and the leaves are not long yet.

Take out one leaf and look at it, then look under the other leaves, study for a while, take out a shovel and a large flower pot to dig sand when no one is around, put the sand in the pot, fill the pot half full, and dig down Pit, dig a hole, and pick sand in a place with your hands.

The sand that was picked was placed in the small hole dug before, and a group of tender plant stems that looked like garlic heads were soon exposed. It was a young plant of the centenarian orchid, which was as big as a garlic head, with a short root on the top. An arc is like a young crescent moon leaf, because it has not yet broken out of the ground, and is protected by the mother's huge shadow, and has not been exposed to the sun, so the stem is still bright yellow with a little white color.

The seeds of Centennial Orchid are very small, and most of them are deflated. Normally, only one in ten thousand seeds have the chance to germinate and grow into a plant. Therefore, even in coastal areas, Centennial Orchid is not Not everywhere, it is also listed as a world-class endangered rare plant.

Le Yun's original intention was to dig the grown-up plants and move them into the space, but the rhizomes they hide in the ground are too deep, and they have to wait until night to dig, and the daytime is too dangerous. If she is photographed by aerial photography, she will be reported. collect them.

Carefully pull away the sand around the young plant. Before the head of the young plant breaks through the soil, the roots have grown downward, absorbing water and nutrients, and then digging down, digging seven or eight centimeters deep and then digging to the bottom. Shovel it all up, transplant it into a flower pot, shovel the sand from its original growth site, bury it, and send it back to the space.

Fill the hole, then grab a few handfuls of sand with seeds from another place and scatter it down, and then fill in the sand, then restore the moved place to its original state, pour water from the space well on the roots of the centenarian, and dig out a mother plant Small seedlings need to be compensated.

The centenarian orchid is dioecious. According to the smell analysis, what she dug up was a male plant, and she had to find a female plant. Le Yun carried her backpack and looked for the female plant, but she couldn't find it. For seedlings, it will take a while to see the sun go down, so go dig other plants first.

Nagolia is the driest country south of the Sahara Desert. Some areas in the desert have not seen a drop of rain for several years. In the desert, semi-desert or arid plain, many animals and plants have also adapted to the environment and formed an ecological circle.

For a little loli who wants to dig and dig every plant that can be used, the unique plants in each region are valuable to collect, so the creatures in the semi-desert area are her goals, dig plants, dig bugs, see What to charge.

Going deep into the plain for a few miles, I found a few "spirit circles" that are common in the plains of Nanami. In fact, they are some empty spaces in the middle, with circles of vegetation growing outside. Scientists have nothing to do to study their formation. The reason has been researched for a long time and various arguments are still being made.

Finding the fairy circle, Le Yun researched and observed for a while, picked a strange circle that was bare in the middle, and the outside plants were not very tall, took out a hoe and dug from the edge of the circle, dug for a long time, dug a termite nest, took out an incense stick and lit it It goes to the hole of their nest, blows the smoke into the hole, smokes it for a while, puts the incense there to let it ignite spontaneously, then digs another strange circle, digs into the termite nest and lights the incense.

Afterwards, I went to the first strange circle and continued digging. I peeled off the upper part of the termite nest, and I saw some termites that were stunned in the nest holes. I took out a net that the pet goldfish used to clean up the goldfish excrement, one net at a time. The net termites, put them in a net bag, and then clean up the soil that comes back when you have time.

The nests of termites are layer by layer, extending in all directions. There are thousands of ants in the nest. Only the first nest was collected with a weight of two catties. The excavated area was backfilled, and then the second nest of termites was collected. Empty its nest, the sun has reached the horizon.

Seeing that it was getting late, Le Yun ran back to the place where the orchid grew like a gust of wind, found a small orchid with short leaves, and started digging.

(End of this chapter)

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