magic eye doctor

Chapter 960 Silly

Chapter 960 Silly
In April, the Huaxia Kingdom is basically still cold in spring. Hanshi in E North is known as a stove in summer. This season, it can’t get rid of the cold spring. The air conditioner in the ward is very warm. However, Wu Jianye’s heart is frozen. It was cold, his limbs were stiff, and he could hardly accept the fact: his son might be stupid!

After the operation, the child wakes up with dull eyes and slow response to sound. It can be said that the effect of anesthesia has not been eliminated after the operation, and the brain responds slowly. Cranial surgery takes time to recover.

But on the fourth day after the operation, the child was still demented. He didn't respond to calling his name, and he couldn't recognize his relatives. The reaction of a fool like a child with dementia was exactly the same.

Various scans and photographs showed that everything was normal. The only explanation was that when he hit the back of the head, the fragments of the skull bone injured the cranial nerves, and the mass in the brain affected the nerves, so he became unresponsive.

The hospital cannot be blamed, because the location of a small blood clot in the brain is too sensitive, and the risk of surgery is too high, so it is not suitable for surgery. The bone fragments of the patient's broken skull have been taken out, and the operation was successful. The hospital informed the family members of the possible sequelae before the operation, and the family members also signed the surgical risk letter to agree to the operation. The sequelae of the operation are also one of the risk accidents, which are borne by the patient himself and his family members.

After learning that his son might be like Wang Tiao's foolish son in Xiashuitian for the rest of his life, Wu Jianye collapsed. His son was the heir to incense and became a fool.

When Li Jiaojiao heard that her son might become an idiot, she would just cry. Doctor Ren said that it might be a short-term phenomenon. After the blood clots in the brain dissipate naturally or the nerves recover slowly, they will recover as before. She didn't listen to a word about health or anything.

Father Wu squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, his face trembling with pain. Could it be that it was really retribution?

Wu Jianye sat on the bench in front of the hospital bed in despair, and didn't even respond when the doctor left. After a long, long time, he moved his neck in a daze, stared fixedly at the child on the hospital bed, and there was a voice in his heart: idiot, idiot, idiot... …

After a long pause, he shrank and made a hoarse voice: "Dad, let's go to the capital, go to the capital military hospital, and find the little short-lived ghost of Lejia..."

Isn't Lejia's little short-lived ghost often seeing a doctor for soldiers, isn't he the savior of soldiers?Go to the military hospital and become a patient. Even if the little short-lived ghost of the Le family has a personal grievance with the Wu family, he has no choice but to save the Wu family.

"Yes, go to the capital! Go to the military hospital..." After Wu Jianye muttered to himself, he seemed to be injected with a dose of stimulant and instantly cheered up.

Father Wu, who was holding his head, raised his head when he heard the sound. He was dazed at first, then hesitant, followed by a cheerful expression. Yes, Le Xiaoshougui is in the capital. If he can't be cured in the military hospital, the hospital will definitely treat him. Come forward to find Le Xiaoshougui for help.

As for the cost, he didn't worry at all. Students have insurance, even if it costs hundreds of thousands, they will have to pay tens of thousands after reimbursement. Moreover, because his grandson is a student, even if he is admitted to the hospital, he doesn't need to pay too much deposit.

Li Jiaojiao, who was so dizzy from crying, was stunned: "Is it useful? Can going to the capital cure it?"

"You don't want to say despondent words and curse Baozai! You are also a burden to follow. You can do nothing but cry, and you can't help anything. It will only waste more money, so don't follow me anymore." Wu Jianye was very angry when he heard his wife's words. Hit one and accuse her fiercely, women just can't get on the stage, and they have nothing to do except cry.

"...I, woo—" Being scolded by her husband for being useless, Li Jiaojiao was angry and anxious, and cried aggrievedly.

Wu Jianye didn't bother to talk to Li Jiaojiao, and immediately packed up some changed clothes and unnecessary supplies, and forced Li Jiaojiao to go home first. After the operation, the child couldn't bear the shock, so he had to stay in the hospital for at least a few days until he was stable before transferring to the capital. I was in a hurry when I was sent to the doctor, and I needed to go home to get all my documents, medical insurance card, child's student insurance policy, and so on.

The youngest son and daughter-in-law went home, and Wu's father was watching in the hospital. Anyway, he didn't need to do important things. He only called the nurse to change the medicine bottle during the injection, and did some trivial things that didn't require much effort.

The son's hospitalization expenses were reimbursed, but the living expenses of the adults were not reimbursed. Wu Jianye was also reluctant to spend a lot of money to fly, take the train back to the city, and then transfer to Jiudao. When they rushed to the station, they were late and missed I left at [-] o'clock in the morning, took the train at nearly [-] o'clock, and traveled for more than seven hours to Shishi. At that time, there was no car back to Jiudao. I took the bus to Fangxian County and stayed in a hotel first. The next morning Then take the bus back to Jiudao.

When the little grandson had an accident, Wu's mother didn't follow her to the hospital, but waited anxiously at home. She was relieved when the little son came back, thinking that nothing was wrong, but she heard that the child may become a fool if he is unresponsive after the operation, as if struck by lightning It seemed like weeping all over the place.

The old lady can only cry, and the wife can only cry. Wu Jianye was so irritable that he simply ignored them and went to the school to ask the school to stamp some places that needed to be stamped. When he returned to the village, he heard the women going to the market saying The Lejia girl from Meizijing Village returns to her hometown to worship her ancestors during the Qingming Festival, and she brings bodyguards and other gossip with her. She hates and annoys her. The "returning home in good clothes" made the villagers in all directions envious.

Their family's misfortune happened one after another, and they were said to be retribution. At first, he didn't take it seriously, thinking that his sister and brother's misfortune had nothing to do with him, but he didn't expect that his son had an accident instead.

If the villagers know that their son has mental problems, they will be reported to Meizijing Village on the next market day. People who are not in the right order will clap their hands and applaud when they find out, wishing that their Wu family will be so unlucky that they will never be able to get up again.

Wu Jianye followed a few women who came back from the market, and stopped following after hearing the gossip. He waited for the people to go far away before entering the village and returning home. When he saw the old woman crying with red and swollen eyes and still wiping tears, he had to tell others not to break her mouth. know about his son.

Thinking of the eldest brother who turned into a vegetable upstairs, he felt that the family was unlucky, and his son would be unlucky. Maybe it was because the elder brother brought the bad luck and bad luck back to wash away the good luck of the family, so he and his son were also unlucky.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt, and he didn't want to stay at home for too long, so he took some change of clothes and all his documents, and took the afternoon bus to pick up the market, and then took the car to Hanshi Hospital to keep watch. When his son's condition stabilized, he was discharged as soon as possible. to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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