magic eye doctor

Chapter 961 Handsome Yan is Here

Chapter 961 Handsome Yan is Here

When the Wu family father and son were trembling with fear, Le classmate was very happy in the tropical jungle of Praslin Island in Seychelles. The tropical island facing the ocean has dense vegetation, and because it is far away from the mainland Islands, many precious animals and plants that belong to the Indian Ocean have been preserved.

There are so many plants and small animals in tropical ocean islands, student Le got into the jungle and became a savage, and he was reluctant to leave. He just collected medicinal plants, even if he followed the principle of picking two out of five and picking three out of seven. I harvested a lot, and also filled the gaps of several plants that only grow on tropical islands in the Indian Ocean. I found several unique spices on the island, caught many medicinal bugs, and extracted the blood of many lizards and scorpions. and juice
At night, you can go to the beach in no-man’s land and let the little fox go into the sea to catch treasures. Even if you don’t get gold, silver and jewelry back, you can get back a lot of giant clams. Not only does it have aura, but it can also be used as a water tank to raise aquatic plants and marine life.

In particular, the 14th and 15th are Easter holidays in Seychelles. The residents of the whole island celebrate Easter, and tourists also experience the customs. , she can dig plants in areas close to human settlements, and salvage sunken treasures on beaches closer to scenic beaches.

After a few days of tossing around, the harvest of plants was huge, and there was nothing too amazing about the underwater treasures. Although the little fox did catch some pottery and porcelain, the age is relatively recent, and there are no rare pottery, but the most salvaged ones It's giant clams. Giant clams are marine organisms in tropical ocean areas. The Seychelles Islands belong to tropical oceans. A total of more than [-] giant clams were brought back, forming a strong aura.

The only depressing thing is that even though the aura of various treasures in the space has accumulated to a considerable degree, the space still hasn't absorbed it. It can only be understood that the aura is too little to fill the gaps in the space, so it hasn't been absorbed yet.

After working as a savage in the jungle on the island for several days, he almost ran all over Praslin Island and collected all the medicinal plants on the island. On the afternoon of the 16th, Le Xiao climbed out of the jungle and rushed to the airport to take a small plane back to Seychelles Seoul's capital.

Her original plan was to go back to the capital of Seychelles to go to the beach hotel to enjoy the sunset and the beach, and then go fishing for shrimps and hand them to the chefs on the beach at the scenic spot to help cook a meal. When the plane stopped at the take-off and landing area, I saw a staff member leading two people with Huaxia faces, and I was stunned at that time, oh my god, handsome Yan? !
Handsome Yan put on makeup, because he is tall, he changed the makeup into a European face. His skin is very fair, but he is not purely Caucasian. He has the characteristics of China. After a little careful analysis, he can guess that he is of yellow race and white. A kind of half-breed.

His disguised appearance is not particularly handsome, but it can withstand scrutiny. It is a good-looking type. A pair of dragon eyes are not so sharp, which is very masculine. His appearance looks almost the same as his actual age.

The tall young man with a changed face was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt, slacks, a small backpack, and a camera around his neck. He looked like a tourist on vacation.

As for the other person, um, she chose to ignore it, because the young and middle-aged man had a work card around his neck, and he was a staff member of the Chinese Embassy in Seychelles. From the name on the work card, his surname was Tang. What's more, the English name is too dull, and she doesn't even bother to look at it.

Seeing that Handsome Yan changed his face and wandered abroad, Le Yun is in a bad mood, it doesn't matter if that guy is not afraid of death, can he not come and drag her down?

The small plane was disembarking passengers, and the staff accompanied the people from the Huaxia embassy to the small plane, and asked the embassy staff from friendly countries to find the girl they were looking for from Huaxia.

The tourists who took the small plane back to Seychelles didn't pay much attention to the staff, and rushed to catch up with the next trip with their luggage.

As the embassy staff approached the small plane, Yan Xing changed his face, and saw the little girl who was getting off the stairs with her eyes wide open and showing surprise. She was in a good mood. He thought she was really fearless.

Seeing little Lolita get off the propeller helicopter, he quickly walked over to help her carry her backpack: "Xiao Le, are you having fun?"

He has practiced changing his vocal tract, and after changing his face, he also changed his voice. It is no longer the original cello-like D key, and his voice is not distinctive.

Being robbed of her backpack, Le Yun blew her beard and glared at someone depressedly: "Why are you looking for me?"

"Business issues, I'll tell you later." Yan Xing was not very happy to see Little Lolita, and he didn't know if he recognized him, maintaining a serious face like a staff member.

The staff at the Serbian airport saw the young Chinese man helping the girl with the oriental face to carry the luggage, and guessed that they had found the right person. They communicated with the staff of the embassy while walking towards the exit.

Being intercepted at the airport, Le Yun was in a depressed mood and followed along silently.

The staff at the airport naturally got convenience. They walked out of the airport through the passage that the staff took. The staff of the embassy thanked the staff at the Serbian airport repeatedly. They took the people they found and left the airport. Airport.

There was an embassy staff member driving, and Yan Xing sat in the back seat with little Lolita, far away from the airport. Before he could find a topic to talk to little Lolita, he was stared at by the little Lolita angrily, and slapped him. His head was wide open, and his eyes were round, and he sprayed viciously: "Someone, you better have a reasonable explanation to convince me, otherwise you will die!"

The little girl went crazy, and Comrade Tang, who was driving in front, quietly looked in the rearview mirror. When he saw the little girl's hand pressing the top of an officer's head, he silently looked away. There was no toughest, only more tough. The little girl was so tough.

In an instant, Yan Xing heard from the little lolita's tone that she saw through her disguise, and touched her padded nose in frustration: "Don't be so fierce, it's because domestic investigations found that a gang in a Southeast Asian country has been restless. You also came to Africa on the third day after you came to Cyprus, and the higher-ups were worried about your safety, so they sent me to personally protect you."

"Hmph, if you don't come, I'm safer." No one followed, she could change her appearance at any time, and no one would recognize her, just like she was wearing a disguised face in the deserts of M and Mexico in America. Running around, no one suspected that she was Asian, and thought she was a local.

Little Lolita didn't welcome him, so Yan Xing felt helpless and didn't bother to provoke her. He waited for the car to reach the downtown street and asked Comrade Tang to stop. He took Little Lolita off the car and walked to the hotel he booked.

The country of Seychelles itself is a multi-ethnic country, and tourists from all over the world have different skins. People who walk on the street have different skins and can hear various languages.

Someone from Yan was helping to carry the backpack, and Le Yun was carrying the bag in front of her. The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became, she stretched out her foot and kicked someone on Yan's calf: "I told you to come and make trouble, I told you to come and make trouble!"

Involuntarily kicked by the little Lolita, Yan Xing was very innocent: "Don't kick me, I also obey orders. How did you recognize me?"

(End of this chapter)

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