magic eye doctor

Chapter 964 Picking Fruits

Chapter 964 Picking Fruits

The four-wheel drive off-road vehicle wobbled while walking on the potholed road. Yan Xing was afraid that the car would hit the little girl's head when the car bumped, so he went around the back of the little girl's shoulder with his right hand and put his hand against the wall of the car on the other side for protection. She really bumped too hard several times along the way, and the little loli bumped into the palm of his hand.

Because he successfully protected the little Lolita from being hit, and the little Lolita didn't care about his arm resting behind her shoulder, which made him feel better.

When he could see the towering baobab tree in the distance, Yan Xing only glanced at it and then skipped it, still wholeheartedly protecting the little loli.

The Baobab Avenue is well-known, attracting tourists from all over the world to watch it like a pilgrimage. Whether it is the rainy season or the dry season of the Falkland Islands, tourists come to appreciate the bread tree and take pictures.

There is little rain in the west of the Falkland Islands. In the late dry season, the plants on both sides of the Baobab Avenue will wither and become bare, exposing the red soil; in the rainy season, the green color spreads, and the bread tree looks like a green carpet. The road where cattle, sheep, and people are crushed and trampled is bare.

April is the beginning of the dry season in the Falklands. The vegetation beside Baobab Avenue is still green and there is no rain. Naturally, there is no water on the road, so you can’t see the picture of Baobab Avenue turning into a waterway, and the road is not muddy. look.

There are simple shelves and sheds under the most representative baobab trees on Baobab Avenue. The nearby indigenous people set up stalls to sell bread tree fruits and carvings, and there are also swimming water sellers.

Tourists, men and women, looked up at the magical tree under the baobab tree. Their vehicles were parked not far away, and the sun was very hot. The local aboriginal sellers and many tourists hid under the shade of the trees.

When I saw a car driving towards Baobab Avenue, both tourists and locals who set up stalls were very dull, and the person who took the scene took a photo by the way.

The road surface was dry, and the traffic kicked up dust when the vehicles came and went.

Le Yun didn't want to eat dirt, and she didn't want others to eat dirt, so she asked the driver to stop before the first baobab tree on Baobab Avenue, and handsome Yan Yan got off with her luggage and paid the fare.

One-way chartered car, the driver took the fare, smiled Mimi and drove forward to see if there is any business in a place with many tourists.

The car kicked up dust, blocking people's sight. When the dust drifted away, Le Yun put on a big backpack and took pictures while walking with a camera, observing and collecting data on the bread trees.

Yan Xing only carried his own bag, and his bag was not light. It contained twenty catties of rice, a lot of food and water, and the total weight was nearly seventy catties, which seemed light to him. There is no pressure, so I carry the boss's bag, a small backpack tied around my waist in front of me, and hold a camera hanging around my neck, snapping shots of the little loli walking on the avenue.

The first section of Baobab Avenue is not worth seeing. It takes a walk to a place where the trees are denser to be shocking. The most beautiful place is not only rows of tall baobab trees, but also a lake next to the road. During the rainy season Seasonal waterholes also appear along roadsides from time to time, and dry up in the dry season without additional rainfall.

Most of the tourists are concentrated in the place where the baobab trees are lined up. Many people have to wait until dusk to take sunset shots. Most of the cars are parked under the bushes on the side of the road. Some tourists go to the opposite side of the lake, and some tourists rest or play under the tall bread trees.

Tourists usually travel in groups. Even self-driving is usually a small group. If a small group has common hobbies under the baobab tree, they will also communicate. People are in groups, which is very lively.

Seeing the two new tourists with bags on their backs, many tourists smiled kindly.

The baobab tree can bear fruit three times a year, which is enough to satisfy people's food and clothing. Therefore, in some places in Africa long ago, residents did not need to prepare anything when their children were born. They only needed to plant a few bread trees. The bread tree also bears fruit, so you don't have to worry about running out of food in your life.

There are many fruits hanging on the branches of the baobab tree. The tree is too tall. When you look up, the fruits you see are very small, because there are no stretches of virgin forest near the baobab tree avenue, and you can’t see the lemurs who love the fruit of the baobab tree. .

Seeing the fruits on the tall trees, Le Yun: "..." Well, there are so many fruits, and the leaves are so tender. It is rare that there are flower buds between the branches and leaves of the two crowns. I really want to climb the trees to pick the flowers, fruits and leaves. !
There are so many people, it is unreasonable to climb trees to pick fruits and leaves, so they have to hide their small plans silently in their hearts, scan and observe each baobab tree, analyze their data, compare the bread trees in their own space, and look at them What nutrition is lacking.

While observing, I also smiled at the friendly and smiling tourists. Everyone took pictures of each other in the background, or took pictures of the local aboriginal hawkers.

After studying the magical tree that grew tall and straight for a while, Le Yun went to a stall to buy breadfruit and carvings to ask the price. He asked in French first, but felt that the price was too high, so he bargained in the local ethnic language.

The natives who set up stalls basically speak French, and some understand English. When tourists communicate in French, they also use French. When a girl with an oriental face talks to herself in the common ethnic language of the island, she is very surprised. Communicate with tourists in local language.

The hawker and the girls had a lively conversation, and many tourists came to see how they were talking. When the girl saw the oriental faces, she took several tree sculptures of monkey-faced trees with bottle bellies, and only gave them a few dozen dollars. Dao was very surprised, so he asked the little girl to help him negotiate the price.

There are two tourists from country D, who can only speak German; two are from country E, who speak English only, and only Russian; two are from the Arabian Peninsula, who can speak Arabic and simple English; The American continent, only English.

Many tourists took a fancy to the carvings of Baobab trees with various shapes, such as "Lovers Tree", "Twin Trees", and "Bottle Belly Tree".

Listening to the tourists who came to catch me as an interpreter, talking about which woodcarving booth I want, the music is sweating, and in line with the principle of "helping others", please stay safe and don't get bored, one by one Come, start from the booth closest to you, whoever has a match will come.

Knowing that the oriental girl is not only proficient in the local language, French, English, but also German and Russian, several tourists were amazed. They were as enthusiastic as seeing a fellow countryman, and dragged the girl to help themselves as a translator and bargain.

Having the opportunity to practice oral expression and the newly learned language, Le Yun is also happy to be a translator. She follows people to see the goods sold by the vendors, and bargains in the local language. She haggles aggressively, and often makes the vendors stare Just smile to express helplessness.

Wherever the little loli goes, she always wins a lot of love. Yan Xing almost wanted to overturn the table. He finally accompanied the little loli on a trip, but the little loli became someone else's translator and tour guide. Falling down made people die!

Seeing a few tourists happily pulling the little loli to go shopping, he secretly lost a lot of knives. Of course, he dared to secretly dislike and complain, and didn't dare to harass the little loli for shopping and haggling with all walks of life. The joy of communicating with professionals.

Le Yun followed a few tourists to a few vendors' stalls, and made people get their wish. After completing the translation work, he said goodbye to everyone, and went on with Yan Shuai to see other baobab trees.

Little Lolita returned to her side by herself, and Yan Xing hurriedly ran with her, so as not to be "chopped" again, and walked and took pictures across a section of Monkey Face Tree Avenue near the lake to see the twin baobab trees, I went to see the world-famous "couple" baobab tree that represents love.

After admiring the most famous baobab trees, the two deviated from the avenue, walked towards the plain full of green plants, passed through a green area with bushes, and stopped under a tall bread tree far away from the avenue, where they would also be A place to camp.

There are prairie leeches in the rainy season. They are very hateful creatures. Le Yun doesn't like them. First, he checks the surroundings, takes out a bottle of medicine and sprinkles some powdered medicine to repel insects, then takes out a waterproof cloth to pad the ground and puts it in his backpack.

Putting down her luggage, she hopped and jumped into the bushes to find dead branches and hay poles. After getting a handful, she got out of the bushes and put them in a place where the sun shines to dry them. Then she went into the bushes to find firewood. Dig up plants secretly.

Generally, tourists are afraid of leeches, so they will not run into places full of grass and trees to play. They are far away from the road, which is basically safer. Yan Xing also goes into the dwarf trees to find dead branches and leaves that can be used as firewood.

The two got into the tree and searched here and there for an hour. They found a pile of dead branches and straws, and put them in a ventilated place to dry. Little Lolita went to find edible wild vegetables, and Handsome Yan dug up a piece of vegetation. , make a place for a fire, and wait until the sun goes down before pitching a tent.

Le Yun ran to dig the plants, made some space, dug a handful and took it to a place with stagnant water to wash it, then went back to the camping place and packed it in a bag first, and then used clean water when cooking and eating cleaning.

Many tourists who go sightseeing on the Baobab Avenue return to the city after a while. Only those who are obsessed with taking pictures of the sunset and the baobab tree scenery persist. There are cattle and sheep, cattle and horses, and local people carrying things, forming a beautiful scenery.

When the sun could not reach the dry firewood, Yan Xing wrapped the dead branches that were used as firewood with tarpaulins, and ran with little loli to admire the pictures of residents returning home late and take pictures.

When the sun went down to the sea level, the canopy of the tall monkey-faced tree also turned gray from a distance, and the light of the whole avenue was very dark, and the tourists who stayed at the end also reluctantly left, and the lights of the cars went away. further away.

After the last car ran away, Le Yun slipped under a huge bread tree on the avenue to study around, took off her shoes, and climbed up the tree.

"Little loli, you don't want to climb up to pick breadfruit, do you?" Yan Xing almost jumped up, the three little loli couldn't hug the tree, how dare she climb?
"There are flowers on this tree, I'm going to pick them and study them." Le Yun stuck to the tree pole and climbed up like a frog.

"Tell me where it is, and I'll help you pick it up. Come down quickly." Yan Xingsheng was afraid that the little loli would drop it, so he raised his heart.

"You can't find it, don't yell, don't turn on the lights, in case someone discovers my whereabouts and delays my business, I will never end with you." Le Yun didn't care about handsome Yan's call, and moved up. .

(End of this chapter)

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