Chapter 965

Little Lolita wanted to climb the tree to find the bread tree flowers, but Yan Xing couldn't stop her, and she didn't say anything anymore, she put her shoes under her armpits to prevent insects from crawling in, and just waited under the tree in fear, If little Lolita missed her, he could at least catch her by guarding under the tree.

The baobab tree is very thick and looks as smooth as if it has been oiled. In fact, some places are also uneven. Le Yun's hands and feet stick to the tree pole and climb up. Ah, I climbed to the branch of the tree crown in one breath, climbed the branch, sat on the fork of the tree, straightened my clothes, looked down, er, er, Handsome Yan has turned into a little sesame seed!
The ground was already dark, and the light from the unobstructed high altitude was brighter, but it was still gray. Yan Xing could no longer see little Lolita clearly, only a black shadow.

The light was not very good, Le Yun did not hesitate, hugged the branches and continued to climb to the top of the canopy, climbed to the highest branch, quickly got into the branches and leaves, picked back a branch of unbloomed flowers hidden between the branches and leaves, and then Quickly pick breadfruit and young leaves.

Only pick part of the breadfruit and young leaves in each place, and then change the place, so as not to pick up a place and be suspicious if it is found to be strange.

Changed four or five places, and picked more than [-] fresh baobab fruits. Since there was a handsome Yan under the tree, Le Yun could not delay too long, and packed one, a handful of young leaves and two baobab fruits. Put a bag in the small backpack and slide down the tree.

Going down the tree is as difficult as going up the tree, and the movement is moving and slippery.

Little Lolita was in the crown of the tree and it was hard to see clearly. Yan Xing waited anxiously under the tree. He waited for a long time, panicked, anxious, and turned around in a hurry. Finally, he heard the sound of rustling. He stared at the top until he saw A group of black shadows slid down before reluctantly reassuring.

Fearing that the little Lolita's hand would slip when she descended the tree, he made preparations to respond. Watching a black shadow getting closer, he turned on the flashlight and put it on the ground, and placed the little Lolita's shoes. When she was more than two meters high, she reached out and hugged her down, and she was relieved when she put her on the ground: "It's finally down, just be safe."

Being carried down the tree by Handsome Yan, the corners of Le Yun's mouth twitched countless times, and she complained while putting on her shoes: "Handsome guy, if you follow me, you're just making trouble for me, dragging me down, if you don't follow me, I'll be on the tree Going to bed, think about how beautiful it is to sleep on a high canopy and watch the stars and listen to the wind.”

"Sleeping on a tree?" Yan Xing almost thought he heard it wrong: "Little Loli, this tree is at least 20 meters high, how dare you sleep on a tree?"

"Why don't you dare?" Le Yun rolled her eyes contemptuously: "I run around by myself. In the forest, as long as it's not raining or winter, I usually sleep on a tree and wrap a few vines around it a few times as a net bag. , sleeping in a sleeping bag, safe and comfortable." No one followed her, sleeping in the space every day, how cool!

Little Loli thought she was a burden again, so Yan Xing rubbed his nose, pretending that he didn't understand what she meant, he took the flashlight and waited for Little Loli to put on her shoes and go back to the camping place.

After checking that the luggage and tents were not visited by unknown creatures, Yan Xing lit a fire. The withered grass in the evening was relatively dry. After lighting it, he slowly added firewood, and the fire was quickly lit.

Le Yun puts a copper alloy pot on the fire, adds water, adds rice and cooks porridge, then takes out the picked breadfruit and peels off the thin skin, waits for the porridge to boil, then cuts the breadfruit into thin pieces and throws them into the pot to cook together , cooked, and then the leaves washed with clean water and the previously washed green vegetables are thrown into the pot to cook.

The little loli made a whole pot of wild vegetable porridge. Although the taste of the breadfruit was nothing surprising, the leaves of the wild vegetables were very tender and delicious. Yan Xing held the stainless steel bowl he brought and drank the porridge beautifully, waiting for the little loli to eat When you are full, sweep up the rest, take a bowl to remove the dregs, wash it and put it up again.

The water they carry is limited, and they cannot wash the dishes and things, so they put the bowls in the backpack and put them away. He ran to a remote place to solve the metabolic problem, and then went to wash his hands, feet and face.

Handsome Yan washes the dishes, Le Yun washes his hands, takes out the flowers of the baobab tree and crushes them, puts them in a bag and stores them in a jade box containing medical needles, then washes his feet and face, and comes back to sit Roasting feet by the fire.

Little Lolita's feet are white, tender and delicate, small and cute. The more Yan Xing looked at them, the more itchy he felt. He didn't dare to touch them, so he silently took the little Lolita's shoes in his hand, took out the insoles and patted them a few times, and then put the little Lolita on. In front of Li, she couldn't control her hands after all, and rubbed the little Loli's head: "Little Loli, what shall we have for breakfast tomorrow?"

"Someone will definitely come to take pictures of the sunrise tomorrow morning. We can only eat dry bread." Le Yun remembered what Yan had just done, and blocked someone's hand. Someone rubbed the top of his head vigorously: "Touch my head with your hand that touched your shoes, and I'll grab the cow dung and smear the top of your head."

As soon as he touched the little Lolita's head, she avoided her and was counterattacked. Yan Xing touched the head that was rubbed by the little Lolita himself: "I didn't pay attention at the moment, now it's even." The feeling of feeling, um, is really... very strange, but also very nostalgic.

Handsome Yan likes to seek abuse, Le Yun is not as knowledgeable as him, because the firewood has been burned out, and there are annoying mosquitoes flying around, so he just climbed into the tent, took out a thin sleeping bag for spring and autumn, spread it out, and went to sleep. In the savannah climate, the temperature is very high during the day, so she does not need to sleep in a sleeping bag at night. She is not used to lying next to a man, so sleeping in a sleeping bag is more at ease.

Little Loli slipped to rest, Yan Xingchi also climbed into the tent, spread out his sleeping bag next to Little Loli to use as a mattress, lay down, and chatted with Little Loli: "Little Loli, what time will we have tomorrow?" Let's go? Which direction are you going?"

"..." Le Yun nestled in her sleeping bag and wanted to sort out the archived things in her mind, but someone Yan wanted to chat with her, so she had to sacrifice her life to chat with Junzi's.

The two chatted about tomorrow's itinerary, how to get there, how many days they expected to be in the Mashima Island, and the Maga language about the most beautiful scenery on the Mashima Island.

Little Lolita accompanied her to watch the starry sky of Baobab Avenue, and Yan Xing couldn't be satisfied, so she stopped being greedy and went to sleep peacefully. He only practiced for more than two minutes, and stayed up for the rest of the time, quietly guarding Xiaoluo Li.

In the same tent, the little loli didn't treat him like a wolf, and fell asleep at ease. He listened to her shallow breathing, his heart was peaceful and calm, and there was a feeling called "happiness" spreading in his heart, which made him happy and happy. hapiness.

He guarded the little girl for one hour after another. At five o'clock, he got out of the sleeping bag lightly, emptied the backpack, took the shoes and quietly walked out of the tent, closed the tent door, and put it on outside. shoes, tiptoe to the bottom of a bread tree not far away with a flashlight, adjust the flashlight to the lowest gear and hang it around the neck, take off the shoes and climb up the tree.

As a special soldier of the sea, land and air amphibious force, Yan Xing is not bad at climbing trees. His posture is not as graceful and cute as little loli, but his speed is not slow. Breadfruit is picked from the stalk.

A baobab tree has more than a hundred fruits, and you can’t pick more. Pick a few here and there, pick a few more, pick a dozen fruits, pick a few handfuls of young leaves, and slide down the tree carefully. Xie ran to another baobab tree, first poured out the fruit and put it in a plastic bag, then went up the tree to pick the fruit with the empty bag on his back.

The second time I only picked a dozen fruits, went down the tree, stuffed all the fruits into the backpack, tiptoed back to the camping place, entered the tent and stuffed the luggage into the backpack again, tied the stuffed bag on the top of the backpack, and cleaned it up After getting out of the clothes, I first solved the water discharge problem that must be solved every morning, and then hid behind the baobab tree that was hiding from the tent to change clothes. There was dew on the tree in the early morning, and the clothes were dirty after climbing the tree twice.

After changing clothes and turning out from behind the tree, seeing the lights in the tent, she quickly turned her back and waited for a few minutes to hear that little Lolita was packing her sleeping bag before slipping into the tent.

Handsome Yan came back, Le Yun put the sleeping bag in order, ran to a safe place to squat in a latrine, washed his face, filled up the place where the fire was burned yesterday, moved the removed vegetation back to its original position, and fixed up with Handsome Yan Luggage and then disassemble the tent.

The two properly disposed of the traces of camping, washed their hands, carried their luggage back to the Baobab Avenue, put their backpacks on a simple wooden shelf set up by the locals, and took out dry food to eat.

After eating the dry food, we waited for the dawn to take pictures of the sunrise.

When it was about to dawn, there were tour vehicles carrying tourists who were waiting for the sunrise from the city to Baobab Avenue. The tourists and guides who arrived early and late at night found that there were people who were earlier than them. Set up the long and short cannons and wait for the moment of sunrise.

While waiting, several cars sent tourists to take pictures. When it was dawn, everyone took pictures.

Taking pictures of the scenery of Baobab Avenue at sunrise, Le Yun and Yan Shuai put on their backpacks and set off first, walked around a section of the road into the plain grassland, and headed northeast.

Crossing along the plain where there are few villages, until noon, Young Master Yan and Little Loli rested and ate dry food in a place with trees and water.

When taking the food, Yan Xing brought out the breadfruit he secretly picked and gave it to Little Lolita: "Little Lolita, I picked this up quietly in the morning, here it is for you."

"Give it all to me? You don't want it yourself?" Le Yun blinked her eyes, her eyes were full of stars. She knew that Handsome Yan was up at midnight to pick bread and fruit, and she kept wondering when he would say it, but she didn't expect him to I could bear it so much that I didn't make a sound until noon.

"I'm here for nothing but cooking. It's useful for you to hold it. I picked it for you." Little Lori was unhappy last night because she couldn't pick breadfruit to take away, so he went to help her specially. I stole a little bit and took it away.

"Yeah, I like this one. I have to carry it on my back first, dig out the medicinal materials as I go, and accumulate more and then process them together." Le Yun grinned wide, and took out another bag of breadfruit from her backpack.

Little Loli packed the breadfruit in a bag, Yan Xing lifted the backpack and tied it to his backpack, and continued running after eating dry food with little Loli.

(End of this chapter)

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