Chapter 966
Yan Xing likes to run around with the little loli very much. Under normal circumstances, living in the wild is very difficult and tiring. After all, he has to walk and look for food and water, and he will inevitably encounter danger. Loli hiking in the wild is simply a beautiful enjoyment. She can always easily find clean water and edible wild fruits. Occasionally, she will dig some grass roots and chew on them, making the boring trip full of novelty.

There is a little loli who is more powerful than Mr. Pei as a guide. He doesn't have to think about anything, just run with her. She tells me what kind of fruit is edible and picks it to taste, and what kind of grass can be found in the dry season and can dig roots. When the water saved his life, he went to identify it.

Little Loli chose a route with trees, and did not go deep into the virgin forest of the savannah. She walked northeast or north from the edge of the border with the plain grassland, and occasionally asked him to look at the luggage. She detoured a long way to find plants.

Walking and walking, until it was nearly evening, the two camped at the foot of a mountain in the junction area between a hilltop of the primeval forest and the grassland. The place where the grassland meets the trees is not dense, and there is a river flowing out of the mountain. , took a walk around, and camped in a place not far from the river, on a higher terrain and without trees blocking the light.

After choosing a place, Yan Xing first went to collect firewood, and the little loli quickly ran to dig plants. He picked up a lot of firewood, and then set up camp. He dug out a piece of bare soil and lit a fire. He picked up stones and arranged them in the shape of a tripod. Then hurriedly ran to the stream to see if there were any fish.

Falkanda is an island in the ocean, surrounded by the sea, there is no shortage of fish, and the rivers connected to the sea on the island are naturally not short of fish.

Yan Xing thought that there might be no fish in the river in the grassland, so he went to observe and research and found that there were fish!The fish in the river are pure wild fish, the largest one is three fingers wide, and the smallest one is as big as a little finger.

What are you waiting for when there are fish in the river?
Having fish equals having meat to eat. Yan Xing immediately took off his clothes and went down to the river to catch fish. He is a disciple of ancient martial arts and has rich experience in catching fish. The fish in the river have never been frightened, so it is very easy to catch them. Caught six medium-sized fish in just ten minutes.

The quantity is enough to eat at night. He is not greedy. He skewers the fish with a straw and puts it aside. Before the little loli comes back, he quickly takes a bath, washes his clothes, and then uses two branches to tie the ground with a vine in the middle Make a clothesline to hang clothes on.

After sorting out the private affairs, the sun was about to set, so Yan Xing hurriedly cut up the fish and cleaned them, and then went to wash the pot and cook the rice. While the rice was cooking, he got some fresh twigs and sharpened them, and grilled two fish on the fire. bake.

Handsome Yan, who came to work as a follower, was in charge of logistics issues. Le Yun dropped her luggage at the selected camping place and ran away, digging into the grassland to dig plants. Throwing, digging up a lot of orchids that are unique to Genga Island.

After digging the plants until only half of the sun was still hanging on the distant mountain, I quickly ran back to the camp with a few plants, put down my things, took my clothes and ran to a safe place downstream to take a bath, and then returned to the camp to clean the plants and cook fish soup.

The fish soup hadn't been cooked yet, the sun was setting and the light was dim, so the two of them cooked the fish soup slowly by the light of the fire, grilled the fish, waited for the soup to come out, and ate the grilled fish while drinking the soup and eating.

When the grassland and the mountains in the distance were completely shrouded in darkness, I heard the calls of lemurs and many insects in the forest far away.

There are no large carnivores on the Falkland Islands, and Colonel Yan and Xiao Luoli are not worried that the fire will attract animals, so they roast the last two fish on the fire, they are delicious, eat them, and look at the stars happily. Mosquitoes attacked and hid back in the tent.

The night sky in the Falkland Islands is very beautiful, but unfortunately not many people stay up late to watch the starry sky. When the Falkland Islands enter the early morning, the sky in China turns from darkness to dawn.

It was also on the 19th when the light shines on the earth. On the same day, the case of the Huang Bureau in Shishi City was in court. None of the villagers in Lejia and Meicun went to the Shishi Court to hear the trial. Lansan in Lejia went. On the afternoon of the 18th Take the last bus back to Fang County to the county seat, and then take the bus to the Shishi Court in the morning.

The court opened at nine o'clock, and there were a lot of spectators, and the auditorium was almost full. The handsome blue guy also sat in the crowd of spectators as an ordinary spectator.

Many people were involved in the case of the Yellow Bureau, so it took a long time to collect evidence, so that the official trial was delayed for several months. In addition to the presiding judge, there were six collegial panel members on the jury. The trial was not completed for half a day in the morning, the court was adjourned at noon, and the court continued in the afternoon.

The evidence collected by the court showed that Huang’s bureau was corrupt, received more than 2000 million yuan in bribes, and real estate, etc., used his position to illegally arrange positions for relatives, friends or bribers, or provide protection for illegal activities, etc., and engaged in prostitution. , and maintained an improper relationship with his wife for many years, his style of work was corrupt, he was expelled from the Party and public office, and because he voluntarily handed over the stolen money and confessed to him after the incident, he was sentenced to [-] years in prison and confiscated all improper property. , The real estate purchased with illegal gains is also confiscated in accordance with the law and auctioned by the court.

Those who were arranged by the Yellow Bureau to enter the unit through the back door through illegal means were also dismissed from their posts, and criminal and civil responsibilities were investigated one by one;
Huang’s bureau purchased land for Wu Lingling’s elder brother and Wu’s family because of maintaining an improper relationship with Wu Lingling, and used his position to demand that units undertaking certain large-scale construction projects must purchase goods from Wu Jianguo’s building materials store. Wu Jianguo bribed Huang with his beauty Bureau, sentenced to one year in prison, because he was unconscious, the execution was postponed until when he woke up;
Wu Jianguo also engaged in tax evasion, and his wife also participated in it. He was sentenced to three months in prison and suspended for one year. Wu Jianguo and his wife were fined 50 yuan for tax evasion, and Wu Jianguo and his wife were fined [-] yuan. It was purchased by Huang with money obtained by improper means, and it was confiscated;

Wu Lingling was sentenced to one year's imprisonment and confiscated the stolen money from Huang Bureau because she maintained an improper relationship with Huang Bureau and knew that Huang Bureau's source of money was unknown and did not report it. The property purchased; Wu Lingling secretly untied the rope of Lehong in Meijing Village due to personal grievances, causing Lehong to fall off the cliff. He committed the crime of intentional homicide. Because there was a causal relationship between Lehong's death and Wu Lingling's behavior, Wu Lingling should bear criminal responsibility and be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment Eight years later, because Wu Lingling's behavior caused immeasurable harm to the victim's family, she was sentenced to bear civil liability at the same time, and compensated Lejia 10 yuan as a spiritual comfort to the family of Lejia.

The Wu family was hospitalized due to an accident with their young grandson. Wu's father and Wu Jianye were originally in the city. They returned to the city the day before the trial and attended the hearing. The eldest daughter-in-law of the Wu family was also listening. , fainted at that time;
Wu Jianye was also arranged by Huang Bureau to enter the post office through the back door because of his sister, and he also had to bear civil liability. He was in a hurry at that time, shouting about unfairness and innocence; the judge announced in court that he would disturb Wu Jianye in the court Detained for half a month according to the law, the judicial police took away those who disturbed the court and detained them.

Wu Jianguo was sentenced to one year in prison, and the eldest daughter-in-law of the Wu family was sentenced to three months and a fine of 50 yuan; Wu Jianye not only had to return all the wages and benefits he had received over the years, but also compensated for the compensation he had to pay for unpacking people’s packages without permission. Wu Lingling was sentenced to [-] yuan to the Le family, and the three brothers and sisters of the Wu family received their due punishment.

Hearing that neither of his two sons and daughters ended well, Father Wu was as if struck by lightning. He stood there in a daze at first, but collapsed when he heard the "leave the court" and howled loudly.

No one sympathizes with Wu's father, because he knew that his daughter had an improper relationship with others, and knew that the yellow bureau's money was obtained by accepting bribes, so he enjoyed it with peace of mind, and he and his family helped the yellow bureau and his daughter's improper behavior. The behavior violated the principles of morality and life, and failing to hold him accountable is extrajudicial grace.

The observers were very satisfied with the fate of Wu's family and Huang's bureau. What they were dissatisfied with was that the sentence was too short.

The observers dispersed like a tide, and Wu's father's whimpering and crying sound was particularly harsh. When Wu's wife woke up, her mind was empty, and she stayed there for a long time before mechanically calling her son and daughter. Crying, crying and telling the bad news about the fine.

When his daughter-in-law called, Father Wu's crying subsided, and he choked up while wiping away his tears. He never cared about him for a word during the whole conversation between his daughter-in-law and his eldest grandson, only resentment towards him and Lingling, which made him even more miserable and wiped away. Tears left the court to go to Han City by himself, the younger son was locked up, and he had to go to the hospital to take care of his grandson.

After making the phone call, Mrs. Wu found that only people from the court were in the big place. She was afraid that the bailiffs would catch her, and she was so frightened that she ran out of the court as if fleeing for her life. Don't dare to stay longer, quickly leave Shishi by car and return to Fangxian County.

The reason why the court did not arrest Wu's eldest daughter-in-law immediately was that her husband was incapacitated and required her to bear the civil capacity of their husband and wife to bear a fine of 50 yuan.

The court was closed, and Lan San didn't leave immediately with the audience, but stayed behind to watch the reaction of the Wu family. Seeing the background of the old man of the Wu family wiping his tears and staggering away, he didn't have any sympathy. The old man had no sense of shame when enjoying the benefits of selling his daughter's body. He also taught Wu Lingling to bully such a young Le Xiaolioli with evil intentions.

The Wu family killed little Lolita's grandfather, the granddaughter of the Wu family and some members of the Huang family almost killed little Lolita, it would be good if he didn't let that guy suffer the punishment of white knives in and red knives out.

Just imagine, if little Lolita was wiped out by those guys, who would help the little Lolita's family get justice?It is estimated that the evil deeds done by those people may never be known.

When the Wu family left, Lan San walked out of the court slowly, took the bus to Fang County first, and returned to Jiudao tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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