magic eye doctor

Chapter 972 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 972 The Uninvited Guest

Le classmate went to Madagascar to buy fossils and gems. There was a handsome guy named Yan following him, followed by scumbags. In order not to hurt the innocent, he canceled the trip to the gem market in the capital of Madagascar and rested in the hotel. The next day Rush to the airport early in the morning.

There is no direct flight from Falklands to Namibia. Yan Dashao and Xiao Luoli took the South African flight to the capital of South Africa and then transferred to Namibia. It took more than two minutes to transfer, and it took four hours to fly from South Africa to Namibia. Circle, the flight arrived in Namibia's capital after four o'clock in the afternoon.

Student Le looked at someone Yan Yan when she was going through the immigration procedures. That guy was really prepared. He got a visa from Nanami before he came to find her. However, his is a one-time visa, and hers is a multiple-entry visa for a year. visa.

Walking out of the airport entry channel, Le classmate didn't say anything, took Yan handsome guy to find a waiter to accompany him, went straight to the airport office to talk to the person in charge about the helicopter rental deal, and brought the waiter to the office. Coincidentally, the person in charge was still on board The one who met the second time, of course the two sides were very happy to meet each other, and they talked about business after drinking coffee.

Le, who had experience renting a plane last time, was not worried about not being able to negotiate a deal, and the airline company no longer needed to call the Chinese embassy to confirm the identity of the girl. protocol.

Soon in the evening, even if you want to go somewhere, you are not in a hurry, not to mention that you must prepare enough supplies to survive in the desert for a few days, and agree on the time and place for the meeting tomorrow morning. Le Xiao and Yan Shuai will say goodbye first, and take a taxi at the airport terminal When going to the center of the capital city of Nanami, first find a big hotel to stay in, and then go shopping in a hurry.

Two people, one big and one small, rushed to buy a lot of things before the big shopping mall closed, went back to the hotel to organize their luggage, enjoyed the high-end treatment of staying in a big hotel for one night, and had a good breakfast the next morning , Pack your luggage and set off.

When leaving the hotel, Young Master Yan chatted with a private car owner who came to meet him, got in the car with little loli, took the private car to the northwest of the capital of Nanami, and saw the road not far from the bustling city center A helicopter is parked on the grass next to it.

The private car took Yan Dashao and Xiao Luoli to a place not far from the helicopter to park, and did not charge money. After the two got off the car, the car turned around and went back to the market.

The helicopter pilot and security officer were waiting by the plane, seeing the Huaxia girl and her entourage waving happily and saying "Good morning" in German.

After greeting the pilot, Le Xiao and Yan Dashao climbed into the helicopter, put their luggage, fastened their seat belts, adjusted the focus of the camera, waited for the helicopter to take off, and happily took pictures.

The helicopter flew in a slanted slant to the direction of Brand Mountain in the Nano Desert on the northwest coast of Namibia, passed through towns and fields, and then passed through the desert grassland to reach Brand Mountain.

Bland Mountain is the highest peak in Namibia, standing alone in the Nami Desert. Because of the harsh desert climate, the granite foundations are all exposed, and there are famous petroglyphs on the mountain.

April is the early autumn in the country of Nanami. The rainfall in the Nanami Desert is generally concentrated in winter. The desert in early autumn is dry, and many plants are turning yellow. Looking down from the sky, Brande Mountain is smooth, like a huge sand dune. As for the plants, Even if there is, it seems insignificant.

Because there are petroglyphs on the mountain, there are convoys going along the tourist route to see the scenic spot of petroglyphs on the mountain. Those cars are galloping in the desert like a little beetle crawling.

The helicopter pilot brought enough fuel before departure, arrived at Brande Mountain and flew around Brande Mountain in a counterclockwise manner. The Chinese girl flew around Brande Mountain in a clockwise direction last time and took a beautiful photo of the scenery. This time it is time to enjoy the mountain The other side of the landscape.

After circling the highest mountain for more than half a circle, the helicopter flew for a while in the northwest area after crossing Brand Mountain, found a water source, and selected a landing point to descend slowly.

The water pool in the desert is the end of a dry river. During the rainy season, there is water in the river, and the water pool is also large. In the dry season, the water evaporates, and there is only a small water pool with plants and sparse trees nearby.

The helicopter landed on the desert beach, waited for the two guests to get off the plane, the pilot and the security officer drove the plane to a nearby city, and waited for the guests to call to notify the pick-up before picking them up in the desert for their next destination.

Yan Xing put the luggage he had disembarked on the sandy ground. Looking up, he could see the outline of the Bland Mountain in the distance. There were stone mountains and sand dunes not far away. The desert plain and sand dunes were covered with sparse desert steppe vegetation and few trees.

The place where the helicopter landed was about 500 meters away from the water pool, and it was closer to a small rocky mountain connected to the sand dunes. The plants in the desert steppe are clumps, and the sand is exposed in many places, and animal footprints can be seen in some places. Animals often come to the pool to drink.

After taking a few glances, the corners of his eyes twitched: "Little Loli, you hid so well, do you think those guys can find them?" He was really worried that some people hadn't found them yet, but some predators would find them first.

"Although the scumbag IQ was a little anxious that day, I believe they should be able to find it." Le Yun stretched her waist, showing an extremely treacherous smile. The Nanami desert is sparsely populated, and it is most suitable for burying corpses. In order not to disturb innocent people , but chose a rather "quiet and beautiful" place, just waiting for someone to deliver it to the door.

The little tail who delivered the dangerous toys that day also took the same plane with her from Falklands to South Africa and then to Nami. She didn't hide her whereabouts. If the tails can still be lost, she can only despise the IQ of those guys.

Looking around, she didn't pay much attention to the scenery of the sand dunes and the small water pool in the distance. Le Yun opened her luggage and backpack, took out a straw sun hat to put on her head, took a small hoe to hold the empty bottle of water, and walked away. Rushed to the desert grassland: "Xiaolongbao, find a shady place to put your backpack, I will study plants."

"!" The corners of Yan Xing's eyes suddenly twitched a few times. He is not an outsider, so why should he talk about studying plants, and just say digging medicinal materials?

Watching the little loli in a short-sleeved T-shirt and slacks happily rushing towards the small water pool, the handsome young man couldn't help showing indulgence and tenderness that he didn't even realize. He watched her run away, looked towards Luggage, they have two pieces of luggage in total, the little loli only has a big backpack, and he has a big backpack with some items tied to it.

Observe the terrain again, carry the big bag on your back, carry the little loli’s luggage bag to the Stone Mountain, cross the desert grassland about 300 meters away to the Stone Mountain for reconnaissance, and find an acacia tree on the side facing the water pool Put the luggage down, level the sand around and set up camp.

The acacia tree is big enough to bear the weight of several big men. If predators come over at night, the tree is a refuge. Of course, compared to animals that cannot climb trees, if it is a leopard that can climb trees, er, there are Leopard, that's a good opportunity for him to perform.

After setting up the tent, put the backpack in and put it away to avoid being visited by insects, took out the sun hat and put it on his head, put on gloves, and took the knife, Yan Xing went to pick up firewood without saying a word.

In order to wait for the little tails, the little loli is expected to stay nearby for two to three days. Firewood must be stocked up. There are trees and dry rivers nearby. Firewood is not a difficult task. There are dead trees and rivers rushing in during the rainy season. The dead branches and stalks downstream, as well as withered grass stalks, can also be used as firewood.

Abandoning Le Yun of Yan who ran towards Xiaoshuipiao, digging plants while moving forward, went to the water pool to observe the water, the water pool can see the bottom of the water, and there are many animal footprints in the sand around it. According to analysis, there are no leopards, so basically It is confirmed that there are no leopard activities nearby, but there is a smell of jackals, and jackals have passed by recently.

Taste it with water, the water is originally fresh water, because of a large amount of evaporation, it becomes a bit salty, it is slightly salty, not as salty as sea water, if there is no water to drink, you can drink it as fresh water, drinking water is still Drinking is not recommended.

Collect the situation near the water pool, know it well, sneak into the grass pile to dig plants, jump from here to there like a rabbit, jump here and there, dig the roots of desert plants and some grasses, and harvest stems and leaves .

Less than an hour after Little Lolita happily dug the plants, a helicopter flew in from the sky, and the small plane circled around the sky several times before leaving. The circle flew in the direction of Mount Brand again.

Xiao Le, who is happy to dig plants, doesn't care how many planes are flying in the sky, just "research" the things he is interested in, working hard here for a while and then going to another place to help loosen the soil.

The sand absorbs the heat of the sun, making the temperature higher and higher. When it is approaching noon, the sky is scorching hot, and the sand on the ground is hot.

The temperature is a bit high, Le Yun also decided to suspend the research work first, took some plants to the pool to wash, filled a bottle of water for washing hands, and carried the plants back to the place where Handsome Yan camped.

Yan Xing, who was in charge of logistics, broke off all the dry branches from the nearby trees, got a lot of firewood, and got a place to boil water to cook porridge.

After a simple lunch, the two ran to the rocky mountain in the distance. Little Lolita was digging plants, and Young Master Yan was happily looking for rock rabbits. He was lucky. After searching for more than two minutes, he successfully found the rabbit and caught a rabbit. The fat big rabbits were slaughtered far away, and then they were dissected and washed by the pool, and the mud and dough were found.

The little loli digs plants until the end of the evening, stuffs the plants into the rabbit’s belly, wraps the rabbit in several layers with green plants, then wraps it in grass, then wraps it in mud, wraps it in another layer of straw, and wraps it back to the camp to make mud and burn rabbits.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and soon the sun was setting, and the shadows of the tall sand dunes and the distant Bland Mountain spread out, and the shaded places of the dunes were gloomy.

The light from the fire is very bright, and it also looks very warm in the sharp drop in temperature.

Yan Xing was sitting by the fire, his eyes were shining like a morning star, the rice was steaming, and little Lolita had no intention of digging her balls, so she couldn't help poking her arm with her finger: "Little Lolita, How long will it take to eat?"

Handsome Yan has become an unscrupulous foodie, Le Yun poked the embers lazily, and smiled meaningfully: "Don't worry, when you get rid of the uninvited guests, it's probably time for dinner. "

"The little tails are here?" The smile on Yan Xing's face disappeared in seconds, replaced by Xiao Sha and Leng Li, turned around and grabbed the backpack and took out a bag, took out a sniper rifle, and quickly inspected it.

"Three, one from the main direction at 05:30, and two from the direction at six o'clock."

"How do you know?" Yan Xing looked at the little loli who was still sitting lazily in surprise. He didn't detect any movement. How did the little loli know that an unexpected guest was coming?
"You forgot my advantage of being super sensitive to smells. I went around the neighborhood today and counted a total of 420 kinds of smells. There are eight kinds of smells when we cook with fire and burn mud eggs. Air There are a total of [-] five kinds of smells in it, and three more clearly recognizable smells were added more than ten minutes ago, and the smells are getting closer, "

Le Yun put down the wooden stick that poked the fire in a leisurely manner, and slowly took a stone to press the head of the rice cooking pot: "Xiaolongbao, visually, the distance between the visitors is about 2000 meters, and it is speculated that the visitor is not an ordinary character, let's go, let's go Say hi to your friends."

Little Lolita has always been indifferent, Yan Xing is calm on the surface, but his heart has already been overwhelmed. Since the detoxification, his cultivation level has been changing rapidly, not to mention the rapid progress. At present, he thinks that he may not be able to compete with Xuan Shao, at least he can compete with Zhou Shao and Hua Shao. high and low.

With his cultivation base, he didn't even hear any sound. Little Lolita could only detect someone approaching from the smell, and could also predict the distance. What level of her cultivation base has she reached?
"Okay." Thoughts were raging in his heart, Yan Xing still didn't show any strangeness, concealed the shock in his heart, straightened the small pouch around his waist, hugged the black guy in one hand, and stuffed the small pistol he took out from the backpack Protect the little loli, and then bend down to pick up the flashlight that was placed on the ground.

As soon as Le Yun stood up, she got a small pistol, put it away, and left the fire unhurriedly, and handsome Yan climbed up the sand dunes, climbed to the top of the sand dunes, looked into the distance, and turned on the X-ray function of the eyes. There is a fast-moving light in the direction of scanning 05:30 o'clock, and two clusters in the direction of six o'clock.

The moving light is the color light of the image of the human body, red, gray, white, etc. In addition to the image of the human body, there are also some objects that people carry.

After observing it for a while, I couldn't help but be amazed. The two body light images at six o'clock showed that the person was very healthy. It was an image of a family member like Xuan Shao. Could it be that he was a monk?
Looking at the light at 05:30 again, Le Yun wanted to jump, ahhhh, why is Mao an acquaintance again?What exactly does that person want to do?
Look, take a serious look, make sure you don't have dizziness, stroke your forehead with great sadness: "Xiaolongbao, don't worry about the person at 05:30 clock, that person is a friend, not an enemy, the focus is on the two at six o'clock, and Their speed may be extraordinary."

"Huh?" Yan Xing was walking down the sand dunes, when he heard the little loli say that someone was a friend rather than an enemy, he turned his head to look at the little loli in surprise, whether the person she said didn't care was from her sect The hidden guard?

Handsome Yan spoke with suspicion, Le Yun didn't bother to explain, ran down the sand dune, ran down the sand dune, and ran for a while, looking in the direction of six o'clock from afar.

(End of this chapter)

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