Chapter 973

Based on the principle of talking less and observing more, Yan Xing didn't ask who the guy who was a friend but not an enemy was. He followed the little Lolita to run, and when the little Lolita stopped, he also stood still.

In order to facilitate the handling of the tails, the little loli chose a place to camp after a lot of choices. The geographical location has a great advantage. The stone mountain and sand dunes where they camped are facing the coastline, and the sand dunes are opposite to each other. There are small open desert steppes with sparse desert plants.

There are a few sand dunes in the open desert grassland, not high, just a few undulating hills, shorter than the sand dunes they camped on. The other side of the grassland is about 2000 meters away. dune.

After the sun went down, the light in the shade of the desert dunes was very dark, and the light in the open space was still visible. With the faint light, two groups of shadows could be seen moving in the distance at an extremely fast speed.

Catching the shadow moving ahead, Yan Xing looked in another direction, and after a quick scan, he found nothing, then looked again at the uninvited guest coming towards him, stared intently for a few seconds, and finally understood why little Lolita said Those two may be capable people and strangers, their speed is extremely fast, which has surpassed the normal range, and only special personnel can reach that speed.

The desert in the twilight is silent, there is no movement caused by animal calls or activities, only the night wind whistling back and forth, the gentle gust blows without flying sand and rocks, and the rougher wind blows fine sand into the air.

Little Loli remained silent, and Yan Xing was also silent. He checked the sniper rifle in his hand again, pointed the muzzle in the direction of the person, and asked calmly, "Little Loli, can you dodge the bullet?"

"I haven't tried it. As long as I don't send out a team to make a big sweep, I can't do anything to me alone. You just need to keep yourself from dying and don't hinder me."

"Don't underestimate me by looking through the cracks of the door." Yan Xing was extremely depressed. In the eyes of little Lolita, he seemed to be useless, and he was still like a waste of oil.

"Since you think you are very powerful, then you save some bullets. Tonight or tomorrow night, there are other teams that will be dealt with by you. I will watch your marksmanship performance from the sidelines."

Little Lolita spoke calmly as if saying "the weather is so nice", Yan Xing silently glanced at her and then looked into the distance, the people running over there probably heard something different here, the speed of sprinting Stop, about 600 meters away from him.

Seeing that the approacher stopped, the young man pulled down the hook calmly. The bullet passed through the chamber of the gun and was processed by the silencer with only a slight "bang". Although it was very weak, it was undoubtedly huge compared to people with sensitive hearing.

The two black shadows who had just sprinted to a slow pace heard a slight bang, and rolled quickly on the ground, leaving their original positions in an instant. Just as they rolled away from their original positions, a bullet carried With a sound of "porf", they drilled into the place where they were standing before, splashing fine sand in all directions.

While the two were throwing themselves over and rolling, one of them yelled, "Misunderstanding, friend, we are animal lovers who are here to observe and study animals."

One yelled: "My God, someone got ahead of us."

As soon as the blow was missed, Yan Xing knew that the visitor was not an ordinary killer, and he didn't waste any bullets. He calmly handed the gun to the little loli, fisted excitedly, and greeted the shadow in the distance: "Hello! , two friends, good evening, I thought someone wanted to poach, so I fired a warning shot first, now please come out by yourselves.”

The pure and fluent English drifted away in the dark twilight. The tone of the young man was flat and his voice was peaceful.

Yan asked her to be a handyman with a gun, Le Yun silently acted as a good gun boy, and calmly moved a few steps aside, that guy has a desire to show off, so she let him show off, and by the way, observe whether he has How many catties, if it is not as useful as he said, just kick him back to the country, so as not to hold back.

The two black shadows turned over in the sand, stood up, and trotted forward again, one of them responded in blunt English: "Halou, good evening, friend, we were squatting by the pool two days ago, I only left yesterday afternoon to replenish supplies, but I didn’t expect that other friends who were interested in animals came here to observe and study after leaving for a day, and the sir’s joke scared us to death.”

"Oh, we only came here at noon today." Yan Xing answered in a polite manner, observing the two night travelers who came running.

As the people got closer, they could still see their faces clearly. The two people who came were men with darker skin. They were similar to Africans but slightly different. They were about 1.7 meters nine. One was a little older, about More than [-], a face-to-face meeting about [-] or so.

The two of them were wearing cold-proof and waterproof tops and pants with hoods. The hoods used to cover their heads, but they got loose when they rolled to the ground, and they were crooked. They each had a backpack on their backs.

Le Yun's eyesight is very good, and people in the future can see clearly. Both of them have Indian-Arab blood. .

The light in the desert becomes darker with each passing minute, and it is dark everywhere, which is not conducive to "friendly" getting along with each other. Student Le took out a headlamp-like flashlight from his backpack and turned it on. Lu, well, she is a kind and good child, the most gentle and considerate.

The strong light of the flashlight shone on the sand, making the light in an area brighter, and also made the figures of the two men running towards the power source completely appear in the light illumination area, and the figures changed from blurred to clear.

When the two men ran, their steps were very light, and there was no sound of panting, only the body odor could not be concealed, and the smell of sweat floated in the air to declare their existence.

The two of them didn't stop when they saw the light. They trotted forward, and soon they were only three or forty meters away from the standing young man and girl with white faces.

When the distance was only three or four meters away, the two men looked at the standing young man and the girl and smiled. The young man with the backpack looked at the girl holding the gun, and shouted in surprise: "My God, there is such a beautiful lady! Oh! , no, it should be said that there is also a cute girl, which is too shocking."

"Sir, I was also shocked to see the two gentlemen." Le Yun pressed her tender face, blinked her watery eyes, and smiled brightly.

The distance between them was getting closer and closer, and the two people who were trotting changed from trotting to striding. When they reached a distance of three or four steps, the older man extended his hand to the tall young man with European and American faces in a friendly way: "Friend, let's get to know each other." , I am Abdul..."

Yan Xing greeted the two night travelers with a smile. The other party extended his hand, and he also extended his hand in a friendly way, with friendly eyes and a bright and elegant smile.

The moment Colonel Yan stretched out his hand, the old man who was greeting someone jumped forward, punched the young man in the face, and swept his feet towards the fair-skinned and handsome young man like a whirlwind.

At the same moment, the young dark-skinned young man jumped at the Oriental girl, quickly grabbed the sniper rifle she was holding, and punched the girl in the face with one hand.

The two suddenly attacked, fast and fierce, and the smiling faces turned cold and fierce in seconds.

"Good time!" When the middle-aged and elderly dark-skinned man was in trouble, Yan Xing's smile deepened, and instead of retreating, he slammed into the opponent like a lion, kicking the opponent's outstretched foot with his legs, and smashing his fist at the opponent. The opponent's punch.

The speed of the two people was extremely fast, and their fists collided heavily. There was no sound of bones breaking, but a loud "bang" sound of heavy objects colliding. In the next second, their feet attacked each other twice, each of them The other hand also dismantled two moves in an instant and touched them again.

The dark-skinned elderly Indian took half a step back from the shock. During the retreat, his fists and feet did not stop attacking in the future. Yan Xing took advantage of the situation, kicked, kicked and swept in one go. , strike, fist and palm are flexible and changeable.

The two started a close combat in an instant, and it was inseparable.

Le Yun originally wanted to be the air, but the mixed-race Ah San actually shot at her, and deftly twisted to one side to get out of the way. If you want to pretend to be a zoologist and do a sneak attack, you don’t take a piss to see what you look like, so you niggas want to pretend to be friendly, you can only lie to yourself.”

The Chinese girl cursed in a certain language, and the dark-skinned young man jumped into the air, and immediately showed a ghost-like expression: "Do you know Hindi?"

"Little Ah San, I forgot to tell you that I know many languages, not only Hindi, but also Urdu." Le Yun smiled with crooked brows and eyes, and rushed towards Little Ah San like a rabbit. His hand was like lightning, and he poked at the young man's arm that was stretched out to grab him.

When Yin Qingnian's hand was about to grab the Chinese girl's gun, the girl's finger poked her small arm. The whole arm became numb and lost consciousness instantly. Just as the other hand was about to grab the girl's neck, she tilted her head and smiled slightly. At that moment, he felt a sudden pain in his chest, he hesitated for a moment, and then he felt numbness in several places in his chest, but he couldn't exert any strength in his whole body, and his arms kept grabbing the girl.

He saw the girl stepping back nimbly, stepping away from him lightly, she held the gun in her hand and held a strong flashlight, the light hit her chest, distracting his sight for a while.

"Young man, the night wind is so gentle, just stand and let the wind blow, sober your mind." After the battle ended with lightning and thunderous speed, Le Yun looked at Xiaoyin Ah San with a smile, very satisfied with her masterpiece, young man It's pretty good if you use it as a sculpture, if you make a stepping pose and show your teeth and claws.

"..." The young man wanted to open his mouth to ask "what did you do to me", but he tried to open his mouth but couldn't make a sound, and he couldn't turn his neck even if he tried to turn his head, and panic appeared on his face.

After finishing the little Ah San, Le Yun happily stood on the side of the little Ah San and watched Handsome Yan and Lao Yin Ah San. The two of them knew martial arts, and they fought inseparably.

Because of the dark sky, the two people who were fighting couldn't see the marks of each other's shots clearly, and they attacked or defended completely based on their feelings and body perception.

When the little loli was free, she held a strong flashlight as a light, and the field of vision of the two fighting was widened, and their moves became more ferocious.

The speed of the two people in the fight was too fast, Le Yun was dizzy, and she curled her lips in displeasure and said sarcastic words: "Handsome guy, you can't even handle an old Indian wretch. I deeply doubt that your martial arts has been learned in vain."

"Little Lolita, this old guy is a martial arts teacher. He has also learned Chinese martial arts, as well as Western boxing and various fighting techniques. What he has learned is very complicated." Look at the essence from the appearance, not just the result!
The elderly Indian almost vomited blood, his eyes were fierce, and his moves were vicious.

"If I had known that your skills were mediocre, I might as well just use the drug."

"There's no rush, anyway, the rabbit meat isn't cooked yet." Little Lolita, can we stop using drugs?It's rare to have someone to practice with, at least give them a practice boxing.

"Let me tell you, if you want to try what the old wretch has learned, you should try it out after dismantling dozens of tricks. If you dawdle, you will be deducted from dinner." She is a girl, and she can get it right The opponent, Handsome Yan, a big man, is slower than her, so unheroic.

"No, don't deduct your share." The little loli threatened to deduct her dinner again. Yan Xing was also drunk. In order not to be deducted from the delicious dinner, her momentum rose and she instantly became like a god of murder. With his hand, he kicked the victim in the lower abdomen.

With a sound of "bang", the elderly Indian flew towards the distance like a cannonball fired from the muzzle of a gun. The sand "rustled" splashed indiscriminately.

Kicking the opponent away with one kick, Yan flies like a big bird, rushing towards Yin Asan.

The elderly Indian turned over and got up in less than a second after landing, and ran towards the darkness like a whirlwind. There was also an electric arc, and when he turned around, the electric arc in his hand jumped up and shot at the white-faced young man who was chasing him.

"Go to hell!" Throwing out the arc, he yelled in Hindi, his eyes fierce like tigers and wolfs.

It really is a cultivator!A bold exclamation mark flashed in Le Yun's mind, and he opened his eyes wide to observe Lao Yin's ability, electricity, that guy can actually manipulate electricity!
That guy is obviously made of flesh and blood, where did the electricity come from?
In order to clarify the problem, open your eyes, open your eyes again, open your eyes wide, and scan the old bum's body. There is nothing unusual about the torso map of the man, and you can't find out where the electricity is hidden in his hand. .

Little Lolita watched the battle impatiently, Yan Xing used his real skills to make a quick decision, and let the guy fly. When he chased after him, he saw the guy turn around and throw out the electric current. He didn't panic at all, he was like a spirit fox, and he was as fast as lightning Jump a few meters away.

The electric arc didn't hit anyone, but when it fell, it hit a clump of plants on the sandy ground. The plants that hadn't died before "chucked" white smoke, and instantly turned into black ash.

The old Indian man manipulated the electric current and failed to reach anyone, so he immediately waved his hand again. The electric current turned into silver light, and flew out one by one to shoot at the young white man. To the girl standing and watching the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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