magic eye doctor

Chapter 979 Hunting (2 more

Chapter 979 Hunting (2 more

Little Lolita and the two handsome guys spent a few hours from sniping the scumbags to finishing the battlefield, and it was almost midnight when they took a break. Because they didn't know if there were any assassins, the three of them hid in the tent to watch the night.

After sitting for less than an hour, there was the sound of animals howling from far to near. The three of them opened the tent door a little with great interest, looked out, and waited for about half an hour. A faint green light appeared on the side, and that green light went straight to the battlefield not far from the water pool, where the scumbags once died.

The green lights appear and disappear, and they can be seen very quickly. There are six beams of light, which indicate that there are three animals. The eyes of the animals are all green when they reflect light at night.

Looking at the blue and green light balls in the distance, Le Yun doesn't need to see the shape of the animal, but just by the smell, she tells the handsome guy quietly: "It's a jackal."

There are no parks near the foot of Brand Mountain, but the desert on the coast of Namibia is connected to the plains, and there are wild animals in many places. There are also many scattered animal populations living in the plains at the junction of the desert and the border. Jackals are all over Namiland. everywhere.

Yan Xing and Mi Luo were not surprised why the jackals came here. Carnivores have a keen sense of smell, so they probably came here to pick up ready-made food after smelling the smell of blood.

In the dark night, three jackals ran in the desert grassland under the starlight, and soon ran to the place where the smell of blood was the strongest, looking down with their heads down.

On the treated battlefield, most of the bloodstains were burned, and the blood spattered so wide that it was impossible to find every bit of bloodstains and burn them, and there were still spots of bloodstains stuck in some places.

The jackal's nose is sensitive, and he can find the place where there is blood by smell but not the meat. Sometimes he digs a few times, and sometimes he circles around and turns around, and he also prints a place full of footprints.

When the jackals were searching for food, the plain facing the other side of the stone mountain and the sand dunes also ushered in an animal, which was a large carnivore—a leopard.

The leopard came from behind the large sand dunes heading towards Bland Mountain. It crossed the plain and found a place with bloody smell. It sniffed and turned a few times in an area. Trails with footprints to find prey.

The two handsome guys nestled in the tent were very happy watching the green light turning around in the distance. They wanted to know if those guys would dig three feet into the ground if they couldn't find their prey, or if they would find them by following their scent.

The more Yan Xing watched, the happier he poked the little loli in the middle with his finger: "Xiao Le, do you think jackals will treat us as prey?"

"I don't know if the jackal will treat us as prey, but," Le Yun held her chin, looked at the air, and grinned brightly.

"But what?" Little Lolita didn't finish speaking, Yan Xing felt itchy in his heart, and couldn't help poking her little head again.

"However, a leopard has already regarded us as prey. It is on its way to our side and will arrive at the scene soon." The two handsome men have insensitive noses and cannot smell the leopard's scent. I have already smelled its unique body odor, and I know that the leopard is moving from the change of the smell, and I am looking for them along the smell.

The two young men were full of astonishment, and they murmured in unison as if talking to themselves: "Leopard?"

"That's right, it's the leopard, the most common large carnivore in Africa."

"Xiao Lele, do you like leopard skin? I like to hunt it back." Milo rubbed his hands excitedly. The leopard skin is very beautiful. It is suitable for Xiao Lele to spread it on the winter cushion. When talking about the protection of wild animals, it means that in some areas, if there is no natural disaster of mass extinction, leopards in Africa will definitely not be in danger of being endangered.

That guy is taking credit for himself again!Yan Xing secretly threw his knife at the young foreigner, and quickly took over the conversation: "Leopards are also protected animals, and they cannot be killed indiscriminately."

"Namigolia expressly prohibits the hunting of rhinos and elephants, and there is no ban on hunting. As long as poaching is not in the National Wildlife Reserve, hunting in other areas is legal. It is also legal to dissect and make animal specimens in Namiland. All kinds of animals can be taxidermied."

Xiao Lele's young bodyguards are always at odds with her. Miro couldn't be more calm. The traditional way of African tribes is to hunt for a living. Even now, no country has completely banned hunting. Opposition from some of the tribes that maintain the oldest traditional way of life could lead to unrest.

Yan Xing clenched his fist secretly, did that guy think he didn't dare to make a move?
"The leopard's fur is beautiful, but the meat is not easy to deal with. It's too wasteful to kill a leopard just to get the fur. Moreover, leopards are carnivores. If they have eaten human flesh, it feels a bit embarrassing. Let's catch rabbits and eat them." Or, you can help me hunt down a jackal, I want a wolf skin."

"No problem." Milo was overjoyed, turned around, and quickly took the sniper rifle from the backpack in his hand: "Xiao Lele, I went hunting jackals, you wait for me to come back."

"Be careful, don't be eaten by the leopard as a snack." The handsome Tuhao was resolute, and Le Yun smiled to remind her that she was not worried about Milo being eaten by the leopard as a snack. He knew that the leopard was coming and dared to go out to explain He has the ability to protect himself and is not afraid of the threat of leopards.

"The leopard dares to treat me like a snack, I will kill him as well." Milo stuffed the necessary things into his pockets, opened the tent door with the black guy in his arms, dexterously got out of the tent, and then gently closed the tent door. Putting it down, he quickly ran towards the Jackal.

The young foreigner is always looking for opportunities to court the little Lolita, Yan Xing is so choked up that his lungs explode, that guy wants to rob him of everything, he really wants to beat him up!
The opportunity to hunt the jackal was snatched away by the foreigner, so he couldn't openly compete with the foreigner, so he untied his sniper rifle angrily, took a bright flashlight, and quietly got out of the tent to guard outside, lest The leopard came to wreak havoc.

Milo ran in the desert grassland in the dark. Xiao Lele said before that there were desert horned vipers on the other side of the water pool, and the grassland facing the tent had no snakes. Even if there was no light, there was no need to worry about stepping on poisonous snakes.

I ran for more than a hundred meters with the gun in my hand, and saw the green light in the distance looking in my direction. I immediately paused, raised the gun and opened the observation mirror to catch the wolf from the red and ultraviolet mirror, aimed at a wolf's head, and shot.

Jackals look for food where there are bloodstains, and when they hear the sound, they look in the direction of the smell and the sound to scout the prey and prepare for predation.

Before they launched an attack, a cold light split the air a few hundred meters away and made a "hissing" sound. The sound made the three jackals' hair stand on end. They realized the danger and turned around to run away. However, they were hit by bullets. The locked wolf only had time to turn its head and was hit by the flying bullet. The bullet pierced into the flesh from above the corner of the wolf's eye, and then came out through the brain.

The shot wolf fell down before it could make a full howl, while the other two jackals had spread their legs and rushed into the night, fleeing without even looking back.

Milo caught the wolf being shot from the scope, and instead of chasing and killing the other two jackals, he rushed towards the prey like a Pegasus holding a sniper rifle.

Just when he put down the jackal and ran to collect the spoils, a leopard climbed to the top of the sand dune next to their camp, overlooking the place where the smell of living animals was condescending, its eyes were faint blue in the night, Cold like will-o'-the-wisps.

Yan Xing stood outside the tent and listened to the sounds from all directions. When he heard the faint sound of animals stepping on the sand, he guessed that it might be a leopard. The animal's eyes stared straight at the direction of the tent.

The leopard had appeared, and he did not show any weakness. With a forbearance of murderous intent and explosive momentum, he stared at the green light above the sand dunes from a distance. The leopard dared to come down, and he didn't mind using it as a sandbag to practice boxing.

The leopard climbed to the top of the sand dune and was observing its prey. Sensing a dangerous aura, it fixed its eyes on the humans in the dark night and scratched the sand with its feet restlessly.

One person and one leopard confronted each other far away, but no one took any action.

The moment the leopard appeared, Milo also felt it. He wasn't worried that the leopard would hurt the children. Xiao Lele's bodyguard had super powers. If he couldn't even handle a leopard, don't blame him for calling him trash.

The leopard was dealt with by a young man from the Huaxia Kingdom. His job was to help the children catch the jackal. Therefore, Milo just turned his head and glanced, and continued running without even stopping. He crossed hundreds of meters of grassland, found the jackal, and took out Flashlight observation.

The place where the corpses were disposed of before was turned into a mess by three jackals. Many small holes were dug in the ground, and there were footprints of jackals everywhere. It's animals competing for food and making a mess of a place.

Seeing the place where no human relics were left, Milo also envied the guy with superpowers, it would be nice if he could control the flames, and if he saw something unpleasant, it would be burned, and people couldn't find any scum, which would save trouble .

Envy is nothing but envy, and he can't get it wrong. He put the flashlight on the ground, lifted the dead jackal to one side and put it away, took out a Swiss army knife, put on gloves and skillfully skinned the wolf.

He is no stranger to the work of skinning animals. He used to catch prey in the African desert and the Amazon forest.

The jackal has just died, the body temperature is still there, and the body is not frozen. If you know the skills, you can easily peel off the skin.

Milo quickly separated the wolf's four legs from the skin and meat, then cut a slit on the wolf's belly, peeled off the tail skin completely, and pulled the wolf skin backwards from tail to head, hissing, wolf The skin was completely separated from the body, the flesh was not broken, and even the blood did not flow.

He separated the wolf skin from the wolf body effortlessly, pulled the fur up to the wolf's neck, cut a few knives at the wolf's eyes and wolf's mouth, and then tore off the whole wolf skin with a single pull. There was a little blood where the shot was shot, but the rest was clean.

After observing for a while, Milo was very satisfied with his masterpiece. He put the wolf skin on his shoulders, cut open the skinless wolf body with a few knives, wiped the knife on the grass, cleaned the gloves and put the knife away together. , took the wolf skin, brought his own weapon and returned to the camp with a flashlight.

The wolf meat was discarded, the blood was flowing, the intestines also flowed out of the cavity, and the smell of blood and fishy smell permeated the air.

The leopards on the dunes smelled blood and stared at the humans vigilantly.

Ignoring Lan Youyou's eyes on the dune, Milo turned on the flashlight and ran back to the tent. He saw the child's bodyguard staring at the dune and shone the flashlight on the dune. Under the strong flashlight, the leopard on the dune was clearly visible. The body is strong, and the sensitivity of the animal makes it feel that humans are dangerous, and stands on the sand dunes with full vigilance.

Seeing the leopard's size clearly, Milo didn't bother to provoke it. He happily got into the tent, sat next to the child, and stuffed the wolf skin to her: "Little Lele, look at this, it's still hot, take it back and make a cushion That’s right. Wolf meat isn’t very tasty, we don’t have firewood, I didn’t keep it, and if it’s kept at noon tomorrow, it will go bad.”

Le Yun sat in the tent bored and counted tens of thousands of sheep. She didn't stop counting sheep until the handsome guy Tuhao came back. She didn't care about the wolf meat at all. She didn't care if she left some for dry food. She happily shook off the wolf skin. Eyes widened: "Oh, Milo, you are too good, this skinning technique is much better than mine."

"Of course, I'm a good hunter anyway. Next time Xiao Lele wants to tell me what kind of fur she wants, and I'll go hunting." Milo was so proud that he was happier than picking up the treasure. Mmm, he was in Africa back then. Those life-and-death experiences in America were indeed not in vain. Their ability to survive in the wild is top-notch. They hunt for survival, so now they know how to hunt and kill animals and how to skin them.

Le Yun nodded frantically with "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm', it is N times better to travel around the world with the handsome guy Milo than to team up with the Yan people to run all over the mountains. She couldn't do anything because of her status, and she had to carry him behind her back if she wanted to do something.

The handsome foreigner came back from hunting to present treasures to the little Lolita, Yan Xing was so jealous that he felt sour, hmph, even though he was protecting the little Lolita, that guy came to join in the fun and take credit from him, damn it!
He couldn't do anything to the friends that little Lolita knew, and all his grievances rushed towards the leopard, staring fiercely at the eyes of the leopard on the dune, with murderous looks in his eyes, that guy has a seed, come down and fight Sanbaihe, if he If you don't kill it, he will take its surname.

Sensing the dangerous aura emanating from the human Twolegs, the leopard moved its legs uneasily, and stepped back slightly, to the back of the sand dunes. Retreat, retreat slowly, retreat to the other side of the sand dune, take a last look at the human beings, and hide in the darkness.

The leopard's eyes were moving, but Yan Xing didn't chase after it. He watched it move slowly, and finally disappeared. It stood still and stared at the air. It's another tough guy!
The little loli didn't want the leopard's fur, and he didn't chase after him. He stood there for a minute, restrained his air-conditioning and killing intent, moved his neck and hands and feet, and slowly turned around and got into the tent to sit next to the little loli, muffled He said sullenly, "The leopard left by itself."

"It didn't go away, it's still behind the sand dunes." Le Yun stretched out her paws with a smile and quickly touched Yan's head: "Handsome guy, you are so amazing. I can scare off a wolf at most, but you scared a leopard!" Retiring without fighting, this combat power is top-notch!"

Being stroked by the little lolita, Yan Xing's full of gloom disappeared without a trace, and a smile appeared on his gloomy face: "Actually, I hope that it will pounce on me and kill me to trouble me. I missed it in self-defense." Kill it and use its skin to make you a little leopard-skin vest."

"Don't forget about the leopard skin, save your strength to find firewood and catch rabbits tomorrow." Yan Ren became arrogant in a second, Le Yun stroked his dull hair, patted his head, and arranged work for him by the way.

Being stroked by the little Lolita, Yan Xing felt happy in his heart, nodded, and was no longer jealous of the foreigner youth, no matter how good the little Lolita and the foreigner youth were, they never touched the guy's head. In comparison, the relationship between the little Lolita and him better.

Milo watched the kid rubbing the Huaxia youth's head, his eyes flickered, he didn't say anything, he stayed with the kid, and continued to wait for anyone or something to join in the fun.

There was no sound in the tent, and the surroundings became quiet again, only the smell of blood lingered in the air for a long time.

The leopard hiding behind the sand dunes lay quietly on the ground. After a long time, it got up gently. Instead of climbing over the sand dunes, it walked along the sand dunes with a cat's footsteps. It walked around the sand dunes for a long time. Sneaking along the desert grassland towards the bloody place.

It walked very slowly, moving silently, walking on the plains from time to time looking in the direction of the human camp, those eyes flickering like will-o'-the-wisps in the dark night.

The three of them who were bored in the tent and counted the sheep gathered their heads together to watch the movement of the green light outside, and whispered: "It's coming."

"It's so smart, it can pick up ready-made food."

"It is afraid that we will snatch the prey, so it is on guard against us."

The three heads gathered together chattered about leopards, because there was nothing to do, and admiring leopards foraging became the only source of relief.

The leopard moved slowly, getting closer and closer to the smell of blood, and soon arrived at the prey discarded by humans. It looked around and found no danger, then circled around the prey, lay down, bit the prey, and enjoyed dinner .

It faces the direction where humans set up tents, and can always observe whether the two-legged beasts over there will come to grab food. When eating, it bites for a while and then scouts around to see if there are other animals coming to grab food from its mouth.

The jackal is not big at first. After removing the internal organs, there is less food to eat. The leopard eats a lot, and it won’t be full after eating. All that was left was the head and internal organs. Finally, the internal organs were discarded, and the jackal's head was bitten and left.

The leopard walked further and further, bypassing the sand dunes where it came from, walking towards the depths of the desert plain, and soon disappeared in the night.

The leopard left, and the water pool became quiet again.

The three in the tent had nothing to eat, and they counted sheep again. They counted and counted, and they counted tens of thousands of sheep. They waited until dawn and did not wait for other blind scum to come to make a surprise attack. .

It was slightly bright that day, and a group of antelopes came running from behind the dunes. The team of more than [-] people crossed the dunes, ran across the plains, and ran to the pool to drink water.

The three human two-legged beasts, who were going to deal with internal emergencies and wash their faces, quickly took out their cameras and hid beside the tent to take wild pictures of the animals drinking water.

The antelope drank the water, crossed the plain and disappeared behind the large sand dunes.

After hunting the antelopes, there were no other animals, only birds. The two young men and the little girl went to the pool to wash their faces, and then went back to the tent to eat dry food.

After replenishing the food, Le went into battle with a bundle of guns and went up the dry valley. Colonel Yan went to collect firewood, and Handsome Mi Luo slipped away to find a place to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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