magic eye doctor

Chapter 980 Working together to do bad things

Chapter 980 Working together to do bad things (1 more)

Student Le Xiao carried things up the dry river, checked that no one was coming, threw the gun into the space, and rushed into the bushes to dig desert medicinal plants and collect plant seeds.

Yan Xing was in charge of guarding the camp. After the little Lolita left, he dismantled a tent, buried the internal organs of the jackal to prevent them from spoiling and smelling, and packed them up before going to collect firewood.

In the middle of the morning, a small plane flew in and flew around the pool for several times before flying away. At noon, another helicopter flew in and circled over the pool for several times before flying away.

Yan Xing picked up a lot of firewood, but because of the high sun, he didn't go back after half the morning. He lay down under the acacia tree to rest, and saw the planes flying around in the sky, he didn't care about it, and one of the two planes must have been hired yesterday. The mastermind behind those guys who came to carry out the assassination in the evening, just didn't know what expression they would have if they found out that the killer they hired was dead and alive, and would jump their feet.

Little Lolita will not come back at noon, and the foreigner youth will not return to the camp at noon, he does not need to cook, just eat some dry food at noon, because he has to watch the camp, and the foreigner youth snatches the job of catching rabbits, Yan Xing has nothing to do in the afternoon, so he just Climb a tree to sleep, sleep till mid-afternoon, take a spoonful of water and wet towel to wipe the whole body for a bath, and return to the camp to sit in the evening.

During the day, Milo ran towards Brand Mountain, wandered around several rocky mountains to find the living place of rock rabbits, found a place to rest by himself, and hunted in the afternoon. He hunted two rabbits, dug some clay, and carried them away. Prey return to camp.

It was past four o'clock in the afternoon when he returned to the place where he camped. He and the Huaxia youth worked together to clean up the rabbits, and went to the water pool to deal with the rabbits before taking them back to the tent.

Le classmate ran a long distance alone, went to the plain for a walk, found several kinds of cacti and succulent plants, and ran back in the middle of the afternoon. When she ran back to the camp, the sun was going down and there was no time to rest. Clean the plants, wrap rabbits in mud and bury them in the sand and burn them.

Little Lolita does the important work of Nidandan. Yan Xing and Miluo don't need her to do other work. They are responsible for cooking rice, cooking rice and making soup, and putting a lot of berries and wild vegetables. It tastes delicious and makes two young people hungry. The handsome guy swallowed secretly until it was dark. The three of them dug out the mud eggs buried in the sand, cooled them for a while, and then cracked open them. They took out rabbit meat, edible plants, cactus and soup, and had a delicious dinner.

The little loli was full after eating only one rabbit leg. The two handsome guys had big stomachs. After eating all the rice and rabbit meat, the faces of the two who were fed up with delicious food were radiant, and their expressions were more lazy and satisfied than cats.

The happy two young people packed up their belongings, sat by the fire, babbled about what they had learned, and the little girl laughed. They didn't climb back to the tent until nearly nine o'clock. The three of them still squeezed into a tent to enjoy the stars and the night together.

The three of them sat and waited for the scumbags to come to carry out raids, so as to collect some loot, but the night was safe and sound, and the classmate Le, who sacrificed his sleep, was so angry that he greeted the [-]th generation of some people's ancestors, and then he was angry. Wash your face, brush your teeth, and make breakfast.

After breakfast, Le called the helicopter and asked them to buy some items before picking them up. After asking the two handsome guys to dismantle the tent, she slipped away to dig plants.

The helicopter didn't arrive at Xiaoshuitan until nearly ten o'clock. I heard that the extra person was an animal lover. He shared the same hobbies with the two young people from Huaxia Kingdom and would travel together. They didn't have any objections, so they flew to the northwest with the three of them. .

At the request of the Chinese girl, the helicopter flew over the vast and uninhabited coastal desert, and arrived at the Kunene region in the northwest of Nanami, where the Himba people are most concentrated, and the gravel desert along the coast very close to Angola. A desert plain lands near a river where the plains meet.

After picking up the guests, the helicopter flew away. The Chinese guests like to study the plants in the desert. They don't want to stay in a deserted place and deal with the wind and sand.

The northwestern part of Nami Country belongs to the Himba people, that is, the territory of the red clay people. They still retain the ancient semi-nomadic lifestyle and reject modern civilization. There are no roads in many areas, and the transportation is inconvenient. They still retain the most primitive scenery.

The Red Clay Man tribe is scattered, and many areas in the northwest are deserted, especially in the gravel desert area, where there are no human beings visiting all year round within a hundred kilometers.

The place chosen by Le Yun is far away from human habitation, it belongs to the real desert, only plants and animals, as well as silent plains and mountains.

After seeing off the helicopter, Milo shouted happily: "Xiao Lele, this place is great, let's play for a few more days, you are happy digging plants, and I am happy hunting."

Far away from human settlements and inaccessible, it is undoubtedly a good place to explore unscrupulously. Yan Xing is also very happy, and does not feel that the young foreigners are greedy. To be honest, he also hopes that the little loli will stay for a few more days.

Le Yun was sniffing the air, analyzing how many smells there were, and was amused by Miro: "I expect to stay for about three days, and you can play happily. Now, we are going to climb over that mountain. and camped where there is water."

The two young people looked at the mountain pointed by the little Lolita. The mountain was in the plain, not too high, with some plants growing sparsely, and exposed gravel and sandy areas could be seen.

The handsome guys were not afraid of going too far, they put on their luggage and started off with great interest. Moreover, the two young men were afraid that the little guy would be tired, so they snatched her backpack and let her carry her small backpack.

The three walked along the gravel desert to the plain, crossed the semi-desert plain, and climbed along the mountain. The little girl dug plants while walking, and the two young people picked up some rough straws and dead shrub branches that could be used as firewood.

Turning over the mountain, the handsome young man sighed. There is a river in the valley behind the mountain. The place where the river flows is an oasis, full of shrubs and plants, and some miscellaneous trees. It seems that the river has little water, and it is estimated that it will dry up in winter. .

Going down the mountain to the river valley, Mi Luo and Yan Xing searched for a place to set up camp. The two reached a rare consensus. They set up camp in a few small trees and bushes, not far from the river. Where the fire is burning, find stones as a shelf to support the pot, and then go to collect firewood.

The handsome guys picked up a lot of dead shrubs and dead tree stems from the upper reaches of the rainy season, and went to the camp to cook rice and smoked mutton. The little girl was busy digging plants and didn't show up until it was getting dark.

The three of them ate a simple dinner, got into the tent and slept peacefully in their sleeping bags. They had reconnaissance, and no other helicopters flew over to reconnaissance that day, so even if someone wanted to carry out a surprise attack, they would not be able to find them until at least tomorrow.

After a good night's sleep, they wake up refreshed the next day. After eating dry food, the soldiers are divided into three groups, one digs plants, one hunts, and the other looks for firewood to guard the camp.

The handsome Miro who was in charge of hunting came back before noon, and he hunted a small antelope, part of it was used as barbecue, and part of it was marinated in salt for a few hours and smoked over the fire to make bacon to prevent it from spoiling.

Little student Le didn't come back until evening, and used the dug plants to make stew. The next day, Colonel Yan helped little Loli dry the medicinal materials. Handsome Mi Luo went for a walk again. Make delicious roasts.

On the third day, handsome Mi Luo caught three rabbits and ate delicious mud-roasted rabbits; half of the plants dug up by Le were about to dry, and the total amount could fit in a backpack.

On the fourth day, little Lolita did not run away, but continued to dig plants. After digging for a long time, the three of them took a bath at noon, brought spare water, and set out to go down the valley. The river dried up less than 800 meters down the river. The valley stretches into the distance.

Walking along the dry valley, the centennial orchid grows on the arid riverbed that enters the gravel desert. The centennial orchid grows at the junction of the gravel desert and the gravel plain, large and small.

Centennial Orchid blooms in autumn. At the end of April, the flower has reached the late stage and has produced flower seeds. The base of the blooming Centennial Orchid is covered with flower cones, which is very beautiful.

It was not until dusk when the centenarians were found. The young people camped in a sheltered place behind a short sand dune, lit a fire with a small amount of firewood they carried, and grilled meat. At night, they ate bread with the meat.

The handsome guys were busy making food, and Classmate Le was busy collecting flower seeds. He got a lot of flower seeds and soaked them with space well water and medicine.

The two handsome guys didn't complain, and worked hard to dig the sand around a centenarian tree designated by the little loli, while the little girl ran far away under the guise of collecting seeds.

Mi Luo and Yan Xing were very strong, but the tools were not very powerful. They dug and dug, and worked hard to plan the sand. It took several hours to dig out a half-moon-shaped deep pit. At the end of the root, the heavy task of digging sand has been completed, and people are also disgraced.

"I said handsome guy, I didn't hit you guys, your work efficiency is really low." The little loli who sat by the pit and waited for a full hour, very unkindly hit the handsome guy's confidence, saying Really, she was working by herself, and she could dig out two orchids in one night. The two handsome guys were tall and big, and they dug a hole in the middle of the night. It was too slow, isn't it?

Of course, she would never admit that she cheated. She used excellent tools. The handsome guys used small hoes, small shovels, and wooden sticks for planting flowers. The tools were very outdated.

"Uh, I'm suitable for hunting, not proficient in dealing with plants." Milo cleaned the sand from his head embarrassingly.

"Xiao Le, next time you want to dig such a large plant, please say hello in advance. I will prepare tools in advance. This toy is really not good." Yan Xing threw the deformed small hoe and shovel aside, feeling quite frustrated. Pay attention to fine bow and arrow, if the little loli doesn't give you good tools, give them small tools for children to play with, no matter how strong they are, they won't be able to use them.

As he spoke, he stretched his head and glanced down, and argued hard: "Xiao Le, our efficiency is considered very good. With this kind of tool, we can also dig a deep hole of more than ten meters. It is impossible for others to do it."

"Yeah, I know you guys are doing your best." The handsome guy was singing bitterly, and Le Yun was so happy that he went down the deep pit with his own backpack on his back.

The handsome young man dug a small hole on the edge of the pit, stepped all the way down, reached the bottom of the pit and looked up, only seeing a little bit of starry sky. blurry.

Going to the bottom of the pit and observing the exposed centenarian root for a while, and then climbing to the pit wall, Le Yun took out a knife and cut the centenary orchid, chopping it like chopping firewood. It took half an hour to cut off the roots of the orchid.

Dig out the bottom part of the root from the sand, carry it up and climb to a certain height, lift it up and let the two handsome guys pull a root out and put it on the sand, then she goes down the pit and takes it out Wash the cut section with well water, wash away the silt, and then apply ointment that can repair the wound, apply a thick layer, and wrap it with plant leaves to protect the roots of the orchid from silt erosion.

After dealing with the fracture scars of the Centenary Langen, Le Yun climbed out of the deep pit and asked the handsome guy to fill back the sand. He carried the Centenary Langen and ran to the dunes in the darkness, and then threw a section back to the space in a safe place. After a while, I ran back to the original place and worked with the handsome guys.

Yan Xing and Mi Luo were never curious about the little guy sending away the plants he dug up every once in a while. They didn't ask who she was responding to, or how those people handled the plants and how they transported them back to China. , They turned a blind eye to her behavior, and happily helped the evildoers every day, and even worked for tigers, and vented their anger on her in a cowardly manner, and they also enjoyed doing bad things with her.

It took the three people an hour to backfill all the soil into the sand pit. Because some of the roots of the orchid were dug out, the pit was uneven, and they filled it with sand in other places, and the sand around the orchid was backfilled as before. It was flat, and Classmate Le poured a few bottles of water on it as a thank you gift.

After digging the hundred-year-old orchid roots, the two big ones and the young one went back to sleep in the tent, and got up early the next morning to eat dry food. The little loli planted the seeds soaked in water, and then pulled out the camp, waited for the helicopter to pick them up, and boarded the plane. To the capital of Namibia.

The helicopter flew for more than six minutes before returning to the capital of Nami. The two young people and the little girl arrived at the airport. They first bought a plane to Kenya the next day, and then took a taxi to the city to check into a hotel. Go shopping in a refreshing way.

Le classmate did not visit the most famous church in Nanami for the first time. In order not to leave any regrets, Miro took the children to visit the interior of the church to experience the sacredness of the old church and visit several scenic spots. , Go to Jewelry Street to buy gems.

Classmate Le showed the attitude of spending thousands of dollars and spent [-] US dollars in one go. He bought local diamonds, crystal stones and famous and unknown beautiful stones. Beautiful old crockery.

The two young men were in charge of being porters, sweeping around, taking the spoils back to the hotel and packing them. Colonel Yan took the belongings to the embassy for a visit and asked the embassy to mail them back to China. By the way, the embassy sent someone to deliver them His sniper rifle, gun certificate and embassy staff certificate were sent back.

The staff of the embassy learned that a certain little girl was safe in Nami and was about to leave. They secretly thanked the gods. As soon as the girl arrived in Nami, the domestic military department asked the embassy to provide protection in secret, emphasizing repeatedly that she must be safe and let them Feeling a lot of pressure, now that people are going to play somewhere else, they can take a breather.

A little loli who didn't know how to bring pressure to the embassy staff, enjoyed the delicious food in the hotel, and had a good sleep at night. The next morning, she and two handsome guys rushed to the airport to fly to Kenya to start the next plant collection. journey.

(End of this chapter)

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