magic eye doctor

Chapter 983 One Shot Solution

Chapter 983

The wind on Mount Kenya can make the sky turbulent, and the night wind often whizzes past, blowing the plants "rustling" and shaking, and a little carelessness of the gust of wind can blow people down.

In the deep cold dew, several nocturnal travelers were climbing up against the wind. They were all wearing black mountaineering suits, wearing hoods, and wrapped their necks tightly with long gray scarves, covering them tightly, leaving only their eyes out. .

There were four people in the group, the first person stood on the shoulders of a vulture, on the back of the vulture was a human head with a stomach and a heart, with hair about shoulder length loose, a strand of hair wrapped around the vulture's neck, An obvious Southeast Asian face, with a delicate face.

Each of the four hooded men carried a backpack. The first two had bulging backpacks, the latter two carried a sniper rifle in addition to their backpacks, and the third was short, like a woman.

The four of them climbed towards the top of the mountain with one eagle and one head. As the altitude increased, the wind became stronger, and the speed was affected and slowed down. The sound of people stepping and breathing seemed insignificant under the cover of the wind. The light of the headlamp on the head is also dim in the dark night, and it is impossible to see clearly at a distance of more than ten meters.

The group stopped at an altitude of more than 4000 meters, and the leader whispered something to the head on the vulture's back in Burmese: "How far is it?"

"The oblique line is still about 600 meters away, and the person is at an altitude of about 300 meters." The woman stuck to the back of the vulture had a soft and pleasant voice.

"The wind is too strong and the distance is too far. The bullets must be inaccurate. We have to get closer." The person walking in the second spoke, his male voice was a little sandy.

The four set off again, all wearing gloves and trekking poles for mountaineering. They used the trekking poles in one hand to support their bodies, and sometimes they held plants with their hands to prevent them from slipping due to the wind.

The hair of the human head on the vulture's back was blown backwards, hitting the vulture's back hair with a "snapping" sound. The vulture held the human's shoulder firmly without shaking.

The higher you go, the harder it is to walk.

The four of them climbed step by step, the air-conditioning condensed into water on the charging pants and clothes, and even the cloth towel wrapped around their necks was wet, and further up, the surface of the plant leaves seemed to be covered with a layer of ice.

After climbing about a hundred meters, the group stopped climbing on a relatively flat place, dimmed the headlights, moved sideways, moved for a while, and stopped at a place with a few rocks, with a gun for inspection.

The two men holding the sniper rifle rested for a few minutes, each chose a rock as a cover, turned off the headlights, lay down on the rock to set up the sniper rifle, and turned on the red and ultraviolet observation mirror to look up. The red and ultraviolet light is not afraid of fog. You can see the top of the blue tent under a plant a few hundred meters above. Because of the plants, you can only see a little of the top of the tent from the bottom up, but you can't see the entire tent body.

Checking around the tent, there are no rocks or bushes that can be used as shelters seven or eight meters away. The two talked to their companions to show that they were ready.

The other two took things from their backpacks. One took out two round time bombs and placed them in front of the human head on the vulture's back. The human head wrapped the bombs with strands of hair. Cloth, there are more than a dozen cobras in the cage, and the snakes seem to be all asleep, stacked on top of each other.

The person who took out the snake cage took out a flute and a cigarette, lit the cigarette and placed it next to the cage.

The person holding the flute pulled back the scarf covering his face, revealing a rough face. He put the flute by his mouth, and blew gently, making very soft notes.

The two holding sniper rifles stared closely at the direction of the tent, monitoring whether the people in the tent were awakened by the sound.

The sound of the flute is very soft, the wind blows from top to bottom, and the sound of the flute is almost inaudible when it reaches the top. The smell of snakes is more than ten times stronger than the first smell, and there is also the smell of smoke. Smoke is something that can excite animals.

The sound of the flute, the smoke, the smell of the snake...

After thinking about it, she understood that there should be good snake trainers in the team.

Looking at the red-ultraviolet viewing mirror of the sniper rifle, one can see a human head exposed behind a rock hundreds of meters away from a condescending height.

Adjust the angle of the sniper rifle, write down the best shooting position, Le Yun put down the sniper rifle, quickly put the small rocket launcher equipment on the field, quickly adjust the angle according to the position of the sniper rifle before, and confirm that it is adjusted to the best angle. Aim at the target and shoot decisively.

A puff of white smoke shot out from behind the butt of the small rocket launcher, and the miniature cannon head shot out of the barrel. The loud bang made the surroundings seem to have stopped for a moment, and then the various sounds of nature returned to reality.

After firing a small rocket launcher, Le Yun threw the cartridge and the gun holder back into the space. Regardless of the loud shock to her ears, she picked up the sniper rifle and quickly moved behind another Senli tree. Find suitable prey.

The wind was so strong that the sound of the miniature bazooka firing was not deafening, only the sound of the warhead splitting the air was like a snake spinning silk, and the warhead shone like sparks due to the heat generated by friction.

The two snipers who were lying on the rocks and monitoring the tent did not see the white smoke rising tens of meters away from the tent, but only heard a small muffled sound like a gunshot. Staring at the tent, when a light flashed in front of the observation mirror, I quickly turned the muzzle of the gun to observe, and unexpectedly found a small group of light flying towards me, and screamed in horror: "Ah—"

The scream of the short black-clothed man with his face almost trembling with tears.

The exclamation disturbed the other two, and they couldn't help but turn their heads to look. The flute player took a breath while he was in a daze, the sound of the flute was sniffed, and the snake, which was originally stunned and excited after hearing the sound of the flute, shook its head You bumped into me, I bumped into you and bumped together.

The vulture has a keen sense of smell, and at first it was just a winged animal. When humans screamed, it jumped up and flapped its wings to fly towards the sky.

It flapped its wings and took off, carrying the human head on its back.

Le Yun was looking for prey with a sniper rifle in hand. She saw a cloud of gray shadow flying up from the observation mirror, and decisively played the second note of the Death's Symphony.

The speed of the sniper rifle bullet was faster than that of the small bazooka, and it was in a tailwind with less resistance. It pierced through the clouds and broke the moon for a distance of several hundred meters, and shot at the flying vulture.

The vulture relies on air currents to fly, and its speed is not fast when it first takes off, especially when there is a gust of wind, which blows it backwards. When it flies up, it is not very stable. It flaps its wings and wants to fly high into the sky quickly.
The human head stuck to the vulture's back, her eyes were almost unable to open due to the strong wind blown by the vulture's wings. Holding his neck, his rising posture slowed down.

At the moment when its movements slowed down, two cold lights flew from different directions in the distance, and the head on the vulture's back saw a ball-like cold light, and yelled in horror: "Run, there are stray bullets!"

She let go of her hair, and ran towards the sky. Because of the sudden fright, she not only loosened the hair on the leopard's neck in panic, but also loosened the hair curled with time bombs. Two round bombs Lost and fell.

Just as the human head jumped up into the sky, the high-speed spinning bullet hit the vulture's chest and passed through the chest with a bang. The vulture, which was flapping its wings, just let out a hoarse and piercing scream, like a kite with a broken string, and it went down sharply. Lose.

The two who turned their heads to look at the sniper turned their heads when the eagle flew away on their own initiative. They didn't know what happened, but when they heard the woman shouting to run, they subconsciously jumped up and ran, panicked and only rushed in the direction in front of them.

The two people holding the sniper rifles were stunned at first, and they turned around and ran amidst the woman's shouts. The short man stumbled and fell down, nervous and fear welling up in his heart, "Wow!" Crying loudly, getting up and running in a panic while crying.

The heads who jumped up into the sky saw a ball of light hit a rock they were using as cover while they jumped up, and they almost fell down in horror.

The cold light hit the stone and exploded with a bang. A puff of white smoke spread out in all directions like a mushroom cloud produced when a rocket was launched, and a large area was swallowed by the pungent white smoke.

When the miniature warhead exploded, the two time bombs that had just landed were also "accidentally injured" by the force and exploded. Their self-explosion also contributed to the first wave of explosions, greatly increasing its power, and the scope of the smoke engulfed increased sharply again.

The white smoke that surged up suddenly also drowned the heads of those who wanted to escape, and among those who fled from the ground, the fastest one only ran less than 15 meters away, and the slow ones only rushed out four or five meters away. The few people who ran slowly were all within the maximum lethal range of the miniature bazooka warhead. The fastest one was knocked into the air by a powerful shock wave, flew several meters away, and fell heavily on the ground, landing on a small On the slope, the ground rolled down a few meters before being blocked by plants.

After firing a shot behind the thousand-mile tree, Le Yun stared at a flying head from the observation mirror. He wanted to shoot at first, but it was moving, so he couldn't accurately lock the target. He was still considering whether to waste bullets. When the warhead of the miniature bazooka exploded, without further ado, he immediately threw the sniper rifle back into space, and ran down with a flashlight.

She showed her speed, leaped vertically and jumped across the stream, ignoring the dew-covered plant branches and leaves blocking the way, rushed over a distance of several hundred meters in one breath, and rushed to the scene like flying.

The warhead of the miniature rocket launcher is still there, and the smoke of chemical ammunition is so pungent that people dare not approach it. Le Yun quickly put on a mask and turned on the X-ray eye to scan the scene in the smoke. There are many Of colors, only one is alive—the flying head.

The smoke was too thick, so she didn't dare to take the risk herself, she stared at the position of the head in the white smoke, if that head flew out, then she didn't say anything, no matter if 21 [-] hit the head with a sap and knocked the head unconscious again arrest.

The night wind was strong, and the smoke was blown down the mountain. The strong wind blew seven or eight minutes before the smoke was blown away. The place where Human Head and several of its companions chose as the sniper site had a relatively gentle slope and there were rocks. With green plants, miniature warheads and two bombs launching at the same time, it is undoubtedly a disaster. The stone that bore the brunt was blown to nothing, and there was a hole where the time bomb landed.

A thousand miles of bushes in the explosion area were blasted to pieces. One of the three people lost a hand and a leg, and his body was riddled with holes from the explosion debris. Broken limbs and arms, it is hard to tell which part is which part.

Among the scattered human body parts were cloth and other things, as well as the broken body of the snake. Several snakes were blown to pieces, but the body remained relatively intact. The eagle was also blown to pieces. The human blood snake Blood and stumps were all over the ground, and the blood stained the blasted mud pits and soil, and the battlefield was full of chaos, which was horrible.

A human head fell into the broken limb, and the messy hair covered the face, making it impossible to see the face clearly.

Finally, when the wind blows away the gunpowder smoke, Le Yun scanned the scene a few times, ignored everything, let go of her scud, stepped on the stump, ran to the head and stretched out her gloved paws to grab the head.

The human head was stunned by the thick smoke, and she had no strength to resist. She grabbed her hands and pushed her hair away to look at her face. Well, the makeup on the human head was messed up, there were blood stains, and there were a few pieces of gravel and iron pierced into her chest. Face, making one of her face blurred.

Grabbing the head, Le Yun immediately took out an old sandalwood stick to string its lips together, and a sandalwood stick across its nose to seal part of her power, and then took out a copper alloy with potion Boil the milk pot, pry open the mouth of the human head, scoop up a few spoonfuls of medicinal juice and forcefully pour it down, feed the human head a special medicinal soup, fish its stomach bag to the position of the esophagus and tie a knot, so as not to give it a chance to vomit the medicinal juice .

After making rough steps, he put away the pot head, grabbed the head by the hair and held it in his hand, and ran slowly to find the other guy who was blown away, along the small slope plants splashed with stumps, blood and mud and leaves. Find the man in black next to a clump of messy plants, grab his feet and drag him out of the bushes, then drag him up the slope like a dead dog, and throw him on the clean grass Come on, take off his backpack and search him again.

The man in black was not killed by the blast, but he could not escape death. His internal organs were shattered by the powerful shock wave, and he died at that time. He came on the same road with his companions, and went to Huangquan on the same road. not lonely.

The towel and hood of the man were torn off, revealing a Southeast Asian face. Judging from the blood and smell, he and the head were not from the same family.

Le Yun remembered the smell of the man in black's blood, and found nothing good in the body search. There was a tent in the backpack, a set of clean clothes, and a time bomb. They didn't have a mobile phone or an ID card. From this, they speculated that there must be someone to respond to them. , or the document is carried by a certain person.

The time bomb was confiscated, and the explosion site was inspected again with a human head in hand. Their guns were also shattered, and the steel pipes were severely deformed, losing the value of waste utilization.

It took no effort to get the scumbags done, Le Yun was so happy in her heart, um, there is nothing that a small bazooka can't handle, one shot can't do it, just two, like this one shot, it's simple and trouble-free, bombing with the scumbags' weapons Scumbags, it's cool, it's so cool!
When I was excited, I suddenly thought about the aftermath, and I was not calm. The scene was so messy and seriously damaged the environment. How can people recover?
(End of this chapter)

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