magic eye doctor

Chapter 984 Agreement

Chapter 984 Agreement
At night on Mount Kenya, the plants are silent, and the wind is the only master that cannot be ignored.

In the middle of the night, Le Yun was exposed to the cold wind, and all the good mood when thinking about the aftermath also turned into gusts of wind and drifted away in seconds.

Solve it by self-reliance, or throw this swinging potato to Ken Fang?
She really wants to leave the aftermath to the Kenyan side, find something for them to do, and by the way, their travel will be affected, some people will suffer a bit, and they will not be so confident because of their rich animal resources. Little blacks dare to discriminate against big Tianming people.

But really leave it to the Ken side, she feels that in order to reduce the pressure, the Ken side will definitely arrest people to take the blame, and if no one can be found, the final result may be to hit her and her companions. After all, she and her companions are the first She is the discoverer, and the fact that she and her companions climbed mountains to study plants is obvious to all hotel staff.

If I let myself handle it, Le Yun rolled her eyes feebly looking at the large area devastated by the power of chemicals. The power of the tiny rocket warheads caused too much damage. It is a big project to erase the traces.

Looking at the sky and the earth, thinking for a few minutes, squatting down next to the dead guy again, ignoring his bloody appearance, looking through his backpack, and finding the head in his spare clean clothes Wrap it up and put it in a plastic bag in your hand.

Seriously analyze the smell in the air again to confirm where the snake heads are. All the poisonous snakes brought by the scum were sacrificed heroically. However, the snake head of the cobra has an independent induction system. Even if the snake head is separated from the snake body, it will not really die within two hours. It may sense the heat source and bite people or things again.

In order to reduce the trouble, Le Yun grabbed the bag containing the human head with one hand and picked up a half of a cane from the stump to find the snake head. When she found a snake head, she threw it into the bombed pit first. The snake head has poisonous glands that can be used, but she has no time to extract it. Poison glands, give up.

A total of five relatively complete snake heads were found, two stumped heads, the rest had been blown up, and a few pieces of venomous snake teeth with flesh were found. I thought I would throw them all into the pit and leave another snake head and body, and The remains of the big bird were placed on the stone alone, and the snake's head was pressed down with the stone.

I was afraid that the snake head in the pit would jump, so I threw some snake limbs and some human body parts into the pit. I took a rough step and climbed back to the place where the tent was set up with a bag. I washed my hands and gloves with stream water, and checked that the clothes were not sticky. Dirt only enters the tent.

The tent kept the wind out, and it was much warmer inside. Le Yun didn't have time to enjoy it. He took out the backpack thrown back into the space and put it in its original place. Then he brought out the two handsome guys with their sleeping bags and placed them one by one where they were sleeping. Position the sleeping bag from time to time so that her own sleeping bag is centered.

Restored to the original state, unzipped the zipper of the sleeping bag of the handsome guy Tuhao and quickly released his acupuncture points, leaving only the last hole to be puzzled, and helped the handsome guy Tuhao zip up the sleeping bag and then opened the sleeping bag of the Yanren to release the hole, also leaving the last hole Don't touch the acupoints, first adjust the sleeping bag for him, let the sleeping bags of the two handsome guys return to their original state, quickly untie their last acupoint, and sit and wait for the two to wake up.

The acupoints were unlocked, and the two handsome men quickly responded.

When Yan Xing was conscious, he suddenly opened his eyes, and when he saw the bright light, a fish sat up subconsciously, looking at the little loli sitting facing the direction of the sleeping bag, his temples twitched slightly three times: "Can we make some sense?" , don’t always touch the acupuncture points, okay?”

Little Lolita taps acupuncture points at every turn, which doesn't make sense at all.

I yelled, quickly checked the light source, it was the light of a flashlight, not the bright light of nature after dawn, I was a little confused for a while, the sky is not yet bright?

At the same time, he smelled a sour and fishy smell in his nose, looked at the little Lolita and found that she was carrying a bag, Yan Xing's eyes fell on the black bag, and his intuition might happen again when he was being acupunctured What's the situation.

Colonel Yan was still thinking about how to ask little Lolita if something happened, handsome Mi Luo also woke up, sitting up with his sleeping bag as well.

Milo frowned first, then his brain cleared up, and he looked at the kid with a dazed face: "Little Lele, I remember you poked me a few times, right?" After being poked a few times, he didn't have any memory, it was a strange feeling.

The two handsome guys nestled in the sleeping bags like silkworm babies, Le Yun couldn't help grinning, and even his eyes were crescent like crescents: "Handsome guys, hurry up and help dispose of the corpse, or it will be dawn. "

"Bury the corpse?" The two handsome and handsome young men were all on the job in an instant. Wouldn't it mean that an assassin had come to bury the corpse?
"That's right, it's just burying the corpse. A group of blind guys came to disturb people's dreams. I'm in a bad mood. I sent them to see God. I can't do it alone. Get up quickly and help collect the corpse and deal with the traces." .”

"how many people?"

"Who is that?"

When Mi Luo and Yan Xing learned that assassins were indeed visiting, they quickly opened the zipper of their sleeping bags and went to find their shoes.

"Some kind of special personnel in Southeast Asia chased me and ran to several countries. This time, I eliminated five. They should still have their responders hiding somewhere and did not show up. I have been targeted. For safety, when we left Kenya, The two of you return to your own country immediately, and I will go to another country for a while."

"No." Milo was the first to object: "Little Lele, it's too dangerous for you to run around alone, so we can rest assured that we follow you."

Yan Xing didn't say a word, just one thought: I will go wherever you go.

The two handsome guys didn't cooperate, Le Yun pursed her mouth, untied the bag she was carrying, untied the knot of her clothes, grabbed a human head and raised it up for people to look at: "Look, this is what followed me. kill them?"

The handsome young man looked over and saw the beautiful and cute girl like a little white rabbit holding a human head in her hand. , heart, that head is completely unrecognizable, and the mouth and nose are pierced with wooden sticks. If you encounter it in the wild, it will scare people to death.

Ugly things smell bad and make people feel sick.

Seeing the head, Yan Xing understood what the smell was before, but he was not shocked by seeing a head, and squinted his eyes slightly: "Flying head down again?"

Milo looked at the head that the kid was holding in his little hand, his blue eyes widened, God, that kind of thing also came to join in the fun, did little Lele dig those guys' ancestral graves?
Xiao Lele... unexpectedly caught that kind of thing?

After staring and staring, after several glances, Milo confirmed that his eyes were not blurred, and Xiao Lele was really holding the ugly and smelly thing with his hands, and he was a little dazed: "Xiao Lele, you, caught it she?"

"Hey, Miro, you also know this kind of thing?" Le Yun was stunned, the handsome Tuhao didn't shout "God" in shock when he saw the strange creature, he was so calm.

"My godfather mentioned strange creatures in the world, such as mummies in Arabia, vampires in Europe and America, flying human heads in several countries in Southeast Asia, Shiva and snake gods in India, and ghosts and gods in China. A hermaphrodite who communicates with the dead."

"!" Yan Xing pursed his lips, the foreigner young man has a wide range of knowledge, but why does it feel weird?

"Milo has also heard of it, so that's good. This kind of creature moves strangely, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find their traces. The family of this thing has a grudge against me, and they are chasing me all over the world looking for opportunities to kill me,"

Handsome Mi Luo has also heard of Flying Head Drop. Le Yun didn't need to find a lot of reasons to explain to him the unscientific phenomenon of strange creatures, but only said the reason to let them go back to China immediately: "This kind of creature has a super sensitive sense of smell. Blood and smell are very sensitive. You can track the target from the taste and smell of human blood. As long as you don’t change the blood and body odor, even if you change your face, it’s useless. You can also find you and your family from the smell of relatives who are related to you. Staff, this time I killed a few of their family members, if they suspect that you are eyeing you, you will be in trouble, so you go back to your country, I will go to another place to make them believe that you are just ordinary people, there is no ability A special ability to kill them."

"Friend Mi Luo, go back to the country first. I'm not afraid of flying head down. It doesn't matter if I'm targeted." Yan Xing didn't want to go back to the country by himself, and finally he was able to run around with little Lolita. A foreigner appeared on the way, and he didn't get hurt. If you are alone with the little Lolita, whoever should go, let's go, don't be a light bulb.

"No, this time the situation is a bit special, there is no room for negotiation, you and handsome Mi Luo have to go back to the country first, whoever bargains with me, or secretly follows to destroy my plan, we can't even be friends." The two handsome men followed, preventing her from collecting plants with her hands and feet, and preventing her from going to the seaside to hunt for treasures, causing her to waste time and opportunities in vain, and suffered huge losses.

"Okay, Xiao Lele, don't be unhappy. I'll listen to you. I'll go back to China first after finishing my trip to Kenya." The child's tone was serious and firm. Miro immediately respected her arrangement unconditionally, and Xiao Lele let him go back to China first. , he should go back to China first, or she will not let him travel around the world with him after she gets angry.

"Okay, I agree." The young foreigner compromised, and Yan Xing was forced to give in by himself.

"That's right. I plan to go to several countries with virgin forests in West Africa in the future. If Milo doesn't cooperate, I won't invite you to travel with me next time. Handsome guy, you can still catch elm money when you return home, remember how much Pick some, otherwise you will not be allowed to go with you wherever you go in the future."

The two handsome guys agreed in a muffled voice that they should not be little tails, Le Yun was happy, la la la, if the handsome guys don't follow, she can play happily.

In a good mood, he immediately urged people: "Hurry up, handsome guy, move more quickly, and the sky will dawn."

"Okay, you can start working right now."

"It's all right."

The two handsome guys heard that they will still be asked to go on an adventure next time. The gloomy mood of returning home early was brightened in a second, so they fastened their shoelaces, took their essentials and prepared to go.

After persuading the two handsome men, Le Yun wrapped up the head again with a smile on his face, put it in a bag, took the tools, and took the two handsome men to the battlefield.

The closer they got to the scene of the accident, the stronger the smell was, because the fog was too thick to melt away. Mi Luo and Yan Xing didn't see the scene at first. There are also a few black lines floating down.

"This, how did you make it?" God, how much explosives are needed to blow up the ground like this, it seems that the explosive power is amazing, and he didn't witness the two sides fighting with his own eyes.

"We don't have bombs." Yan Xing looked at the potholes and was very puzzled. They were going to climb Mount Kenya in Kenya's national park, so naturally they couldn't carry guns. What did the little girl use to blow up the scum all over the ground?
"We don't have any, but these people have brought them themselves. They have several time bombs. They wanted the flying head to blow up our tent with bombs. They also brought cobras. Even if they can't kill us, we will snipe or let the snake bite us to death. , I made up my mind to keep us here. I preemptively threw their bombs back and blew themselves up. I am too tired to collect the corpses by myself, so I have to ask you to share the work. Don’t be dazed, quickly collect the corpses After burning in one pile, the pit needs to be filled, which is a heavy workload.”

The little loli raised her chin triumphantly, and the two handsome guys said: "..." I can't imagine how handsome the little cutie is when she throws bombs to blow up others. It's the same sentence, don't offend this little guy, he is obviously a little girl A cute child like a white rabbit, when she gets angry and kills, she is more ferocious than the god of death. The guys who want to kill her all die for no reason, and they deserve it.

"Well, go to work. Alas, in such a cold night, you said that these people want to watch the stars and the moon for themselves, but they want to disturb people's sleep. It's too immoral." Throw the complete body in the pit, and then look for the stump.

Yan Xing also went to work, first throwing a strange fire into the pit to burn the corpse, and then walked around the pit, throwing or kicking the broken foot and arm into the pit to be burned.

Le Yun didn't really stand still, she went to find the pieces of meat that Piaofei hid in the grass, collected the hidden corpses and pieces of cloth and threw them into the pit for burning, and when the flames reached a certain level, she carried herself The bag she was holding was thrown into the flames, that thing was dirty, smelly and evil, she didn't want to take it with her, and she didn't want to lose space, it would be easy to burn it in a strange fire.

The head was poured with a strange concoction, and its mouth and nose were sealed. When it was caught out of the bag, it opened its eyes half-awake and half-conscious, and then fell into an endless coma. It was thrown into the fire. She reacted until the cloth and bag were burned, and the fire burned her hair, her face, stomach, and heart, and she woke up in severe pain, jumping violently, trying to escape.

Yan Xing knows his own fire very well, he uses his consciousness to control the fire and wraps the dishonest Feitoujiang, treats it with emphasis, let it enjoy the extraordinary hospitality of being burned by the fire, and let it understand that most people are very fond of the flying Feitoujiang There is no way to kill them, but it doesn't mean that they can't be killed. Little Lolita can kill a group of them in minutes, and he can turn them into ashes in minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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