Chapter 991
Amedeo didn't ask his father who the guests were. He secretly observed that the bodyguards and chefs at home were not much different from before. What is the important person that makes the family members pay so much attention to it?

The young men of the Ferrari family did not tell the young master that the guests who came were Master Miro and Miss Doctor, and they did not disclose their tone. Everyone performed their duties. After breakfast, some went to the beach to buy fresh seafood, and some went to the market to buy what they needed. , someone will pick you up.

The old Mr. Ferrari didn't do any other surprising things. He still walked with the child to digest food. He went to work while the child was studying, and secretly waited for the guests with anticipation.

Mi Luo Tuhao and Little Lolita, who were entrusted with great enthusiasm by the Ferrari family, were not in a hurry at all. They ate the exquisite breakfast of love prepared by Dante's old butler in the morning, and took their luggage to go. Catch the first express train in the morning at the train station.

The express train arrives in the capital city. Miro helps the children to carry the large and small bags of luggage and then transfers to the airport. He stores most of the luggage in the airport luggage locker, takes a small amount of luggage with him to the security check, changes the boarding pass and waits for the plane. machine departs.

The two took the earliest flight from Rome International Airport to the West Island every day. The passengers are basically tourists, and a small number of them are locals who are talking about business or returning to the West Island due to going out. 29 km to Catania Municipal Airport for landing.

When the plane arrived at its destination, the passengers lined up to get off the plane and threw themselves into Xi Dao's arms excitedly. Milo carried her luggage bag containing clothes and washing supplies, and helped the child carry her backpack containing her belongings, and escorted the child out of the cabin. Go down the hanging ladder.

Not far below the hanging ladder, the pick-up staff of the Ferrari family held up a big sign that said "Welcome Doctor, Master Miro" in Chinese, and looked at the entrance of the airport eagerly. When they saw a man in a red shirt with a A bag, the oriental girl with a cute round face walked down, happily walking towards the hanging staircase.

Walking behind the children, Milo saw the two young bodyguards of the Ferrari family, with blue eyes that were as clean as freshly washed with clean water, overflowing with smiles, and the smile on their lips became more elegant and handsome.

Le Yun who walked down the stairs step by step, walked a few steps and looked at the crowd below and almost laughed out loud when he saw the person holding the sign. The people of Mr. Ferrari’s family are very cute. There is a sense of "home away from home".

The two young men from Ferrari's family ran to the side of the hanging staircase, waited for Miss Doctor and Master Miro to come down, and bowed respectfully to greet them: "Welcome Miss Doctor and Master Miro to travel, sir has been waiting for you at the manor for a long time."

"Thank you." Le Yun smiled, and Milo patted the shoulders of the two youths: "Long time no see, buddy. Miss Doctor heard that your husband sent a helicopter to pick her up. She is very happy."

The two youths were the brothers who accompanied them to America last time. They were handsome and gentle, and they were the most likely to attract people. The youths were very happy, took the luggage carried by Master Miro, and led the two guests to the helicopter.

The helicopter is parked a few hundred meters away. It is an AW109 helicopter produced by a local aviation manufacturing company in a country. It costs about 630 million U.S. dollars and ranks among the most expensive helicopters in the world.

The AW109 helicopter has a wide range of uses, including military, civilian, commercial, and medical applications. It has eight seats and is white and blue. Under the sun, the fuselage is shining with a little luster, which is very beautiful.

The driver is in the cab, and the cabin door has been opened to welcome the guests.

Seeing the private helicopter, Le Yun walked and sized it up with great interest, and scanned it with the special function of her eyes. The mechanical composition that appeared was intricate, and thousands of parts merged into a large halo. The colors were colorful, and the colors almost dazzled her eyes. .

Observing while walking, he climbed into the cabin neatly and took a seat by the window first without showing any pretense or being polite when he reached the bottom of the helicopter's hanging ladder.

Children don't pretend to be delicate and weak, and their straightforward and generous personality is the most endearing. Miro smiled all over his face, and the two young men from the Ferrari family boarded the helicopter one after another and closed the hatch.

The helicopter took off, quickly flew high into the sky, turned in the air, and flew in the direction of Mount Etna.

On the way to the West Island, Le Yun sat in an inconvenient position to observe the Mount Etna on the West Island. He could only see a mountain peak in the distance. When the helicopter lifted off, the field of vision widened. Etna in the distance Volcanoes are imprinted in the eyes.

Mount Etna is located on the east coast of the Sisi Island in the United States, facing the sea on one side, because it is a volcanic mountain, and eruptions often occur, and its height changes every time it is measured. I can't say how many meters it is, but it can only be generalized. At an altitude of over 3200 meters, it is the highest active volcano in Europe. It erupted violently several times two years ago, and it is still active today.

The volcano is active, and the cone-shaped vents on the top of the mountain often spew gas.

Under the clear sky, there is still snow on the top of the main peak of Mount Etna, and white gas clusters are faintly seen on the top, like smoke from a chimney. You can also see that the volcano is covered by green vegetation from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain. The ridgeline can also be seen.

The active volcano and the snow-covered mountaintop are a major feature of Mount Etna, which attracts a large number of tourists every year, and even attracts tens of thousands of people in the eruption year.

West Island is dry in summer, and the volcano is moving again, exuding heat. There is not much snow on the top of the mountain, but it is still a very beautiful scenery.

The helicopter flew in the direction of the volcano, and the houses, fields and hills below seemed to be flying backwards. Within a few minutes, they arrived at the estate of the Ferrari family, and the small plane began to descend.

When the helicopter flew over the manor, Alessandro happily turned off his work computer after receiving the report, and pushed the child downstairs with the bodyguards, and walked out of the building to the grass outside to meet Ms. Oriental Doctor.

The helicopter descended in an inclined manner and flew to the lawn not far from the building to land. It felt a little jolting at first, and then stabilized after a smooth landing. The young people on the helicopter did not move. They waited for the high-speed rotating propeller to stop before opening the hatch. The driver also got out of the cab.

The youth gang from Ferrari's family carried the guests' luggage and got off the small plane first, followed by Miro, who stood by and waited for his little friend.

When the helicopter's propellers were stationary, several young men from Farley's family pushed wheelchairs and surrounded the old man and young master to welcome the distinguished guests from afar.

Amedeo couldn't guess who the guest was at first, but when he saw the handsome young man walking down, he exclaimed in surprise, "Ah, it's Brother Miro, that's great!"

He just yelled, and then saw a small and delicate girl get out of the cabin, saw the girl with a smiling face, the young man in the wheelchair opened his mouth in surprise, miss doctor?The guest turned out to be a lady doctor? !

The young master was pleasantly surprised to see Master Miro, and saw that the lady doctor didn't speak. The young people in Ferrari's family laughed extraordinarily happily. The young master was so happy that he couldn't speak.

Arriving at the destination before seeing enough scenery, Le Yun expressed her confusion. She got out of the cabin of the small plane and saw the Ferrari father and son and several young people. Take a look at Mr. Ferrari, the dwarf-like young man still looks sick, but he is much better than before, and his stunned look is also very cute.

She blinked, and Miro walked towards the crowd of Ferrari's family. Before they approached, the old Mr. Ferrari strode forward, shook hands with Miss Doctor enthusiastically, and then hugged gently: "Welcome lovely lady to visit the manor."

"Thank you, Mr. Ferrari, for your warm reception." Old Mr. Ferrari is too rich, isn't he?The helicopter is a modern means of transportation, it is a golden moat of gold.

Old Mr. Falilla embraced the girl, and then embraced the handsome young man, expressing his joy and sincerest intimacy.

The youths of the Ferrari family bowed down collectively to welcome the distinguished guests from afar.

Miro smiled and thanked Mimi on behalf of the children, and accompanied his children to the building of the manor with the old Mr. Ferrari, while smiling at Amedeo: "Brother Amedeo, you are healthier and more handsome than last time. .”

Amedeo moved his eyeballs, but before he could speak, the oriental girl approached, pressing a paw on the top of his head, and there was a voice that was clearer than a nightingale: "Little Mr. Ferrari, are you thinking again?" Who do you want to fight?"

The young men in the Ferrari family were all amused when the oriental girl asked the young master if he wanted to fight a duel. The fact that the young master wanted to have a fight with the doctor lady was a well-known event in the Ferrari family, and everyone expressed their anticipation.

Being touched on the head, Amedeo blushed, grabbed the girl's hand, and shouted angrily: "I'm not a child! If this happens, I didn't want to fight with you, so I have to find you!" duel."

"I guess you want to fight with me again," Le Yun avoided Mr. Ferrari's extended hand, and then pressed the young man's head from another angle with his magic claws, rubbing his curly hair and helping him smooth it: "Stinky boy , A good boy should be gentle, a gentleman should have a demeanor, look how gentlemanly and handsome Milo is, how kind and lovely, look how beautiful the weather is, and the scenery in the manor is so beautiful, it is very bad that you are so irritable .”

Unable to grab the girl's hand, and still being stunned, Amedeo was so angry that his face was thick and his neck was thick, and he yelled, "Duel, I must fight, I can't live."

"Stinky boy, I just said that you are irritable, you really want to jump up, you are not cute at all." Le Yun retracted her paws and dodged a step, avoiding the young man's random grabbing hands, and happily tugged at the sleeves of handsome Mi Luo : "Milo, Amedeo really jumped up to fight with me, you remember to help me block it, I am a girl and a lady, I don't want to fight with brats."

The lady doctor and the young master pinched each other when they met. The young master was so amused by the lady doctor's few words that he ground his teeth angrily. It looks like it's about to breathe fire.

Miro cooperated with his little friend and nodded kindly: "Okay, Amedeo wants to fight with you, and I will fight for you. Xiao Lele is a girl and should be protected."

"Brother Miro is biased," Amedeo objected when he was patted by the doctor's head and no one helped him, "I'm a patient, Brother Miro, you should help me, it's the doctor who bullied me."

"It's Amedeo who wants to fight with Xiao Lele. Xiao Lele didn't say he wanted to fight with you." Miro happily stretched out his hand and touched the head of the young man in the wheelchair: "Good boy, Amedeo, let's go to you!" Drink red wine at home, and brother will play video games with you when you are free."

"Hmm." Being pinned down again, Amedeo rolled his eyes helplessly, the lady doctor treated him like a pet dog and patted him on the head to appease him, Brother Miro also learned from the lady doctor!
Milo finished with little Mr. Ferrari, smiled and looked at the kid with sparkling eyes, talked to Mr. Ferrari, and answered the old gentleman's question why his godfather didn't come to the island to play together. His old godfather went to Southeast Asia to participate in the jade fair, and He brought Oscar to increase his knowledge, and he is expected to come back next month. If his children came to the West Island in China, how could the godfather and Oscar not come to visit his old friend's house.

Amedeo was pushed around in a wheelchair, peeping at the oriental girl from time to time, seeing her making strange faces at him, very sad. The lady doctor is very cute, but she often plays pranks and bullies him.

Alejandro led the young people of the family to welcome Miro and the girl into the building, and first sent them to the guest room on the third floor to store their luggage. The father and son sent the guests outside the guest room and went downstairs with the young people first, giving the guests time to pack their luggage or wash. rinse.

The guest room on the third floor has a terrace. You can see the Etna fire on the side or the fruit forest of the manor. The scenery is very beautiful. The Ferrari family also arranges the rooms of the two guests in adjacent places.

Milo dragged his luggage into the guest room, took out his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower, refreshed, and first went to wait for the children outside the door.

The guest room is very beautiful, with pure European-style decoration and low-key luxury. After admiring the bedroom, student Le went to take a shower in no hurry, tidied up and went out. He didn't bring his backpack with his belongings, so he put it in the guest room.

When Mi Luo waited for the little friend, he saw that she was wearing a light orange shirt with a knot on one side, paired with jeans, and a pair of flat sandals, which looked so refreshing. His eyes lit up. Xiao Lele was wearing the one he gave her. clothes.

The clothes he bought fit the children very well, and Miro was very happy. He took the children downstairs to the private living room on the first floor, and sat and talked with Ferrari and his son.

The young people in the Ferrari family saw the girl without a small backpack in front of them, and their eyes lit up. The oriental girl always carries a bag to cover her perfect curve without any foreign objects. Her perfect S-curve can be seen at a glance, as if Being able to show her legs again, even international celebrities who are famous for their figures would feel inferior in front of her.

Amedeo wanted to cover his eyes, oh, the lady doctor is too hot, and he still wears a backpack, which makes people unable to control their eyes.

Alejandro stood up with a smile and asked the little guest to sit down, his bearded face became kind and gentle.

The young people brought milk and black tea, and fresh fruits, all of which were produced in the Ferrari family estate, including citrus, belly oranges, blood oranges, grapes, apples, pears, figs and lemons.

The land around Mount Etna is fertile, and the crops grown are high-yield and high-quality, and the fruits are particularly sweet. Blood oranges are also a specialty of the West Island.

Le Yun is interested in plants, tastes fruits happily, and cuts lemons and soaks them in milk. Probably because of the geographical location and climate, the fruits on the island are really better than those in other parts of Europe.

(End of this chapter)

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