magic eye doctor

Chapter 992 Another blow

Chapter 992 Another blow

After drinking morning tea and eating fruit, it was lunch time to go outside to see the scenery of the manor and take a walk. Ferrari and his son accompanied the guests to eat, and all of them had lunch in a restaurant, with a long dining table, each with a western meal, and other There are dishes to choose from, and the table is full.

The Falilla family has already prepared for it. There are only seven kinds of seafood, including delicious shrimp and coconut crab. In order to make the guests feel at home, the owner specially prepared chopsticks for the girl.

The guests of honor had a great time at lunch, and the young people of Falilah's family knew that Miss Doctor likes to eat grilled fish and grilled fruits prepared by the chef, so they secretly asked Miss Doctor to cook her favorite food for afternoon tea.

After resting for a while, Ferrari and his son accompanied the doctor to board a helicopter to fly around the volcano.

The AW109 sailed more than 900 kilometers at a time, and it was not a problem to circle the volcano. The helicopter carried people to the vicinity of the volcano and flew in a clockwise circle.

After flying around twice, the helicopter flew back to the manor only after three o'clock, just in time for afternoon tea.

After eating delicious afternoon tea snacks and fruits, Le Yun smiled and confessed to the old Mr. Ferrari: "I will go to the volcano to observe the plants tomorrow. The old man sent someone to prepare some items, which are similar to those used to cook Amedeo last time." I'll come back and grab Amedeo and make soup again."

Milo couldn't help laughing: "Xiao Lele, you said you want to cook Amedeo like last time, right?"

Amedeo yelled "Ah", "Miss Doctor, do you really want to catch me and throw me into the pot to make soup again?"

"Yes," Le Yun nodded calmly: "I didn't want to use you to make soup, your recovery speed is too slow, I am barely satisfied with the status quo of your digestive system, and I am not satisfied with the recovery status in other aspects." satisfy.

When performing surgery on you, it is necessary not only to solve the problem of your disease source, but also to reshape your tailbone due to necrosis, and to reshape your bones. I also said last time that your liver and lungs are not good, and it is best to replace them. The liver, and the problems with your legs will also need to be addressed during the surgery.

Your physique is too poor to bear a one-time organ (organ) surgery such as bone replacement and liver and lung replacement at the same time. I need to change the treatment plan, first save your liver and lungs, and help your body lose weight. A little load, until you have recovered to a certain level after major surgery, then consider whether you need to replace the liver or lung.

Actually, little Mr. Ferrari, it’s okay if you don’t want to be thrown into a cauldron to cook soup, but the healing effect is not as good, and the recovery speed is a little slower. "

Amedeo didn't pay much attention to the big talk in front of the little girl, but only cared about the last sentence, and nodded with a smile: "Oh, cook, cook, I'm not afraid of being cooked."

The young people of the Ferrari family trembled when they heard that the young master wanted to change in this way.

Alejandro has no problem with the doctor's treatment plan at all. As long as the lady doctor can heal Amedeo, everything else is fine.

Therefore, the old Mr. Ferrari nodded in agreement without hesitation, and asked about the specific containers and items that needed to be prepared. The doctor did not say that other special preparations were needed, and asked the young people to write down the things they needed and go shopping tomorrow.

After explaining the matter, Classmate Le took a young man and Miro to visit the manor. It was definitely not a walk, but rushed into the places where the plants grew near the vineyard and the olive grove and started digging plants, sweeping up the medicinal plants in the manor.

The young man from the Ferrari family was a guide, in case he strayed into other people's estates, he ran along for a while, and cleverly imitated Master Miro as a handyman for an oriental girl, helping to pick up plants or plow the soil.

The orchard was on a slope, and Amedeo was inconvenient in a wheelchair. He didn't follow, and old Mr. Faralizan didn't go to join in the fun. He urged the young people to prepare dinner and make snacks at home, and arranged for the bodyguards who would go into the mountain with the little girl tomorrow. what items.

The members of the Ferrari family were busy all over the place. In the evening, they prepared lunch and waited for Miss Doctor and Master Miro. Everyone waited and waited. After a long wait, the three returned after the sun went down. The two handsome young men hugged each other. with a bunch of plants.

The Ferrari father and son waited until the three people who went for a "walk" came together in amazement to admire the medicinal materials that the little doctor dug up, and then looked left and right, well, they didn't know each other, and there were a few familiar ones, that's all.

Miro handed the plants to the young men of Ferrari's family, and specifically asked: "Don't get confused, this bundle is used to boil water for Amedeo to take a bath in, and the other bundle is used to boil soup for Amedeo to drink. .”

The youths of Ferrari's family kept in mind Master Miro's words, and put the two bundles of plants in different places, and went to have dinner after the guests washed their hands.

After the meal, the young people cleaned the plants and put them upstairs to dry in the shade.

When going to bed at night, Le Yun didn't go back to her private space. Even though she checked Mr. Ferrari's manor guest bedroom for extra cameras and the like, for safety's sake, she obediently behaved like a good guest and slept in the guest room.

After a good night's sleep, she regained her energy. In the morning, she packed up the things she was going to bring into the mountain. After dinner, she loaded her luggage and was ready to go. When she found out that Mr. Ferrari had sent two young men and a handsome Miro to be her bodyguards, it was very serious that there was no room for negotiation. Rejected, followed by a tail, she still digs a fart plant?

The lady doctor insisted not to allow the bodyguards to follow, and Alessandro had no choice but to compromise; Miro had no choice but to raise the white flag, and the two sent the little guy to the volcano in the car.

The slope on the east or southeast side of the volcano is relatively gentle. The government has built a mountaineering road for tourists to go up the mountain to see the scenery. Of course, it is impossible to go straight to the top of the mountain. walk.

Little Loli did not go to the gentler slope, but chose the southwest side to climb the mountain. Mr. Ferrari's car drove the lady doctor between the residential settlements and the manor.

The land at the foot of Mount Etna is fertile and densely populated. The vicinity of the volcano is one of the most densely populated areas on the entire island and feels crowded.

The Ferrari family is a local, familiar with the routes of various places, turning east and west, passing through human settlements, passing through the manor area, and arriving at the orchard area on the mountainside, and did not stop until they could not go any further.

Little Le, carrying his big backpack stuffed with dry food, got out of the car and waved his paws at old Mr. Falilah and Miro Tuhao, and happily climbed up the mountain along the wilderness.

Alessandro and Miro stood by the car, watching the little girl climb the mountain with a backpack bigger than herself. Within 10 minutes, the little girl went from a wasteland full of weeds to a place where oak and pine trees grew. in the jungle.

A few minutes later, Alejandro asked the young man softly, "Milo, do you really need to send someone to protect the little doctor?"

"No need," Miro said with a smile in his eyes, "Little Lele has the ability to protect herself, and she doesn't like people following her. Anyone who wants to hurt her must first have the consciousness of death. Besides, this is the territory of the old man's family. Others People don’t have the guts to come here to assassinate.”

"Well, Miss Doctor doesn't like being followed. I won't send someone to follow her secretly. Let's go back to the manor and wait for Miss Doctor to come back." Nor did they send anyone to covertly protect them.

Miro readily responded to the old Mr. Ferrari's words, and the two got into the car. The driver reversed the car to the place where the trucks going to and from the orchard reversed, turned around, and walked down the mountain along the road back to the manor.

Le Yun, who got into the jungle, avoided the sight of Miro and Mr. Ferrari, spread his feet like a rabbit, ran horizontally in the east direction, and ran 800 meters in one breath. Mi Caixie, scouting around felt safe, threw the big bag full of things into the space, replaced it with a backpack that only contained a small amount of items, took out the hoe and started digging medicinal plants.

She has been to Ertaray active volcano in Ethiopia, which is the hottest in the world, and to the Volcano Park in Hawaii. She has also collected a large number of plants in volcanic areas, some of which have local characteristics.

Due to geographical location and climate, the active volcanoes on the west island of the country have certain characteristics of volcanic plants. Even the same species of plants have certain differences in composition because they grow in different environments and climates. That difference can be ignored, but for Le, the difference is very obvious, and making good use of it can get twice the result with half the effort.

It is precisely because of factors such as altitude, climate, and geographical location that the plants are different, so she included the active volcanoes on the west island of Yiguo in the itinerary where she must visit the site for research and observation.

The foothills of Mount Etna are covered with volcanic ash, and the land is fertile, so that the area below 900 meters above sea level becomes agricultural land, and the area above 900 meters above sea level to about 2000 meters above sea level is the middle altitude area, where wild bushes grow, and volcanic rocks are spread all over the top. , gravel, volcanic ash, volcanic slag, etc., there are also scattered shrubs, and because of the climate, there are bath plants even near the crater.

Le Xiao’s key research objects are plants near high altitudes, shrubs scattered in volcanic ash sandstone areas, and baths near craters. Most of the plants in low altitude areas can be found in the Alps, she has no shortage, but Well, medicinal plants, the more the better.

The area where she entered the jungle was still low, about 700 meters above sea level. Because the terrain of the mountain was not suitable for cultivation, the residents did not open the orchard. She climbed up the rugged ridge with trees and encountered long Good medicinal plants are all excavated.

While walking, check whether there are helicopters coming and going in the sky. Sometimes it is easy to catch signs of people in the volcanic area when looking down from the helicopter. Fortunately, there are still very few people who are willing to take a helicopter to go sightseeing around the mountain, so there is no need to worry about it all the time.

Stop and go, and cross the low-altitude area at noon to enter the middle-altitude section. The pine trees and other trees are forested, which is convenient for hiding. As long as there is no helicopter passing by the top of the tree, there is no need to be afraid of being captured. Le students are completely relieved. Run to collect volcanic ash in the flat place or depression in the longitudinal valley between the volcanic ridges.

Some of the volcanic ash in the valley is the ash deposited and accumulated after the volcanic eruption, and some flowed from the high altitude area by the melting of snow rivers or washed by rainwater to the flat outside of the rift valley or in the pits to accumulate into silt. The soil is particularly fertile. Suitable for growing plants that grow in volcanic areas.

In line with the principle of plucking wild goose, the little loli wants whatever she sees, even the sand and sand in the desert. There is no reason not to be indifferent when she sees the fertile volcanic soil. She is excited by herself with a hoe Dredge the mud, pack it with bamboo baskets or bamboo baskets, and then transport it into the space.

In order to collect the soil for planting, she focused on digging the whole afternoon. When she encountered medicinal plants, she also dug. First from the top up, she dug up the soil in a hollow in the valley, and went to another place when there were shrubs. One valley digs soil from top to bottom, and then goes to another valley to climb from bottom to top.

After digging in the third valley until it was dark, the little loli happily slipped back to her one-acre three-point land, took a shower with a flashlight, and then ate fruit with the cuties. The big-eared little fox is still very happy Timid, always shrinking in the nest and refusing to show up, she is not reluctant.

Having lost his strength, the little fox happily stacked gold bricks and silver bricks. Classmate Le harvested the plants in the medicine garden, picked back a batch of ripe grapes, ran to dig out the tea trees and honeysuckle, trimmed the branches, and then transplanted them to the plant. In the flower garden of pine trees, in her heart, she always believed that honeysuckle, tea, ginseng, and Dendrobium officinale were local specialties of the Great Heavenly Dynasty, and it was most suitable to plant them under the native pine trees in the country.

Busy until [-] o'clock, meditating and sleeping on time, without dreams all night, when the biological clock wakes up on time, the first thing Le Yun gets up is to observe the space, and suddenly finds that the aura of the treasures he has collected is all there, and there is no space Variety.

How could this be?
In Seychelles, I found that the space of giant clams has not changed, which means that the aura is not enough to fit between the teeth, and it is too lazy to absorb it. This time, the second batch of compensation brought back from the vampire family is of high quality and full of aura. Those treasures have such a strong Aura, why didn't the space respond at all?
"Ah, I'm not alive anymore!" Seeing the treasure's aura flashing and flashing, Le Yun let out a mournful cry, and fell to the ground with his dead body. How much aura would he have to collect to make the space grow?The appetite for space is so great, and she needs so much aura, where can she find something with aura?

Last year, she was "lucky" to run into a blood clan, which caused the blood clan to bleed a lot to get a batch of treasures to fill the space. Now, there is no ancient and mysterious special organization to send to the door for robbery. Is it possible that she should go to all over the world to snatch treasures in museums?
There are countless treasures hidden in museums all over the world. The problem is that the protection measures are so advanced. She doesn't have invisibility, so she can't do it if she wants to grab it.

Le Yun, who was troubled by the problem of finding treasures, felt her whole heart was shattered. Why was she so miserable? How could she live in such a space that needed spiritual energy?
The little fox happily coded the gold bricks and silver bricks until the little girl slept, and then lay on the gold brick wall and slept with the gold bricks in her arms. Hearing the human little girl wake up in the morning, she would wake up crying and howling, twitching her beard, and decisively Pretend to be deaf and dumb and continue to sleep. The little girl is strong. In human terms, she is "Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death". , continue to work hard.

Le Yun, who was lying dead on the lawn, lay down weakly for half an hour. Seeing the light in the space getting brighter and brighter, she silently put together the broken heart that had been hit, and ate August fried and apples hastily. Get out of the space with a small hoe and continue digging volcanic soil and plants.

(End of this chapter)

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