magic eye doctor

Chapter 993 Haidilao

Chapter 993 Haidilao

I thought that the aura of the treasure could transform the space once more, but the reality is too skinny, and Le Xiao is sad in his heart. In order to spare time to do other things, he digs the soil and plants as quickly as possible, and does not let himself rest .

After being busy for a long time, I changed into gray and black clothes after noon, drilled from areas with dense trees to areas with sparse trees or high shrubs, collected volcanic rocks and volcanic ash produced by volcanic eruptions, and dug drought-resistant and heat-resistant plants.

Mount Etna has an observation station that monitors volcanic activity. In order not to be caught by the surveillance, Little Loli tries her best to avoid the angles that are easy to be photographed by the surveillance station, and changes places from here to there like a thief.

It was uncomfortable to be a thief, and she worked nervously and carefully until the evening, when the light on the mountain was not good, she let go of her burden to sweep the plants, and did not return to the space, and worked overtime all night.

I worked hard until the middle of the night, and secretly climbed to a place with residual snow to collect a few large cans of snow, dug up algae plants near the crater, and called it a day before dawn, and ran down the mountain non-stop, before dawn Run back to the tall arbor forest in the middle altitude area and continue to dig medicinal materials and soil.

Go down and up the mountain, go to the area full of gravel and shrubs in the afternoon, continue to dig plants at night, dig volcanic mud to dig plants in places where you can hide during the day, and climb to high altitudes in the afternoon, it’s so crazy Sweeping plants, I was busy day and night for two nights and two days, and the time passed without knowing it, and it was June 6 at dawn.

Before dawn, Le slipped back to the middle-altitude area. While digging, he approached the route for tourists to climb to the top of the volcano. In the middle of the afternoon, he got out of the jungle and walked from an altitude of more than [-] meters full of volcanic ballast to the way for tourists to go up the mountain. , Find a place for people to rest on the top of the mountain, and take a cross-country mountaineering bus between the city and the volcano to go down the mountain.

The road to watch the crater is a winding mountain road with twists and turns. The bus went down along the road. First, the violent eruption of the volcano burned down the surrounding plants in the past two years. Now there are only volcanic rocks and ash on the roadside. The plants are clumps of algae, and further down are orchards or vineyards, and human settlements.

Lexiao, who took the bus, got off at a densely populated village on the way, and then took a taxi to the coast. The taxi for business didn't mind the long distance, and cheerfully took the guests to the beach to see the scenery.

The taxi driver is a local. He is very familiar with the coastline to the east of the volcano. He will send him directly to the corner of the bay that the customer specifies to go to. The place is a bit remote. The most important thing is that the place near the sea is steep and not suitable for living, so there are no residents. , Even tourists seldom go to see the scenery, because the traffic is not very convenient. If you want to see the scenery near the sea, you can take the small train around the volcano.

Le Yun likes it because there are few people there. He got off at the road around the island near the bay, carried a luggage bag, and carried a camera. He walked along the road to the beach of the bay to the seaside of the bay, and took pictures while walking.

The bay is not too long, and the beach is narrow, so there is nothing to see. There are a small number of self-driving tourist cars who go sightseeing on the shore next to the beach, leaving car marks.

Taking advantage of the absence of tourists, Le Yun walked to the steep rocks near the sea, climbed up the rocks, ran to the other side of a cluster of towering reefs, jumped on the reefs formed by the cooling of volcanic magma, and took pictures of the scenery.

From the sun hanging in the sky to disappearing from the coastline, the sky changed from bright to dark, and the lights of the distant town gradually turned on, and soon turned into a patch of lights, as if connected to the horizon.

The little loli who stayed alone on the reef to take pictures took countless evening photos of beautiful scenery. After the darkness enveloped the earth, she returned to the beach of the bay and lit a stick of incense and stuck it in a secret place. Residents should have slept soundly that night, and would not have come to fish and enjoy the night in the middle of the night.

After lighting the incense, he slipped back to the reef and caught the little fox: "Little fox, it's time for you to go to work. Go, your goal is to conquer the sea and catch all the treasures in the bottom of the sea."

After finishing the work with great difficulty, the happy little fox stacking gold bricks was carried by the little human girl from the paradise to the natural world, knowing that the little girl was going to send him into the sea again, silently stretching out her paws to cover her eyes, the little girl is a devil !

He is the god of the Firefox family, how can he keep getting into the smelly sea mud?
The little fox originally wanted to protest to show that it was not easy for him, but he hadn't moved yet, and the little girl threw him towards the sea, like throwing a grenade.

Looking at the dark sea water in the night, the little fox felt grief and indignation in his heart: "Little girl, can you be gentle? You are a cute and smart little lady, not a savage rough guy. If you keep throwing this fox like this, how can you teach me how powerful you are?" !"

"I'm not in a good mood. Throwing you is the lightest thing. If you don't help me bring back the treasure, I'll chop off your tail." Looking at the ball thrown by herself, Le Yun set up an arbor to send each other off, no matter what Fox Immortal, who lives in her place, eats the fruits and vegetables she planted so hard, must help with the work, and take care of him if he doesn't work.

"..." The little fox wanted to growl, it's none of his business if the little girl is in a bad mood, okay?Why do you want him to bear the consequences of her being in a bad mood? A certain brat is right, the little girl is unreasonable!

He also knew that the unreasonable little girl was in a bad mood after going back to Dongtianfudi to sleep that day, probably because she was depressed because she saw that Dongtianfudi didn't expand.

Guessing why the little girl was not in a good mood, the little fox didn't yell any more. When she was very close to the sea, she turned upside down and gently broke through the water with her head down. to the distance.

Throwing the little fox into the sea, Le Yun glanced at the distant sea leisurely and saw the little fox not appearing, and did not blow the sea breeze outside, returned to the space, and sat in the special place for picking cactus thorns and sharpened the cactus thorns.

When it was dark, Xiao Huihui finished work and climbed the tree hole to sleep. Knowing that the human lady came back, she slipped down the tree and ran to her side with great effort, and sat on her shoulder, talking creakingly .

Unable to understand the rhyme of the animal language, he nodded the little black monkey's head: "What's the matter, are you bored, do you want me to help you find a male monkey to play with you?"

"Zhizhizhi—" Xiao Huihui shook her head like a wave drum. She has a young lady, so she doesn't want a male monkey. The male monkey will definitely grab her fruit and eat it, so definitely don't!

The little fox is not here, so there is no one to act as an interpreter. Le Yun can't understand Xiao Huihui's monkey language, so let him squeak;What she said was that the little fox is so lazy, it knows how to sleep all day long, and it can even eat.

Little Loli Le, who doesn’t understand monkey language, worked hard to cut the cactus thorns. After an hour, she put the cactus in a stainless steel plate and took Xiao Huihui to sit on the reef by the coast to continue working. She thinks that there is nothing better than picking a cactus. It was a waste of time, she slashed the thorns of the cactus when she was free, and the little fox occasionally helped out, so far she hasn't picked out thorns from one-third of the cactus.

The little fox is not here, if he hears the little girl's voice, he will definitely vomit three liters of blood: The little girl doesn't even think about how many cacti she dug in Africa and America?As far as cooking food is concerned, the cactus she picked is enough for her to spend four or five years.

On the fourth hour after going into the sea, the little fox finally came back from the sea. When he came out of the sea, he slowly swam to the rock pile and grabbed the stones to the little girl. He dragged his wet body and opened his big eyes to show off his cuteness: " Little girl, I'm back!"

"Little fox, you have been here for a long time." Le Yun touched the little fox's wet head, threw the cactus back into the space, turned on the flashlight at its weakest setting to shine on the water, and bent over to see the thing curled up on the little fox's tail .

The little fox climbed up the reef, with a thick steel cable wrapped around its tail, and with the help of the little human girl, dragged the steel cable. One person and one beast dragged the steel cable back and forth, dragging back a piece of iron steel wire The net is a steel wire net used to salvage corals on the seabed. It can cover a wide area with one net, and it can drag a three to two tons of weight without any pressure.

While trawling the net bag, Le Yun turned on the special function of the eyes to scan, and was so surprised that she almost fell into the sea when she glanced over. Do you know what the little fox dragged back?

The little fox wandered around some corner and found some rusty steel plates, laid one on the bottom of the net bag, and put the other three into a triangle. The blue coral is one foot high, the coral seems to have been drilled out of the stone, the branches spread out like a small umbrella, the blue is so deep that it is purple.

There is a black coral tree at the tip of another triangle. It is about two meters high and at least two meters wide. The arched cylindrical coral tree has a long section without branches, only some branches at the top, similar to the Madagascar baobab The baobabs along the avenue of trees are similar.

There are also several corals placed on the side of the triangle made of steel plates between the two coral trees. There are red, blue, orange, red and white. Although the coral trees are not as powerful and majestic as the blue and black coral trees, they are beautiful. Exquisite and gorgeous, each tree is connected to the reef at the bottom, it is a complete whole plant, the only pity is that there are so many corals, only one white and red coral tree is still growing, and the other trees have all been jade, that is to say They have been fossilized for thousands of years.

In addition to coral, there are jars, bowls, plates, pots and other objects with Arabian, African and European characteristics. The materials include pottery, copper, gold, silver and wood, as well as some beautiful shells. The most surprising thing is that there is a picture of ancient China There is a traditional red sandalwood beauty couch and a white jade screen about two meters high carved with pictures of peonies and wealth. On the surface of the beauty couch are some gold and silver bars, as well as an old tin box containing jewelry.

Seeing the beauty couches and jade screens full of Chinese styles, Le Yun opened her mouth and forgot to breathe. After taking a few mouthfuls of the sea breeze, she was choked and reacted. She closed her jaw that was about to fall, and her breath was short: "Little Fox, have you found an ancient shipwreck from Great China?"

"It's not an ancient shipwreck. The ancient ship was made of wood, and the ship there also has steel plates." The little fox stroked the water from his tail and explained slowly: "I was walking in the south direction and saw a The wreckage of the ship, I went down to study it, and picked up the most valuable things for you, the coral was dug in another place, and the best quality is all here."

"Little fox, you're amazing!" Le Yun didn't care that the little fox was covered in water, so he hugged the little fox and gnawed a few mouthfuls, oh my god, the little fox is like a submarine detector, sinking ships and the like can't escape his eyes , she decided that she couldn't find treasures to fill the space, so she took the little fox as a professional sea fisherman, specializing in salvaging underwater treasures.

After being kissed a few times on the head and face, the little fox shyly stretched out her claws to cover her face, hey, the little girl's mood finally changed!

The little girl Ren kissed her nose with half-hidden half-hidden half-shoulder, and said happily, "Little girl, take the treasure and give me the bag. I'll dig sea mud and catch snails."

"Yeah." Le Yun nodded like a chicken pecking rice, put the little fox aside to let him rest, dragged the steel cable with all his strength, dragged the net bag closer, and then dragged it to a place near the shore, let the steel plate land on one end and then moved thing.

First move gold and silver bars and jewels. There are thirty gold bars and fifty silver bars, each weighing three catties and two taels.

Move the beauties away, and then move pottery and other items. Pots and bowls made of pottery, gold, etc. have not been cleaned of mud, and there are sea mud in bowls and pots. Set aside alone.

Empty the fragile items, then wash the jade screen and the beauty couch and throw them back into the space, and finally send the coral tree back to the private space. Le Yun removes all the items, and then takes out a dozen woven bags and a few baskets and puts them in the wire mesh pocket .

After the little girl moved the baby, the little fox jumped into the sea, rolled up the steel cable with its tail and swam towards the distance, dragged the net bag away from the shore, plunged into the water and went to hunt for the treasure for the little human girl again.

It takes at least an hour for the little fox to go to sea at a time. Le Yun flashes back to the space, moves a few stones and spreads them on the cornerstone of the flower garden facing the east and north. Put it into the clamshell for planting, and then wash pottery and the like with sea water, and let the sea mud fall into the clamshell to make fertilizer.

Wash the pottery bowls, and then go out, fill a few tanks with sea water, and then sit by the sea and wash the pottery and other supplies brought back by the little fox. The fox returns.

After waiting for more than two minutes, the little fox came back again. In the net bag were bags of sea mud, several baskets of seafood and a basket of marine plants, as well as a large pile of pots and jars, as well as more than a dozen strange-shaped meteorites and rocks. and fossils.The pots and pans are not as old as the things that the little fox brought back for the first time, and they still have the ancient understanding of aura.

Little Le Xiao was surprised again, grinning happily to carry the baby, and finally to carry the seafood, the little fox caught [-] sea snails, dozens of conch, as well as shrimps and unknown sea fish and seashells.

The little fox retrieved so many treasures, Le Yun didn't think he was a foodie, and finally put away the steel plates, net bags, and steel cables.

The little fox gave the things to the little girl, washed his hair in the sea, and waited for the little girl to take him back to the paradise. Seeing her put away the rags he picked up at the bottom of the sea as a temporary vehicle, he thought silently, the little girl is sure. Do you still want to catch him as a diver and go fishing for treasure in the sea? His life is so miserable, who will save him?

His grievances lasted less than 30 seconds. The little girl picked him up and went back to Dongtianfudi to fetch water for him to bathe. Do it, so, the little fox's mood was clear in seconds, and the little girl who helped him wash the fragrance was the most beautiful, and the little girl who gave him gold and rocks was a little angel.

(End of this chapter)

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