Chapter 994

Le classmate has been running all over the world since he went to country Y to participate in the world indoor track and field competition at the end of February. Even if he returned to China in Qingming in April, he would return to his hometown to worship his ancestors. He did not return to the capital, which is equivalent to being in a state of "not returning".

The earth will not stop turning because of the lack of someone, a little lolita is not in the country, the people of Great China are still busy with their lives, day after day, month after month.

Little Lolita is not at school, and the old students in the medical department are completely used to it. Anyway, a certain little lolita who is a god-level student enters the school, but she can't see her end. Except for competitions or final exams, she doesn't know where she goes at other times.

The youth students originally thought that a certain little loli would show up at the school's spring track and field meeting. However, the fact is that the little classmate did not participate in the school sports meeting, and also did not participate in the spring track and field meeting of the college league. Not only the youth students were depressed, but even The student-athletes of colleges and universities in the capital were also full of surprise. The record-breaking champion of Qingda University did not participate? !

Le Xiaoluoli didn't even show up in the college track and field league, which also made the children of the Furutake family in Qingda very depressed. After they entered the school, a certain person had only a handful of time in school. Why did it feel like he was avoiding them? ?

Young Master Tantai, Young Master Wu Shao, Young Master Duan, Young Master Xuan and the others were very calm, secretly waiting for June to come, the little beauty usually had no news, she will come back when she turns 6, right?

Many young people are eagerly waiting for a certain day in June to come. Colonel Yan is also waiting bitterly for little Lolita. June 6th is her 6th birthday in the new calendar, and June 6th is her official birthday in the lunar calendar. How can she Genius is back?

In the great anticipation of the capital of the Great China, June 6 arrived as scheduled. When the Huaxia Kingdom arrived in the afternoon, the genius of the Yi Kingdom began to shine.

At dusk, Le Yun, who had been busy all night, packed up, slipped out of the space with the backpack from climbing the volcano a few years ago, climbed to the beach from the reef out of sight, took out his mobile phone and turned it on to call handsome Miro , tell him where he is, and ask the Ferrari family to send a car to pick him up.

Not long after Milo woke up, in the private living room on the second floor of the Ferrari family manor, he drank stomach-nourishing oatmeal with the old Mr. Ferrari. Did you go to the beach again?
After answering the phone, he looked at the old Mr. Ferrari who was smiling and Mimi looked at him, and spread his hands: "Mr. Ferrari, Miss Doctor went down from the volcano to the beach yesterday. Now she is busy with things. She doesn't know the name and address of the manor. Please send someone The secretary will pick it up."

"Ms. Doctor went to the seaside?" Alessandro was extremely surprised. The oriental girl was studying plants at the volcano. Why did she appear at the seaside in a blink of an eye?
Milo shrugged, saying he didn't know.

Seeing the young man's helpless expression, Alejandro smiled happily, and hurried to the coordinates of Miss Doctor, and assigned the young man of the family to pick him up by helicopter.

The two young men of the Ferrari family who were in charge of flying the helicopter were ordered to board the plane as quickly as possible and fly the helicopter to the direction of the sea near Mount Etna.

The helicopter was very fast, and it flew to the side of the volcano facing the sea in less than 10 minutes. The two people in the cab looked for Miss Doctor at the bay where they flew around the mountain a few days ago, and they flew to the bay at the coordinates that Master Miro said When I was in the sky, I saw a person on the narrow beach facing the sea below.

The young man flew the plane over the bay, turned around, flew back to the sky above the road, took advantage of the fact that there were no cars passing by in the early morning, landed, and stopped on the road.

I called Miluo Tuhao, Le classmate Mao was watching the scenery on the beach, picking up shells and stones, and saw the helicopter flying without being urged, walked back to the road by myself, saw the helicopter landed and then ran, and ran with the backpack The handsome young man who came to help with the luggage climbed onto the plane by himself.

The helicopter took off after receiving the doctor's lady, flew into the sky, returned to the manor ten minutes later, circled on the lawn and landed slowly.

Old Mr. Ferrari sent someone to pick up Miss Doctor, and specially asked the chefs to make a fruit plate that the oriental little girl loved to eat. After his own child was packed, he and Miro went downstairs to the first floor to wait for the oriental girl.

They waited patiently for less than half an hour. The helicopter returned and they walked out of the building. The oriental girl was already walking towards the building accompanied by the youth. The girl was wearing a dark blue long-sleeved dress with a beautiful and bright smile.

Seeing the child, Mi Luo trotted up to meet her, and rubbed her head with his hand: "Xiao Lele, I'm very sad that you secretly went to the beach to play alone."

"Milo, I'm going to the beach to catch a small animal. If you go, you will scare my prey away." Le Yun pulled away the big hands that kept touching her head, and grabbed the handsome guy's sleeves, not letting his hands be free. Put it on top of your head again.

"Did you catch it?" Call him what kind of animal you catch, he loves hunting the most.

"I caught it, and the blood extracted for medicine was released again." Mmmmmm, I had a lot of harvest last night, I caught a lot of seafood, although she didn't catch it by herself.

Little Lele is so cute, Milo wanted to rub the kid's head again, but unfortunately, the little guy stared at him, making him embarrassed to do it.

Alejandro and Amedeo looked at the young man touching the little girl's head, and couldn't help smiling happily. The picture of Miro and the little girl together was full of friendship and warmth.

When the girl came back, the youths of the Ferrari family took care of her washing and then invited her to the restaurant for dinner.

After eating the exquisite and nutritious breakfast made by the chefs of the Ferrari family, Le Yun didn't waste time to see what the Ferrari family prepared.

The Ferrari family has properly prepared the necessary items, such as pots, induction cookers, new cutting boards, knives, etc. There are two copies of them, and they are placed in the small kitchen and coffee shop on the second floor. The medicines for a few days were also moved to the kitchen, and those medicinal materials were washed and drained, and then they were all packaged and sealed to keep fresh.

After inspecting the items with the old Mr. Ferrari, Le Yun was very satisfied. He opened his backpack and took out a bunch of herbs. He put the big pot and the small pot on the stove at the same time, poured boiling water, chopped the medicine and put it in the pot to make soup.

Chopped some medicine and threw it into the pot, blasted everyone away, no one was allowed to watch, and made a strict statement that if she didn't go out, she didn't have to wait for her to eat, she didn't ask anyone to deliver things, and no one was allowed to enter the place where the medicine was boiled , If something happens, you will be at your own risk.

Ferrari and his son and Miro originally wanted to hang on and watch the girl cook the medicine, but they were kicked out of the door by the girl, shrugging their shoulders and smiling wryly, and then heard the girl sternly confessing that no one is allowed to enter the kitchen and coffee indiscriminately. Peeping in the living room, guessing what smell might be produced when boiling the medicine is not good for people's fitness, so I hurried downstairs without forcing it.

In order not to disturb Miss Doctor, the old Mr. Ferrari asked the family members to do things as lightly as possible, and he did not stay in the building. He took Miro and Amedeo to the manor to inspect the fruit groves, grapes, and crops.

Le Yun, who drove everyone away, locked the door, closed the curtains, slowly threw some medicinal materials back into the space, took out some medicinal materials and threw them into the pot to boil, and then took out her own cactus to cut the thorns, while doing her own work. Boil the medicine, and then add the medicinal materials when the time is up.

Everyone in the Ferrari family walked catwalks. They didn't see the doctor come out of the kitchen until noon. They didn't eat until after lunch. In the afternoon, the doctor didn't come out of the kitchen for afternoon tea.

Classmate Le Xiao didn’t bubble up until evening before dinner, and went to the first floor to eat dinner with a smell of medicine. He asked Mr. Ferrari to go to the coffee shop to report at eleven o’clock in the evening and then climbed to the second floor and entered the kitchen. By ten o’clock in the evening, Go to the coffee shop to connect the power supply of the induction cooker, put a large stainless steel pot on the fire and add water to boil. After the water boils, go to the kitchen and pour half a bucket of medicine into it.

The old Mr. Ferrari kept the girl's instructions in mind, and stayed up at night, watching movies in the living room on the second floor. When it was almost eleven o'clock, he took the child to the coffee shop and saw no one inside, so he stood at the door and waited.

Milo wanted to watch the children cook Amedeo, so he was willing to rest and waited with great interest.Only some of the members of the Ferrari family who will be on duty tomorrow will go to bed, and those on duty will go to work, and the rest will follow the husband and the young master.

Student Le Xiao moved a pot from the kitchen into the coffee shop, saw the neat piles of people at the door, calmly let people enter the hall, put the pot on the ground by himself, spooned some medicine soup into another big pot, and then Go and fetch a small pot, and be ready for Milo to undress Amedeo.

A group of people followed up in the coffee room where the tables had been removed earlier, and they found their own chairs to sit in a row.When Milo heard that he was being asked to help, he happily rushed to the wheelchair and picked up Amedeo and put him on the ground. He stripped Amedeo to nothing but a pair of underpants.

"Brother Miro, you have failed to learn from Miss Doctor, I will definitely fight with you in the future!" After being stripped half naked, Amedeo blushed with shame and glared angrily at the handsome and sunny Miro. Brother Luo listens to the doctor's words the most, so stripping him naked like this hurts his self-esteem too much.

The young bodyguard of the Ferrari family suppressed a smile.

Alejandro watched Milo strip Amedeo with a smile, resolutely refusing to speak for his child.

"Feel free, you are confident that you can beat me, you are welcome to fight with me at any time." Fight with him?Hmm, come on, welcome to come to your door to practice as a sandbag, in Xiao Lele's words: Amedeo is just a weak chicken, he can handle it with one hand.

Le Yun packed a bowl of medicine, and when she heard a weak young man yelling for someone to fight again, she handed him the medicine angrily: "Stinky boy, don't be full of fighting thoughts, read more, understand? Everyday A guy who wants to fight someone is like an enraged bull at a bullfight, not sweet at all."

The lady doctor was preaching again, and the young Ferrari family had a hard time holding back their laughter. The old Ferrari and Miro didn't show Amedeo any face, and laughed happily.

Amedeo was choked, picked up the bowl angrily, and drank the medicine in one gulp. He had just finished drinking the medicine, and there was a small hand on his head. His head was touched, and he was praised as a "good boy". Just as he was about to stare to express his protest, the little girl handed him another round pill, and he simply didn't make a sound, took the pill and put it in his mouth to swallow.

The young man was very cooperative, Le Yun stroked his curly hair to comfort him, took out the emerald jade box, took out the medical needle leather, weighed the needles, and pierced Amedeo with dozens of golden needles on his chest, each on his thigh and calf. A row of silver needles was pierced.

Puncture Amedeo's body with common medical needles, let him lie flat on the ground, take out four special gold needles with hollow inside, aim at the acupoints, and use the flying needle method to insert the needles, the four special needles are longer than ordinary medical needles , pierced into the young man's chest, leaving only a section of the flat thick head outside, and the sharp needle pierced deeply into the human muscle.

Throwing out four special gold needles, Le Yun took four more and sent them to Amedeo's chest with the method of flying needles. Regardless of the others, she walked behind the young man and pierced his head with a few needles, and then massaged him. hole.

Alessandro, Miro and others were afraid of affecting the girl's work, so they all breathed carefully. They watched the girl give Amedeo the needle, watched her help massage, the little girl massaged Amedeo from the head to the chest, and then Massage from the feet upwards with gentle movements.

As the girl continued to massage, Amedeo was dripping with sweat, but he himself felt nothing, staring around with his blue eyes open.

Miro and Alessandro stared at the little girl's hand in the east. Suddenly, the girl tapped Amedeo's chest a few times. Thin waterline.

The needle-hole spray line looks like a pinhole on the surface of a bottled water bottle, and then pinch the bottle vigorously, the water is pressured and sprayed, the water line is sprayed empty, and dripping on Amedeo's skin is reddish blood , has a fishy smell.

The people sitting by the sidelines were stunned.

Using acupressure techniques to force out the effusion in the lungs of the dwarf-like young man, Le Yun pressed the acupoints again, forcing the remaining effusion in the young youth's lungs to spurt out from the golden needle eyes, and took out a small Use a syringe to suck the medicine juice, and then inject it into the through hole of a special flat needle, letting it flow into the young man's lungs.

Help the needle in his lungs to inject special medicine, and then deliver medicine juice to the four needles pierced in the liver area, repeat three times, let the medicine juice completely penetrate into the lungs and liver, put away the medicine bottle, and wipe it off for the young man with a paper towel The sweat on his chest and the effusion from his lungs made him lie down and look up at the sky before making fresh medicine.

No one disturbed, no one asked ten whys, Le Yun made a bowl of green medicine paste, wiped the young man's body, wiped the front, then lifted him up to stand and wiped the back, covering his whole body up and down. The medicine is pasty, let him cool down, then give him a dozen needles on the top of the head and the back, and then wipe his body with the ointment prepared during the day.

After being smeared with medicine twice, little Mr. Ferrari became darker than black Africans. The young man of the Ferrari family: "..." Come and see, the young master has become an African.

Milo, who is a melon-eating crowd, laughed so hard that his jaw dropped to the ground, unkindly took out his phone, and snapped dozens of beautiful photos of Amedeo. If little Amedeo is not good, he can Show him a photo.

Alessandro silently murmured to himself: "God, I didn't see anything, I didn't see..."

Amedeo saw his dark chest and legs, and wanted to howl in grief and indignation, ah, ah, how can people live like this, don't live!
Le Yun didn't know what a certain young man was thinking, so he smeared the medicine on the person, waited for the medicine to dry and stick to the skin, poured two bowls of medicine on him first, then grabbed the young man and threw it into the cauldron, let him sit and soak for ten minutes. Give him another bowl of medicine soup in a few minutes, and give him two pills, then spoon the boiled soup into the pot that serves as a bath bucket, pour it over the young man's head, spoon after spoon , poured more than a dozen spoonfuls of medicinal soup on him, and poured in some more, letting the medicinal soup flood the man's shoulders.

Amedeo didn't feel it at first when he was sitting in the cauldron, but he soon realized that his whole body was hot, his butt seemed to be on fire, and he yelled, "Miss Doctor, it's so hot, my butt is going to catch fire."

"Sit honestly." The corners of Le Yun's mouth twitched, and it came again. The brat did the same thing last time. After being boiled for a few minutes, he made noises for a few minutes.

The bench looked like a red-hot grill, and Amedeo yelled, "Miss Doctor, this will be cooked."

"When it's cooked, it's time to eat human flesh and drink human flesh soup."

"Miss Doctor, my meat is smelly and not tasty, let me go out, it's so hot, it's so hot!" God, help me, Miss Doctor really wants to drink human broth.

"It doesn't matter if the meat smells bad, add some spices." Le Yun poured a pot of concoction into the pot, stroking the young man's curly hair: "Stinky boy, be honest, dare to stand up, and tell Mi Luo to take off your pants."

"Okay, okay, I'm willing to help you at any time." Milo, who was in the audience, saw Amedeo being thrown into the pot for stewing, and he was in a great mood. He was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and he readily responded to the children's suggestions.

"Ah, brother Miro is a bad guy, Daddy, take brother Miro away quickly." Amedeo shrank into the water, brother Miro was the worst, the lady doctor told him to take off his pants, Miro Brother will definitely take his pants off.

"Sorry, kid, Daddy can't do this request of yours." Alejandro spread his hands helplessly, he wouldn't spoil such an interesting thing.

Amedeo crouched in the cauldron, staring at Milo, but he didn't dare to stare at the lady doctor.

Miro looked back at Amedeo with a smile, that stinky boy was so happy, he was boiled twice by Xiao Lele, and he also enjoyed the high-level treatment of being stroked, he didn't know how lucky he was.

Amedeo stared at Milo for a few minutes, then he was so hot that he yelled that he was burnt to death.

Le Yun ignored the young man's yelling and let him toss about. He thought of it and pressed it down with his palm. Only when she felt that the water was hot would she add medicine or cut off the power.

As the water temperature rises, beads of sweat appear on Amedeo's face. At first, the beads of sweat roll off. The black paste on his face is not affected. When the sweat flows layer after layer, it lasts for half a month. After a few minutes, the black medicine paste slowly melted, and the sweat rushed out in streaks, his face was black and white, and the flowers were blurred.

After staying up for another half an hour, the black medicine paste on Mr. Ferrari's face was washed away by sweat, revealing a face that was reddened by the medicine vapor.

The oriental girl didn't stop cooking the soup, she kept adding the concoction, and even if the water boiled, she wouldn't let anyone leave the cauldron. The young man yelled, shouted that the meat was about to be cooked, and called for help.

Milo and the others didn't bother to help, watching the guy tossing around in the cauldron was more enjoyable than watching a play, and everyone watched with relish.

Little Mr. Ferrari was quite able to toss at the beginning. After being soaked in water for three hours, he lay weakly on the edge of the pot, like a frost-beaten grape, with a drooping head and sad eyes. Looking at the onlookers' father and young people, he was about to be overcooked, Daddy and those guys would die, a bunch of bad guys who didn't care!

The little loli let the young man pretend to be dead, and continued to cook the soup for another two hours, then lifted the young man out of the pot, pulled out the medical needle, and helped him apply the medicine.

The young man was boiled for more than five minutes, and his skin turned red all over his body. After being smeared with several bowls of ointment for about half an hour, the redness on his body slowly faded, and it took another half an hour before he returned to his original skin color.

The youths of the Ferrari family were amazed.

After cooking the handsome guy thoroughly, Le Yun threw him to the old Mr. Ferrari, put away his belongings, and happily went back to the guest room on the third floor to take a shower and sleep.

The children finished work, and Miro also ran away in a hurry. Alessandro and the bodyguards wrapped Amedeo in a blanket and sent him to bed. The young man also went to catch up on sleep, and he would pack up the items on the second floor tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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