Chapter 995
Those young men in the Ferrari family who watched the whole process of the doctor making the young master only took a nap, woke up on time in the morning and helped the others to pack up their belongings, and carried the cooking pot into the bathroom to pour water. There was a rotten smell like rotting meat.

The young people tidied up the kitchen and coffee shop on the second floor and went to take a shower. They were tidy, and waited for the gentleman and the young master to accompany Miss Doctor and Master Miro downstairs, and went to eat in groups.

The night before, he was busy until four o'clock in the morning, which means he only slept for one or two hours. During the day, classmate Le didn't bother about anything. He rested at the old Ferrari's manor and had afternoon tea at three o'clock in the afternoon. Helicopter to the airport, fly to the capital of Yi country by plane at five o'clock.

The old Mr. Ferrari sent four young people to send the girl and Miro, carrying four boxes of blood oranges, apple pears, lemons and cherries; he also sent someone to pick up the airport at the other end of Rome City Airport. They carried eight boxes of wine, four boxes from Seychelles My golden coconuts, four boxes of red bananas from Africa, six boxes each of grapes, raisins, and strawberries, four boxes each of oranges and grapefruit, and six boxes of olive oil.

After receiving the plane from the West Island, the youths of the Ferrari family will move the gift given to the doctor lady to handle the freight. The customs tax starts at ten thousand euros. She went to the airport restaurant to have dinner, went to the free sharp shop for a few laps, and waited for news in the lobby until half an hour after the boarding pass had passed before sending the doctor lady to check in.

When Little Lolita changed her boarding pass, the people in front of her were already on the way to board the plane. When she entered the departure hall, she went to the airport from the gate of the boarding passage, and took the shuttle bus to the plane to board the plane. She found a seat and gave it to Milo. message, shut down after receiving the reply.

Miro and the youths of the Ferrari family received the news from the little girl that they had boarded the plane. They were still waiting for ten minutes. The plane bound for the capital of China took off. They waited for another ten minutes before leaving the airport. , Divide into numbers and go their separate ways.

The plane ticket that the Ferrari family bought for Ms. Dongfang Doctor was a premium class seat, and Student Le also enjoyed the best service. There were so many fruits and snacks throughout the journey that she had no chance to eat the grapes she was carrying.


Little Lolita was busy reading on the plane, and the plane arrived before finishing the books she bought in Spain. She could clearly perceive the various changes during the landing and landing of the plane, and continued to read calmly until the stewardess came over the radio. The sweet announcement informing the passengers that they can leave their seats and get off the plane, stuff the books into the backpack as a pretense and throw them back into the space, and line up with the passengers to the cabin with the luggage bags that can be carried on the plane.

Huaxia has a vast territory, many places have distinct seasons, and many places are like spring all the year round. The capital always makes people feel that spring is summer when it comes, and spring is always very short, so it feels like spring is here every May, and summer is hot in June. .

The summer in the capital city is hot and dry. The sky was clear that day. In the afternoon, the sun shines on the earth. Although people in the sun do not feel like being thrown into a steamer, a few minutes in the sun is still enough to make the scalp burn. .

Liu Xiangyang, Shen Shiliu Luoqi and the staff in charge of receiving the passenger plane from Rome were in the waiting area, waiting eagerly for more than ten minutes, their scalps burned from the sun, when the huge plane flying from Rome The Airbus taxied over after landing, Brother Sanbing couldn't hold back his excitement, Ang, the little beauty is finally back!

The little beauty went abroad for several months, and I miss her very much, very, very much!
A certain little beauty went abroad and had fun, so young master Yan and his teammates talked about it a few times every now and then. They had to keep an eye on her movements and itinerary, and hoped that she would return home early every day.

Young Master Yan stayed in the army without showing his face, and his mobile phone was turned off. Just last night, Young Master Liu received a call from Little Lolita from Yi, telling him that she was returning to China on the 4th, and she was carrying a lot of fruit and red wine with her. , Let him help inform Yan's teammates to go to the airport and do a good job with the customs, and the customs must never let her things be detained.

Young Master Liu was originally a "good student" at Qingda University, but he was so excited when he received the call from the little beauty. The little beauty was too awesome, so they never had a chance to show off. This time, they finally have a place for heroes!
He was in such a good mood that he didn't care about anything else. At that time, he packed up his luggage and went back to the army overnight to find Xiaoxingxing and Xiaoxingxing's teammates, and convey the task assigned to them by Xiaolioli.

To tell the truth, at the moment Liu Dui ran back to the garrison headquarters to convey the call notification from Little Lolita, Shen Shiliu and the others were dumbfounded. Why did the little beauty bring a lot of fruit back to the country?

After being dazed, I just thought about it, and then I became extremely excited, ah, ah, the little beauty is carrying fruits, and she deliberately asked the military to come forward to prevent the customs from confiscating them. Doesn’t it mean that those fruits may contain secrets?
What can little loli hide with goods like fruit or red wine?
The answer is obvious, it must be rare medicinal materials!Or the refined medicinal essence was hidden in something and transported back to the country in a deceptive way.

Feeling the truth, Shen Shiliu and the others were overjoyed at that time, and they all rushed to petition the captain to go to the airport to do the "task". Their captain took a picture of everyone with a dark face, and finally It was only then that the candidates to pick up the plane were determined—Liu, Shen Shiliu, Luo Qi, and Zhuang Xiaoman were selected. Zhuang Xiaoman was active in Beijing as a police C, both in the army and the police, and communicated more smoothly with the customs staff.

Liu Dashao, Shen Shiliu, Luo Qi and Zhuang Xiaoman, who were in charge of picking up the plane, drove to the international airport in the morning, first communicated with the customs and the airport, and entered the airport in the afternoon and waited at the place where the staff stopped until they arrived at the airport. The plane from Rome was about to arrive in the capital, and the staff went to the area where the plane dropped off passengers to prepare, and they also ran to the work area, waiting eagerly.

Zhuang Xiaoman parked an extended van on the side. He was sitting in the car as a high-ranking officer. Three handsome guys drove a four-seater refrigerated van. The car was thrown near the luggage conveyor belt. The three stood on tiptoe under the sun. Heel stretched his neck to look at the big white bird in the sky that slid over.

The four youths didn't wear camouflage uniforms or anything like that, and they looked like they were looking good. They watched the big iron bird approaching expectantly. When the plane arrived at the designated stop, Liu Shao, Shen Shiliu and Luo Qichong In the direction of the first-class cabin, after the hanging ladder is driven, three handsome guys are standing on the side under the hanging ladder, waiting enthusiastically for the little girl to come out.

When everything was done, the first-class stewardesses opened the doors to see off the passengers, and the first-class passengers lined up and moved slowly, and walked out of the cabin leisurely.

Student Le was carrying a small backpack for home belongings and a backpack that he brought on the plane for free, and moved to the cabin door behind the person's buttocks. When the outside air poured into the cabin from the cabin door, he smelled several familiar human odors. Slightly wrinkling his nose, he confirmed who it was, and was overjoyed, Handsome Yan and Handsome Liu are still reliable, and they really came to pick up the plane.

In order to prevent her things from being confiscated by the customs, after the young people from the Ferrari family helped to handle the freight formalities, she called the number Yan said to contact in case of any emergency, and informed Handsome Liu when she would return to China, and asked them to help them carry a large amount of fresh fruit. Immigration procedures.

According to air transport procedures, all imported items must have formal procedures and be inspected before entering the customs, otherwise they will be detained by the customs.

The Ferrari family gave a large amount of fruit, which exceeded the amount that a private person could carry. Le Yun was worried about being seized by the customs, so she first said hello to Yan and asked them to come forward to find someone to accommodate. If that guy doesn't help her, it will be next time If he suffers, let alone other things, she will definitely not let him taste her medicinal materials and herbal diet.

Handsome Liu and Yan's teammates came to pick her up at the airport, so they should help her solve the problem of fruit importation, right?
With guesses in mind, Le Yun moved with the people. When the person in front got off the hanging ladder and passed the cabin door, the first thing to do was to look down. The handsome and handsome guy, seeing the handsome guys looking up at the cabin door through the autumn water, his heart was full of joy, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

Liu Xiangyang, Shen Shiliu, and Luo Qi waited eagerly for several minutes and finally saw the cute and sweet little loli. Just as their eyes met her, she gave a big smile, and the three brothers were immediately flattered. Everyone presents their most beautiful and handsome smiling faces.

Three handsome and handsome young men with smiling faces like sunflowers, their eyes moved with the movement of the little loli. When she walked down the last step of the hanging ladder, the handsome Liu Shao rushed forward and grabbed the little loli. The luggage bag he was carrying: "Little beauty, welcome back to the embrace of the motherland, the motherland misses you very much."

God Sixteen: "..."

Luo Qi: "..."

No wonder the captain didn't forget to throw Liu Dui over when he sent them to pick up the plane. Liu Dui occasionally made mistakes, and his mouth was definitely sweeter than any of them.

Liu Dui opened his eyes and spoke nonsense better than he sang. Shen Shiliu and Luo Qi had a big word "convince" on their faces. To be honest, it was really Young Master Liu who had to do things like enliven the atmosphere.

Handsome Liu lied as if he was telling the truth, Le Yun was so admiring, he opened his two beautiful almond eyes that were brighter than stars, and couldn't close his mouth with a smile: "Oh, handsome Liu, I thought You said that you miss me very much, so I think too much, the motherland misses me very much, and I miss the motherland mother very much, you don’t need to say that.”

"Little beauty, we miss you very much too," Little Lolita smiled beautifully, showing that she was in a good mood, Liu Xiangyang immediately approached her like a dog, and led her to the car that he and the others drove, while talking enthusiastically: " Little beauty, we have finished our work, and we can pick up the luggage when it comes down, I am sorry for you to sit in the car for a while, while our buddies go to find the luggage."

God Sixteen, Luo Qi Wangtian, oh my god, Young Master Liu, can you give us some time to brush our faces in front of little Lolita?Is it good for you to "abduct" people away like this?
Not to be outdone, the two brothers hugged and greeted with a smile: "Little beauty, where is your luggage consignment note, leave it to us, and we will help you find your luggage."

Seeing the two familiar handsome faces, Le Yun made a grimace with a bright smile: "I'll go to the luggage conveyor belt and wait, I know my own luggage."

"Okay." The handsome guys were eager for the little Lolita to supervise the work in person, and surrounded the cute little Lolita happily and walked towards the luggage delivery workbench.

One end of the luggage conveyor is connected to the luggage compartment door of the aircraft, and the other end is on the ground. The equipment can automatically lift and transport the luggage to the professional luggage truck at the airport where the luggage is moved. The truck will send the luggage to the professional security check. After the security check Baggage will be transferred to the baggage claim exit.

Luggage usually leaves the plane later than people. Passengers go directly to the terminal after getting off the plane. Those without checked luggage can go to their destination immediately, and those with luggage have to wait.

The airport in the capital of Great China is busy, with a large number of people passing through every day, but the work efficiency is high. Under normal circumstances, the checked luggage can be picked up in half an hour, and it takes a little longer in special circumstances.

Passengers walked towards the terminal building, Le Yun followed the handsome guys to the luggage conveyor belt machine, where the staff was connecting the equipment table to the aircraft cargo hold.

To prepare to pick up the luggage, Zhuang Xiaoman also hurriedly got off the car, ran to the luggage conveyor belt, and stood on both sides of the conveyor belt with Liu Shao, Shen Shiliu, and Luo Qi. As soon as the luggage came down, the little loli said which piece was hers , They cut off the beard at any time.

In order to occupy the position next to the little girl, Liu Xiangyang resolutely refused to move half a step away, and instead of sending the backpack back to the car, he helped carry it himself, and just stood beside the little girl.

The staff already knew who those handsome young men were, no matter what they did, they would turn a blind eye.

The handsome guys are also very considerate and do not hinder the work of the staff. They stand far away from the port of the luggage conveyor belt and do not occupy the position of the staff delivering luggage.

The instrument is ready to work, turned on, and the conveyor belt starts to slide. The personnel on the cabin move the luggage to the conveyor belt and let it slide away. When the luggage slides down from the upper end, the staff sends them to the airport baggage truck.

Luggage came down one by one from the place connected to the cargo door of the plane, and soon the luggage van was filled with one section. The luggage finally appeared on the luggage carousel.

Le Yun waited for her luggage, and when it was about to come down, she told the handsome guys: "My suitcase is out, it's the luggage trailer with the black and blue backpack and the suitcase in front."

"Okay!" The four handsome guys tried their best to search for Little Lolita's luggage with their titanium alloy dog ​​eyes wide open, to find out where it was, and wait for it to slide down from the top.

When the luggage was delivered by the conveyor belt, Liu Xiangyang quickly picked up the suitcase, and Luo Qi, who was standing on the other side of the conveyor belt, cut off the luggage trailer. The two elder brothers put the luggage lightly on the ground and waited for other luggage.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the fruit boxes of Little Lolita sprung up one after another like mushrooms after a spring rain, and were removed from the cargo hold by the staff, and sent one by one to the end of the conveyor belt.

Little student Le grinned, staring at the stars, commanding the handsome guys to snatch the luggage, and immediately cut and move one piece, without letting it reach the transmission port at all.

The four handsome guys were very excited at the beginning, rushing to carry the boxes quickly, fearing that they would not have their own share, but when they each moved five or six boxes, they were all in a bad mood. How much luggage did little Lori bring back?

They heard that there were dozens of boxes, but they had already moved more than [-] boxes, which seemed to be unfinished, and seemed to be full of fruits, and not a single box of so-called red wine appeared.

The handsome guys looked at the boxes sent from above, which were packed exactly like the fruit boxes they had moved to the ground, and there was only one question: Is little loli a fruit buyer?

The young people are ignorant, the staff is even more ignorant, all the luggage is cut off in the middle, and none of them has reached the end of the conveyor belt. Everyone is looking at the empty surface of the belt, looking at the sky and the earth, so who, is there anyone to tell? What's the matter with them?
Liu Xiangyang moved down the eighth box of fruit, wiped it off, and humbly asked for advice: "Little beauty, how many pieces of luggage have you checked in?"

"Not counting my suitcase, there are fifty boxes of fruit, six boxes of olive oil, and eight boxes of wine, that's it." Le Yun easily took away a fruit box that was passed to her, lightly describing Tell the dudes the answer.

"Ah? Ahhh!" Liu Xiangyang was surprised at first, then his jaw fell to the ground, and his speech was slurred: "Five...fifty boxes of fruit?"

God, it must have been struck by lightning!
Fifty boxes of fruit, six boxes of seed oil, and eight boxes of wine add up to 64 pieces of luggage. Little Lolita brought back so many things. Isn't she afraid of being taken as a smuggler?

Shen Shiliu wiped his sweat, Zhuang Xiaoman wanted to cover his eyes, Luo Qi had an expression: capitalized dumbfounded, they wanted to ask a question: what kind of item did little loli hide her precious things in?Isn't she afraid of getting confused?

"Fifty boxes, not much." Le Yun smiled with starry eyes. The old Mr. Ferrari is a big trench, and there are many fruits in the farm. He was afraid that too many boxes would be confiscated by the customs, so he only sent a few boxes of each item.

Shen Shiliu's hand that wiped the sweat turned into real sweat, and summoned up the courage to ask, "Little beauty, how much tax did you pay when you left the country?"

"I paid a customs tax of [-] euros when I left the country, and I will pay import duties at our own customs later. The tax rate is estimated to be about the same." The tariffs when leaving the country were paid by the Ferrari family. Customs tax has to be paid out of her own pocket.

"One hundred thousand..." Well, the four handsome guys looked up to the sky and sighed, rich!Rich people are different. They don't spend their money as money.

Just as they wanted to sigh with emotion, the luggage was brought to them in front of them, so they didn't care about other things, so they hurriedly hugged the boxes to prevent them from slipping away.

The staff in charge of carrying the luggage didn’t show much expression. They are used to seeing guys who import hundreds of boxes of fruit from abroad, so, seeing a lot, hearing a lot, and moving a lot of luggage, the brain’s reaction is the same as the nerves of the hands and feet. , almost numb.

(End of this chapter)

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