Chapter 1525

Zhang Zhong will guard here because Qin Sanlang has entered the city, and the atmosphere in Beicang Mansion is a bit unusual, Qin Sanlang was worried about something happening in the camp, so he asked Zhang Zhong to personally lead someone to guard the gate.

There were three people disguised as shopkeepers, one middle-aged and two young.

One of the young shopkeepers said with a smile on his face: "Master Jun, we heard that you just came from the south and you are short of things, so you specially picked things to sell. Take a look, they are all good things you can use, If you like it, buy some, the price of conscience is not expensive!"

Zhang Tu doesn't need to carry the military flag of the government army now, but follows to guard the gate of the camp. After hearing this, he said angrily, "Are you deaf, you bastard? What are you talking about? Get out of here, and if you don't, believe it or not, we'll chop you up?!"

After hearing this, the young shopkeeper pretended to be scared, and turned to look at the middle-aged shopkeeper.

The middle-aged shopkeeper came over with a simple and honest smile, carrying the burden, and said, "Don't be angry, Mr. Jun. We are not bad people. It is because we are from Beicang Mansion, and our family has some connections in Beicang Mansion that we can buy goods and sell them." To those who pass by, make some small money to live on."

As he spoke, he took out a household registration and handed it to Zhang Zhong with both hands: "Master Jun, look, this is the household registration of my Lao Jin's family. It is clearly written where the family lives, and it will not deceive people."

"The surname is Jin again." Zhang Zhong looked at the middle-aged shopkeeper, took the household registration, and looked carefully: "Your name is Jin Huaishu? Who is that rich Jin?"

"Mr. Jun, don't get me wrong, we have nothing to do with the Jinfu family!" Jin Huai set up his horse and explained: "Jin is the common surname in Beicang Mansion, and the prefect of our Beicang Mansion is also named Jin, so everyone with the surname Jin likes it." As a matter of fact, many of the Jin surnames do not know each other, and they were not relatives 500 years ago."

Many people in the city gate knew that Jin Fu and the others wanted to cheat Qin Sanlang and the others, but they were captured by Qin Sanlang.

But no one cares, anyway, it's not me who died.

"Mr. Jun, we are really honest common people. You can let us in. If you don't want people who want to buy things to come out and look at the goods, it will be fine, and they will give you something to eat." Jin Huaishu begged.

Zhang Zhongdao: "Wait a minute, I have to go in and ask Mrs. Baihu before I can make a decision."

Jin Huaishu was overjoyed: "Master Jun, hurry up, don't be in a hurry, the little ones are waiting here."

I heard that the women in the south are very handsome, with their small appearance and small figure, but they are very attractive. If you can be the wife of a hundred households, you must have good looks!
They are going to feast their eyes.


Gu Jinli looked at the household registration that Erqing handed over, and asked Zhang Zhong who was standing outside the door: "But I saw the footwork and walking posture of those people? There are also accents and the ordering of words and words, but Beicang Mansion habit?"

Zhang Zhongdao: "The sequence of accent and words is similar to that here, that is, their footwork is more stable than ordinary people, like martial arts."

Although the three shopkeepers staggered a few steps, most of the time, their footwork was very stable, and a knowledgeable person could tell that they should have kung fu on their feet.

Gu Jinli frowned when he heard that, and then thought of the news that Qin Sanlang sent people back, he already guessed that these might be the spies of the Rong people and the Wu army.

She said it.

"They actually came to the door, and your lord didn't come back. What should we do?" Zhang Zhong was shocked when he heard that, and asked, "Madam, should we drive them away, or ignore them?"

It is impossible to arrest them. If they are arrested, other Rong people and Wu soldiers will know that they have been discovered, and the matter that the adults want to investigate will not be found out.

The adults said, you can't startle the snake.

Gu Jinli shook his head: "No, these two methods are not good enough."

She fell silent, and after taking a few sips of hot water, she rolled her eyes and told Zhang Zhong, Er Qing, and Nanny Tao about the method she thought of.

After the big guy heard this, his eyes lit up, and Zhang Zhong said happily: "Ma'am, this is a good idea. If it works, I think it will dispel the suspicion of the Rong people and Wu Jun, and withdraw these secret sentries."

Gu Jinli told Zhang Zhong: "Go and bring those three fake shopkeepers in."

Then he said to Erqing: "Go and find Aunt Xiong, and tell me that we were targeted by the Eagle Food Gang, the big backer of the Jiuzhai bandits in Bailang Mountain. , Let her find some shrews to pretend to be shopping, and when the time comes, follow orders and catch those three thugs."

"Yes." Erqing and Zhang Zhong rushed to do it.

Tao Nanny went to the left and right rooms to inform Mrs. Han and Ji Zhenniang to stay in the house and not to come out when they heard anything. The spies of the bandits came.

"Bandits and bandits are here again?!" Ji Zhenniang almost fainted, and cried, "Woooooo, what should we do? Xie Cheng and the others haven't come back yet, so are we going to die here?"

She grabbed Tao Nanny's arm and said, "Tao Nanny, I can't die, if I die, my Zhuzhu will be bullied."

Tao Nanny's hands hurt from being pulled by her, and she called Xiao Ji to come over and break Ji Zhenniang's hand away, and said, "Mrs. Xie, they are just three bandits disguised as shopkeepers. With my wife's ability, a pack of poison is enough to kill you." Let them pass, you don't have to be afraid."

But how could Ji Zhenniang not be afraid, she was out of breath from crying.

Tao Nanny got annoyed, and said: "Mrs. Xie, my wife said that if you don't stay in the house honestly and don't make a sound, she will throw the bandits into your room. How much those bandits like beautiful women You know that. You claim to be the most beautiful woman in our camp."

In fact, Ji Zhenniang was at most third. Although the Han family had two children, their appearance and figure were no worse than Ji Zhenniang's.

Ji Zhenniang was so frightened that she choked on a sobbing hiccup. After recovering, she hurriedly said, "I'm obedient, I won't cry, I won't make a sound."

Don't throw the bandit into my house. If people in her hometown know about it, her reputation will be lost, and she will be laughed at by her aunts and cousins.

"Mother Tao, go get busy, we will accompany Xie Xiexie." Seeing the commotion here, Mrs. Han was afraid that Ji Zhenniang would not be able to help screaming here when Gu Jinli's plan was implemented, so she took her children and servants with her. Come here, stay in the same room with Ji Zhenniang.

Ji Zhenniang seemed to see a life-saving straw, grabbed Mrs. Han, and said happily: "Sister Han, I won't be afraid if you are here."

Mrs. Han pulled back her hand and said, "Close the doors and windows, go into the back room, and don't cause trouble for the Qin brothers and sisters."

"Hey, I listen to Sister Han." Ji Zhenniang is very doglike, and listens to Han's everything.

Hmph, when her letter is sent back to her natal family, the entire Ji family will know that she has become a sister with the eldest lady of the Earl's Mansion in the capital, and those people in her natal family will definitely envy her to death!


After hearing Zhang Zhong's words, Jin Huaishu and the others were overjoyed, and hurried into the camp carrying their burdens.

They walked fast, but their eyes were sharp, and they memorized the layout of the camp as they walked.

When they arrived at the old courtyard, Gu Jinli was already sitting on the porch in front of the door and waiting.

To be honest, the moment they saw Gu Jinli, the three soldiers and Wu Jun almost lost their breath... Is this person with abscesses all over his face Mrs. Baihu?This is too disgusting, which hundred households are blind and marry such a wicked person? !

Also, what the hell does it smell like?
The three soldiers and witches were trained in the smell, but the smell was so bad that they couldn't resist retching.

(End of this chapter)

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