Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 1526 Misunderstanding

Chapter 1526 Misunderstanding
With a bang, Gu Jinli patted the handle of the chair, pointed at them and said angrily, "You three, it's not the first time you've smelled my lady, what are you pretending for?!"

The three soldiers and Wu Jun heard that something was wrong with the ugly woman's words. They suppressed their disgust and asked with a smile, "What do you mean Ma'am? When did we meet? Could it be near the city gate or in front of the post station?" No? We will also take the burden to sell goods there."

When they were talking, they didn't dare to look at Gu Jinli directly. The abscess on her face was really disgusting. When I looked at it, I always thought it was a toad, or a toad with pus on its back, vomit!

"Heh, it was all exposed by my wife, and you still pretend?" Gu Jinli sneered, and ordered Zhang Zhong: "Bang the gong and call people, and arrest these three gangsters from the Eagle Food Gang. Let's beat them up first!"

The three soldiers and Wu Jun were taken aback. Did this ugly woman regard them as gangsters from the Eagle Food Gang?
Dangdang Dangdang!
Zhang Zhong immediately knocked on the gong and shouted loudly: "Assemble, the soldiers from all camps quickly gather together, the spies of the Eagle Eater Gang are here!"

As soon as the gong sounded, the soldiers in the camp immediately picked up the guys and charged like a gust of wind, directly surrounding the old courtyard, shouting at the three soldiers and Wu soldiers with their big knives: "Bold bandit, how dare you pretend to be a bandit?" The shopkeeper came to harm us, you really are endless?!"

Erqing has already arrived with Kuang and the others.

When Kuang heard this, he shouted: "What are you still talking to them about? How many of us have been killed by bandits? They also ruined our accompanying relatives. Hurry up and beat them, and wait for them to reincarnate themselves?!"

He also called out to the women: "Women, use your fighting skills in the village to kill these three bandits and avenge those relatives who were harmed. Come on!"

As soon as Kuang's gong yelled, he took the lead in holding up a pottery basin.

The three soldiers and Wu Jun hurriedly explained: "Misunderstanding, we are not spies of bandits, we are just..."

With a bang, before he could finish speaking, Kuang's pot smashed his head.

Kuang raised his thick foot and kicked hard, almost turning Jinhuaishu into a eunuch.

Jin Huaishu broke out in a cold sweat. Before he could speak, Kuang grabbed a wooden stick and hit him on the head and face, cursing, "You son of a bitch, a eunuch with no children and grandchildren!" , It’s not enough to rob us once in Bailang County, and I want to come and rob us a second time, this time I will let you know how powerful we women in the south are!”

Bang bang bang, Qiaozi's daughter-in-law followed to beat the golden locust tree, and echoed: "Mrs. Baihu is right. Although the women in the south of us are beautiful and delicate, they are not to be bullied. Beat them to death." Bandits, let them stop harming people!"

Jin Huaishu is about to go mad with anger, you are all ugly, smelly and hulking, how could you have the face to say that you are juicy and delicate?You are weak and weak!

With a bang, a young Rong Wu Jun next to him couldn't help fighting back. He chopped off the wooden stick that was hitting him with a single palm, and was about to draw a knife to kill someone. Hold his arm to keep him calm and not to kill.

If their identities were exposed, the general would kill them, and their families would be humiliated and turned into lowly slaves.

Although the man was young, he was a witch army after all. He had been trained, and quickly suppressed his murderous intent, shouting: "Aunts and sisters-in-law, please forgive me, we are peddlers, not bandits!"

Gu Jinli rushed over with a chair in hand, and slammed it on the caller: "How dare you lie, thinking we will be fooled a second time?"

She ran away after the beating, and greeted the other women: "The big guys beat them hard, don't be polite to them, let's talk if you can't beat them to death!"

After hearing this, Kuang and the others remembered how horrible the bandits were, so they beat them harder until they knocked the three of them unconscious.

Zhang Zhong wiped off his cold sweat, and thought to himself: The strike was too ruthless, it's a good thing he didn't kill him, otherwise how can this play continue?
Kuang and the others didn't know that these three were spies of the Rong people and the Wu army. They really thought they were bandits, and they were very scared after beating the three of them.

Aunt Han also knocked one out, and at this moment she asked Gu Jinli in fear: "Mrs. Qin, if we beat up the bandits from the Eagle Food Gang, the bandits from the Eagle Food Gang wouldn't call tens of thousands of bandits to kill us, would they? How can this be done?!"

Gu Jinli said: "Don't worry, Mrs. Han, the Yingshi Gang also has an enemy called the Rongshan Gang. The two gangs kill each other every day. They are very busy. There are not many people to avenge the bandits in the White Wolf Village. Wait." When the three bandit spies wake up, let’s put them back and send a message to the bandit boss, saying that we should be able to live in peace in the future.”

"Yes, can it be done? Why do I think you are lying to us?" Aunt Han asked in disbelief, thinking that they were doomed.

Gu Jinli glanced at her, and said: "The matter has come to this point, and this is the only way to do it. If they are killed or turned over to the government, it will only anger the Yingshi Gang even more."

These women are not stupid, and they feel reasonable after hearing it.

"Well, kindness makes money, let's make a show of friendship with the Eagle Food Gang first, and if the Eagle Food Gang still won't let us go, then we will fight them hard!" Mrs. Kuang spoke, and the women agreed.

As for the soldiers, most of them were soldiers from the Qin family's camp, so they naturally listened to Gu Jinli more. After all, their families survived along the way, and their food and clothing were all dependent on the Gu family.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Gu Jinli said, "Come here, wake them up."

Whoa whoa whoa!
More than a dozen barrels of cold well water were poured over, and the three Rong and Wu soldiers were woken up.

Gu Jinli said: "We don't want to have an enmity with the Yingshi Gang. The reason why we destroyed the Bailang Mountain Bandit Village was because they came to rob us first. We just fought back to protect ourselves. Now the Bailang Mountain bandits are all dead. Let's turn the big thing into the small thing, and turn this matter over. You guys leave quickly and tell your boss what I said, and we will not violate the river water in the future, how about it?!"

The question "how is it?" was asked fiercely, and the soldiers surrounding the old courtyard were still yelling and approaching them with their knives raised, as if they would chop them up if they didn't agree.

"Ms. Qin's words are reasonable, we will definitely pass on your words to Lord Ying." Jin Huaishu said, "Actually, our Eagle Food Gang doesn't want to fight against you soldiers who resisted the army, it's just that we made a mistake earlier. , we have to come and stare at you. Now that you are willing to show your kindness, it is naturally the best."

Gu Jinli said: "Since you have agreed, then hurry up and leave."

The three Rong and Wu soldiers, as if they had received an amnesty, hurried away with injuries all over their bodies. They didn't even take the burden, and they couldn't carry it anymore.


After the three of them left, they disguised themselves and made sure that they were not being followed by the soldiers of the camp before going to Yang's house and reporting the incident to Tuo Gude.

Jin Huaishu said: "General, judging by their appearance, they regard us as the bandits who took revenge from the Eagle Food Gang, and they did not suspect that we are Rong people."

After hearing this, Tuo Gude's sharp eyes leaped to a hint of joy: "They have enmity with the Eagle Food Gang."

(End of this chapter)

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