extreme dog days

Chapter 1016 Do you want to see it?

Chapter 1016 Do you want to see it?

Jia Youdao was very lecherous. Back then, he molested Nie Yun's wife and was chased and killed by Nie Yun for thousands of miles. He was almost castrated.However, because of Nie Yun's identity, Huan Yunzong did not dare to openly deal with him.

That year, Jia Youdao met Nie Wangchen by chance, and learned that he was the illegitimate son of Nie Yun, and that his mother was brought into the Nie family after his death, and the treatment he received was not good.

Because he is often suppressed by several other brothers, although he has a good talent, it is difficult to become a talent. In addition, the three ladies do not like him, and they are worried that he will compete with their sons for status, so he is often in Nie Yun. The pillow wind was blowing around him, so Nie Wangchen was left out in the cold.

Jia Youdao led him into the Calling Cloud Sect, hoping that one day Nie Wangchen would grow up and go home to take revenge.This Nie Wangchen did not disappoint Jia Youdao.

After he reached the Daluo Realm, he came out from the Cloud Calling Sect.Nie Yun was naturally very relieved to learn that one of his sons stepped into the Daluo realm like him, but unexpectedly, his son brought him an unprecedented nightmare.

It not only abolished his qi and soul, but also cut off his limbs, pretended to be him and did whatever he wanted, killing him alive.

The next day

According to Nie Wangchen's instructions, the housekeeper of the Nie family brought people to the No. 21 Inn in Nancheng District to invite Ling Yun and Suru to the City Lord's Mansion, but hesitant when seeing Ling Yun and Suru.

The innkeeper also bluntly told them that all the inns in the entire giant city are managed by the city lord's mansion, and each inn has an independent name on the surface, but it is numbered in the city lord's mansion.

The inn they were staying in was No. 29 among the 21 inns in Nancheng District.

Knowing this, Ling Yun and Suru also expressed their willingness to go.

"What is Nie Yun doing, the lord of a dignified city, how could he have collected all the inns in the city?"

In the past, the city lord of the sixteen-state city of Yunling was hand-picked by Suru. Hearing that the city lord was doing such absurd things now, Suru was naturally very angry.

"Although most of the inns belong to retail investors, some of them were founded by chambers of commerce, which incorporated all the inns in the entire city. Doesn't this mean that the city lord's mansion secretly controls the chambers of commerce in the city? It seems that you opened it to others. Is your salary too low?"

Ling Yun said with a smile.Previously, Suru was very proud of the prosperity in the Tianluo Empire, but now it seems that it is gold and jade, and it is lost in it.

"Hmph, what is too low a salary. Do you think all the officials in the Tianluo Empire are for fame and fortune?"

Suru seemed very angry about the city lord's collection of the inn and the chamber of commerce.Isn't this an obvious attempt to enrich one's own pockets, to be greedy and pervert the law?At the same time, it also proves that she saw the wrong person back then.

"Being an official is not for fame or profit, so what is it for?"

"Naturally, it is to ask for orders for the people and to uphold justice. If everyone in an imperial power is like this, what is the difference between it and a family power."

Suru got angry and looked domineering.

"Uh! Hehe."

"why are you laughing."

Suru has a state of absence, as if he has forgotten that he is still the emperor in distress?

"I laugh at how big you suddenly became."

"Lingyun, you... do you want to see it?"

Suru reacted, stomping her feet and said, she felt like she was threatening Ling Yun, if someone else heard her words, they would probably stare and nod desperately.

"What I said is that you are smart all the time, and you can be confused for a while, right?"

Ling Yun shuddered.Who asked Suru to help him hone his mood is too evil.

"Hmph, that's about the same."

Suru rolled her eyes at him and put her arms in front of her, still very domineering.

"This city lord suddenly went against his original intention and broke away from the imperial mechanism. No matter what he did, there must be something strange about it. Maybe he has been sold."

Ling Yun guessed.

"Nie Yun is an honest person, how could he be easily sold by others?"

Suru pondered.

Nie Yun is very honest. He belongs to the kind of person who wants to plead for the people's orders and uphold justice before joining the Tianluo Empire. Unless the Tianluo Emperor is incompetent, causing the people to suffer, or else they will never be sold and used by others.

"Let's go to the City Lord's Mansion for a walk, don't we know? Maybe there will be a good harvest."

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"You mean, he may join Cloud Calling Sect"

"Yes, maybe we can find out about the whereabouts of Cloud Calling Sect from him, not necessarily."

"Okay, if he is a personal act, then I will behead him."

Suru said indignantly.

This trip went to the City Lord's Mansion, and if she found out that Nie Yun went against the Tianluo Empire mechanism for her own selfishness, then she would kill him directly.

City Lord's Mansion, Nie Family

In the past, although the Nie family was the city lord's mansion, because of Nie Yun's integrity, although the Nie family was a first-class family here, it seemed a bit shabby.However, after passing through the hands of Nie Wangchen over the years, the Nie family has become the well-deserved number one family in the giant city.

Not only the area is ten times larger than before, but it is also resplendent.It is divided into two courtyards, the inner and outer courtyards, the outer courtyard is the original city lord's mansion, and the inner courtyard is the Nie family that was later expanded.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this Nie family is a small castle.

The Nie family had no less than five thousand guards, and there were two or three hundred servants in total.Compared to the imperial palaces of the Tianluo Empire, they were even more expensive.

There is a huge stone in the inner courtyard opposite the gate, which is the soul test stone.

(End of this chapter)

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