extreme dog days

Chapter 1017 Soul Test Stone

Chapter 1017 Soul Test Stone (1)

The soul test stone is the qi soul level of the entry-level disciples used by the sect to test. The higher the qi soul level, the higher the talent.However, because the soul test stone was made, and the method of making the soul test stone has long been lost, there are very few sects in the fighting world who have the soul test stone.

For example, there is almost no sect in Beizhou Continent, and the faction has a soul test stone.In the realm, most forces have soul test stones, and even know how to refine soul test stones.

The elders of the Cloud Calling Sect who came from the realm just happened to know how to refine the Soul Test Stone.In order to recruit talented disciples, Cloud Cloud Sect handed over the Soul Test Stone to those who were responsible for finding disciples.

Nie Wangchen belonged to the main person in charge of recruiting disciples from the Cloud Calling Sect's connections, so the soul test stone was naturally kept by him.

"Soul test stone..."

Ling Yun said in surprise.He had heard You Zifeng talk about the Soul Test Stone before, but he had never really seen it.

"It turns out that Yin Guang has always used these soul-testing stones to recruit talented disciples. It seems that we have found the right place."

There is also a soul test stone in the palace of the Tianluo Empire, which was given to Suru by Yin Guang.At that time, Suru thought that there was only one soul test stone, but she never expected to see it here.

"Young Master, Miss, are you interested in giving it a try. This soul stone test is rare in the world, and you can't see it outside. This is to evaluate your qi soul level and the quality of your physique. Looking at the Tianluo Empire, in addition to In our City Lord's Mansion, I am afraid that only the Imperial Palace has Soul Test Stones."

The butler said very enthusiastically.This is not the first time for him.The first thing everyone who is called into the City Lord's Mansion is to go through the Soul Stone.

Once qualified, their city lord will naturally meet in person.This is also to prevent information leakage.

"Interesting, Brother Yun, do you want to try it?"

Suru seems to be very loving. If there is an actor competition in the fighting world, I guess she is not a champion, and she can easily become a runner-up.

"Right on my mind"

This was the first time Ling Yun had seen the real soul test stone. Of course, he wanted to see what was so wonderful about this soul test stone.At the same time, he also wanted to know what the level of his mysterious tortoise qi soul could reach.

The qi and soul level is divided into twelve stars, and the physique is divided into nine levels, mainly depending on the potential of the physical body.However, the special physique will make the Soul Test Stone change color directly.

"Please trigger the soul power and press it on the soul test stone with your hand."

Seeing that Ling Yun and the two were very cooperative, the butler immediately asked them to take the test.

"According to Elder You, the highest level of qi souls in the world can only reach ten stars. Usually, as long as the qi soul reaches six stars or more, it is called a genius. Ordinary qi souls can only reach between three and five stars. Those below [-] stars are regarded as waste materials. Turtle-shaped qi souls are mainly in defense, so it is extremely rare to reach [-] stars or more. However, my mysterious turtle qi soul belongs to the ancient qi soul. If the qi soul level I tried is too high I'm afraid it will attract too much attention. I'll try to suppress the potential of Qi and soul first, as long as I can raise the level to six stars, and I will get a soul test stone and try it myself later."

Ling Yun thought to himself.The mysterious turtle qi soul belongs to the mutant qi soul, and it comes from ancient times. Ling Yun guessed that it may reach the level of ten stars.If his qi soul potential reaches ten stars, it will definitely cause a sensation, and when he arrives at the Cloud Calling Sect, he will definitely receive the attention of the elders in the Calling Cloud Sect, and even alarm Yin Guang.

This is not what he wants to see.Possessing ten-star energy and soul potential, this is recognized as the favored son of heaven, and there is only one such disciple in the Cloud Calling Sect.

"Three-star, four-star, five-star...six-star...seven-star...Uh, the physical test is the highest...wow"

The housekeeper screamed, and his mouth couldn't close.

The minimum standard for summoning disciples of the Cloud Calling Sect is to have a six-star qi and soul potential. As long as the qi and soul potential reaches six stars, even if the physical potential is insufficient, they can still worship in the Cloud Calling Sect.

The physical potential usually only needs to reach the fifth rank, and as long as the qi soul reaches three stars or more, it can also worship the Cloud Calling Sect.

It's just that there have always been very few people whose physical potential has reached the fifth-order or higher, because the normal physical body has only the potential of the first-order to third-order, and most of them are first-order.

Ling Yun had just suppressed the potential of the mysterious turtle's qi and soul, and accidentally rushed to Qixing.As for the potential of the physical body, he ignored it.

"Uh, I didn't expect my cultivation limit to increase my physical potential to this level."

Ling Yun was surprised.Although the other forces in the fighting world do not have soul stones, they also have their own methods to test the potential of the soul and body. Although it is not accurate, it can give a rough idea.

In the past, Ling Yun had used the formation method to test his physical potential, and it was only about the sixth rank. Unexpectedly, over the years, he had actually risen to the ninth-rank physical body, and there was even a tendency to surpass the ninth-rank physical body.

"Brother Yun, you are amazing!"

Seeing that Ling Yun's physical potential had reached the ninth rank, Suru couldn't help screaming from the bottom of her heart.As for the Qi soul potential reaching seven stars, she ignored it.

The Qi soul potential reached seven stars, which was similar to Zhou Shaohao. At that time, when Zhou Shaohao tested the seven stars through the soul test, he was very proud of himself, but his energy-boosting potential was only third-order.

(End of this chapter)

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