extreme dog days

Chapter 1018 Soul Test Stone

Chapter 1018 Soul Test Stone (2)

It's not as good as Shangguan Feiling, but Shangguan Feiling's qi soul potential is only six stars.

The Tianluo Empire has not found one of the ninth-order physical potential, not even the seventh-order physical potential, only the previous secret guard commanded the physical potential to reach the sixth-order.

That guy was much better than Zhou Shaohao, because his qi soul potential reached eight stars.

With Qixing's qi and soul potential, coupled with the ninth-order physical potential, the man in front of her was many times better than the Zhou Shaohao she liked before, and his personality and temperament were not comparable to Zhou Shaohao.

Suru couldn't help kissing Ling Yun, it came from the heart, she fell in love with this man unknowingly, but she couldn't express it intellectually, she could only keep it in her heart forever.

This is not because she is not a complete body, nor because she has an inferiority complex, but their paths are different.


Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, looking at Suru who was ecstatic, he couldn't help but secretly admire the empress's acting so well.

"The seven-star qi soul potential, even if it's a defense-type turtle-type qi soul, it's a genius-level person, plus the ninth-order physical potential, it's just a little monster! I don't know where the little friend comes from..."

Nie Wangchen has been paying attention to the changes of the soul stone. If Ling Yun only tested the Qi soul potential of Qixing, he might not come out in person, but the physical potential of the ninth order would be completely different.

In the entire Cloud Calling Sect, there is only one person who has reached the seventh-order physical potential, and that person has already stepped into the Supreme Realm with the physical potential, and he is the top three characters in the Supreme Earth Vessel.

However, there are only a few human connections that have the potential to reach the fifth-order, not even a sixth-order.If Lingyun can be called into their network, their master will be overjoyed, and maybe he will reward them with divine treasures, even inherit their god-level exercises, or help them break through the supreme realm!

"We are from Yulun Gate of Dongyun Mountain"

Suru said before Ling Yun.They plan to enter the Cloud Cloud Sect directly, so they must do their homework first.The Yulun Gate of Dongyun Mountain was destroyed by the Tianluo Empire more than a hundred years ago, and it is not far from the sixteen states of Yunling.

"Oh! Hmm! It turned out to be the master apprentice of Yulun Sect. No wonder he is so talented."

Nie Wangchen was overjoyed in his heart, because Yulunmen offended Nanluo King, one of the five Luo Kings, that led to the destruction of the gate.Isn't this just for them to call Yunzong?

They called Yunzong but then revolted, under the banner of overthrowing the Tianluo Empire.The people of Yulunmen have a grudge against the Tianluo Empire, and it is more appropriate to join them in the Calling Cloud Sect.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Ling Yun glanced at Nie Wangchen, but did not see any traces of disguise on Nie Wangchen's face, that was because Nie Wangchen himself looked very similar to his father, but the mole on his face was fake.

Unless someone is extremely familiar with their father and son, it's really hard to tell the difference.

"This girl, you might as well try it."

Jia Youdao was also present, but he had been staring at Suru since she stepped into the inner courtyard, and he was only drooling. If Ling Yun had not tested the seven-star qi soul potential and the ninth rank physical potential.

Maybe he has already rushed over and knocked Suru down.

"Senior Brother Jia, don't mess around. This person is so talented, if he joins our Call Cloud Sect, his future achievements will never be below us."

Nie Wangchen was also blinded by Suru's beauty, but he was more rational and worried that Jia Youdao had lost his sense, so he was reminded by voice transmission.

"Hey, Junior Brother Nie, don't worry, I still have my senses. If this little girl is as talented as that kid, as long as the two of them join our Cloud Calling Sect, the Master and the Vessel Master will definitely be rewarded, even the Vessel Master. I will accept them both as apprentices, how could I be so stupid to offend them?"

Jia Youdao's voice transmission.

The Qi and Soul potential of Qixing might not be a big deal in the Calling Cloud Sect, but the potential of the ninth-order physical body is absolutely sensational. They fully believe that their vein master will accept Ling Yun as a disciple. Then Ling Yun will be the crown prince of their network, and he will follow him. Stealing a woman, isn't that courting death?

"Yu'er, try it too."

Ling Yun looked at Suru and said.The two of them naturally changed their names and surnames in order to sneak into the Call Cloud Sect.Ling Yun took the surname of Shuangmulin, which has the same pronunciation as Ling, while Suru changed her name to Chen Yuer, pretending to be the daughter of Yulun Sect Master.

At the same time, Ling Yun used the soul secret method to change the trajectory of his soul, so that others would appear to have more than [-] annual rings.And Suru is the same.As for the cultivation base, both of them are suppressed in the early days of the heaven level.

"Okay, I'll listen to Brother Yun."

Suru smiled and gave Ling Yun a wink, then stepped forward to test.

"Well, eight stars... Third-order physical potential. Hey, it has changed color, special physique."

"Wow, special physique."

Both Nie Wangchen and Jia Youdao cried out.

The result of Suru's test is that her talent is higher than that of Ling Yun. Because she has the body of the Jade Emperor, the potential test of the third-order body can be completely ignored.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the arrogant daughter of the sky, she was really buried by Zhou Shaohao back then.

"Brother Yun..."

Suru looked very excited.She had tested it at the beginning, because the body of the Jade Emperor was damaged, which also affected her qi soul potential, so the qi soul potential that was tested at the beginning was only six stars, and it did not cause the soul test stone to change color.

Lingyun had previously given her three kinds of golden pills, which had completely restored her Jade Emperor status.

(End of this chapter)

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