extreme dog days

Chapter 1041 Senior Sister, Are You Supreme?

Chapter 1041 Senior Sister, Are You Supreme?

"Of course there is, it's just the sect master, you see I'm so weak now, I feel very insecure, can you give me a shock to the other gods first!"

After Lingyun heard Sun Yisheng's voice transmission, he was overjoyed, why didn't he say it earlier when he had such an opportunity.But now he is thinking about pitting as many babies as possible.

The Magic Cloud Divine Sword is good, but it hasn't fallen into his hands yet, so it's not his. If something unexpected happens that day, he'll have to say goodbye to it.

"Haha, I said little guy, let's close it when the wind is good! I have already given you the Magic Cloud Divine Sword, which is the strongest magic weapon of the Calling Cloud Sect."

If Ling Yun wanted a treasure of the divine way, maybe Li Gang would give him one, but the divine weapon could not.Although there are still a few divine weapons in the Cloud Calling Sect, they need to be left to future generations.

This is the fundamental thing of the Cloud Calling Sect, how can it all be given to Ling Yun.If he has the ability to take over and call Yunzong in the future, then his things are not all his.

"But Sect Master, you see, even the half-step Supreme has come out now. My Soul Light Bracers can only resist people below the Supreme Realm. What if the Supreme Realm shoots me? Don't you lend me one first? How about a piece of magic?"

The reason why he deliberately didn't dispose of Shi Hongqun's corpse was to find a powerful man in Yunzong for a magic weapon that was more powerful than Soul Light Bracers.

Borrowing, what a joke, that is borrowed but not repaid, as long as something is in his hands, it is his.


Everyone was stunned by Ling Yun, and it was very rare to have such a thick skin. If it was not negotiable, it was borrowed. No one believed that Ling Yun would pay it back after borrowing it.

"Haha! This seat assures you that you are within the Cloud Calling Sect, and no Supreme Being dares to take action against you. Also, listen to this seat, the matter of his ninth-order physical potential is not allowed to spread out, who wants to spread it out. It is regarded as a traitor to the sect.”

Li Gang said sharply.These words were not for Ling Yun, but to warn everyone present.He called Yunzong to finally appear a genius with ninth-order physical potential, and he didn't want to be robbed by Yin Guang like the last time.

A person with a ninth-level physical potential is much more important than a person with ten-star energy and soul potential.Li Gang completely believed that Yin Guang would find a way to poach him as long as he heard that such a talented disciple appeared in the Yunzong they called.

Although Huan Yunzong supports Yin Guang, they also have to consider the future of Huan Yunzong.Talented disciples are all over the place for Cloud Cloud Sect.

And on the Dongzhou Continent, in addition to the fact that they called Yunzong to attract talents, there was also a Yunshan Building.If they don't plan ahead, then after their first generation of Cloud Calling Sect powerhouses have exhausted their lifespan, the Cloud Calling Sect that they have worked so hard to establish will no longer exist.

"That's okay, the sect master is so kind to me. Hehe"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"As long as you know."

Li Gang gave him a blank look, he could be regarded as opening a green passage for Ling Yun in the Cloud Calling Sect!This is not good for him, so how can it be considered good for him?

"Hey, Sect Master, don't worry, I'm not a forgetful person. You have a magic weapon in your family, or you don't have a second magic weapon, so borrow a few for me to use first."

Ling Yun stopped wrangling with Huan Yunzong, because it was useless to wrestle any further.Everyone has opened a green channel for him. If he doesn't know how to make good use of it, then he is stupid.

So he turned to look at Shanxiong, didn't this old guy send someone to kill him before?If you don't slap him hard, you'll be too sorry for yourself.

"Fuck, no!"

Shan Yixiong did not expect that Ling Yun would actually hit him with his idea.As soon as he opened his mouth, he wanted a magic weapon and a secondary magic weapon. This guy is too good to be tricked.

"Really do not have."

Ling Yun asked again very seriously.

"I said no then no"

Yixiong glared at him and said coldly.I thought that even if I didn’t have a magic weapon myself, even if I did, I wouldn’t give it to you.

"Oh, that's fine. That Senior Sister, are you the Supreme?"

Ling Yun was not in a hurry at all, smiled and asked the woman standing beside Shan Yixiong, the woman knew at a glance that she had a close relationship with Shan Shanxiong.

If it wasn't for his descendants or something, it might be his wife's concubine.


The woman frowned and said very honestly.I thought this guy asked me if the Supreme was doing something, but then she figured it out pretty quickly.

"It's fine if it's not, come and come, Junior Brother will accompany you to practice."

Ling Yun said with a harmless expression on his face, he picked up his sleeve and planned to shoot.

"What do you want, Dad..."

That woman is the youngest daughter of the single male.Although she is in the Great Luo Realm, she is not a fool. Ling Yun has the potential of a ninth-order physical body, and has also tempered the physical body to the point where the golden body has just become a golden body. With the Soul Light Bracers, the supreme and the following will fight against him. Most of the It's all looking for abuse.

Seeing that Ling Yun wanted to learn from her, she was so frightened that she immediately hid behind Shan Shanxiong.

"Stinky boy, what do you want to do?"

The single male's face is really not good-looking.His little daughter, of course, is what he loves the most, otherwise why would he take it with him?He didn't expect Ling Yun's courage to be so fat that he wanted to reach out to his daughter.

"I said Master Shanmai, as a junior brother, it seems that there is nothing wrong with discussing with senior sister. You old man hurry up and get out of the way, if you accidentally hit you, it will be bad."

Ling Yun reminded Shanxiong very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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