extreme dog days

Chapter 1042 Don't go, elders!

Chapter 1042 Don't go, elders!

Just when I called Sect Master Yun, I said that Ling Yun could not be shot at the Supreme Realm or above.If this single hero dared to hit him at this time, it would not be as simple as breaking the rules, but hitting their suzerain in the face!


A single face turned green with anger.

"What are you, get out of the way, I can't wait to learn from senior sister. My time is very limited, in any case, I have to step into the big Luo realm within three years? This is the suzerain and his old man. Give me the task."

The Sect Master Huoyun gave him three years to reach the Daluo Realm from the third floor of the Heavenly Realm, which means that he can use the resources in the Cloud Sect indefinitely. .

Seeing Ling Yun's troubles with looking for a single male, Sun Yisheng and the three elders in the Hall of Personnel were instantly delighted and hooked, but they didn't know that this was just the beginning.

"Stop, magic weapon, there is no secondary magic weapon, if you want a treasure of the divine way, I can give you one."

Shanxiong admits to counseling, and if he doesn't admit counseling, his daughter will suffer, and he has no control over this matter. The most important thing is that he still has a son, other daughters, and a certain female disciple. It's his concubine.

If Ling Yun encountered this, he would not fight hard.

"I said Master Shanmai, you are too stingy, three pieces..."

Ling Yun raised three fingers and said.

"Three pieces, why don't you grab it! No, just one..."

Taking the risk of Lingyun is no different from robbing him now.I just didn't expect him to be in the Heavenly Realm, and he actually grabbed the Supreme Realm.Three treasures of the divine way, this is life-threatening!

"No, at least two."

Lingyun originally wanted two pieces, but as for the three pieces, he just deliberately raised the quantity, so he could bargain and make a concession.If you really want three things, you'll be greedy, and you can't justify it.

"Damn, don't be too greedy, kid."

Shanxiong said angrily, he promised to give one to Ling Yun, which was already the biggest concession.Divine Taoist treasures are not something you want to have, and ordinary refiners cannot refine them at all.

One of them was a pain in the flesh, and he even wanted two or three.

"How can this be considered greed. My wife doesn't have it yet? Hey, if you don't give two pieces, you can't justify it."

Ling Yun smiled and looked at Suru.Suru is the Jade Emperor, and she is also a super genius, but the Palace Master of Networking did not say it before, and of course Ling Yun will not say it.

There is already a genius with his ninth-order physical potential in the Hall of Networking. If others know that Suru is also a super genius, they might take her away.

It would be troublesome at that time, so if Suru wanted to cheat, she could only cheat the elders of the People's Network Hall.

The two of them came here together, and Ling Yun of course had to count her share, so it was reasonable to ask Yixiong for two treasures of the divine way.


Not to mention how ugly the single male's face was.I thought that you would use your wife, but you still want me to help you.But after thinking about it, he still gave away two treasures of the divine way.

Flesh pain is better than waiting to feel distressed.

When Suru heard that Ling Yun was also counted as her share, she was moved in her heart, and at the same time she couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, Master Shanmai is really a good person. That Great Elder, this Master of Shanmai has been given away, you won't pretend to be blind!"

After Ling Yun put away the two treasures of divine Taoism given by Shanxiong, he immediately looked at Han Feng. Didn't he call him blind before?I'm still blind, and I don't even know how to be conscious.

"I'll go with you, you!"

Han Feng's face turned green with anger, he couldn't think of it!

All the disciples present saw that the Great Elder of the Earth Vessel Hall was also being pitted, and couldn't help snickering secretly.In the past, the elders of the palm palace were not arrogant and arrogant.

They never thought there would be today.

Lingyun pitted Han Feng, and the other three elders of the palm palace of the Earth Vessel Palace were obviously not spared.They were relatively acquainted, and seeing Ling Yun looking at them, the worst one took out a top-notch Horcrux.

Ling Yun got four or five treasures of the divine Tao all at once. Seeing that he was so proud of it, Shan Shanxiong and the four elders of the palm palace had the urge to kill him.

But does it work?Obviously, this guy is their Sect Master and Gu Xiuyuan, the next Sect Master Summoning Cloud that Mo Wuhui had agreed on, and he can hold his breath, it is best to hold his breath.

"Lin Yun, don't make trouble. Come on, let me introduce to you, those are the elders of the Tianmai Temple, and the leader is Shan Haoliang, the chief elder of the Tianmai Temple, who is nicknamed Qianshou Old Monster. But An all-powerful figure on the Dongzhou Continent. Come and meet me soon."

Sun Yisheng stopped Ling Yun, and then pointed to a few people standing not far away.Among those people, three are the elders of the palace hall of the Tianmai Temple. This Tianmai Temple belongs to the head of the three veins. Naturally, they are very rich. The main reason is that the main body of the Tianmai is Tai Yuwei, but Yin Guang is in the Cloud Calling Sect. most trusted person.

In the past, with the help of Yin Guang, Tianmai Temple found many ancient ruins.It is possible that the elders in the palm hall of the Tianmai Temple have divine soldiers or sub-sacred soldiers.

"My uncle Sun, you bastard Sun Yisheng, run quickly..."

Shan Haoliang didn't want to say hello to Ling Yun at all. Hearing Sun Yisheng's introduction to him, he secretly cried out in his heart, so he transferred away and ran away.

Maybe Sun Yisheng's introduction to him is to flatter him and give him face, but don't look at who you introduce to him, you are just a scumbag, and this guy is staring at him, and he must vomit blood.

"Elder, don't go! We haven't got in touch yet?"

When Ling Yun saw Shan Haoliang running away, he immediately shouted.

When Shan Haoliang heard this, he almost fell from mid-air to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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