extreme dog days

Chapter 1044 The Ancient Secret Realm

Chapter 1044 The Ancient Secret Realm (1)

One sentence: Senior brother, wait a minute, junior brother has something to say!In an instant, it spread within the Cloud Calling Sect, and all the senior brothers would shudder involuntarily when they heard this sentence.

As long as he heard this sentence at the Supreme Realm level, he didn't even need to look back to see who was behind, and just ran dry.

The farce of the Earth Vessel Palace also ended after all the Supreme Realm ran away, Ling Yun was satisfied with the things from the pit and returned to Shangyun Peak Houshan Manor to divide the dirt with Suru.

"I didn't expect you to be able to cheat to such an extent, what a talent!"

After returning to the manor, Suru couldn't help sighing as she looked at the things Ling Yun took out to count.

These things are all from the hands of people above the Supreme Realm, even if they are only materials, they are also invaluable.Materials are of no use to Suru, but weapons are different.

As long as you are willing, even the Horcrux can work for the Supreme Realm.

"Hey, it's a prize. It's not for the sake of making a fool of yourself. These two treasures of the divine way are back, and you can take the Horcrux if you like it."

Ling Yun said with a smile, it was all luck!

"This is really generous. When you help me get a sub-magic weapon, or a magic weapon."

Suru asked with a smile.Although there are treasures in the Tianluo Empire, such good things as sub-sacred soldiers and divine soldiers have been occupied by Zhou Shaohao.

Although Suru was the emperor of Tianluo before, but the treasures of the divine way were sub-sacred weapons, the real good things like divine weapons did not have her share, which was a sad thing to say.

"...I said Miss Su, you look down on me too much, don't you? Divine Armament, you don't even have me? But your talent, coupled with beauty, maybe you can really get one, or you go."

Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, is the magic weapon so tricky?If it wasn't for Yun Yunzong to regard him as the candidate for the next suzerain, I'm afraid they wouldn't take out the Magic Cloud Divine Sword and set him a three-year contract.

And looking at the world, there can be a few magic weapons, and a few sub-magic weapons.

He can get the Soul Light Bracers, which is completely shit luck.And if it wasn't for the Soul Light Bracers, it was a weapon that could be used to the best effect by practitioners.

It is estimated that people will not give him.

"Roll rough!"

Suru scolded, isn't this asking her to sell it?Thanks to this guy for speaking out.

"Ha ha"

"Speaking of which, the person who calls Yunzong is really good to you. If it's not antagonistic, you can really consider taking over the position of the Yunzong master."

Suru gave him a big roll of eyes, and then said very seriously.

After thousands of years of development on the Dongzhou Continent, the Huanyun Sect now has a certain background. The disciples in the sect are all geniuses. When these people are released, it is not just to shock one force, but to make the entire Dongzhou Continent. tremble.

Take a look at the Supreme Realm in the Cloud Calling Sect. I am afraid there will be thirty Supremes when all added up?

A sect with a supreme sect can be called a superior force, so this Call Cloud Sect is simply a super force.

"Yeah, it's a pity that in the face of confrontation, they can only compete with each other in life and death. I can't imagine that Yin Guang mastered this Calling Cloud Sect, and it is so powerful, and this Calling Cloud Sect alone is not weaker than the Xuanmen of the past, let alone Yunshan. building."

When he came to the Calling Cloud Sect, Ling Yun had a feeling that he didn't know if he didn't come and was startled.

Moreover, among Yin Guang's forces, in addition to the Yunshan Sect, there is also a Yunshan Tower. If the Yunshan Tower is also like the Yunzong side, then do people still need to live?

"Xu Hai has met Junior Brother Lin and Junior Sister Chen."

A Daluojing disciple from the Network Hall came to visit the manor.

"Senior brother, it's so late, what are you doing here with us?"

Ling Yun asked.

"Hey, junior brother really understands people. The master of the pulse and the uncle in charge of the palace have invited junior brother, and the junior sister went to the main hall to discuss something."

Xu Hai said with a smile.He is Sun Yisheng's son-in-law. Usually, except for the seven connections, when other people see him, they give him three points.

Ordinary new disciples, if they knew his identity, most of them would flatter him.But facing Ling Yun, he did not dare to have any temper.

To put it bluntly, Ling Yun is now wearing the name of the quasi-sect master.Although it was only a few days after he first entered the Yunzong Sect, this status was not something he could compare to.

"Uh, I see, Senior Brother will go first. We'll be there later."

Lingyun remembered Sun Yisheng's voice transmission to him earlier, and guessed that Sun Yisheng sent someone to look for him late at night, most likely for that matter.Now whether he can get the Magic Cloud Divine Sword of the Cloud Calling Sect as soon as possible, then it depends on what method Sun Yisheng has to make him break through the Great Luo Realm in a short period of time.

The point is that his approach has to be convincing.

"Okay, I'll say goodbye first"

Although Ling Yun never walked out of the room from beginning to end, Xu Hai did not dare to be dissatisfied at all.

"Lingyun, you said that Sun Yisheng suddenly sent someone to look for us in the middle of the night. What is the reason for that?"

Suru has some concerns.They are in the Cloud Calling Sect at this time, but they are walking on thin ice, and they may fall into the ice water if they are slightly insecure.

"You don't have to worry about this at all. As long as our identities are not exposed, it's too late for the people in the network to curry favor with us? Let's go, let's go and see what the hell this Sun Yisheng is up to. Maybe we can get some benefits back."

Ling Yun has a kind of life that he likes here.This is definitely something that has never been experienced before.Hearing that Ling Yun was thinking about cheating again, Suru rolled her eyes and let him experience it for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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