extreme dog days

Chapter 1045 The Ancient Secret Realm

Chapter 1045 The Ancient Secret Realm (2)

Hall of People

"Lin Yun, Yu'er, you are here, sit down."

Seeing Ling Yun and the two walking into the hall, both Sun Yisheng and the three elders in the hall all laughed.They were very satisfied with Lingyun's performance during the day.

The people in the Earth Vessel Hall were helping them vent their anger. Looking at the expressions of Shan Shanxiong and the four elders of the Earth Vessel Hall, they all cried out in joy.

I wish Lingyun could ruin them all.

"The pulse master, the three elders, I don't know what it means to call the two of us here late at night."

Ling Yun was looking forward to what Sun Yisheng could say to help him.As long as the method he said is convincing enough, then he can unblock the cultivation base to above the Da Luo realm.

In this way, he really has a chance to get the Magic Cloud Divine Sword.

"Don't worry, have a cup of tea first."

Sun Yisheng had a kind expression on his face and said very harmoniously, but what was waiting was a very discordant voice.

"I am tortured, pulse master, you are trying to prescribe medicine and robbery!"



Together with Sun Yisheng and the three palm palace elders, they were all stunned. After holding it for a long time, Sun Yisheng spoke up.

"Stinky boy, this is an ancient immortal tea, which is rare in the world. If you don't drink it, you will return it."

Sun Yisheng snatched the cup of tea back from Ling Yun's hands angrily.


After snatching back the teacup, Sun Yisheng was dumbfounded. The teapot was actually snatched by Ling Yun. The three elders saw Sun Yisheng snatching the teacup back. They just laughed and didn't think that Ling Yun, who had no bottom line, would give the teapot on the wooden table to him. take away.


"Good tea, do you have any tea?"

Ling Yun drank directly from the teapot, and he drank most of the pot of tea.This ancient immortal tea has long since disappeared, but it was found by Sun Yisheng from the ancient ruins.

The brewed tea contains more than ten times the Yuan force, but it is one of Sun Yisheng's most treasured things.Usually he is reluctant to take it out, even if the three elders of the palm palace ask him for it, there is no way.

"I'm so cheap! I know you're not kind."

Originally, Sun Yisheng didn't plan to tell Ling Yun the name of this immortal ancient tea, because he was worried that Ling Yun would ask him for it after drinking it.He doesn't have much left of this tea.

I usually don't want to drink it myself!I invited Ling Yun to have a drink, and it was not to help him improve his cultivation as soon as possible. The other three elders in the palace hall were also in the light of Ling Yun.

"I said Pulse Master, don't be so stingy. If I have the opportunity to become the next Sect Master, your old man will also benefit, isn't it? Hehe"

Ling Yun said very rudely.He knows very well that it takes time to be shameless to be invincible.

"Come on, this immortal-grade ancient tea has long since disappeared, and I also got it from the ancient ruins. There are not many left, so I'll give it all to you."

As Ling Yun said, if he can really become the suzerain of the Cloud Calling Sect, it will be good for him, and the premise is that he has a good relationship.Therefore, this immortal ancient tea, just in case he has already prepared it, is only a small packet, which is about one or two.

This is all he has, and it is possible for ghosts to believe him.

"Hehe, the Pulse Master has encountered a scourge now, haha."

When the elder saw Sun Yisheng's painful face, he couldn't help laughing.Of course, he knew very well what Sun Yisheng was like, and he could guarantee that this old guy must still be hiding a lot.

"Elder, you are also an elder after all. It seems that you haven't given me any gifts."

Ling Yun said.

"That, Lin Yun, in fact, I asked you to come here tonight to discuss the matter of going to an ancient secret realm. This matter can't be delayed."

When the first elder heard Ling Yun wanted to hit him, he immediately changed the subject.


"Yeah! This ancient secret realm is an amazing place. According to records, the original sect of this ancient secret realm once dominated the Dongzhou continent and dominated the world."

The other two elders were also worried that Ling Yun would attack them, and hurried to the point. They swore that they would try not to see Ling Yun in the future. This guy had a harmless face, but he was actually a jerk.

"Uh, really?"

Lingyun and Suru were a little excited after hearing this.Lingyun hasn't really explored the ancient secret realm yet?As for Suru, she had seen it before.

The sub-magic soldiers that exist in the world today are all from ancient times.Because it is possible to create Shinto treasures below Shinto, but it is absolutely impossible to create magical weapons.

And from nature, it is more so-called ancient ruins, ancient secret places.

Suru has also led people to explore the secret realm of ancient times before, and there is a place where it is possible to find sub-sacred soldiers and divine soldiers.

"On this matter, how could we lie to you?"

"Then have you been in?"

Suru asked hurriedly.If someone has already entered the ancient secret realm, the things inside are guaranteed to have been collected.From ancient times to the present, it is unknown how many years have passed, that is to say, what remains, even if it is just a piece of clothing, may be a treasure.

"Ashamed to say, although the ancient secret realm was discovered more than a hundred years ago, for some reason, our network hall has been unable to open."

Sun Yisheng said with a wry smile.The ancient secret realm discovered more than [-] years ago, if it has not been able to be opened, it will not be peeped by the leyline hall.

"Why can't it be turned on. Will it work now?"

Ling Yun asked.

(End of this chapter)

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