extreme dog days

Chapter 1050 5 Lines of Soul Lotus

Chapter 1050 Five Elements Soul Lotus

"Single Xiong, this was discovered by our People's Network Hall. According to the rules of the suzerain, this place belongs to our People's Network Hall, and the other two halls are not allowed to interfere. Do you want to blatantly violate the rules of the sect."

Sun Yisheng's face was gloomy.Angry, that's natural.But now that they have all found this place, the only thing that can be put out to calm them is the rules of the sect.

"Haha, Master Sun Mai, this is your fault. If this is an ordinary ancient secret realm, that's fine. But there are spiritual veins in the world, and even if the sect master knows about it, he will order the three veins to be shared."

Shan Haoliang said with a smile.

He was right, there was a Heaven and Earth Spirit Vein in the place where Cloud Calling Sect was located in the past, it was found by Sect Master Calling Cloud, and it was precisely because of that Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessel that called Cloud Sect today.


Sun Yisheng and the three elders all looked at each other.In this ancient secret realm, there are heaven and earth spiritual veins. Except for them, it is unexpected that this Tianmai Temple also knows about it.

In the past, they thought that only the Earth Pulse Hall was fighting their idea of ​​this secret realm, but they never imagined that the Heaven Pulse Hall was hidden so deeply.

"Even if there is a Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessel, no one can be sure. If there is a Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessel, we have not said that we will not share it. However, according to the rules, the internal things should be collected by our People's Network Hall, and then handed over to the sect. The door. You go back first."

Sun Yisheng couldn't hide it when he saw it, so he didn't have to deny it.It would be nice to keep ownership of what's inside now.

"Master Sun Mai, since we're here, there's no reason for you to leave. Could it be that your network hall wants to stop the people from our two lines?"

Shan Haoliang said with a half-smile.

"Master, what should I do..."

Elder Zhaoyun looked at Sun Yisheng and asked.In front of the ancient secret realm, they wanted to block the Tianmai Palace, and it was obviously impossible not to enter the Earthmai Palace.


Sun Yisheng turned his head to look at the gate of the secret realm. Ling Yun and Suru had already entered the secret realm when the gate opened, so they didn't care about the arrival of the other two veins.

This has nothing to do with the two of them.Besides, with the cultivation realm shown by the two of them, even if they wanted to, they couldn't control it.

Sun Yisheng pondered for a while, then waved his hand to let the more than [-] Da Luojing disciples from the Hall of Vessels enter the secret realm first.Shanxiong understood Sun Yisheng's actions, and he was anxious, but he did not stop it.

He also didn't want to directly cause infighting in the three veins.

After a stick of incense, Sun Yisheng brought the seven statues of the Hall of Personnel into the secret realm.At this time, the Earth Pulse Hall immediately followed.

"The two of you are staying outside the secret realm, if you are alone..."

Before entering the secret realm, a man in black robe looked at the two elders of Tianmai Temple and said.

"It's the master"

This black-robed man is Tai Yuwei, the master of the Tianmai Palace.How could he not come back for such a big event.

The secret realm of Yin-Yang Daomen is very large and self-contained.Generally speaking, it is impossible for a Shinto powerhouse to create such a heaven and earth space, but it is possible to use the heaven and earth spiritual veins.

And in this secret realm, because it is built by a spiritual vein of heaven and earth, the energy that exists inside is not the energy of heaven and earth outside, but the energy of heaven and earth on the other side of the earth.

"Heaven and earth vitality."

After entering the secret realm, Ling Yun seemed a little excited.

"Yeah, if you practice inside for one day, it's equivalent to more than three months outside. Look..."

Of course, Suru was also very excited.This is the first time she has seen the secret realm built by the spiritual veins of heaven and earth. She is very surprised at the world built by the spiritual veins of heaven and earth.

"Wow, there are so many Tianyou grass here."

Tianyou Grass is the most basic auxiliary breakthrough spiritual grass for cultivation, whether it is in the Northern State Continent or the Eastern State Continent, it is in short supply.And this secret realm is all over the place.

It seems that the secluded grass is the weed in this secret territory, the quantity is indescribable.

Lingyun and Suru would not take the time to collect this heavenly secluded grass. There is heaven and earth vitality in the secret realm, and it has been sealed for so many years. This is the strange flower and grass, the heaven and earth spirits that they absolutely did not expect.

What is Tianyou Grass? Even if people from Yunzong are called in, they probably won't pick it up.

"Red Gold Soul Lotus!"

Suru screamed when she saw a strange lotus growing on a golden stone.

"More than that, this is the Five Elements Soul Lotus, you see..."

Ling Yun was obviously excited too.Red gold, black water, green wood, thick soil, and fierce flames, there are five kinds of different lotus, which have long since disappeared in today's fighting world.

"I never imagined that the Five Elements Soul Lotus, which has long since become extinct, would appear here. Ling Yun helped me collect these five kinds of different lotus!"

Suru held Ling Yun's hand tightly, not to mention how excited she was.

"I said Miss Su, I'm not your subordinate."

Ling Yun was not happy when he heard that Suru used the tone of command to ask him to do things.As a result, Suru looked up at him, and the resentful eyes seemed to say, what did you eat earlier, are you trying to repay the debt?

"All right!"

Ling Yun had no choice but to respond and help Suru to pick up the Five Elements Soul Lotus together.Just when Suru was going to pick the black water soul lotus in the water lake, the black water soul lotus sank into the water lake, and then a pair of eyes appeared on the water surface, shooting fierce light.

"Ah... the guardian beast"

Suru was startled and hurriedly backed away.


Ling Yun was about to pick the red gold soul lotus when he encountered the same situation.

(End of this chapter)

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