extreme dog days

Chapter 1051 Powerful Heaven and Earth Beasts

Chapter 1051 Powerful Heaven and Earth Beasts

The Five Elements Soul Lotus, any of which belong to the heaven and the earth, is not an ordinary spirit grass, and is comparable to spirit medicine.It is of great help to the spirit and soul. If Suru hadn't spoken first, Ling Yun would have wanted to get these five spirit lotuses.

Like this kind of heaven and earth spirit, there are usually guardians.Demons are often seen outside, but the five alien beasts that appear here are obviously not magical beasts.

"This is not a monster, their aura has far exceeded the scope of the tenth-order monster."

Ling Yun is now the master of the Demon Temple, and he naturally knows the Demon Race very well.The imposing manner of the five alien beasts in front of them has obviously exceeded the stage of tenth-order transformation, and secondly, there is no demonic aura on them.

"It's not a magical beast, maybe it's a legendary beast from heaven and earth."

Suru reacted, her face changed slightly, and she immediately retreated to Ling Yun's side.They can't see the level of the alien beasts.These five alien beasts look and take shape, but judging from their aura, they are not weaker than the [-]th-order beasts transformed by Demon Venerable.

"The alien beasts of heaven and earth are extremely rare, and they are called almost non-existent. Our luck is really good."

Ling Yun sighed greatly.These five alien beasts look similar to unicorns, but they are all single-horned. There are no scales on their bodies, but fur, which corresponds to their attribute colors.

There was a terrifying fierce light in his eyes, and all idiots knew that this was not a good kind.They belong to the companion animals of these five soul lotuses, and almost no longer exist in other places.

And in the fighting world, even in the ancient times, alien beasts are rare.At the same time, because there are very few exotic beasts, their names are usually directly linked to their attributes and abilities.

For example, these five alien beasts can be directly called five-element alien beasts, and their names correspond to the attributes and powers they possess.

"What a shit, these five alien beasts don't seem to be weaker than the twelfth-order beasts, and you say good luck."

Suru glared at Ling Yun.If the monsters have never been transformed, then with the strength of the two of them, they can collapse to death with a fart.But they are alien beasts, things that can't change shape in the first place.

The twelfth rank is equivalent to the two of them facing five demon-ranked alien beasts at this time.It's also called luck.

"Miss Su, you are so beautiful, it means something to swear."

"You can still laugh."

"I'm going, don't laugh, let me cry? Let's go and find a place to chat!"

Ling Yun's face was bitter, these five alien beasts had locked them.Unless they give up these five alien lotuses, they will have to fight with these five alien beasts.

So say it!This is not a trouble, as long as they give up the five different lotus, nothing will happen.Because the five alien beasts are guarding the five alien lotuses, as long as they run away, they will never chase them away.

"No, you promised to help me pick these five alien lotuses. And we may not be able to beat these five alien beasts. You are three and I are two."

No, these five different lotus are what you want, you are three and I are two. "

"Are you a man?"

"Why don't you try."

"You can come anytime you want."

"...Okay, you two, let you do it!"


Suru won, she gave Ling Yun a glare on the surface, but she felt a little complacent in her heart.


The red-gold alien beast let out a cry, and the other four alien beasts surrounded the two of them in four directions.Without the two of them fighting, there are at least three alien beasts staring at Ling Yun.

Because he cultivated the physical body, and at the same time there was a blood pool in his body, in front of these five alien beasts, he was absolutely delicious.

pooh, poof

"Fist to the sky"

Aoki strange beast rushed over, and Ling Yun punched it out without hesitation.Although this punch did not do its best, the real body of ordinary [-]th-order monsters could not bear it.

The Aoki Beast was blown away, and its body hit a boulder, smashing the boulder to pieces, but it seemed that the Aoki Beast did not suffer much damage.

"Wow, the defense is so powerful."

Ling Yun screamed in surprise.


bang, bang

When Ling Yun sighed, the thick earth beasts showed their might, and four earth walls appeared beside him to trap him. These four earth walls were connected to the earth and could continuously extract power from the earth.

Ling Yun wanted to rush out from above, but the four walls of earth formed a sphere, and the sphere kept getting bigger, but the space inside became smaller and smaller.

"Ah! The real body shakes the ground, collapses the sky."

Ling Yun folded his hands, and at the same time burst into a full state, using the physical moves he had learned recently.


The huge earth ball exploded, and Ling Yun's body slammed straight into the thick earth beast like a cannonball.


The fist hit the heavens and the earth with a loud noise, and the thick earth beast roared and flew out backwards.


The red-gold beast shot, grabbed it with one claw, and saw four golden lights flashing.Lingyun's physical defense almost instantly broke out, and at the same time, he retreated, and there were still four bloodstains on his body.

"So sharp claws. This guy's strength is probably not as strong as the three-eyed demon wolf, but the power attached to his attributes is terrifying. If he hadn't retreated quickly, it is estimated that it could help me open my stomach."

Ling Yun looked at the four bloodstains on his body and was surprised.With the defense that he has now reached the golden body, he can't even resist the claws of this red-gold beast.

(End of this chapter)

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