extreme dog days

Chapter 1055 Thinking Too Much

Chapter 1055 Thinking Too Much

In the past, the master of the negative pole was betrayed by the elders in the temple, and joined forces with the people of the positive temple to besiege, and she killed six Shinto powerhouses by her own strength, and she herself was killed because of this.

"Haha, Shan Haoliang, I really missed my eyes. I didn't expect you to be so cruel."

Shanxiong laughed miserably and secretly injected his soul power into the Xuanyue Soul Cable. Although he has not yet been recognized by the Xuanyue Soul Cable, this Xuanyue Soul Cable is a magic weapon. As long as the power in it is activated, he can at least Protect yourself.

"Since ancient times, there has been no poison and no husband. Yixiong handed over the Xuanyue Soul Cable, and I can make you die a little more happily."

Shan Haoliang never thought of letting Yixiong go, otherwise he wouldn't be so ruthless.If Yixiong is allowed to live today, he will have an unresolved grudge against him in the future.

At the same time, the Xiao Xi that he obtained the Xuanyue Soul Cable will also be leaked.

Maybe they can get the sub-sacred soldiers and call Yunzong's side to include their own magic weapons, but they have to hand them over to the sect master to find suitable inheritance disciples for the magical soldiers in the future.

Divine Weapons are different from Shinto Treasures, and this is not something that anyone can use.Even if it is a sub-divine soldier, it is like the Soul Light Bracers in Ling Yun's hands.

Only the body refiners can play its true role. As for other people, the Supreme Realm and above are completely accessories, and they are not useful.

As for the Supreme Realm and above, the role played, whether it is defense or attack power, can't be compared with Lingyun.That is to say, only in the hands of someone with ninth-order physical potential like Ling Yun, can the cultivation of the Heaven-level realm be used to achieve an almost invincible effect below the supreme realm.

"Haha! It seems that you are determined to kill me. Shan Haoliang, if you kill me, if the sect master knows, you will definitely be smashed into thousands of pieces, and even the master will not try to keep you."

Shan Shanxiong and Sun Yisheng are both true disciples of the Cloud Calling Sect, and they are also the nephews of Li Gang, the Master Calling Cloud, and Gu Xiuyuan.

"Yes, but what if they were all dead?"

Shan Haoliang saw that Yixiong was seriously injured, and in his eyes he was already a dying person, so he had nothing to hide.Be a sensible ghost before he dies.


Yixiong thought that he had heard it wrong.Shan Haoliang wants to rebel, which means that the Taishi wants to move them to call Yunzong.

"Haha, do you think you heard it wrong? No, you heard it right. The Grand Master has long been dissatisfied with the Huanyun Sect. When the Grand Master took Hou Shijie from the Huanyun Sect, it was actually a warning. It's a pity that guy Li Gang. Ignore it, this time the two of you have fought here and you will lose both sides, then Li Gangke will become a bare commander, and he will not be able to obey."

The Hall of Earth Vessels and the Hall of Human Connections have always been loyal to Cloud Calling Sect, and they are obedient to Sect Master Calling Cloud.If the vitality of these two veins is severely damaged, Sect Master Huoyun will naturally have no confidence to compete with Yin Guang.

At that time, when calling Yunzong, you have to completely obey Yin Guang, which is what Yin Guang wants.

"By the way, about the news here, I deliberately sent someone to reveal it to them at the Earth Vessel Temple. No surprise!"

Shan Haoliang simply told Shanxiong all about it.

"Damn, you led them here, it turned out to be a conspiracy."

The single male gritted his teeth and said.

"You finally understand, and you can be an understanding ghost even after you die."




"Ah, huh. If you don't have a magic weapon, how can you know the power of a magic weapon. Who is not sure who will die? Come to accept the fate..."

Shan Yixiong successfully opened the Xuanyue Soul Cable. Although it was impossible to fully exert the power of the Xuanyue Soul Cable, the power that was stimulated was unimaginable.

Enough to make him seriously injured to compete with Shan Haoliang, and even gain the upper hand.The premise is that Shan Haoliang should not have the opportunity to get close, after all, he was injured in the waist.

It only hit the internal organs a little bit, but the waist meridian was cut in half.

In the two halls of Yin and Yang, it became the battlefield of the three veins, and it was completely chaotic.

On the other hand, Suru finally succeeded in refining the Five Elements Different Lotus, but after refining the Five Elements Different Lotus, she experienced a short period of weakness.

"Young Master Ling, now the little girl has become helpless, how about it, don't you want to do something?"

Suru had just taken a bath in the valley. When she got up, she was only wearing a thin cloud dress. The worst thing was that the cloud dress was soaked in water, so it appeared translucent.

"Miss Su, in fact, I think I'm in a good mood. You don't have to."

Ling Yun closed his eyes and said.His state of mind has been honed to be rock solid, but that doesn't mean it makes him a eunuch.

"Since it's all right, then open your eyes and look at me."

Suru said seriously.

"Miss Su, don't you like me?"

Ling Yun asked.

"Who likes you, less stinky!"

Suru said so on her lips, but she had already given a clear answer in her heart.Yes, I just like you, and you want me if you have the ability.


Ling Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and then pulled Surulou into his arms.

"Young Master Ling!"

Being hugged by Ling Yun, in a state of being completely close to her body, Suru's breathing suddenly became rapid.She thought that Ling Yun was really moved by her, and wanted to get her without her needing to admit that she liked him.

She dared to swear that she would never resist.

Unfortunately, it turns out that she wants too much!

(End of this chapter)

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