extreme dog days

Chapter 1056 Tai Yuwei

Chapter 1056 Tai Yuwei

Suru was in a weak period, her soul power was restrained, her qi and soul returned to its original state, so the sense of soul consciousness naturally ceased to exist.At this time, the black water alien beast and the fierce flame alien beast had appeared near the valley, and they had sensed the scent of the Five Elements alien lotus nearby.

But suddenly there were no more, and eager to find the Five Elements of Different Lotus, they searched all around, and at this time they had come to the outside of the valley.

"This alien beast is really haunted."

Lingyun did not expect that Suru had successfully refined the five-element alien lotus, and this alien beast could still find them.At this time, Suru was in a weak period, not to mention this powerful and indomitable beast, even if a soul essence came over, Suru could be taken care of.

If he fights with alien beasts, only the aftermath can make Suru die embarrassingly, so he has to decide to escape with Suru in his arms.


Although the Five Elements Yilian had been refined by Suru at this time, the strange beast remembered Lingyun and Suru's appearance, so they naturally rushed over as soon as they saw them.


When Suru heard the voice of the alien beast, she woke up from her obsession and understood why Ling Yun suddenly hugged her.

huh, huh

The fierce flame monster opened its mouth and spit out flames, which spread all the way behind Ling Yun, trying to intercept Ling Yun.Originally, at Ling Yun's speed, even if he was holding Suru, he would have no problem trying to get rid of the pursuit of the black water beast and the fierce flame beast.

But who knew that the red-gold beast was also nearby, and it immediately rushed over when it heard the call of the black-water beast.The speed of the red gold beast is the fastest among the five beasts.

And it just blocked Ling Yun's direction, so he had to change direction and escape.It took more than half a day to successfully get rid of the pursuit of the three alien beasts.

During this period, Lingyun broke out into a state of extreme fullness, and in a panic, they also inadvertently came to a hidden palace in the secret realm, where the main hall of Yin-Yang Daomen was located.

It is also the place where Ouyang Chenkun, the former master of Yin-Yang Daomen, sat.

"Young Master Ling, you can let me down now!"

Having escaped the pursuit of the three alien beasts, Ling Yun breathed a sigh of relief when Suru's delicate voice sounded in his ears.Being held by Ling Yun for most of the day, she was about to melt.

In particular, Ling Yun still placed one hand on her extremely proud Holy Maiden Peak. The most terrible thing was that she was dressed in simple clothes, and the picture was really glamorous.

"Cough, fortunately run fast, otherwise Miss Su, such a beauty, will become a delicacy in the belly of alien beasts."

When he came back to his senses, Ling Yun looked very embarrassed.Not to mention the pride of meeting other people, even Suru's dress is really embarrassing.Ling Yun really had an uncontrollable feeling.

"where is this place…"

Of course, Suru was also a little embarrassed, but she quickly returned to normal, took out the clothes from the storage ring, and changed them in front of Ling Yun.

"This, this is more witch than a witch, will anyone believe me if I say it?"

Ling Yun was thoughtful, but he didn't hear what Suru was saying, and at the same time his attention seemed to be on Suru.No one would mind, his politeness would be too much of a joke.

"Young Master Ling, did you listen to me?"

Suru didn't hear Ling Yun's response, so she turned to look at him and asked.

"Oh, what did you say."

"Pfft, does Young Master Ling really like to watch it?"

Suru found that Ling Yun's attention was focused on her, and couldn't help but ask with a smile.

"That...forget it. Hey, this seems to be the residence of Yin-Yang Daomen in the secret realm, let's go in and see."

Ling Yun reacted and said quickly.

"Ha ha!"

Suru laughed and walked towards the Yin-Yang Palace behind Ling Yun.

Just as the two of them walked outside the Yin-Yang Palace, a black shadow jumped out, and before Ling Yun could react, he took Suru hostage.

"Ah! Tai Yuwei"

Isn't this black-robed man Tai Yuwei, the master of the Tianmai Palace?Suru is very familiar with him, and this guy was one of her courtiers in the past.

"Haha, it seems that I guessed correctly. You are indeed the emperor Su Yulong. I can't believe it! The dignified female emperor has seduced a boy of the heaven level, and she has become a disciple of my Calling Cloud Sect. It's rare, rare!"

Tai Yuwei came here before the two of Lingyun, and it happened that he saw the two of Lingyun fleeing here, so he hid his breath.In fact, even if he didn't hide his breath here, Ling Yun wouldn't be able to find it.

Because the location of this Yin-Yang Temple is right above the Earth Dragon Vein in the Sunset Mountain Range, but the Earth Dragon Vein is hidden, and most people can't notice it at all.

At the same time, this earth dragon vein also affects the aura here, and anyone within the range will have their aura covered up.

"Well, Tai Yuwei, let me go."

Suru noticed Tai Yuwei's restless hand, she wanted to break free, but she couldn't break free.

This guy didn't take Ling Yun seriously at all, because he thought that Ling Yun was only at the heaven level, so he acted unscrupulously.Just kidding, in front of him, it is simply an ant.

"Haha! Let go of you, how is this possible. The female emperor is a stunner in the world. No wonder the grand master is so favored by you. But the grand master is afraid that he will never dream that you will fall into my hands."

Tai Yuwei had inadvertently seen Suru's true face in the Taishi Mansion.At that time, he was surprised and delighted when he saw Suru taking off the Magic Jade Mask in the Grand Master's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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