extreme dog days

Chapter 1057 Kill Tai Yuwei

Chapter 1057 Kill Tai Yuwei

It's a pity that Suru is the woman Yin Guang likes. She is by Yin Guang's side, and he doesn't dare to interfere even if she gives him a hundred courage.But now it was different, Suru fled the Tianluo Empire.

It was absolutely impossible for him to send her back to Yin Guang by himself.

"What about that dress you just wore?"

That's right, Tai Yuwei just saw a scene that Suru didn't want to be seen by others.

"Tai Yuwei, you must die."

Suru trembled all over, this feeling was the most disgusting in her life.It's a pity that she is still in a weak stage, and she can't resist if she wants to.

Lingyun had already summoned the Xuan Turtle, but he knew that Tai Yuwei was very strong, and it was not that easy to rescue Suru from him.

Furthermore, Suru is now like an ordinary person. If he fights with Tai Yuwei, then Suru will be in danger.

"Haha, if you want to kill me, do you rely on your little love, or do you rely on you, a delicate and soulless female emperor?"

When Tai Yuwei made a move to restrain Suru, he had already sensed that Suru's skills were lost.Even if Suru's skill is still there, if he is restrained, it is impossible to escape.

As for Ling Yun, he didn't know him.Therefore, he is regarded as a heaven-level realm.

"If you want to see it, I'll wear it for you."

Suru thought for a while and finally said.Only when she is free from Tai Yuwei's clutches will Lingyun have a chance to deal with him.Suru knew that Ling Yun remained calm, and it was all because of her concern for hurting her.

"Wonderful, wonderful! Boy, you are blessed again. I'll let you appreciate it later."

Tai Yuwei said, pushing Suru away, he planned to arrest Lingyun to blackmail Suru in order to satisfy all his demands.But the truth told him that he found the wrong person.

With Xuan Turtle in his hand, Ling Yun put palms to palms.


"You know too late. The real body shakes the ground, collapses the sky"

Ling Yun clenched his palm into a fist, waved his left hand to temporarily replace his right hand, and then launched a heavy blow with his right hand.A punch hit the back of Tai Yuwei's hand, smashing all the bones of his palm.


Tai Yuwei screamed and stepped back again and again.

limit full state

Ling Yun burst out with the strength of his whole body and bullied him away at the fastest speed. He wanted to take the opportunity to give Tai Yuwei a fatal blow.After all, Tai Yuwei is a strong person in the late stage of the Supreme Realm. Although he has not reached the Great Perfection of the Supreme Realm, he has a first-order Divine Dao Qi and Soul.

"The Golden Body of the Dao"

At the same time as releasing his qi and soul, Tai Yuwei also used his soul skill to protect his body.Under the effect of the spirit ability, the qi and soul protector made him look like a golden body of a god of war.

It can make the body achieve a certain body defense effect.

fist bump

Ling Yun smashed it with a punch, the two forces met, and a powerful earthquake spread into Tai Yuwei's limbs, which suddenly distorted his expression.

"Be careful, he has a magic weapon."

Suru reminded.

When Tai Yuwei attacked Fengjiemeng before her, that was when he met Mu Qianshan. If it wasn't for the sub-sacred soldier on his body that saved him, he would have died at the hands of Mu Qianshan.

"Soul Chasing Blade"


When Tai Yuwei's sub-divine soldier was released, Ling Yun was really taken aback. Fortunately, the potential of his physical body was excited, and he was barely blocked by the Soul Light Bracers.

"Soul Light Bracers. You are Lin Yun. How can you have such a cultivation base and strength. You are a fake Cloud Calling Sect disciple."

Seeing the Soul Light Bracers, Tai Yuwei remembered Ling Yun's identity.Isn't this the future heir of the Cloud Calling Sect appointed by the Sect Master Calling Cloud a few days ago?But as far as he knew, the other party was only in the heavenly realm.

And at this time, the power that Lingyun burst out, is that the heaven level?

The strength is not weaker than that of him in the late stage of the Supreme Realm.

"My name is Ling Yun. Ah!"

Ling Yun brought his physical potential to the limit, and at the same time used his explosive power to shake off the Soul Chasing Blade.

"The real body shakes the ground, collapses the sky"

click, click

At close range, and Tai Yuwei's hand was almost abolished, he couldn't react even if he wanted to.

"Pfft... damn."

Tai Yuwei vomited blood and backed out. He found that he really underestimated Ling Yun, and turned his target on Suru.

"Hmph. Sky-breaking bow"

Ling Yun naturally would not let him succeed.As soon as Tai Yuwei moved, he quickly performed the three-layered art of breaking the air and smashed the mysterious turtle energy and soul out.


"Red Gold Flame"

The mysterious turtle hit Tai Yuwei, but was forcibly blocked by Tai Yuwei, so Ling Yun immediately stimulated the fire element, spewing red gold flames, and the fire burst into the sky for a while.

"Ah! Go to hell!

Fortunately, Tai Yuwei protected his body with qi and soul, otherwise he would be turned into coke at that moment.Seeing Ling Yun rushing over, Tai Yuwei launched the Soul Chasing Blade again.

The Soul Chasing Blade successfully penetrated Ling Yun's body, but at that second, Ling Yun had already come to him.

fist bump

"Haha, what if you break my defense, go to hell."

"It's a pity that the person who died is you. Under the red gold flame, without the protection of the soul and soul, even in the Supreme Realm, you can't escape death."

Ling Yun said with a sneer.

The red gold flame spewed out from the mouth of the mysterious turtle's qi soul again, and Tai Yuwei, whose qi soul defense was broken by Ling Yun, naturally couldn't resist the power of the red gold flame.

When his body caught fire, Tai Yuwei wanted to use his qi and soul to put out the fire, but Ling Yun had to agree.

"Yin Yang Soul Slash"

"Ah! Ah"

"Wow, puff"

Ling Yun's soul attack interrupted Tai Yuwei's intention to use his qi and soul to put out the fire. However, in the face of Tai Yuwei, who possessed a Shinto soul, Ling Yun launched a soul attack on him, which naturally received a great backlash. Under the shock of his soul, he also spit out A mouthful of blood.

However, Tai Yuwei was turned into coke under the red gold flame.

(End of this chapter)

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