extreme dog days

Chapter 1082 Sirius comes out, ghosts cry

Chapter 1082 Sirius comes out, ghosts cry

In the face of life and death, when there is no choice, it is only to move forward bravely.If you can't beat it, you will die, you can't help but don't work hard.

"Arqiong, I think General Ji is leading the troops, so you don't need to worry at all."

Xiao Feng on the side said with a smile, he is quite optimistic about Ji Rong.Previously, the two of them showed their momentum in front of the generals of the Sirius Corps, and the other generals immediately humiliated them, but this guy is better, and he still goes his own way.

Although he is not in the Supreme Realm, when facing them, he is very calm and has no fear at all.

"General, they killed them."

A general came to report.

"Very good, brothers lined up to fight, this is the first battle since the establishment of my Sirius Corps, the winner lives, the loser perishes. All have it, release the qi and soul, the heavenly wolf comes out, the ghosts cry!"

Ji Rong shouted loudly.

"The wolf is out, the ghosts cry!"

A group of Heavenly Wolf soldiers shouted in unison, all the soldiers of the Heavenly Wolf Corps all possessed a wolf-shaped spirit, which is the standard for recruiting soldiers of the Heavenly Wolf Corps.

Regardless of cultivation base, continuous potential.As long as you have a wolf-type qi soul, you can join the Sirius Corps.


As all the Heavenly Wolf soldiers released their qi and souls, the scene was like an army of demon wolves.


The Sirius soldiers rushed out, and the wolf souls moved quickly, and the scene was very terrifying.When the C army was fighting, the Sirius soldiers were like sheep, and they cooperated very well.

On the battlefield, the level of cooperation between people with the same spirit and soul in group battles is no less than that of those who specialize in the art of combined strikes.

"Prince King, it's not good that all the vanguards have been wiped out, and the Heavenly Wolf Corps has come back."

The 200,000 pioneers of the Hundred Training Corps were all killed by the Sirius soldiers in the forest in less than half an hour. The scene was extremely bloody, and the Sirius soldiers successfully devoured blood in the first battle. Qi.

"What. Damn, I ordered a hundred training battles... Ruined the Sirius Corps for me."


Wei Wenwu shouted.His battle of hundreds of trainings was an ancient battle formation that Yunshan Tower found from the ancient ruins, and it was extremely powerful.It is also the origin of its Hundred Training Corps.

This battle is also the first battle of the Hundred Practice Battle Array.

"Battle formation, ridiculous. Summon Sirius. Kill!"

Ji Rong sneered when he learned that Wei Wenwu had set up a battle formation.Therefore, the Heavenly Wolf warriors will gather their own qi and soul to form a giant wolf of thousands of feet. This is the Heavenly Wolf.

Soldiers with unified energy and soul are themselves a battle formation.This was created when the human race and the demon race fought against each other in the past, and its power is hard to estimate.Regardless of the fact that the number of Sirius soldiers is less than 300,000, the Sirius that can be summoned is no less powerful than the late Supreme Stage.


"Uh, such a strong aura, it really is a worthy person under the false name."

Xiao Feng said with a sigh.The combat effectiveness of the Sirius Soldiers is beyond his imagination.Seeing this Heavenly Wolf soldier, Xiao Feng felt as if he saw the glory of the Xiao family in the past.

"Hundreds of training battle formations, lock Sirius"


In the battle of Bailian, all the soldiers entangled their qi and souls through the battle formation to form chains towards Sirius, locking Sirius above the battle of Bailian, trying to lock Sirius alive with chains.


When Sirius was pulled over the Bailian battle by the iron chain, Sirius let out a loud roar, and his wolf claws swept out and broke a flying iron chain, and then struggled hard.

The entire battle of Bailian was shaken, but the soldiers immediately vomited blood, and the battle became unstable. At this time, Sirius took the opportunity to break the chain, and the wolf's claws opened and closed, and every blow could break an iron. chain.

The wolf claws brushed into the Bailian battle formation.Immediately, there was a scream of screams. An hour later, the Bailian Battle Array was completely broken, the Sirius disintegrated, and countless Sirius soldiers rushed over and slaughtered.

Only to hear the mourning of the mountains and plains, but no one escaped.

500,000 hundred trained soldiers were wiped out.

"I tortured, what the hell, the Sirius Corps!"

Wei Wenwu was dumbfounded. After the Heavenly Wolf Corps broke through the Hundred Training Battle Formation, he deeply realized what it meant to be defeated like a mountain.His hundred-trained soldiers could not compete with the Sirius soldiers at all.

In this battle, he successfully fulfilled the reputation of the Sirius Soldier.

"What's your name. This seat doesn't kill nameless people."

Wei Wenwu and another Supreme Realm in the corps brought a dozen Daluo Realm directly to Ji Rong and others.Before that, he might have disdain to talk to Ji Rong.

But after seeing the strength of the Heavenly Wolf Corps, he had to look at Ji Rong and the others differently.

Although these people are only in the Daluo realm, on the battlefield, they are like the gods of war.

"Ji Rong, the deputy commander of the Tianlang Corps. Your Excellency should be Wei Wenwu, the king of Dongling County, right?"

Ji Rong took a step forward and asked without fear.

"Good courage. As expected of the commander-in-chief of the Sirius Corps. You are willing to surrender to the Taishi, and we can make the decision to make you the commander-in-chief of the Sirius Corps."

The Supreme Realm standing beside Wei Wenwu said.

"Yes, this seat can guarantee it."

Wei Wenwu said immediately.

"Haha, I'm sorry. The Heavenly Wolf Corps has always been the commander of the command and not the person. Whoever is in charge of the military talisman is the commander."

Ji Rong said sharply.

The Sirius Corps never recognized any emperors, they only recognized military talismans.No matter who they are, as long as they come looking for them with a military talisman, they will obey unconditionally and obey their orders.

Without the military talisman, even if the emperor was personally there, he would not be able to command them.

(End of this chapter)

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