extreme dog days

Chapter 1083 Guan Yunlou

Chapter 1083 Guan Yunlou

"If you don't know what's good or bad, then we will get rid of you commanders of the Sirius Corps. When the Sirius Corps will have no leader, it will be under our control."

Wei Wenwu said, his momentum pressed towards Ji Rong and others.However, two momentums appeared soon, helping Ji Rong and others to block the momentum of Wei Wenwu and the others.

"I'm afraid you can't get your wish."

Su Qiong and Xiao Feng walked out together.


Wei Wenwu frowned.

"Heh, do you still have my princess in your eyes? Wei Wenwu, you and Taishi Yin Guang have committed troubles, and you should be punished for your crime."

Su Qiong said with a sneer.This Wei Wenwu never really regarded her as a princess.If they hadn't been afraid of Zhou Shaohao before, they would have had bad intentions towards her long ago.

"Haha, the world has always been the king and the loser, and the strong are respected. The Taishi is powerful, and now he holds the sovereignty of the Tianluo Empire. As long as the princess is obedient and obedient, then you are still the princess of the Tianluo Empire."

Wei Wenwu said.

"Then aren't you the consort of the Tianluo Empire?"

Xiao Feng stepped forward and said.From Wei Wenwu's eyes, it is not difficult to see that this guy wants to hit Su Qiong. As a man, Xiao Feng has no reason not to stand up.

"who are you."

Wei Wenwu asked sharply.

"The current patriarch of the Xiao family in Dongzhou, Xiao Feng is also!"

"You are Xiao Feng."

Wei Wenwu's face changed slightly.He has also heard of Xiao Feng's name.Know more about the glory of the Xiao family in the past.

"Yes. She is also her consort. If you want to beat her, you have to ask Xiao first."


Xiao Feng smiled and shot aggressively.With a palm print, the blue dragon roared.

"Uh, ah! Toad swallows the sky, swallows the clouds and breathes."


Wei Wenwu grabbed Xiao Feng's palm, and was immediately knocked back by a zhang. He immediately released his qi and soul, and used his soul skills to kill him.The qi soul toad swallows the clouds and breathes out its breath, and its power is infinite, and its emphasis is on explosive power.

"Qinglong against the sky... travel"


Xiao Feng activated the Qinglong combat skills, and the Qinglong Qi Soul roared straight towards the Toad Qi Soul.

The two spirits are opposite each other, and the merits and demerits are decided.Qinglong's probing claw tore a big hole in the toad's soul.

"Ah! Broken Mountain Wheel"

"Qinglong, cut the sky"


It's a pity that the Qinglong Heaven Slaying Sabre belongs to a divine weapon, while the Broken Mountain Wheel in Wei Wenwu's hands is only a divine weapon, and he is not as powerful as Xiao Feng, so the Broken Mountain Wheel was directly split in half by the Qinglong Heaven Slaying Saber, and he vomited blood. Fly out.

"Patriarch Xiao, great. Brothers, kill..."

Ji Rong saw that Xiao Feng had the absolute upper hand, so he and several other generals of the Heavenly Wolf Corps took advantage of the situation to deal with the generals brought by Wei Wenwu.

Ji Rong's timing of the battlefield was just right. Xiao Feng had just injured Wei Wenwu, and the morale of the people around him must have been low, even timid. At this time, they could take advantage of the momentum.

Let them mistakenly believe that the defeat has already happened, so they keep abandoning the war and fleeing.

Su Qiong took action to deal with another Supreme Realm. Although Su Qiong's strength is not as good as him, but Su Qiong has a defensive magic weapon. Although it is not a sub-divine weapon, but with her soul power, the other party can't help it.

Outside the prison city, Ling Yun was about to kill Hou Shijie when a force emerged from the sky, saving Hou Shijie, and at the same time facing Ling Yun, his strength was still above Ling Yun.

"Who are you"

Ling Yun sensed that the other party's aura was not under Gu Xiuyuan and Mo Wugui at all.

"Old man Guan Yunlou. Are you the Ling Yun who made a fuss about Yunzong and deceived the Magic Cloud Divine Sword from that idiot Li Gang?"

The person who came was the original founder of Yunshanlou, Guan Yunlou.

When he saw the Magic Cloud Divine Sword in Ling Yun's hand, he guessed Ling Yun's identity.As for Ling Yun getting the Magic Cloud Divine Sword from Cloud Calling Sect, he thought that Ling Yun had tricked it from Calling Cloud Sect Master.

Who is the idiot?

"Yes, so what. Are you planning to help him snatch the Magic Cloud Divine Sword back?"

Ling Yun asked.In fact, he is very clear that this old man is not so kind. If he wins the Magic Cloud Divine Sword from his hand, he will take [-]% of it.

"Haha, the old man is not so kind. But after killing you, the Magic Cloud Divine Sword will belong to the old man. I think that the old man and Li Gang were fighting for this sword. He was even one step ahead of the old immortal. If he knew that the sword would eventually fall In my hands, it is estimated that I will cry when I sleep. Haha."

Although Guan Yunlou, like Li Gang, both came from the realm.But in the realm, He Yunshan Tower and Huan Yunzong are also not guilty of water, so although they jointly follow Yin Guang to create forces in Dongzhou mainland, the relationship between the two is also very bad.

In order to let Yunshan Tower overtake Huan Yunzong's head, he did not hesitate to give up the position of Yunshan's landlord to Yin Guang, and even let his son Guan Zhongyue follow Yin Guang's side and listen to Hou's orders.

"It's up to you."

A deep voice sounded, and as a figure appeared a hundred feet away from Ling Yun and Guan Yunlou, the person who came was Mu Qianshan.He originally went to the sixteen states of Yunling to support Ling Yun, but when he went there, he learned that Ling Yun had actually mixed into the Cloud Calling Sect.

Therefore, he remained calm and kept secretly protecting Ling Yun.

"Big Brother"

Seeing the arrival of Mu Qianshan, Ling Yun was overjoyed.With Mu Qianshan around, their brothers and sisters can definitely make Guan Yunlou regret coming to the Dou World, and may even leave him behind.

(End of this chapter)

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