extreme dog days

Chapter 1084 Mysterious Turtle

Chapter 1084 Mysterious Turtle

Before going to Huanyunzong, Lingyun informed Fengjiemeng to wait for an opportunity.He went to Huanyunzong to save people, while Fengjiemeng cooperated with the burial of Gu Chuangyunshan Tower.

Originally, Muqianshan should also go to Yunshan Tower, but he was worried about Lingyun's safety, so he came to meet him.

Fortunately, Mu Qianshan is here, otherwise Ling Yun would really be in big trouble.

"Little Junior Brother, I didn't expect you to step into the Supreme Realm in less than two years. It's really gratifying."

Mu Qianshan was very relieved to find that Ling Yun had stepped into the Supreme Realm.Although Ling Yun's strength was enough to compete with the Supreme Realm, Mu Qianshan knew that he was not the Supreme Realm after all.

but in a state of no state.

Under the state of no realm, it is extremely difficult to break through. At the beginning, he also tried to step into the state of no realm, but almost stopped.So he had to give up cultivating the "Innate Secret Record".

"Eldest brother has won the prize, it's just a fluke."

Ling Yun laughed.It's a fluke, he wants to die of anger!At present, he has stepped into the Supreme Realm before he is even 30 years old. If it weren't for his annual rings being less than a hundred years old, no one would believe him.

This kind of luck is too envious of the dead.

"Before the age of [-], I stepped into the Supreme Realm, and I wanted to take a chance for my brother. If you have time, you can teach me. Haha, Yin Guang and our brothers have been chatting for so long, don't you show up?"

Mu Qianshan had already discovered that Yin Guang was nearby, and it was because of him that he didn't appear before.

"Haha Mu Qianshan, we finally meet."

If it wasn't for Mu Qianshan here, Yin Guang would have come out long ago.He just came here as a clone, and he had no confidence that he could win against Mu Qianshan. If Mu Qianshan didn't speak, he probably wouldn't show up.

"Characters with Divine Dao Qi and Soul are really powerful. I didn't even find them hiding here."

Ling Yun said in a low voice.Whether it is Mu Qianshan or Yin Guang's clone.They were hiding near here, and Ling Yun's soul consciousness did not even find them.

"Eldest brother, this person is not the real Yin Guang, just his clone."

Ling Yun had played against Yin Guang's clone before, so he recognized it.

"Oh, since it's just a clone, he can leave it to you. I'll deal with this Guan Yunlou."

Mu Qianshan said through voice transmission.

Judging from Yin Guang's clone and Guan Yunlou's breath, Mu Qianshan felt that Guan Yunlou was stronger.So he handed Yin Guang's avatar to Ling Yun to deal with. He guessed that since Ling Yun could see that the other party was just a avatar, he had naturally fought against him.

Secondly, in the face of these two, he is not sure that one can fight two.

"Okay, senior brother, be careful, this Guan Yunlou is not easy to deal with."

Ling Yun replied.

"Well, be careful too."

"The No. 1 expert in Dongzhou Continent, in fact, I want to fight with you more, to see who among us is the No. .Ling Yun, I didn't expect such a monstrous disciple like you to come out of the Ling family of Canglong in Zhongzhou. If you don't get rid of you today, you will not only become a serious problem for me in the future, but also threaten the existence of Tianxia Peak."

Yin Guang said.

In fact, Yin Guang's avatar was defeated by Ling Yun before. After returning, Yin Guang helped his avatar to raise his qi and soul to the first stage of Shinto, so Ling Yun's current soul consciousness did not discover his existence.

As for Yuzifeng, his soul was so weak that he fell asleep again after falling asleep earlier.Otherwise he could have found it.

Yin Guang's clone is not sure that he can deal with Mu Qianshan, but he thinks that with the current strength of his clone, it is more than enough to deal with Ling Yun.

"Uh, you have already betrayed Tianxia Peak, why did you think about them instead? You are such a good person. If Tianxia Peak heard what you said, he would definitely be moved to give you a comfortable coffin so that he could bury you. family."

Ling Yun said with a smile.

It is estimated that Yin Guang's betrayal of Tianxia Peak is still unknown to Tianxia Peak, otherwise he would not easily let him go.

"you wanna die."

Yin Guang said coldly and took the lead.He knew that Ling Yun's physical body was very powerful, so naturally he would not be stupid enough to fight against him, nor would he give him a chance to get close.

The last time Ling Yun seized the opportunity with his amazing speed, this time he would not let him succeed.

"Qi-level Elemental Slash"


"Extreme Sword Gang"

Ling Yun originally wanted to rely on his speed again to get close before Yin Guang could react, and use his physical combat skills to overwhelmingly suppress Yin Guang's clone.

But he didn't want Yin Guang to take precautions early on, instead of defending with offense, he didn't give him a chance to get close at all.

After fighting dozens of moves, Ling Yun's kendo was almost in a state of being suppressed by him.

'The sky and the earth are boundless, the ancient times have no way, only I am in charge, and the profound mystery is broken'

In the face of Yin Guang's pressing step by step, almost blocking all his close routes, Ling Yun could only use the mysterious soul to dash away from the defense.

"What the hell, ah!"

The mysterious turtle attacked, but Yin Guang reacted in time and blocked it with his knife. Otherwise, he would be miserable if he was hit.However, when his knife blocked the mysterious turtle's soul, he was startled.

The power of the ancients was too heavy, and he almost let him throw the knife out of his hand.


Chong Xuan Po

Ling Yun recalled the mysterious turtle's qi soul, turned around and smashed it again.

"Is this 'special' a spirit soul?"

Yin Guang took over the mysterious turtle's qi and soul again, this is playing a stick!

"You're right, this is my soul. I can make you doubt your life."

The mysterious turtle's qi soul has long eyes, which means that as long as Ling Yun smashes it out, it will definitely hit a hundred shots, so it can only block it, but cannot avoid it.

(End of this chapter)

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