extreme dog days

Chapter 1126 A Desperate Discovery

Chapter 1126 A Desperate Discovery

As for Yin Guang, let alone, his body's meridians exploded, his energy and soul were destroyed, his dantian was even split open, his San Gong became a cripple, and he fell to the ground.

"Pfft...haha! The yin and yang clocks, you have actually mastered the "Yin and Yang Taoism""

Yin Guang laughed desperately.It's over, at this moment he has no power to fight back, let alone the possibility of Wei Yu turning over.He was defeated, completely defeated.

Suddenly a huge thunder fell from the sky and hit the yin and yang clock. The yin and yang bell made a buzzing sound, stopped running and hit the ground directly.Yin and Yang are no longer functioning, and the so-called Yin and Yang Dao Realm will naturally disappear.

And the Yin-Yang Dao Realm disappeared, and the seal of the Dou Jie would naturally no longer attack the Yin-Yang Liangyi Clock.The yin and yang clock seemed to have been seriously injured, and all the yin and yang power on it disappeared, as if it had been abolished.


"Pfft! Mr. Ling."

Suru Yunli opened the yin and yang clocks. If Ling Yun hadn't used his last strength to support the yin and yang clocks, both of them would have been thrown out of the yin and yang clocks.

Ling Yun fainted to death, but his breath was still there, that is to say, he was not dead, but his physical body was seriously damaged, and his soul became unconscious after being shaken.

"Little brother"

Mu Qianshan reacted.He was in a daze just now, he didn't expect that Ling Yun and Suru would have such a joint magic weapon in their hands.

Moreover, the power of the yin and yang clocks was displayed to such an extent that it was beyond his expectation.

If it weren't for the yin and yang yang yi bells who carried down the seal of the Doujie, not only the Yunkong Mountain Range would be razed to the ground, but all the strong people in the Yunkong Mountain Range would not be spared.

"The Doujie seal is too scary."

"That's right! The power released by the giant clock just now is beyond our imagination. I didn't expect that it would still be unable to compete with the seal of the Dou Jie. Who else in this world can break through the seal of the Dou Jie and reopen the divine way?"

"Hey, I'm afraid there is no hope for the divine way. When the time of ten thousand years comes, no matter how strong we are, we will return to ashes and dust to dust. What kind of world are we fighting for?"

The powerhouses in the Dongzhou Continent have seen the power of the Doujie seal just now.There is nothing but a kind of despair in the heart, the despair of hopelessness in the Shinto.

The power of the yin and yang liangyi clock just now has surpassed the power of ordinary gods, but after all it is no match for the existence of the seal of the fighting world.In the past, everyone thought that as long as someone's strength was comparable to that of the Shinto, they could break the seal of the Doujie.

But now they found out that they were all wrong, and they were very wrong.

Even people like Yin Guang who have a third-level divine spirit can't stand against the seal of the Doujie, so they can only behave honestly, let alone them.

"Kill me"

Yin Guang looked at Mu Qianshan and said.His hopes were dashed, the power he had worked so hard to build had finally crumbled, and now he wanted to die.

"Yin Guang, you are defeated after all. Your energy and soul are gone, and your dantian is destroyed. This is the best ending and the best punishment for you."

Mu Qianshan did not intend to kill Yin Guang.Killing him now is meaningless at all.Because he is useless, no one in the world can save him.

Because of his injury, it was more thorough than before.Even if there is still Qianshui Qihun in the world, it will not help him.Unless the old man Douluo is reborn, like he helped Ling Yun rebuild his dantian, he will be able to practice again.

"Haha. The world is impermanent, how happy is life, how sad is death!"

Yin Guang picked up the broken sword on the ground and broke it by himself.Although Mu Qianshan did not kill him, he would not stop him, and no one would pity him.It is hard to count how many people died in this battle because of his selfishness, which caused a storm in Dongzhou.

Yin Guang died, and the rest of the people in Yunshan Tower lost their main energy. Some of them were seriously injured. Knowing that there was no hope of escaping, they simply captured them and their cultivation was sealed.

three days later

"Master Ling, you are finally awake. If you don't wake up again, my sister will cry to death."

Su Qiong said jokingly.

"what did you say"

What it means to not love the country and love the beauties is already outdated.Suru wants a husband instead of a country.Ever since Ling Yun fainted, she has been by his side all the time, without closing her eyes for three days and three nights, ignoring anything else.

As for crying, that's normal.Because in the past three days, Ling Yun has not moved at all, and his injury has not eased at all, giving people the feeling that he will never wake up.

"sorry that I had you worried."

Ling Yun had a feeling of falling apart all over his body, and said weakly.

"Pfft, it's not just me who is worried, if Sister Su Su and Hu Rou find out, they will also worry about you."

Suru bit her lip and said.

"You guys are so stupid, knowing that I am a wall, but you still insist on bumping into it."

Ling Yun sighed in his heart and blurted out.He didn't think he was so handsome, but he provoked him and couldn't pay off the debt no matter what.

"You're right. A man is a wall, but the wind is too strong. We women are too weak to stand on our feet. When the wind blows, we hit the wall. Sister, are you right?"

Su Qiong laughed.

"Yes, why don't you hit the wall."

Suru rolled her eyes and said.

"Then I'm going to hit the wall, so I won't bother you."

Su Qiong smiled and left.

(End of this chapter)

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