extreme dog days

Chapter 1127 Three Strange Dreams

Chapter 1127 A Strange Dream

In the previous battle, everyone was injured.So for these three days, Suru has been guarding Ling Yun, never leaving her at all.Su Qiong just came to bring her food.

"Master Ling, you should eat something first!"

Suru brought the food and said.

"At that time, the Yin-Yang Liangyi Clock was hit hard by the seal of the Doujie. I felt that the Yin-Yang Liangyi Clock was about to leave the world. Did you feel it?"

Ling Yun shook his head, then asked.

Previously, he and Suru were within the yin and yang clock, when the yin and yang clock was hit hard, Ling Yun felt that the yin and yang clock almost left the world.

This feeling is too inexplicable, so he wonders if Suru also feels the same.

"It is true that when the yin and yang clocks were hit by a huge force, I had a feeling that my soul was out of my body. It seemed to be out of a certain law, but it disappeared in just a moment."

Suru also encountered it.That is to say, it is not just a feeling, but a real existence, but it did not succeed in the end.

"That's right. I seem to have had a dream in the past three days. I dreamed of a very strange place. The buildings and environment in that place are completely different from Doujie. I seem to have heard someone say that it is called 'Planet'. "

Ling Yun recalled the dream he had when he was in a coma, it felt very real when he was dreaming, but he felt very confused when he woke up.


Suru was a little confused when she heard that,

"It's the so-called dream that you don't know you're a guest, and you'll be fine when you wake up. Don't think too much about it, it's just a dream."

Suru comforted.

"Perhaps! By the way, how are my eldest brother, senior senior brother, and second senior brother?"

Ling Yun asked.

In the previous battle, everyone was seriously injured, including Xiao Feng.Xiao Feng fought a fateful battle with Xiao Yu in the Yunkong Mountain Range.After Xiao Yu lost to Xiao Feng from Yupin Mountain Villa, he came back to cultivate again with the help of Yin Guang, and his strength increased greatly.

In the previous battle, he and Xiao Feng were completely evenly matched.In the end, Xiao Feng was lucky enough to break through, forcibly cut off the sword in Xiao Yu's hand with the Qinglong Zhantian Dao, and settled with him the grievances and grievances of the Xiao family for many years.

Hua Yunlong was seriously injured by Yin Guang before. Although he has already woken up, he is still bedridden.As for Mu Qianshan's injury, he couldn't recover in a day or two.

For Ling Yun in this battle, the biggest regret was that Gu Xiuyuan died.At that time, Mu Qianshan was trying to help him stop Yin Guang, but he was hit by Yin Guang's dark energy. Gu Xiuyuan sacrificed his life for righteousness, and used his body to help Mu Qianshan withstand the dark energy, so he died after falling tweet.

Huanyunzong helped Lingyun deal with Yunshan Tower this time, but it paid a huge price. Four masters in the Supreme Realm died, and nearly a hundred people in the Daluo Realm.

"Mr. Gu, your wish will definitely come true. Keep going well."

Half a month later, Ling Yun's injuries had almost recovered, so he went to Huan Yunzong to pay homage to Gu Xiuyuan.Although this Gu Xiuyuan came from the world, he still has the demeanor of a generation of masters.

Like Sect Master Huanyun, he wholeheartedly wanted to carry forward their Huanyun Sect in this Doujie. The reason why he relentlessly helped him fight against Yin Guang this time was also for the sake of the future of Huanyun Sect.

"Brother Li, Mu Mou represents the heroes of the Dongzhou Continent, and congratulates Huan Yunzong on its reconstruction."

Mu Qianshan recognized the existence of Huanyunzong, which represented the formal acceptance of the existence of Huanyunzong by the martial arts in Dongzhou mainland.In the future, Huan Yunzong would naturally be able to stand on the Dongzhou Continent justifiably.

"Many thanks to the lord of the curtain."

Sect Master Huanyun said very gratefully.If Huan Yunzong wants to flourish in the fighting world, it must first be recognized by the heroes of the Eastern Province.In the past, following Yin Guang, the only way to do it was to wait for Yin Guang to rule the entire Dongzhou Continent and drive out all the heroes of the Dongzhou Continent.

But in that case, the Dongzhou Continent would be meaningless.

Only competition can have vitality, and only game can have vitality.

Perhaps it was because of this that after Sect Master Huanyun came to Doujie, he chose to leave Tianxia Peak, and after coming to Dongzhou Continent, he chose to leave Yin Guang.

"Brother Li, you are being polite. After this battle, Dongzhou Daji's vitality can be said to have been greatly damaged. Huanyunzong has a lot of talents. In the future, to protect the Dongzhou mainland, we will have to rely on Huanyunzong."

Mu Qianshan said that he wanted to form an alliance with Huan Yunzong.In the future, we can use the power of Summoning Yunzong to protect Dongzhou Continent together.

"Since Huan Yunzong is rooted in Dongzhou Continent, it will naturally protect this land. The leader of the curtain can rest assured."

Sect Master Huanyun said solemnly.

"With Brother Li's words, Mumou is relieved. I will talk to Brother Li again in the future, and I will leave. Everyone, please."

Mu Qianshan came here to call Yunzong, not only to pay homage to Gu Xiuyuan, but also to have a heart-to-heart talk with Huanyun Sect Master.When it was over, he left naturally.As for Ling Yun, he stayed at Huan Yunzong for a few days, and then went to Tianluo Imperial Capital.

The affairs of Dongzhou Continent are over, and he should also do his own thing, which is to find the place where he sought the way in his previous life. At the same time, he has been away from Beizhou Continent for a while, so he also wants to go back and have a look.

Imperial Villa

Ever since Suru and Ling Yun left Yupin Villa, this Shangguan Feiling has been staying here.When Suru left Yupin Villa, she was disheartened, so she wanted to quit.

He once promised Shangguan Feiling that he would retire to the mountains and forests with him.But in the end Suru has the heart of an emperor, now that she has regained the throne, it is naturally impossible for her to be with him, Shangguan Feiling understands this.

(End of this chapter)

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