extreme dog days

Chapter 1141

Chapter 1141

father and son reunion

Ling Yun returned to the overseas land, which surprised Ling Cangqiong, and Ling Cangqiong's appearance in the overseas land also surprised Ling Yun endlessly.After not seeing him for many years, Ling Yun's eyes immediately turned red.

Looking back at the time when he rebelled and left home, and when his father risked his life to save him in the Nether Dungeon, Ling Yun felt that there was nothing he could do to repay this paternal love.


"Yun'er, get up quickly. Let Dad take a good look at you."

Ling Yun really gave Ling Cangqiong a huge surprise.He thought his son was useless, but the son standing in front of him after so many years was beyond his imagination.Even more evil than he was back then.

"Father, why are you here?"

"I heard that Tianxiafeng sent people to Beizhou Continent to deal with you, so I came here. Seeing that you are fine, I am relieved. These few are..."

Ling Cangqiong said casually, and then focused on Xiao Feng, Su Qiong, and Xing Mang who had previously fought against Niu Mang.No, it should be the star python who beat up the bull python earlier.

Regarding overseas affairs, Qin Yuyan also introduced him to him earlier.Although Niu Bog is a demon, he has already reached an agreement with Ling Yun, and he is currently regarded as one of the guardians of the overseas land.

Otherwise, Ling Cangqiong would not have sensed that a powerful demon clan appeared overseas, so he rushed over immediately.

"Father, let me introduce you. This is my elder brother Xiao Feng, who was also a descendant of Qinglong's Xiao family in the past, and is currently the head of the Xiao family. This is his wife."

"Xiao Feng met Patriarch Ling"

"Meet Patriarch Ling"

Xiao Feng cupped his hands and said.

"Haha... The Xiao family is finally a successor. I don't know how the Xiao family is doing now."

Ling Cangqiong asked.

Since Xiao Feng is the head of the Xiao family, he should be the person who commands the Xiao family.If the Xiao family still has spare strength, then they can also join hands with their Ling family to fight against Tian Xiafeng.

"Oh, to be honest, I am the only one left in the Xiao family now."

When mentioning the situation of the Xiao family, Xiao Feng shook his head and sighed.

"No, it's two, I still have one in my stomach."

Su Qiong said seriously.

"Er! Really?"

Xiao Feng's eyes lit up.In the past, he might not have cared too much about whether he had any heirs, but after learning that he was a descendant of the Xiao family, and now that the Xiao family had fallen to the point where he was the only one left, he couldn't shirk the task of passing on the family line.

"Oh, I didn't expect it! The Qinglong Xiao family, which was so powerful in the past, has fallen to this point. Patriarch Xiao, I have a suggestion, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Ling Cangqiong said.

"It doesn't matter if the master of the Ling family says it, the younger generation is all ears."

Xiao Feng calls himself a junior, which does not mean that the Xiao family is inferior to the Ling family, but that he personally belongs to Ling Cangqiong's junior.

"Originally, this matter should not be mentioned in front of the respected wife. But seeing that the Qinglong Xiao family is weak, I have to say it. As the only descendant of the Xiao family, if you want to revive the Xiao family, you must inherit Incense. I suggest you take a few more concubines, preferably those whose cultivation level has not reached the human level, so that the chances of inheriting the Xiao family's Qinglong spirit will be much higher."

Qi soul inheritance is not unilateral.It is almost random for children to follow their father and mother, especially when their cultivation levels are about the same.Generally speaking, before the cultivation base has reached the human level, the probability of inheriting the soul is relatively low.

This point, if there is no elder to tell, neither Xiao Feng nor Ling Yun knows.


Hearing that he was asked to accept more concubines, Xiao Feng's head suddenly became dizzy.He took Su Qiong back, but he didn't know how to explain it to Yu Wanxi?Still want to take a concubine!

Does the person next to him agree?

"I'm fine. Don't look at me."

Su Qiong said clearly.

"Hehe, big brother. I still say the same thing, big brother's kidney is good, everything is fine."

Ling Yun stepped forward and patted the Xiao family's shoulder and said.Regarding the matter of letting Xiao Feng take a concubine, when he learned that the Xiao family was persecuted by Xiao Yu and almost disappeared, he wanted to mention it to Xiao Feng.

But I've always been embarrassed to talk about it.

"go away!"

Xiao Feng rolled his eyes, what did he take for?

"Ha ha"

Ling Yun smiled triumphantly, as if he didn't have such a mission.

"Stop laughing too. You share the burden of the Molong Qin family."

Ling Cangqiong said clearly.There are rules for the marriage of the Wulong family.Two families are married, and the child born inherits the soul of that family and belongs to that family.

It was as if Qin Yuyan helped Ling Yun give birth to twins.The girl is the spirit of Molong, so her surname is Qin, not Ling.

Xiao Feng has a great responsibility, but it seems that someone is bigger than his incumbent.


When Ling Yun thought of Qin Yuyan, he couldn't laugh immediately. This matter has a long way to go.

"I don't know who this witch girl is."

Ling Cangqiong came back to his senses, Ling Yun hadn't introduced Star Python to him yet.

"Susu, I haven't seen my father yet."

Ling Yun said with a smile, but Xing Mang was very embarrassed.

"Father, you are so handsome!"

Xing Mang lowered his head and spoke incoherently, then felt that he seemed to have made a mistake, so he stood behind Ling Yun.

"Uh. Haha. Let's go, let's go back, Yuyan and those two little guys are waiting for you, you probably haven't seen those two little guys yet."

Regarding the matter of Ling Yun marrying the Witch Xing Boa, Ling Cangqiong had no opinion at all, and directly raised his thumb.This matter is out of his control, the key depends on Qin Yuyan's attitude.

Ling Yun is also a little worried!

(End of this chapter)

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