extreme dog days

Chapter 1142 Ling Yun's Birth Mother

Chapter 1142 Ling Yun's Birth Mother

It's just that his worry was too much, Qin Yuyan never interfered in this matter.In her opinion, if you don't have the skills, how can you cling to flowers and make trouble.Of course, if it was a concubine, she probably would never agree.

Because this is out of the question of personality charm.

"Miss Yan, thank you for your hard work."

Seeing Qin Yuyan and the pair of twins, Ling Yun was filled with guilt.Because he was not able to accompany Qin Yuyan, let her go through a difficult journey alone.

"I don't blame you. Don't worry about it. By the way, I heard from Susu that you provoked two women in Dongzhou mainland, why don't you bring them back."

Between women, as long as they are not jealous of each other, it is not a problem to communicate.

"What, Su Su even told you this?"

"Or else?"

"Hey! It's a long story, Madam doesn't ask if it's okay."

"Of course not."

Under Qin Yuyan's intimidation, Ling Yun had no choice but to explain in detail what happened in Dongzhou Continent, and how he met Xing Mang, Suru, and Hu Rou.

Hearing how Ling Yun and Xing Mang met, Qin Yuyan couldn't help laughing.Before that, she knew how powerful the star python was, but she was startled when Ling Yun mentioned the origin of the star python.

Because Xing Mang still called her sister?

As for hearing about Hu Rou, of course she almost kicked Ling Yun over.But when it comes to Suru, Qin Yuyan also sincerely admires her.Suru's insights, insight, vision are completely beyond her comparability.

In her eyes, even Ling Yun is inferior to her.

It was through various adventures in the Dongzhou Continent that Ling Yun came up with the matter of beyond the sky, and it was Suru who gave him the enlightenment.

"Ayun, you said that the other world really exists. What kind of place is there?"

Qin Yuyan is also very interested in the world beyond the Three Realms that Suru mentioned.But whether it exists, she can't figure it out, and Ling Yun can't figure it out either.

"It should exist. But what it looks like, then we don't know. Because we don't even understand what is going on in the fighting world."

Ling Yun said in a deep voice.

"It's a pity that Ling Dong and Rui'er are still young, otherwise I would also like to go out with you to have a look."

Qin Yuyan bit her lip and said.In her previous life, she only loved Gongyang Qingliu wholeheartedly, and she followed him in life and death.But in this life, although she loves Ling Yun very much, she also has her own dream of seeking the Tao, and at the same time she shoulders a heavy burden of her own.

That is the Qin family.

Of course, although the Qin family did not fall, the situation is much better than that of the Xiao family. At least Qin Yuyan is not the only one in the Qin family. Currently there are three or four disciples of the Qin family in this overseas place.

At present, Qin Yuyan's cultivation has also reached the Supreme Realm, and her talent is not much worse than Ling Yun's.In terms of energy potential, she should be number one among Ling Yun's beauties.

Because her spirit potential is as high as twelve stars.

Among the five continents of Doujie, those with the potential of Qi Soul reaching twelve stars may not be able to reach the number of ten fingers.

"Yun'er, Tianxiafeng has noticed you. According to the information obtained by the Ling family, Tianxiafeng has ordered the Ji family to send people to the Beizhou mainland to deal with you. And they have dispatched Jinfeng and Shuifeng. Among the two veins, the ones you should pay most attention to are Jinfengji Tengkong and Shuifengji Zhongyue. The strength of these two is extraordinary, and the phoenix soul skills have their own unique features. Although he is not the master of the two veins, he is its leader."

Ling Cangqiong knew that Ling Yun was safe and sound, and that his cultivation had reached the Supreme Realm, so he didn't plan to follow him to the Beizhou Continent, but before leaving, he had to remind him.

The two people he mentioned have both cultivated soul skills that can restrain the dragon-shaped spirit to a certain extent, which is one of the best skills of the Phoenix Clan.In the past, the Phoenix Clan and the Five Dragon Clan were allied.

The Phoenix family was not always at a disadvantage.

They also have the ability to lead the trend, no less than any of the Wulong family.

"Father, my soul is not a black dragon."

Ling Yun said.

"Uh, I've heard your Uncle Chen talk about this too."

Ling Cangqiong nodded and said.

"Dad, do you know what's going on?"

Ling Yun held the Xuangui Qihun in his hands.He was a disciple of the Ling family, but after the dantian was reshaped, such a mutated spirit appeared, which he had never understood.

Although the qi soul of Gongyang Qingliu was also a turtle-shaped qi soul back then, he was not a mysterious turtle. It should be said that he was Xuanwu, the ancestor of the turtle-shaped qi soul, with a dragon head and a turtle back. spirit.

"Maybe it has something to do with your mother."

Ling Cangqiong stood up, as if he had something to hide.

"My mother, is she also this mysterious turtle spirit?"

"No, I have never seen your mother use her spirit, and I don't know what her spirit is. But she left me with an unsolved mystery."

Ling Cangqiong shook his head and said with a sigh.

"What is it!"

"Returning from the ancient times, the way of heaven has been lost, and the illusion has reappeared in the three realms! And although I have never seen your mother use her soul, I know that she possesses a very strange power, that is the power of the ancient times."

"What, my mother also has the power of ancient times."

Ling Yun was taken aback.Before, he always thought that the ancient power possessed by Xuangui Qihun was mutated because he obtained the ultimate soul eye and practiced "Innate Secret Record".

(End of this chapter)

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