extreme dog days

Chapter 1193 Terrifying Giant Soul Body

Chapter 1193 Terrifying Giant Soul Body


They were hit by a powerful force on the spot, and the ground sank ten feet.

"Big brother, what the hell is going on!"

Zhen Xiaowan was so frightened that tears flowed out.This scene is really terrible, let alone her.Even Ling Yun felt a little terrified.

"I don't know either. But it's probably coming for our spirit."

Ling Yun said.


"Because you, like me, have a power that no one else has."

Ling Yun said in a deep voice.He didn't say it directly, because he wanted to know if Zhen Xiaowan knew, but it was just as he expected.Zhen Xiaowan was just like when he got the ancient power, a voice told her that the power she got was called the ancient power.

"Ancient power?"

"That's right. Who are you, senior, and what grudge do we have with you? Why are you targeting us?"

Ling Yun knew that there must be an instigator for all of this.It's just that he doesn't know who the instigator is and what kind of existence it is.

The other party didn't seem to pay attention to his question, or didn't hear it at all.

"Ancient borers, you shouldn't come back. You all have to die."

At this time and space, a huge figure appeared, that is the soul body.The soul of a giant.The other party is already dead, and he was also a human being during his lifetime.

The reason why the soul body has become so large is related to its cultivation skills.


The giant soul patted Ling Yun and Zhen Xiaowan with a palm.

"Well, there is no way in ancient times, and the black turtle breathes."

Ling Yun was taken aback, and quickly inspired the ancient power of Xuangui Qihun to fight.


Zhen Xiaowan also summoned her soul, and mobilized her ancient power to help.It's a pity that her ancient power is too weak.It cannot be compared with Ling Yun at all.

"Die, die, die!"

The giant soul screamed frantically, and pressed down with the other hand.

"Mei, Xiaowan, go out."

Ling Yun stamped Zhen Xiaowan's body with a palm and pushed her out.Ling Yun knew that his strength was far from being able to compare with the opponent's, if he let him seal it down.

There is no doubt that Zhen Xiaowan will die, and he may barely be able to bear it.


"Big brother. Scoundrel, you give me back my big brother. Give me back my big brother."


When Zhen Xiaowan saw Ling Yun being hit by a palm, she became anxious.In the state of not knowing what to say, but wanting to rush to avenge Ling Yun, the subconscious mind can take the lead.

Her phantom fox spirit exploded with ancient power under her subconscious.The eruption of this ancient power was far more difficult than the ancient power mastered by Ling Yun at this time.

The phantom fox hated the giant's soul body, and in the eyes of the giant's soul body, it was like hating it to the bone.

"Ancient moths, go to hell! Roar!"

The eyes of the giant's soul shot out a terrifying cold light, and he let out a huge roar, which formed skeleton soldiers charging towards the phantom fox with their weapons raised.


Huanhu rushed over not to be outdone, but unfortunately lost in the end.Turning around, Huanhu was bruised and fell to the ground heavily.

"Soul Town, Town"

At some point, Ling Yun appeared near the giant's soul body, and pushed out both hands at the same time, summoning two soul-suppressing tablets to hit the giant's soul body.



The giant's soul body seemed to be in pain, and the soul-suppressing tablet restrained him to a certain extent.It's a pity that he couldn't restrain him at all, strength was the biggest flaw, and in less than three breaths, the soul-suppressing monument was already blown away by the giant's soul.


After the giant soul body shook the soul-suppressing stele, it stamped Ling Yun with a palm.

"Pfft! Heavy Xuan Po! The ancient infinite, the heaven and the earth have no way, and I am the only one in charge!"

When Ling Yun was knocked into the air, he smashed out the soul of the mysterious turtle.The mysterious tortoise soul smashed on the face of the giant's soul body, and at the same time released the ancient power, trying to suppress it again, but in the end it failed.

"How could this be, what kind of existence is this guy. Pfft"

Ling Yun felt a sense of despair.

"Ancient, ancient times shouldn't come back, why should they come back...the only way to come back is to die."

The giant soul is very hostile to those with ancient power.Hearing this sound, it is a desire to get rid of it and then hurry up.

"Wow! Poof!"

Ling Yun was hit again, and his body flew to the ground like a cannonball, dragging the ground for more than ten feet.If it weren't for the strength of Shinto's physical body, he would never be able to stand up.

"Pfft! Xiao Wan!"

Ling Yun looked towards Zhen Xiaowan.Zhen Xiaowan's Huanhu Qihun had been severely injured, but when she saw Ling Yun being beaten, she stood up again.The ancient power became stronger.

"By the way, since the opponent is here for the ancient power, let's try, if I can stimulate the subconsciousness of the ancient power, and cooperate with the ancient power under Xiaowan's subconscious, can I fight."

Ling Yun saw that Zhen Xiaowan's subconscious ancient power had surpassed him at this time.He suddenly thought that his mysterious tortoise spirit is not also a hidden power?

However, Ling Yun had no idea how to stimulate the ancient power beneath his subconscious mind.What he can do is to summon the mysterious turtle spirit and let it continue to fight.

"Chongxuan Break, Ruyi!"


The spirit of the mysterious tortoise went out to fight, and the ancient runes flowed.Use the simplest attack method to cooperate with Zhen Xiaowan's phantom fox to fight the giant soul.

The giant's soul body bowed left and right, punched and kicked.After a while, the phantom fox was repelled, and after a while, the mysterious turtle spirit was kicked away.Just when the phantom fox and the mysterious turtle Qihun seized the opportunity to pounce on the giant's soul body, Ling Yun immediately activated the backlight blade.

"Blade of light, turn the world around."

"Ah! Howl!"

Hui Guang backslashed through the giant's soul body, apparently hurting him, but it didn't seem to help.

(End of this chapter)

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