extreme dog days

Chapter 1194

Chapter 1194

The power of the light system has an absolute restraint ability on the soul body. It stands to reason that even if it can't destroy the opponent, it can do a certain amount of destructive damage to it.

But facing this giant's soul body, it only wounded it, and did not cause any damage to its soul body.

"Why, it's on you, why is it on you, the ancient moth, come back, come back."

The giant soul body felt as if it had gone crazy, and yelled at Ling Yun.

"What the hell?"

Ling Yun was stunned, so what else should he return.Did you take his things yourself?What a joke.Although he had cultivated in the rooftop and gained a lot, he didn't get anything from the rooftop.



The giant's soul body attacked Ling Yun frantically. Others saw him as tall, but his speed was unmatched.

Although Ling Yun could react in time, he had no choice but to fight.And his strength is far inferior to the giant soul body, so as long as he meets him, he will be abused immediately.In front of the giant soul body, his speed advantage is completely useless.

"Damn it, Yin Yang, soul pupil."

Ling Yun used the technique of soul attack.This is also a move that can directly attack the soul body.But it didn't work at all.

"Ah, the real body shakes the ground, the sky-collapsing style."

Ling Yun screamed, and the soul body attacked the soul in turn.However, he forced himself to come over, using the power of his physical body to strike wildly, but the giant soul body ignored his attack at all.He reached out and grabbed him directly.

That punch hit the giant's soul body in the palm, but it couldn't do any damage to the giant's soul body.

"This is miserable. Boy Ling, we're done. We must die here."

Yu Zifeng said helplessly.

Ling Yun aroused the power of his physical body, but it had no effect on the giant's soul body. At this time, he was caught by the giant's soul body, could he still shake the sky?

"Big brother, big brother. Scoundrel, let my big brother go"


Seeing that Ling Yun was caught, Zhen Xiaowan immediately cried out heart-piercingly.Her phantom fox spirit rushed over again regardless of everything, biting the foot of the giant's soul body.



The giant soul shouted loudly, shook the phantom fox away with a movement of its feet, and then kicked it into the air.

"Xiao Wan! Ah!"

Ling Yun exploded his physical strength crazily, but he couldn't break free from the giant's soul.

"Come back, come back."

An eye opened on the forehead of the giant's soul body, and that eye emitted a strong suction force, as if it wanted to take something out of Ling Yun's body.


Ling Yun felt as if something was about to be stripped from his body.After a few breaths, he realized that what the giant's soul body wanted to take was the magic sword hidden in his arm.

hum, hum

The magic sword has been in Ling Yun's body for a while, but Ling Yun can't use it at all.At the beginning, the magic sword ignored the giant's soul body, but under its increasing strength.

The Devil's Holy Sword was finally forcibly drawn out of Ling Yun's body.

One light and one dark, there is a feeling of being the only one in the world.

"The Holy Sword of Light and Darkness! I finally found you."

The giant soul and body refer to this demonic holy sword as the holy sword of light and darkness.When seeing it, the giant's soul body was very excited, completely ignoring Ling Yun, Ling Yun fell to the ground when he let go,

"Cough, cough. Isn't this sword the holy sword of the demons? This guy is clearly a human soul. Why do you listen to him as if this sword belongs to him?"

Ling Yun was stunned.The magic sword, but he got it from the magic gate of the demon clan in Dongzhou mainland.That is regarded as the magic sword.And the soul body in front of him is not from the demon race.

"Boy Ling, you still have the heart to think about this. Hurry up and run away, or when he comes back to his senses, torturing you to death will definitely be like playing a game."

Yu Zifeng said anxiously.

With Ling Yun's cultivation and strength, he is like an ant in front of this giant soul body.At this time, its attention is all on the magic sword, this is really the time when Lingyun runs as far as he can.

"Run, can you run?"

Ling Yun said with a wry smile.Don't make any jokes, the place he is in right now is the world constructed by the other party, if he doesn't die, Ling Yun and the two don't even think about going out.

It's just that with Ling Yun's current cultivation and strength, it is really difficult to kill him.

"Then what to do."

Yu Zifeng said anxiously.

Escape, can't escape!Doesn't that mean that you can only stay here and wait to die?

"It's just that the guy's soul body is so powerful, and this soul body still looks extremely weak, so how strong was he in his heyday before he was alive? Is it the kind of supernatural existence?"

Ling Yun thought about it.

"Stinky boy, I really convinced you. When did you still think about this question? Are you sick?"

You Zifeng was really anxious and couldn't help yelling.

"Hey, I'm going to die anyway, what's the point of thinking about it. Or, Mr. You, tell me, what should I do?"

Ling Yun said helplessly.He is also very anxious!He doesn't want to die here!But at this time, the meridians and bones of his whole body felt like they were about to fall apart, and less than [-]% of his combat power was left.In its heyday, it couldn't beat the giant soul body, and now it's even more powerless to fight back.

Furthermore, the magic sword in the body was forcibly drawn out by the giant soul body at this time.

"Forget it, time and fate!"

After You Zifeng heard this, he really couldn't think of what ability Ling Yun had to defeat this giant soul body.He gave up and resigned himself to his fate.But Ling Yun did not accept his fate.

(End of this chapter)

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