extreme dog days

Chapter 1295 God-Level Sword Art: Soul Slayer 9 Styles

Chapter 1295 God-Level Sword Art: Nine Styles of Destroying Souls

"It's really strange here. Ayun, you have three chances, so let's start first."

Qin Yuyan looked around at the sword souls who possessed sword formulas in the hidden sword pavilion. There are too many sword formulas in this holy land of sword control, more than three thousand, which made her feel that she had no way to start.

Ling Yun is an elite disciple, he has three chances to choose.

"Okay! I think it's just the sword soul."

Ling Yun looked around at the Sword Jue and Sword Souls. These Sword Souls are basically the same, except relying on luck, they can only rely on feeling.The first handle, Ling Yun chooses at will.

The token in his hand was thrown towards the chosen sword soul, and the sword soul immediately entered behind the token.

"Senior brother Ling, let's see what kind of sword formula you have obtained."

Before Qin Yuyan could say anything, Ye Futian cried out excitedly.

"Defense-type, Utter Sword Art."

Ling Yun closed his eyes, sensed the sword formula inside the token, and then said.

"what grade"

Qin Yuyan asked.This question seems to be rechecked.

"Heavenly inferior."

In Tianfeng's Hidden Sword Pavilion, the worst sword art is also low-grade at the ground level.Any set of sword formulas appearing outside will cause competition among masters above the heaven level.

"Wow, Brother Ling, your luck is really good. It's hard to see the Heavenly Sword Art from the outside. Even the top sects may not have the Heavenly Level Sword Art?"

Ye Futian has always been a person who practiced swordsmanship, so he is very familiar with the existence of swordsmanship.The sword art he has been practicing for a long time is only a set of earth-level mid-grade, which he picked up by accident.

"It's really good. It's rare to see defensive swordsmanship. Because sword cultivators always focus on offense and use offense as defense. This kind of swordsmanship that uses defense as offense is very suitable for me."

Ling Yun was very satisfied with this set of maneuvers.Because he needs various sword tactics as a reference to learn from each other's strengths.

After finishing speaking, Ling Yun chose another set, and this second set was also a low-grade heavenly sword art.

"I can't stand it, I want to choose too. Please bless me to choose the god-level sword art, Tian Lingling, Earth Lingling, all the great gods will show their spirits! That's it!"

Ye Futian saw that Ling Yun had chosen the Heavenly Level Low Grade Sword Art twice in a row.The mood became extremely excited.He said that he would bless you to choose the god-level sword art.But I said in my heart that as long as it is a sword art above the heaven level, it is acceptable.

Seeing Ye Futian playing tricks there, Qin Yuyan was also happy, and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

"Attention everyone, please pay attention everyone, I'm going to open, I'm going to open..."

Ye Futian said excitedly.


Ling Yun was speechless for a while, he didn't even make a third choice, why stop and wait for this guy to draw a prize?He was so lucky that he was playing tricks there.

"Whether you can open it or not, don't talk if you don't."

Qin Yuyan said angrily.

"Okay, can I drive it? Brother Ling, I'm really worried. You must protect me."

There was only one chance, and Ye Futian seemed so nervous that he didn't dare to look at the sword formula in the token.

"I'm not a great god, how can I bless you. I think it's better for you to ask for more blessings. But I think your luck should be very good."

Ling Yun comforted him and said.

"Then I opened it. Wow, it's a mid-level heavenly product. I sent it."

Ye Futian's luck is really good.Heaven-level middle-grade sword art, this is very good.It is already a secret that ordinary beginner disciples can choose the sword art of the lower level of the sky.

Among the ten, only three can choose the sword formula above the heaven level.After all, in this hidden sword pavilion, the prefecture-level swordsmanship occupies the majority.

Ye Futian was agitated for a moment, and almost ran over to hug Qin Yuyan, but if he really got close, he would probably suffer from hemiplegia, because Qin Yuyan's strikes are not usually ruthless.

"Huh, I suddenly feel a lot of pressure."

Qin Yuyan took a deep breath and said.

"Don't be too nervous, if your self-created dragon-shaped sword art is perfected, it may be able to reach above the heaven level."

Ling Yun is very optimistic about Qin Yuyan's own sword formula.It's just that so far, it belongs to a small achievement, almost a prefecture-level low-rank.

"Well, I see, let's do it."

Qin Yuyan nodded, gain or loss is fate, and she doesn't care too much about it.Choose the sword soul directly above her.

"Congratulations to the entry-level disciple who has won the god-level sword art. He has been promoted to an elite disciple and can enter the third level of sword comprehension."

Qin Yuyan's luck was really against the sky. After throwing the token, the voice of guarding the sword soul in the hidden sword pavilion was heard immediately.Ye Futian heard that Qin Yuyan had obtained a god-level sword formula.

Just kneel down to her.

"Sister-in-law, please accept my knee!"

Ye Futian said loudly.

"I want to say that too."

Ling Yun was very happy.He also didn't expect Qin Yuyan's luck to be so good.It seems that she came to the right place for this trip to the Western State Mainland.

"I didn't expect that I would win the lottery."

Qin Yuyan herself couldn't believe it.God-level sword art, this is incredible.

"Look, what kind of god-level sword art is it?"

Ling Yun said hastily.

"That's right, sister-in-law, let's see what sword art it is. God level, I've never heard of it before?"

God-level sword formulas have rarely appeared since ancient times.Because like this kind of sword art, generally there will be no inheritance.

"Nine soul-killing moves."

Qin Yuyan said excitedly after watching it.This is a set of sword formulas that use energy and soul as the sword, which is very rare.Moreover, it can be called a kind of soul skill that specializes in destroying other people's souls.

(End of this chapter)

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