extreme dog days

Chapter 1296 1 month later

Chapter 1296 A month later

However, the energy and soul of the defense system cannot be cultivated.Qin Yuyan's dragon-shaped soul is one of the most suitable swordsmanship for practicing this set of "Nine Styles of Soul Destroyer".The best, of course, is Soul Sword.

It's just that there are too few natural sword souls.

After Ling Yun finished choosing the third set of sword formulas, the three of them left the hidden sword pavilion, temporarily left the trial hall, and went to the special training place on the Tianfeng Peak to learn and practice sword formulas.

Not long after Ling Yun and the others left, Hun Beiyi also came out of the secret realm on the second floor, because even the sword ghosts who were sword cultivators in the secret realm were unable to kill him.

And there is no strong person from the Sword Control Holy Land outside, so he naturally became one of the people who advanced to the elite disciples.As for Lei Cang, Lei Shan was injured, but luckily survived.

The two of them can be regarded as beginner disciples, so they both chose a set of sword formulas in the Hidden Sword Pavilion.But obviously Lei Cang's luck is much better than Lei Shan's.Lei Shan only got a set of earth-level middle-grade sword formulas, but Lei Cang got a set of heaven-level low-grade sword formulas.

In addition, Chi Qianduo did not die, but he was seriously injured.

Hun Beiyi's luck was not so good, he also got a set of heaven-level high-grade sword formulas, but the other two sets were below the heaven-level.That's enough for him.

After getting the sword formula, Hun Beiyi did not find a place to practice like Ling Yun and the others, but went directly to the third-level trial. If he wanted to get the inheritance of the Holy Land of Yujian, he had to pass the third level first. Layers of trials will do.

He asked Sword Soul, and Sword Soul also told him that only by becoming a core disciple of the Holy Land of Yujian can he know where the forbidden area is.Because the forbidden area is the biggest secret of the Holy Land of Yujian.

Apart from elders and above, only core disciples are qualified to know.There are not only the supreme sword formulas that have not been comprehended by the Holy Land of the Sword for millions of years, but also the divine weapons of the Holy Land of the Sword have been stored there.

At the same time, it is also the holy land of sword control in the past dynasties, and the place where the strong swordsman sits and melts.

In addition to Tianfeng, there are also people on Earth Peak and Human Peak who have successfully passed the second-level trial.And relatively speaking, there are a little more people.On Renfeng's side, Zhou Shaoyun was the main one. He was the first to pass the trial on the second floor.

And also got the sword formula above the heaven level in the hidden sword pavilion of Renfeng.His luck is much better than Zhou Shaofeng.Because he got two sets of heavenly top-grade sword formulas.

What about Zhou Shaofeng?He only got one set of mid-level heavenly level, another set of low-level heavenly level, and another set of low-level earth level.In terms of luck alone, he is not even as good as Sombra, because Sombra didn't find the heaven-level high-rank and middle-rank sword art.

But among the three sets of sword formulas he found, two sets are suitable for his personal practice, and they are simply tailor-made.

As for Ye Yangsheng, his luck was not bad at all, he also found a set of heaven-level top-grade sword formulas, and it was very suitable for his energy and soul cultivation.

And Peak Master Fuyun got a set of heavenly middle-grade sword formulas suitable for her, and Li Chuyin was also lucky enough to get a set of heavenly top-grade sword formulas.After three days.

The Earth Peak Sword Soul appeared, announcing the last task of the second-level trial promotion.That is, all those who have reached the top-grade sword art of the heaven level will be promoted directly.

Those who have not obtained the top-grade sword art of the heavenly level must practice the highest-level sword art to the stage of great success within one month, and pass the evaluation of the sword soul to become an elite disciple.

This is a test of luck and understanding.Good luck, without understanding, it is useless.But relatively speaking, it is much easier than the Tianfeng trial, at least as long as there is no infighting, there is no danger at all.

Of course, the sword formulas in the earth peaks can only be useful if you master them well. If you can't master them within a month, then no matter how many sword formulas above the heaven level you get, it's useless.Because it cannot be taken away.

That is to say, although the second-level trial of Difeng allows beginners to choose three sets of sword tactics, it only gives you one month. During this month, unless you have a photographic memory, you must Otherwise, you can only practice one kind of sword art.

However, if they become elite disciples, the sword soul will naturally help them save the other two sword formulas that they have never practiced in the token.Calculated, the treatment is similar to that of the elite disciples at Tianfeng.

"Within one month, how can I refine the heavenly sword art to the state of great accomplishment. Oh my god!"

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have obtained the Heavenly Sword Art. Is this the rhythm of pitting the whole family?"


Apart from Zhou Shaofeng and the others who successfully obtained the Heaven-level Sword Art, there are a few others who also obtained the Heaven-Level Sword Art, but their comprehension is not good. It is impossible to master the Heaven-Level Sword Art within a month.

Of course, most of them just got the earth-level sword formula.Without a certain amount of luck, it is also impossible for you to find the sword formula above the heaven level.

One month later

"Young Master Feng, congratulations, you have successfully refined the Five-Fang Sword Art."

Black Shadow said respectfully.Zhou Shaofeng obtained a heavenly middle-grade sword art called Wufang Sword Art.Although this sword formula can only be regarded as a mid-level heavenly grade, it is the sword formula that once became famous among the peak masters of the Holy Land of Sword Control.

With this sword formula, it is famous.

"Five directions sword art, it is not bad for me, Feng Qilin, to use five directions wind spirit. Soi Ying, how is your sword art practiced?"

Zhou Shaofeng felt complacent.It is very good to be able to refine the mid-level heavenly sword art to great success within a month.But it was on the last day that he succeeded in reaching this step.

(End of this chapter)

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