extreme dog days

Chapter 1315 Instant Killing Ji Shuibo

Chapter 1315 Instant Killing Ji Shuibo

Ling Yun counterattacked with his punches almost instantly, and he used his physical strength to block Zhou Shaoyun's palm force.After Zhou Shaoyun landed, he took five or six steps back, while Ling Yun only took one step back.

"What are you doing in a daze, kill him"

After Zhou Shaoyun stopped, he turned to the six Supreme Realm members of Fengyun League around him.

"Going Together"

The six shouted at the same time, sacrificed their swords and killed Ling Yun.They can enter here, naturally they have successfully comprehended the sword state, and also learned the sword art of this holy land of sword control.

"Hmph! The limit of illusion, extreme."


Ling Yun used the sword state, and the huge holy sword caused a huge earthquake in the passage, and the stones kept falling.As the huge holy sword fell, the passageway through which Zhou Shaoyun and the others came collapsed immediately.

Six of the Supreme Realm died, three had no bones left, and the other three were seriously injured and flew out.

"Damn guy, you die for me! Mingyin Sword Realm"

When Ji Shuibo saw that Ling Yun had defeated the six Supreme Realm members with one sword, he thought that he would be powerless, so he immediately activated the Sword Realm, trying to kill him.

"The limit of weakness, the extreme of illusion."

Ling Yun turned around, and a light and shadow from his body passed through Ji Shuibo's body, and then the light and shadow returned to Ling Yun's body. When Ling Yun walked over, Ji Shuibo was already unable to move.

Ling Yun did not leave again, and walked past him directly, entering the middle floor to look for Qin Yuyan.

"Shui, Uncle Shui, ah! Dead."

Zhou Shaoyun didn't dare to make a move. He thought that Ji Shuibo was too scared to move like him, so he approached him and touched him. As a result, Ji Shuibo's body collapsed, leaving nothing behind.

"Wow. That's amazing. Is that man a sword god?"

"Yes, the name of the sword god in the Beizi area must belong to him."

"Oh my god, this is the first time I have seen such a powerful sword technique."

"It's a good thing we didn't make a move, otherwise!"

Those who followed Zhou Shaoyun all the time were dumbfounded when they saw Ling Yun's strongest swordsmanship displayed under his fury.One by one secretly rejoiced.

Ling Yun's heart is for Qin Yuyan, if these people made a move just now, he would definitely not show mercy.

"Pfft! Yuyan, you must wait for me and nothing will happen."

Just now, Ling Yun used the sword technique he learned from the illusory sword realm to instantly kill Ji Shuibo, and he himself also suffered a certain backlash, that move was too strong.

A person like Ji Shuibo, who possesses a first-level divine spirit, is completely helpless in front of him.

The middle layer of the forbidden area is unique, completely different from the first layer, which is very magical.It seems to be the magic of this natural secret place of the Holy Land of Swordsman.

It is divided into eight areas, divided by five elements and three oddities, namely: stone forest, bamboo forest, lake, volcano, swamp, minefield, windy area, and ice area.It is the place where the core disciples of the Holy Land of Yujian break through.

Generally, as long as you can pass one level, you are considered qualified, and you can enter the inner layer to comprehend the supreme sword art.But there is another benefit to breaking through.As long as you pass the first level, you can get a sword. The more levels you pass, the better the sword you get.

Usually as long as you exceed three levels, you can get a sub-god.The fifth pass is a magic weapon.

The first level, Stone Forest.In this stone forest, the five elements belong to gold.

"Very good, another disciple came to break through the barrier. Let's do it."

The sword soul guarding the pass stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Ling Yun with a smile.

This stone forest is very big, as long as you enter this stone forest, you will meet the sword soul, but they are all the same sword soul.As for those who entered here, apart from using swordsmanship, other combat skills, including Qi and Soul, could not be used.

You can only pass the level by defeating Sword Soul with sword skills.

"Dare to ask senior, is there anyone else who entered here before me."

Ling Yun asked anxiously.

"Better than me, I will tell you."

Sword Soul's tone was very flat.

"it is good!"

Ling Yun responded, and immediately drew out his sword.His sword speed is very fast.It is in line with the principle that only speed can not be broken in martial arts in the world.Of course, this is also a state of swordsmanship.

Of course, the sword speed of this sword soul is also very fast.He used the speed of his sword as a defense to be indestructible.Before Qin Yuyan and Zhou Shaofeng entered here, it took a lot of effort to pass his test successfully.

"So fast sword speed. Do you practice gold-type swordsmanship?"

The one-person, one-soul fight stopped after dozens of breaths.But during these tens of breaths, the two of them used their swords more than [-] times.

Among the eight systems of swordsmanship, the gold system's swordsmanship is the fastest.

"No, I'm cultivating illusory. It's not among the five elements and three wonders."

Ling Yun asked.Illusion means non-existence, and illusion exists, so it is false and true.

"Unreal, never heard of it!"

The soul of the sword pondered, he was thinking which school of swordsmanship this illusion should belong to.

"Senior, do you still want to fight?"

Ling Yun didn't have time to waste.

"Stop fighting, your sword speed is still faster than mine. After a hundred breaths, you will be able to control my sword speed, and you have passed the test."

Sword Soul said.

His sword speed was much slower than Ling Yun's, and he was able to tie with Ling Yun in tens of breaths before, completely relying on his experience in using swordsmanship.But as long as Ling Yun can grasp his rhythm, then there will be no problem in controlling his sword speed.

"Since I have passed the test, please fulfill your promise, senior, and tell me if anyone has been here before."

Ling Yun asked hastily.The swordsmanship of this sword soul is very powerful, and its strength is also unfathomable.If he is serious, Ling Yun dare not say that he can beat him.

(End of this chapter)

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