extreme dog days

Chapter 1316

Chapter 1316

The sword soul of this first level is very powerful.It was even more terrifying in life.But his presence seems

"A man and a woman. Both of them passed the test. But the woman was afraid of something, so she went directly to the second level. The man also followed in. To become a core disciple of the Holy Land of the Sword, as long as you pass the first level, you will be able to pass the first level." You can enter the inner layer to comprehend the supreme sword art. You can also choose to continue to break through. The more levels you pass, the better things you get, and the more advanced your understanding of swordsmanship. You still have to continue to break through. "

Sword Soul asked.

He obviously also knew that the former Holy Land of Yujian no longer existed.But at this time Ling Yun was in the mood to ask about this matter, he was afraid to find Qin Yuyan as soon as possible.

Qin Yuyan broke through the stone forest before, because she was worried that she would encounter Zhou Shaofeng in the inner layer, so she chose to continue to break through.Because Zhou Shaofeng couldn't find her as long as he entered the checkpoint.

She can also stall for time, waiting for Ling Yun to come to rescue her.

"The second level is there!"

Ling Yun asked hurriedly.

Sword Soul didn't answer, just pointed the direction with his finger, and walked in the direction he pointed, and he could directly enter the second level.

The second pass is the bamboo forest, which belongs to wood.

And the sword soul guarding the second level is different from the first level.The sword soul of the first pass is a human soul, and his existence is responsible for telling the passers-by the rules.Of course, as long as you pass his test first, and pass this first level, he will tell you.

The sword soul of the second level belongs to the soul of the sword spirit.The entire bamboo forest is where its strength lies, so it can release sword energy without restriction.To pass the second level, reaction and agility are important.

Of course, like Qin Yuyan, you can use the Dragon Soul Sword Realm to sweep directly.But under the premise, you have to be able to do this.Ordinary sword realms can't meet this requirement at all.

This Qin Yuyan used the Dragon Soul Sword Realm to break through the second level, but broke the time record for breaking through the second level.

As soon as Ling Yun stepped into the bamboo forest, he sensed the sword energy.

"Boy Ling, the sword energy here is so heavy, you have to be careful. The feeling is not false. Look over there!"

You Zifeng said worriedly.It is also possible for core disciples to break through and die in it.This is called wealth and wealth.A hundred feet away from Lingyun, there is a pair of bones, and there is a token next to the bones, which is the core token.

"I don't know what's going on with Yuyan, I have to rush over as soon as possible."

Ling Yun glanced at the dead bones over there, and walked over there with strides. As he swung the Huanyun Divine Sword in his hand, bamboos around him fell down one after another, and there were traces left by the sword energy raging on the ground.

These sword qi are not from Ling Yun, but from the sword soul in the bamboo forest, it is everywhere.For others, it requires the coordination of agility and reaction.

But it was not a problem for Ling Yun at all, he didn't even need to fight back, he didn't need to use any body skills, let alone use any sword skills, he just needed to use his sword to block the sword energy at will.

Ten steps, a hundred steps!Pass the second pass in a straight line, and there is no sword energy to get close.

"Congratulations on passing the second level. If you want to go to the third level, just go straight. If you want to enter the inner layer, just turn around."

The voice of Sword Soul came from the bamboo forest.It can't do anything to Ling Yun at all, so naturally it can only let him pass this second level.

"Senior, before me, has someone passed the second level."

Ling Yun asked anxiously.

"Yes, two."

Sword Soul replied.

"Thank you!"

Ling Yun learned that Qin Yuyan had passed the second level, so he naturally went to the third level immediately.This third level is a lake, Ling Yun just stepped out of the second level and fell into the lake.

"Well, what's going on"

You Zifeng shouted.This third level turned out to be in the water.In the water, if you don't need the soul, you can generally hold your breath, but for ordinary people, the time to hold your breath is limited.

At the same time, in the water, unless you have a water-type energy soul, your actions will be restricted to a certain extent.Because there is strong resistance in the water.If this encounters a strong enemy in the water, the consequences will be very serious.

In the past, many core disciples in the Holy Land of Yujian were blocked in this level.As long as they abstain, elders will naturally come to rescue them.But it still depends on whether it can last until the elders come to rescue.

"Sword in the water, it seems that Yuyan should also be able to pass this level, she has the Dragon Soul Sword Realm, and can run amok in the water."

Ling Yun used sword energy to protect his body, blocking the water around him from outside.

"It's easy for her to pass, but it's troublesome for you."

Yu Zifeng said.

Qin Yuyan practiced the soul-destroying sword art, which included the unity of human and sword, so as long as she used the human-sword fusion in the soul-destroying sword art after she used the Dragon Soul Sword Realm, she would be able to move unimpeded.

The sword soul of this third level can't stop her at all.

In the third level, apart from being in the water, there is naturally a sword soul.Without the guardianship of the sword soul, even if they don't use the soul of the sword, they can still sneak in the water.

It's just that the time can't be too long, because it consumes a lot.

Qin Yuyan passed the third level, and Zhou Shaofeng could also pass it, but he paid a huge price, so after he was able to pass the third level, he had already given up the idea of ​​chasing Qin Yuyan, and chose to give up and continue to break through the level.

He got a sub-divine weapon sword, and then went to the inner layer to comprehend the supreme sword art.

(End of this chapter)

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